Saturday, May 31, 2014

Nostradamus C.9 Q.21: The virtuous view of the tragedies of war.

Nostradamus C.9 Q.21: The virtuous view of the tragedies of war.

The names in the text of this verse take on meaning when ascribed to places along the Loire and just south of Blois. In the very heart of the Loire Valley and at the gateway to Sologne is the royal town of Blois. Throughout history many significant people and events have been centred on Blois. Joan of Arc, Henry IV, Marie d'Medici are a few that are part of the many   that would have been of concern to French people in Nostradamus time. There is a bridge at Blois but it dates from the nineteenth century so if this is the setting it is part of Nostradamus' dream of times beyond sixteenth century France.  The word Solonne used by Nostradamus in the first line has no unambiguous sense but the Loire and Blois are gateways to the Sologne and the following description of the Solonge from modern tourism literature shows relevance to this verse and justifies seeing Solonne as Sologne.
Stretching southeast of Blois, the Sologne is one of those traditionally rural regions of France that help keep alive the national self-image. Depending on the weather and the season, it can be one of the most dismal areas in central France: damp, flat, featureless and foggy. But at other times its forests, lakes, ponds and marshes have a quiet magic.
The text carries the bitter-sweet tunes of a particular battle and this articulation of the peculiar glories of war-based savagery is mirrored in the anagrams.
 At the high temple of Blois holy Sologne
Night, the Loire bridge, Prelate, King killing outright
Crushing victory in the marshes of the pond,
Whence prelacy of whites miscarrying.
Au temple hault de Bloys $acre Solonne
Nuict pont de Loyre prelat roy pernicant
Cur$eur victoire aux mare$tz de la lone
Dou prelature de blancs a bormeant.
  1. <**noumenAte [gestalt of human emotions] oracleS douBtleSsly a help**><noumenAte oracles BodyleSs> <conSoler Bolted epAulement [right angled attachment]><Bullethead><looSen Scars><heal Amputee>
  2. <real poetry redepLoy / depLetory><encryptoriaL puNct'ation><reportedLy puNction [punctures] tale> <prelate notedLy><proletary [lower class] reNunciant>
  3. <victor CreuuS alone><maSter dealz / lazed><onCe zed Set all marx (marks)><enCloSure> larCenouS SeCure
  4. <carbons meant true blade real prouD><meant adulterer rob balances><blade carbons amounteD> enable petrol-uuar endurable ascendable
  1. noumenate, doubtlessly, consoler, bullethead, reportedly, encryptorial, depletory, punction, renunciant, carbons, endurable
  2. bolted, epaulement, notedly
  3. bodyless, poetry, proletary, larcenous creuus (crews) / screuu, enclosure, lazed /dealz (deals), balances, enable, petrol-uuar (petrol-war)
  4. victor, ascendable
  5. amputee, redeploy
  6. marx, amounted
  7. help, adulterer
  8. scars
  9. loosen
  10. -
  11. -
  12. secure
  13. oracles
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. blade

Nostradamus' verse C.9 Q.34 - Luther's impact as a Paraclete on ideology and war.

Nostradamus' verse C.9 Q.34 - Luther's impact as a Paraclete on ideology and war.

The following verse  describes the impact in the sixteenth century of Luther's views on the wars of that century. It then nominates the same tensions as being the cause of wars later in this century. The reference to oil for knives is a particularly apt reference to the trading of arms for fuel.  The anagram for Paracletus in the fourth line gives a bold and demagogic public-speaking framework to the style and aim of Luther's mission.
The single part afflicted will be mitered,
Return conflict to pass over the tile:
For five hundred one to betray will be titled
Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives.
Le part $oluz mary $era mittre
Retour conflict pa$$era $ur le thuille
Par cinq cens vn trahyr $era tiltre
Narbon et Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.
  1. <preLate art martyriSe Soul> <Letter part mary marieS Soulz><poleStar remittaL> <Leper /repeL artS miStreat mary zoul><Seaport luz mary remittaL yearS>
  2. <lutherS era Pass><luther aSSure ill plaStic forecount><urSae Route paSS luther iller conflict [in text]> <pact aSSureS luther illeR counterfoil><Luther pact aSSureS illeR contour fil>
  3. <in terreStrial Parc> <harry rateS triPle arc><tripPle arreST>
  4. <court place note uSa uxa sound><hudson Spectacular Non-reliable><paracletuS borne> <aS baroNet clue><baroN nucleateS parc><Speculate born><Near hudson ill bone Spectacular>
  1. martyrise, counterfoil, forecount, Harry, nonreliable, spectacular,
  2. remittal, terrestrial, Harry, speculate, Paracletus
  3. Polestar, Luthers, nucleates
  4. Luther
  5. mistreat
  6. -
  7. Mary
  8. -
  9. triple
  10. -
  11. seaport

Friday, May 30, 2014

Centuries 9 Quatrain 17: Maria Medici, Florentine Queen of France.

Centuries 9 Quatrain 17: Maria Medici, Florentine Queen of France.

It would be surprising if either the Medici line or the reign of Henry IV of France were absent from Nostradamus' Prophecies but this is not the case and they are part of threads about the secondary issues covering events before the great mutations of the 21st century. Such a theme can be found in the text of the current verse with its references to the third (of the King Henry series) being worse than Nero in a period where human blood flowed freely and burnings were frequent. This king was succeeded by Henry IV after another of the constant religious wars that vexed the 16th century. It was under this new kings reign that a period known as a Golden Age came to France. Maria de Medici, a Florentine princess became his wife in 1600 and the day before his death in 1610 she was crowned Queen of France. Althougn Henry's infidelities created considerable scandal there were many other causes of gossip and slander about his wife. The following are extracts from the Wikipedia entry on Maria de Medici, Queen of France.
Maria Medici married Henri IV by proxy in 1600 and the wedding was a festive occasion in the city with a spectacular ceremony in the Cathedral. In spite of her husband’s infidelity, the marriage was blessed with several children and Maria showed herself useful in affairs of state while encouraging cultural life at court. On the death of her husband, she acted as regent, though by the time Louis XIII came of age, she had allied herself with Spain and against her son. Cardinal Richelieu turned the tables and Louis XIII regained his throne, banishing his mother from court.
...The marriage was successful in producing children, but it was not a happy one. The queen feuded with Henry's mistresses in language that shocked French courtiers. She quarrelled mostly with her husband's leading mistress, Catherine Henriette de Balzac d'Entragues, whom he had promised he would marry following the death of his former "official mistress", Gabrielle d'Estrees. When he failed to do so, and instead married Marie, the result was constant bickering and political intrigues behind the scenes. Although the king could have easily banished his mistress, supporting his queen, he never did so. She, in turn, showed great sympathy and support to her husband's banished ex-wife Margaret of Valois, prompting Henry to allow her back into the realm.
Some of the detail of this story such as Florentine Queen is contained within the anagrams but their  inclusion is meant as identifying keys linking this and another theme, the building of calendars using ancient poetic-chant coding methods.
C.9 Q.17
 The third one first does worse than Nero,
How much human blood to flow, valiant, be gone:
He will cause the furnace to be rebuilt,
Golden Age dead, new King great scandal.
Le tiers premier pys que ne feit Neron
Vuidex vaillant que $ang humain re$pandre
Redifier fera le forneron
Siecle d'or mort nouueau roy grand e$clandre
  1. <spry fLoreNtine queens empire rites><fLoreNtine queens prime Listener prey><prime queys>
  2. <Sumerian queSt hang><perSian unVaried><all via equantS><vexilla [hymn] equant>< Quantilla [fourth ] vex agenS humaniSer (Joseph Scaliger?)>
  3. <for nero fire real fRiend><feral foe Reified [made real]>
  4.  <older gory calendarS increaSed><your colder icelanderS dangerS><icelander'S auue dragonry S><older gory icelanderS aScend>
  1. Vexilla, Quantilla
  2. Florentine
  3. humaniser, reified, increased
  4. -
  5. Sumerian, friend, colder
  6. queys, Icelanders
  7. equants, unvaried, calendars
  8. quest
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. Queens, gory
  13. -
  14. -
  15. listener
  16. spry, ascend
  17. dragonry, preys
  18. -
  19. -
  20. respire

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Nostradamus C.9 Q.12: The exploration of the fundaments of the universe and its potential returns

Nostradamus C.9 Q.12: The exploration of the fundaments of the universe and its potential returns.

This verse is full of symbolism alluding to peope, places and appropriate parallel events. One significant set of anagrams refers to Archelaus, ethnarch and ancestor oracles. This points to events associated with the ethnarch of Arabia, Herod Archelaus and  oracles around the time the jesus legend began to form. However the verse's anagrams also carry a more modern theme of a person associated with experiments on the nucleus of atoms. This theme is thrust forward on the back of anagrams such as absorbent, slowing, detaining and retarding nucleators which involves terms close to the process involved in nuclear and sub-nuclear reactions. But the idea of a torrent suggests it is a process where a stream is fired while eternal cure implies a medical research aim. Putting all this together brings it in line with the story contained in other quatrains about experiments at Geneva. It is the details of this story that gives meaning to the text since geneva is on a lake, the experiments are very expensive, their aim is to find the fundaments of matter and by so doing there is an expectation of great financial reward.
 So much silver of Diana and Mercury,
he images will be found in the lake:
The sculptor looking for new clay,
He and his followers will be steeped in gold.
Le tant d'argent de Diane et Mercure
Les $imulachres au lac $eront trouuez
Le figulier cherchant argille neufue
Luy et les $iens d'or $eront abbreuez.
  1. <**a Detained Lecturer granted Meet**><**Detained Meet Latent danger recur**><eternaL cure granted>.<**Detained Met granted eternaL cure**> <DeMentia cure aLternated> <cruel Meter attend Detained range><Denigrated cure aLternated>
  2. <**caSual charles miSuse zLouuer torrent**><**nucleatorS [nucleus forming] touuer muSical hears Lesz**> <archelaus [Herod-ethnarch era] oracleS><anceStor uurote><iSlum casual torrentuous caSual reach><archelaus Secular Seism>
  3. <fareuueLling ethnarch i feel><uglier Life feuu anarch-telling> refueLling
  4. <nor aluuebberZ torn styles endorSes><yet indorse abSorbent [absorbing] reueLz>
  1. detained, fareuuelling (farewelling), refuelling, absorbent
  2. casual / causal, zlouuer, nucleators
  3. denigrated, Archelaus
  4. lecturer, alternated, torrentuous, endorses
  5. musical, ethnarch
  6. dementia, indorse
  7. -
  8. hears, secular
  9. -
  10. Charles
  11. -
  12. uglier
  13. oracles
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. torrent
  18. latent / talent
  19. -
  20. ancestor

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Centuries 9 Quatrain 11: Jules of Agen's, his son, Joseph Scaliger and the debate on mortal matters.

Centuries 9 Quatrain 11: Jules of Agen's , his son, Joseph Scaliger and the debate on mortal matters.

The following verse contains strong anagrammatic references to Jules of Agen and its narrative seems to be based on Nostradamus' critique od calendar treatments published by his mentor, Jules Cesar Scaliger and his son Joseph Juste Scaliger. My paper titled Jules of Agen covers their relationship and the quatrains which Nostradamus used to show the influence the Scalier family had on his code.
The last line of this verse contains the word jugeans which doesn't exist as a real word in French. Nostradamus only uses it in this single place but it is this word that delivers up a remarkably salient anagrammatic sequence which is Jules of Agens (lesju geans of). What makes it even more unusual is that of the four occurrences of the anagram for Jules two of them occur in this verse. The second occurrence is at the start of the first line and is formed from part of the word juste which is the middle name of Jules famous son Joseph. So in the line Jules name is connected to the middle name of his last son. This then removes the lack of meaning in the second line since its reference and in the middle aptly applies to his son's middle name. It could also be claimed Joseph as the last  of Jules' sons was the completion of Jules public duties of fatherhood. Joseph Juste Scaliger would go on to fill much of the other tones of the verse including those of the first line. And again this verse is rich in sequential anagrams of a type that suggest they are intentional.
C.9 Q.11
Wrongly will they come to put the just one to death
Publicly and in the middle extinguished:
So great a pestilence will come to arise in this place That the judges will be forced to flee.
Le ju$te a tort a mort l'on viendra mettre Publiquement et due millieu e$taint
Si grande pe$te en ce lieu viendra nai$tre
Que les jugeans fouyr $eront con$traint
  1. <juSt rotate on mortal driven matter> <rotate atom juLeS terminated><juSte ventromedian [center top] letter><juLeS rotate ventromedian retardment>.<juSte rotate non-varied mortal letter>
  2. <unSuitable- equiPment><Suitable-inPut><Patient uSe><illumed tenet queme [comes to please]>
  3. <unvaried Step retainS readingS><preaSsigned retainS unvaried lie> <re-spreading iuvenile radiants><SiSter /reSiSt predeSignate an unvaried lie> <deepeSt aSian arreSting unliveried {non-uniformed servant]>
  4.  <jules of agens Quatrein><your norSe seQuel conStraint><contraSt norSe><seQuential> <you Strain conSorter fans>
  1. ventromedian, retardment, unsuitable-equipment, suitable-input, Jules of Agens, contrast
  2.  pre-assigned, re-spreading, pre-designate, sequential
  3. illumed
  4. patient, iuvenile
  5. Jules (2 in this verse), rotate, terminated, spreading, consorter, constraint
  6. unliveried
  7. Juste, queme, unvaried, arresting
  8. -
  9. just
  10. quatrein
  11. deepest
  12.  radiants, nonvaried

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Nostradamus C.9 Q.10: Money and opiates cloud the picture of a priestly intercourse

Nostradamus C.9 Q.10: Money and opiates cloud the picture of a priestly intercourse.

The text of this verse seems to be linked to the hidden messages of C.08 Q.96 in which a nun bears a child and is punished for not keeping to the proper rituals. The last line of the current verse contains a strong sequence of anagrams saying 'other sacred oracles' while those in the earlier lines relate to money and treasure that possibly is linked to drug-runners. Its text implies a means of ritual exposure for unacceptable births. There is an anagram for Sefirot in the third line which fits to the idea this verse is meant to be linked to a series of similar toned quatrains.  If this is done a picture is built of a nun who serves a non-uniformed household function in an abbey where drugs are traded with the local populace but she is unable to speak in her own or her child's defence when she bears a child to a monk and the authorities condemn the child as a the bastard offspring of a nearby army.
The child of a monk and nun exposed to death,
To die through a she-bear, and carried off by a boar
The army will be camped by Foix and Pamiers,
Against Toulouse Carcassonne the forerunners form.
Moyne moyne$$e d'enfant mort expo$e
Mourir par our$e et rauy par verrier
Par Fois et Pamyes le camp $era po$e
Contre Tholo$e Carcas dre$$er forrier.
  1. <money poeMS><yeomenS formant [vocal range] needS><deafneSS torment yeomen [ upper echelon household servant]><SeeS Money exportS money>
  2. <**pray river uproar our riMe treaSure **><our Merrier pair rerouteS>
  3. <yes operaS map Pastime For aPSe><PopeS eraS emplaces my opPiates Far><pamperos [SW wind]><aeSoP paperS Map Forties seFirot  scale>
  4. <oTher sacred oraCles><CarcaSsed for Seers>.<Close arc as orThoCenter [intersecting altitudes of triangle] redreSS>
  1. formant, carcassed, orthocenter
  2. deafness, exports, merrier, emplaces
  3. yeomens, opiates
  4. yeomen, pamperos
  5. -
  6. -
  7. river, pastime
  8. Popes, sacred
  9. Aesop
  10. -
  11. money (occurs twice in this line), poems, treasure, other
  12. forties /sefirot
  13. oracles
  14. reroutes
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. redress

Monday, May 26, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.96: The Eastern Madonna who is the victim of her talent

Nostradamus C.8 Q.96: The Eastern Madonna who is the victim of her talent.

In the Middle East a Christian woman of talent is born amongst the missiles af an Arab- Israeli conflict. She is forced into a marriage with a lazy suitor and escapes the burden of this  marriage by the use of drugs. Her actions are condemned by those who control her life and she will choose to die an agonising death, leaving behind a child that will shape the outcome of the war.
This is one of the many incidental tales Nostradamus chose to write and thereby lay out the incidents that shape the course of his major themes. His story can be picked out of the text but it is in the anagrams that the greater detail lies. The hidden verse is full of religious references , birth and career markers all of which although rare have interwoven connectivities with each other and the message of the text.
 There are several names used in the anagrams that generate a framework of the events. The use of the name Heracles and his tasks sugests the magnitude of what she faces while the name Arachne indicates she will be judged by those in control as being too indepedent, highly talented and too much of a challenge to themselves. 
The sterile synagogue without any fruit,
will be received by the infidels,
the daughter of the persecuted (man) of Babylon,
miserable and sad, they will clip her wings.
 La $ynagogue $terile $ans nul fruit
Sera receu entre les infideles
De Babylon la fille du por$uit
Mi$ere et tri$te luy tranchera les ai$les.
  1. <realiSe anaLySt gueSt go it unfurls><iSraels nuns>< a SaintLy ><agony rituaLS geSture><earlieSt uSe>
  2. <**else euen friendliest careerS**><find leSser lies enter rare cue><enter lines defiles careerS>
  3. <BaiteD pouuders nobly fail ill><idleful><if Suitor pulled><**SuBeditor ably pulled final o**><proud Baby duties pour><filled allon {France- Loire} aBbey>
  4. <utterly heraclean as MiSSileS teeter>.<heracles aimleSS riSe><heracles sail SeisM teeter><Salaries /aliaSes tranche / chanter><SiMiles as Seer healer><truly achernar /arachne [Goddess of weaving]/ archaean / enarch> reMiSs
  1. analyst, guest, unfurls, nuns, saintly, agony
  2. friendliest, powders, subeditor, abbey, utterly, Heraclean, missiles
  3. idleful, pulled, baby, similes / missile, truly, archean / Arachne,  Achernar [ star in Eridanus]
  4. ably, chanters / tranches, healer
  5. rituals, defiles, baited, suitor, filled
  6. nobly, Bolyn
  7. -
  8. -
  9. gesture, find
  10. careers, Allon, aimless, remiss / misers
  11. earliest, fall, Heracles, aliases, salaries
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. duties
  16. -
  17. Israels
  18. final, teeter
  19. -
  20. earliest

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.81: Dnieper river as location for desolation of Russia and Ukraine.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.81: Dnieper river as location for desolation of Russia and Ukraine.

The location for this verse is quite specific as a result of both the text and the anagrams.  It involves the Dneiper River flowing from north-west Russia, through Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. In doing so it flows past what is now the concrete tomb of the failed Chernobyl reactor. The anagrams reveal medical terms related to birth and illnesses of the throat and reproduction which are consistent with radiation sicknesses. There are other anagrams that tie these events into a later period at about the time of the fire from the sky. (See my papers for Nuclear Events and Fire from the Sky for more.)
The word desolation occurs correctly as defolation in the French text and as the word desolation in the anagrams of the first line. the English anagrams of defolation are deflation or defoliant both of which fit to the concept of great trouble that is the focus of the third line of text.
The new empire in desolation
will be changed from the Northern Pole.
From Sicily will come such trouble that
it will bother the enterprise tributary to Philip.
 Le neuf empire en defolation
Sera change du pole aquilonaire
De la Sicile viendra l'e$motion
Troubler l'emprise a Philip tributaire.
  1. <fume predefine><dnieper [Nth Eur river] fume><enfold prime elation><no deflation / defoliant enfueL><**foetal need prime ion enfueL**>
  2. <poundage [ tax on export/import] equal iran oil Search><careerS hang> <agen reSearch><lion ariEs achenar [star in Eridanus -river]><aSchere [Sirius star]]>< aSchera [main belt asteroid])><**archerieS equal a lion poundage**>
  3. <a mortaliSed end olDen civiliSe> <civiliSe leaD into lordSname><**icelanDS toilSome evil rained*><maleS Desolation><evil demotionS learned><invader ion moleSt iDealS>
  4. <simpler ruble><prime shape><but air trip Phial Trouble empires><**Perispermal [embryo nutrition layer] philitri airtube Trouble**>
  1. predefine, deflation / defoliant, archeries, poundage, toilsome, desolation, demotion
  2. Dnieper, civilise, demotions
  3. foetal, research, Achenar, mortalised, Icelands, perispermal
  4. enfolds, phial
  5. air-tube
  6. elation, enfuel, molest, shape / phase / heaps
  7. simpler
  8. -
  9. Aschere, Lordsname
  10. careers
  11. fume
  12. Aschera
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. ruble
  18. -
  19. -
  20. ideals

Friday, May 23, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.80: James Earl Ray, assassin and financial conspirator.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.80: James Earl Ray, assassin and financial conspirator.

In 1987 I found a most unexpected anagram in this verse, it was the alias adopted by James Earl Ray in 1968. The other anagrams fit to the tale of both James Earl Ray's assassination of Martin Luther King and a more modern extension of a sect involved in both murder and financial manipulations. This verse is discussed in my papers on this subject (See  my paper on Martin Luther King for full analysis). Below is an extract from my earlier work.
A little more than two months after King's death, on June 8 1968, Ray, an escaped convict who had broken out of the Missouri State Penitentiary a year before the assassination, was captured at London's Heathrow Airport while trying to leave the United Kingdom on a false Canadian passport in the name of Ramon George Sneyd. He was desperate for money. He'd been involved in robberies in the UK and this was the reason for his voyage. Ray was charged with King's murder, confessing to the assassination on March 10, 1969, (though he recanted this confession three days later) and was sentenced to 99 years in prison. On the advice of his attorney Percy Foreman, Ray took a guilty plea to avoid a trial conviction and therefore the possibility of receiving the death penalty.
It was while exploring the above facts that I entered the name Ramon-George-Sneyd into my search program and found it existed as an anagram in Centuries VIII Quatrein 80 L.2 . This line's  visible text is "so many evils committed by means of the Great Red one" which seems pertinent to a murderer such as James Ray  but it leaves a question, was James Earl Ray ever called the Great Red one? I can find nothing to suggest he was. The hidden text implies Ramon George Sneyd mandate, money fails as parts and this is an accurate reflection of what happened.
 The blood of innocents, widow and virgin,
so many evils committed by means of the Great Red One
holy images placed over burning candles,
terrified by fear, none will be seen to move.
Des innocens le $ang de vefue et vierge
Tant de maulx faitz par moyen $e grand Roge
Saintz $imulachres trempez en ardant cierge
Defrayeur crainte ne verra nul que boge.
  1. <avenged leSsen reconsigneD<once Designer leanneSs><once energiseD><cleanneSS> <Degrees> <Diverge> encloSes
  2. <Ramon-george-Sneyd [aka James Earl Ray]><mandate flux> <partz money dangerS failx> <endangeRS><aTtend dRagon genre><romney pazt dangerS>
  3. <charles reincarnated Sage temperz> <Sanitizes her muSical tempers><charters > <angrieSt cite> creating / reacting redacting
  4. <ray intervene feed curare><reverent gebo [gift rune] unequal ><recur in a rare event><certain ur year never lunar> venetian
  1. Ramon-George-Sneyd, energised, reconsigned, diverge, failx, sanitizes, reincarnated, rare event.
  2. avenged, cleanness,  temperz, reverent
  3. Romney, intervene
  4. degrees, leanness, unequal, Gebo
  5. pazt, musical, Venetian, lunar
  6. designer, encloses, partz, charters
  7. mandate, creating / reacting , tempers, curare
  8. flux, endangers, Charles
  9. -
  10. money, angriest
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. certain
  17. redacting
  18. never, recur

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.77: The battle of the popes and their nuclear war.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.77: The battle of the popes and their nuclear war.

It is here in this verse that Nostradamus makes it clear that the future holds a great war in which opposing views of the Cristian church are engaged. His text indicates that it is those with belief in an active God that are the instigators of the war which is started in order to commit genocide on those who have different views. The anagrams yield a collection of complex words that also have religious war significance. Of these 'nontheistical' is the most potent as it refers to people who believe in a single God but not not in his interaction with mankind. It is combined with an anagram for 'interclash' that implies war between those whose major views are identical. There are also anagrams for 'Constantine' and 'Gregories' both of which provide a historical parallel to the war that is yet to happen. Constantine is the name of the first Roman emperor to adopt christianity. In the eighth century (767-768) the second pope with the name Constantine came to be known as an antipope. Since that time there have been two antipopes with the name Gregory (1012 and 1118-1121). The implication of the text together with the anagrams is that a pope will be elected as a consequence of forceful intervention by a conservative faction but this antipope will be deposed after a twenty-seven year war that invokes the use of nuclear weaponry.
It was Constantine I who was involved with the settings underpinning the Nicean Council and this council's main issues are a focal point for many of Nostradamus' quatrains. The threads in these verses is one of religious division over the status of Christ in relation to the God of monotheistic religions. These threads unite into a stream of Christ-based lineage stories and a disastrous religious war at the end of the 21st Century. This war blends into the other major disasters of massive floods and fire from the sky that make up the three main streams of Nostradamus' Prophecies (See Nicea-Agennos for more).
 The antichrist very soon annihilates the three,
twenty-seven years his war will last.
The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering earth.
 L'antechri$t trois bien to$t annichilez
Vingt et $ept ans $ang durera $a guerre
Les heretiques mortz captifs exilez
Sang corps humain eau rogie gre$ler terre.
  1. <nontheiStical [belief in inactive God] z intercLash><obStinate riots richeSt><chriSten zeaL><richeSt orbits><conStantine><chile ten nationS><richeSt riots in Chile abStention> benoist containS / Sanction
  2. <Vetting aptneSs a ruder uSage Sang>Vignettes / (teSt given) uSage err><teSting Setting aptneSs Saga grandeur><reVering anapeSts [form of stressed meter] teSt>
  3. <there it fixes misquote(r) capz><she requite / quieter some><hermetiques captorz fit lesz> mosque
  4. <gregorieS leter><main push>< humanise> <our geiger><proceSs-ranger><uranium-phase>
  1. nontheistical, interclash, Constantine, abstention, revering, mosque, Gregories, geiger, push
  2. obstinate, vignettes, vetting, fixes, misquoter
  3. setting / testing, misquote
  4. christen
  5. contains / sanction, orbits, humanise
  6. saga, anapests
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. richest, requite / quiter
  11. Benoist, zeal
  12. nations
  13. Chile
  14. -
  15. aptness
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. grandeur

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.71: Scaliger, astronomy and dating methods.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.71: Scaliger, astronomy and dating methods.

This verse shows some intriguing variations in the manner of the anagrams encodement when he dealt with topics where his name and his Pophecies were the focus. In these verses uses sophisticated splitting techniques so in this verse the second line holds an anagram for centuries in two parts that are separated by the the letter 'l'. This lone letter combines with the remaining lettering to the left of that for centuries to form an anagram for line while on the right it forms an anagram for rules. The resultant anagrams 'centuries-lines. and 'centuries-rules' are very topical and only occur in this line of verse. Similar splits occur in the first line and involve his name and variants on astronomy related words. This technique is taken to a further extreme in an earlier verse  C.02 Q.86 which holds a split anagram for Michel Nostredame and whole anagrams for comets and story.
The year 1607 was a time at which the new generation of astronomic views was under great challenge by religious traditionalists but it is also the year when Joseph Juste Scaliger's Protestant based scholarship was undermined by the Jesuits. Scaliger transformed the dating mechanism for ancient texts and relied on physical phenomena such as astronomic settings to build his historical chronologies. Joseph Scaliger was the youngest son of Jules Scaliger, the person who served as Nostradamus mentor in the years preceding Joseph's birth. The method Nostradamus uded to date his future parallels the method used by Joseph Scaliger to date the past. Although there is no reason to believe these two communicated with each other the flaws in earlier dating systems and its resolution would have been part of the debates both had with Jules Scaliger (See my paper on Jules of Agen for more on these themes).
There are two other poorly formed but rare variants relevant to Joseph Scalige in the third line which yield Scaloger Manilis. Joseph Scaligers historical dating methodology was publised in a volume titled Manilius in 1579.
The number of astronomers will grow so great,
that they will be driven out, banned and their books burned
In the year 1607 by sacred glomes
so that none will be safe from the holy ones.
 Croi$tra le nombre $i grand des a$tronomes
Cha$$ez bannis et liures cen$urez
L'an mil $ix cens et $ept par $acre glomes
Que nul aux $acres ne $eront a$$eurez.
  1. <some Correlations><retroCeSsional moon Star addreSsing><iS learnt dreading Sombre Stars><Saddest moron>.<noStredamos readingS><aStronomers-reloCationS addreSsing><Stores-aStronomiC addreSsing>montreal
  2. <centuries-lines ban><centuries-rules><cruelties enSure ban sin z-z chases>curies inSecure <leninist baSez><utilise cenSures><insane cruelties baSez>
  3. <SoLemnal explicitneSS(es) graceS partS><miLans /maniLi's exiStences>
  4. <acrux's uneQual Sense reSonateS><ornateneSS sCares uxual lune>
  1. Nostredames-dragon, retrocessional, correlations, Nostredamos, astronomers-relocations, centuries-lines, centuries-rules, insecure
  2. addressing, Leninist, utilise, solemnal, existences,
  3. sombre,cruelties
  4. Acruxs (Sthrn Cross stars), unequal
  5. resonates
  6. dreading, graces, ornateness
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. Curies
  11. Montreal
  12. moron
  13. -
  14. -
  15. stars-
  16. -
  17. -
  18. insane
  19. Moon

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.47: Destruction of the Light of the World.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.47: Destruction of the Light of the World.

This is another verse with places named that dont relate to obvious locations. I believe this is Nostradamus way of getting the reader to look at the context not the actual name. It is part of his use of a gazetteer, a document that lists places by their attributes. In doing this he can incorporate code words that otherwise would be too simple to decipher. So the word Perouse misdirects attention to Perugia when it is meant to be the whole of Europe. The anagrams include one for suzerain, a reference to a country that is controlled by an outside force but granted the right of self-rule and in the case of modern Europe this would be the European Union.
Another anagram is that of Razes which is a region in Southern France that was prominent at the time that Catharism was prevalent. One of the outstanding leaders of the Cathars was Esclarmonde of Foix, a woman whose name meant  ' light of the world'. Several complex anagrams such as 'atrometer clearest pointer' imply similar attributes. But the thrust of Nostradamus interest is not the past but the future and the relevance of the past is to define philosophical leanings and metaphors for events to come. The uniting theme is held by the term predaceosness whichh alludes to plundering, pillaging and destruction, all actions consistent with the text of the fourth line. Hence what we can expect is a savage, brutal, religious war between those having dogmatic views based on minor nuances.
 Lake Tresmenien will bear witness
of the conspirators locked up inside Perouse (Perugia?).
A fool will imitate the wise one,
killing the Teutons, destroying and cutting to pieces.
Lac Tre$menien portera te$moignage
Des coniurez $arez dedans Perouse
Vn de$polle contre fera le $age
Tuant Tede$q de $terne et minu$e.
  1. <enemieS open aging aStrometer [star light guage]><men maSter cLeareSt pointer>.<repreSentation><Trace montpensier / omnipreSent angeL egotiSm><maoiSte / atomiSe gang report increaSement>.<pater-noSter enemieS> intemperances
  2. <razes ruin coDes dead Person use><euroPes Suzerain [controlling nation] coDes sadden ><razeS [high valleys of the Aude rvr} cousin rouSed dazed Pens> encoDes PreDaceousness [plundering etc]
  3. <once pollS aVenged><**electron poleS gaVe feral endS**><aVengeS feral electron poSed>
  4. <**aTtuned / Taunted q'ested minuTeS enter **><aTtuned time unSeT><unaTTeSted minuteS ><eminent uSe unaTTeSted> <reSented time uueST aTtend>
  1. Montpensier / omnipresent, astrometer, representation, increasement, intemperances, suzerain, predaceousness, avenges
  2. Pater-Noster, egotism, polls, avenged, unattested
  3. minutes
  4. eminent
  5. -
  6. aging, enemies, Razes, dazed, UUest (West)
  7. Maoiste /atomise
  8. clearest
  9. -
  10. attuned
  11.  pointer, gang, cousin
  12. -
  13. -
  14. resented
  15. -
  16. -
  17. encodes, posed
  18. -
  19. Europes

Monday, May 19, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.46: El Sufi's star chains as guide to N's date code.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.46: El Sufi's star chains as guide to N's date code.

This verse is one of those that destroyed my innate scepticism as it yields crucial evidence that Nostradamus did build astronomic code as his way of dating the Prophecies. The importance of its content was in one of the earliest of my modern papers (since 2004). See my paper called Astronomy for the full implications I drew from this verse.
 Paul the celibate will die three leagues from Rome
the two nearest flee the oppressed monster.
When Mars will take up his horrible throne,
the Cock and the Eagle, France and the three brothers.
 Pol men$olee mourra trois lieues du Rosne
Fuis les deux prochains tara$c de$trois
Car Mars fera le plus horrible tro$ne
De coq et d'aigle de France freres trois.
  1. <Solemn PeRson used><sPlenDorous omenS><loneSome> <PondeRous> <Pole omenS Resounds><norSe used>
  2. **aS el suFi diSsector produxes Star chain**> anarchiSt <Fusile Stories)<anthropics [human views] less uxed><Sacred Star><**--producex Sharatain [Aries duality] ---**><suFi expulsed> thracianS /anarchiSt / Star chain
  3. <farMers anCeStor><farMers CelebrationS><farMers toleranCeS><CornMaSter(s) / aStroManCer[astral divination] fears><feral pulse> oCeans Strobile [cone] <briStleCone safer arM>hours /horus
  4. <France stories refer algedi [star name in Cap]><Fledge [bird raising] coDe terrorise France>< Dissector q'oted refer algedi Fear><date Fledgier [feathery] coq [Coqab]>
  1. lonesome, splendorous, Thracians / anarchist / Star chain, sacred star, sacred star chain, Sharatain, celebrations, Astromancers / Cornmasters, Bristlecone, fledge
  2. ponderous, anthropics, farmers, Cornmaster / Astromancer, strobile, fledgier
  3. -
  4. resounds, El Sufi / fusile, dissector (2 in this verse), expulsed
  5. terrorise
  6. hours / Horus
  7. -
  8. sacred / scared, Algedi
  9. -
  10. tolerances

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.36: The family heading the dreaded Malthusian cataclysm.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.36: The family heading the dreaded Malthusian cataclysm.

There are four names given in the text of this verse, three of which have the context of being places while the fourth apperas to be a persons. But none of these names is spelled in a manner that clearly identifies them. And the story in the text is itself so vague as to appear meaning less. Yet the anagrams contain many complex, rare words that have agreater consistency than the text. Such a pttern is typical of coded messages and is an important clue in their eventual decipherment.
It appears that an economist who is a believer in the singular origin of all mankind fears that the world will become overly congested up to a time when cataclysms  redress the population imbalance. This is a good mirroring of the views of the 19th century economist Thomas Malthus and this ties into C.05 Q.37 which holds the only anagram for Malthusian. In that verse there are anagrams for ' Malthusian finance', 'creditors' and 'debtors' (see my paper called Nostradamus on gold for more. In that same paper I tie other verses together to show that all these events relate to the end of this century.
The last three lines contain anagrams about the life patterns of a family intimately involved in the creation of the finanacial crisis
It will be committed against the anointed brought
from Saulne, Saint Aulbin and Bell'oeuvre
To pave with marble taken from distant towers,
not to resist Bleteram and his masterpiece.
 Sera commis conte oingdre aduche
De Saulne et $ainct Aulbin et Bell'oeuure
Pauer de marbre de tours loing e$pluche
Non Bleteram re$i$ter et chef d'oeuure.
  1. <economist dreading><dread congestion> <monogenistic [single ancestor theorist] dread><denoting cosmoramic [reflected world view]><notices /section ion guarded><aSchere [Sirius] ungraded}><ignored / redoing section notices>commorancieS [temporary dwellings] macroSeism [ vast earhquake]>
  2. <Balbutient [ stammerer]><louuer nubile Belt unSealeD eaSt antic> Satanic lenaeus [Rmn fertility god of wine] nautical lunatic
  3. <Pau neurologiSts / runeologiSts><resolution barred><cheaP oil plungeS detours embarred>
  4. <NeuuBorn relate><SiSter / reSiSt fetched ennoble uuore> <SiSter atremble defoe erect renouun><NoBle re-endouu>marries
  1. monogenist, economist, cosmoramic, commorancies, Balbutient, neurologists / runeologists, resolution, neuu-born
  2. denoting, congestion, guarded, embarred, renouun, re-endouu
  3. macroseism, nubile, lunatic, barred, fetched, ennoble
  4. plunges
  5. nautical
  6. dreading, marries
  7. -
  8. Lenaeus
  9. Aschere, ignored / redoing, Satanic
  10. unsealed
  11. atremble
  12. -
  13. section / notices
  14. detours
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. cheap
  19. noble

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.29: Caesar and Caepio as reference guides to modern gold crisis.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.29: Caesar and Caepio as reference guides to modern gold crisis.

The intent of this verse is to provide a suitable metaphor for the gold based financial crisis of the 21st century. By comparison to events surrounding two ancient figures Nostradmus delivers a picture of the events that will identify the coming crisis. Both these figures had adventures in the parts of Southern Europe with which Nostradamus was well acquiainted so their referencing is quite apt. See my paper called Nostradamus on Gold for more detail.
The following extract in Wikipedia provides detail of the gold carried off by Quintus Servilius Caepio in 105 BCE an event which is directly referred to in the last line of this verse.
While marching to Arausio (modern-day Orange) Caepio plundered the temples of the town of Tolosa, ancient Tolouse, finding over 50,000 fifteen-pound bars of gold and 10,000 fifteen-pound bars of silver. Strabo reports a story told in his time of this semi-legendary treasure, the aurum Tolosanum, supposed to have been the "cursed gold" looted during the sack of Delphi during the Gallic invasion of the Balkans in 279 BC. The riches of Tolosa were shipped back to Rome, but only the silver made it; the gold was stolen by a band of marauders, who were believed to have been hired by Caepio himself. The Gold of Tolosa was never found, and was said to have been passed all the way down to the last heir of the Servilii Caepiones, Marcus Junius Brutus
The text holds the name Caepio while the anagrams contain 'Caesar's talent'. Caesar followed Caepio by about two generations and one of the common recognitions  by later generations was that he was a man of many talents. The following is a concluding statement in a brief online article on Caesar's life..
As a general and a statesman, Caesar has clearly earned his place in world history. With the exception of Cicero, he was the greatest orator of his time. As a historian, he has rarely been surpassed in simplicity, directness and dignity. A man of many talents, Caesar was a mathematician, philologist, jurist and architect. The main outcome of his illustrious career was the transformation of Rome from a Republic to an Empire.
At the fourth pillar which they dedicate to Saturn
split by earthquake and by flood;
under Saturn's building an urn is found
gold carried off by Caepio and then restored.
Au quart pillier l'on $acre a $aturne
Par tremblant terre et deluge fendu
Soubz l'edifice Saturnin trouuee vrne
D'or Capion rauy et puis rendu.
  1. <SaracenS ill role Auuaqen(awaken) part><aS nature Scare> <caeSar turn Salon orleanS>
  2. <enraPtured><engulfed><tablement [chapter of pillars] err><blame><entreater><marble Part><bertram talent uPend>
  3. <natureS Sulfobenzide in ic (99)><turn aS ever in icefield Subzone><interuuoven norSe><never uurote in etruScan><So ninurta [Sumerian war and inundation god] never uurote>
  4. <preCautionary><insured au [gold]Cap iron roD type><yet iron au [gold] Cap uprise / epirus> <is roundedD up>
  1. Saracens, auuaqen (awaken), entreater, Sulfobenzide, icefield, subzone, inter-uuoven, precautionary
  2. engulfed, rounded
  3. Caesars, enraptured, tablement
  4. Bertram
  5. Etruscan, Ninurta
  6. insured
  7. -
  8. type
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. Caesar
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. talent, never
  19. blame

Friday, May 16, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.28: The keys to 21st century financial crises.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.28: The unifying code built into locational attributes.

The only anagram of gazetteer appears in this verse and I iuse this term in many of my analyses of the financial crisis of the 21st century. These discussions and a more detailed definition of this term are to be found in my paper called Nostradamus on Gold.
A gazeteteer is a body of writings that builds a description of a place through its physical, climatic, population, production, trade and occupational attributes. Gazetters have been used since ancient times in combination with maps. The importance of maps and their construction is a focus of verse C.08 Q.26 which relates to Nostradamus' quest via his patrons. The last line of this current verse has an anagram for prescribe and two separate anagrams for prescript and there are no other anagrams for these two words in any other verse. Now prescript means something prescribed, especially a rule or regulation of conduct and so each one emphasises that something important underlies this verse and in particular its fourth line. It is in this line that gazetteer appears. The implication is that that there is a time of financial crisis where the links between the relevant verses is based on locational attributes.
The story contained in the anagrams indicates an issue arises from a small group of Christians within an Islamic setting. This issue involves the way that people with infectious disease are treated after death, a theme linked to that in verse C.07 Q.41. Although it seems that the stories of the text anad anagrams are unrelated they are united by the gazetteer prescribed by Nostradmus which a trail incorporating all these different threads.
The copies of gold and silver inflated,
which after the theft were thrown into the lake,
at the discovery that all is exhausted and dissipated
All scrips and bonds will be wiped out.
Les $imulachres d'or et d'argent enflez
Qu'apres le rapt au lac furent gettez
Au de$couuert e$taincts tous et troublez
Au marbre e$cript pre$criptz intergetez.
  1. <herods/rhodes/hordes lesz muSical granted><**granted her seLf-zeen muSical stored**> <date regent orders flenz>Islam crashed><charles garroted>
  2. <careful gent><pleasure a/part><**urgent paler parQue [ roman fate] factual tezt**>repeals parQuez lauu-craft> <pasteurella [ infectious germ] furnace>actual
  3.  <codeS uue set out interactS><constitutes a teSt/ State touuer cAuSed><zeAl betutors stout / stout anticS><touuer blaZe uSed to test our antics><uue Straiten codeS><Scantiest set out trouble touuer cAused> intact treatieS / treatiSe
  4. <in Script z gAzetteer preScript> <preScribe arm Prescript z integer><Seer preScript greet muzArab [Christian group in Arab culture>preciSe / pierce <z ze integer>
  1. pasteurella, factual, lauucraft, constitutes, betutors, Muzarab, prescript (twice in 4th  line), gazetter, prescribe
  2. garroted, actual, careful, interacts
  3. -
  4. furnace, treaties / treatise, integer
  5. musical, crashed, scantiest, precise / pierces
  6. orders, script
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. Charles, caused
  11. zeal
  12. -
  13. -
  14. pleasure, urgent, intact
  15. Rhodes / Herod's /hordes
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. apart

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.26: Two of Nostradamus 16thC patrons.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.26: Two of Nostradamus 16thC patrons.

I believe this verse is included to indicate  the calibre of the people who supported Nostradamus' quest. Nostradamus' major patron appears to have been Jean de Bernuy, pastel dye grower and exporter of Toulouse. The story of this man is given in greater detail in my paper on Nostradamus Sect. His last name is found amongst the anagrams in the fourth line of this verse  while the story in the text and the anagrams can be interpreted in a consistent way. It appears to be the tale of a smuggling route for pastel dye between Toulouse and Barcelona. Such an operation was necessary throughout much of Bernuy's life. The third line behaves in a familar way for it has a lovely crypticism built into it- The great one who holds, but does not hold is a good metaphor for the dye trade which was is in perpetual competition to improve the fastness of colour. These trails can be seen in anagrams such as dyes, surety, irresolute (for the process) and Caderonne, subterraneous route (for a secret passage through the tunnels along the French-Spanish border route from mid France to Barcelona).
There is however another tale of the sixteent century to be found in the anagrams and it is about a map-maker from England who is deeply involved in the revolution of the difficult art of creating a too-scale world map that was correct for all regions from the equator to the poles. I believe that  the relevance of this story is that the person who succeeded Bernuy as patron of Nostradamus.
The bones of Cato found in Barcelona,
placed, discovered, the site found again and ruined
The great one who holds, but does not hold,
wants Pamplona, drizzle at the abbey of Montferrat.
De Caron es trouues en Bar$ellonne
Mys de$couuers lieu terrouers et ruyne
Le grad qui tient ne tient vouldra Pamplonne
Par l'abbage de Montferrat bruyne.
  1. <use CaDeronne [ nr Alet les Bains] routes><SuBterraneous reason><**Bareness anCestor uuore ell [letter] on enD**>
  2. <**ur Men  scouuer [harden] surety irresolute dyeS**>
  3. <a uvorld maP><**involuted [curving inward] Polar-map malaProp engLander intent quit>
  4. <bernuy art forMentor gabbed><**bernuy art forMent Parable badge**><deMon age><Pen bury> Plenary [full] Penury [deprivation]
  1. subterraneous, involuted,  badge, gabbed, plenary
  2. Caderonne, surety, Polar-map / malaprop, penury
  3. bareness, irresolute, formenter
  4. -
  5. bury
  6. intent, parable
  7. UVorld (0 for uuorld],
  8. Bernuy, forment
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. Englander
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. dyes
  18. -
  19. -
  20. ancestor

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nostradamus C.7 Q.42: The gods of passion and sex motivate a critical infanticide.

Nostradamus C.7 Q.42: The gods of passion and sex motivate a critical infanticide.

Tho two gods named in the anagrams of this verse represent Sex and passion respectively. Alongside these names are rare anagrams related to these aspects. There are terms such as pre-sexual, wave related words and accosting that reinforce the rightness of the names. Another significant anagram is that for calendars since both of these Gods are part of ancient systems; Isis is the principal figure at the start of the Egyptian calendar and here she is associated with the flood regenerated rebirth of the land. Poseidon is part of ancient Greek festival calendars and it is linked to the winter solstice.
The story held within the anagrams is consistent with the use of a contraceptive medication that goes awry leading to a multiple birth with one of the siblings mentally impaired. There is even a hint that one of the participants uses a simple remedy in order to make easier this most difficult of births but consequent efforts are made to ensure most of these offspring will not survive. Such a tale fits quite well to the story of the text which then makes the first born child the one who is damaged by the birth. Such a tale also fits to the themes of Centuries Seven for it delivers well defined names and relates to issues of mortality consistent with Nostradamus' interest in the nature of the human soul.
Two newly arrived have seized the poison,
to pour it in the kitchen of the great Prince.
By the scullion both are caught in the act,
taken he who thought to trouble the elder with death.
 Deux de poi$on $aisiz nouueau venuz
Dans la cui$ine du grand Prince ver$er
Par le $ouillard tous deux au faicts congneux
Prins qui cuidoit de mort l'ai$ne vexer.
  1. <poSeidon uxeD isiz ouun avenue><unuueave zeD aS ux is poSeidon><venuz exuDed poiSons><uxe uuave poiSons enzueD>
  2. <calenDars verSe><scanDal reverSe><argued Sin> <inSide> <ungraded> <drug> <guard><SlanDerers evince>
  3. <preSexual accosting><louerS ill a dart exPugn [drives out]><ousted uxe> <louiSe confiscat lard used to uuax>
  4. <revelationS timed> <even moraliSt tied> <quins mortal veinS exPirer><riPer SexivaLent quins more duoditic [atropine chloride- anti-poison medication] ><idiot mortaliSed>
  1. Isiz, presexual, accosting, sexivalent, revelations, expirer [expired]
  2. Poseidon / poisoned, unuueave, neuu-uuave enzued (12 as 'ensued'), inside, slanderers, expugn, duoditic
  3. uueave
  4. -
  5. uuave, moralist
  6. -
  7. calendars, evince
  8. poisons,avenue, uuaxed, mortalise, timed, idiot
  9. reverse, quins
  10. scandal
  11. -
  12. -
  13. exuded
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. argued, uuax
  18. Louise
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -

Nostradamus C.7 Q.41: In death we are united.

Nostradamus C.7 Q.41: In death we are united.

This verse's infrequent anagram list is full of place names ranging across Belarus, the Congo,the Mid-East and Mongolia and there are clusters of words bearing strong cohesive links. The cluster of bluer, pigments, untreated, cocagnes (pastel dye-leaf rolls), shipment and Patroness can be drawn together as part of the pastel-dye industry around Toulouse and Carcassonne in the 16th century. This is a region and an activity with which Nostradamus would have been familiar for he spent many of his early adulthood years in that region. My paper on Nostradamus Sect identifies this same connection through other means. What unifies the text and the story-lines in the anagrams is a connection with the rituals that different cultures use to bury their dead. Such practices usually reflect the manner in which people of a region view the soul and its need for respect at the time of death. Throughout many places and times one of the important features has been the death shroud and as such  it usually was a high quality, status garment treated with the sort of dye with which Nostradamus was familiar. In choosing his places and the topic Nostradamus is highlighting a cluster that is unified in the act of grief at a time when countries such as Belarus had the names used in the angarams. This places the period of unity in death in modern times. The inclusion of a named bacterial disease (entamoebiasis) suggests there is a world-wide pandemic and this fits to the scenario that other verses paint for the end of this century.
The bones of the feet and the hands locked up,
because of the noise the house is uninhabited for a long time
Digging in dreams they will be unearthed,
the house healthy is inhabited without noise.
Les oz des piedz et des mains en$erres
Par bruit mai$on long temps inhabitee
Seront par $onges concauant deterres
Mai$on $alubre et $ans bruyt habitee.
  1. <dementias err dezpised Lozes Sense><maidens Sense errs dezpite Less dozes><mideast ezpied Lesser Sense dozes**> insane
  2. <mongolianS pantheism><bathin [demon duke of hell] pigments><it aimS rub on long shipment> elongations simulation Taoism maoiSt Sanitorium
  3. <**patroneSS err on untreated cocagnes [pastel rolls])**><congreSs tranSpose><patron arson deterrentS><congoes partS uncatenated [unlinked]><attend organS concause linked causes]><Seers perSonator(s) [imitators] reattuned>
  4. <**beloruSSian habit bury meet [those met with]**><eaSt belaruS Aim burn thy Son> <eaSt burns a bluer entamoebiaSis [bacterial disease]>
  1. dezpised (1 for 'despised'), Mongolians, pantheism, sanitorium, simulation, shipment, elongations, Congoes, personators, uncatenated, untreated, cocagnes, Congress, entamoebiaSis
  2. reattuned, Belorussian
  3. dozes, dezpite (7 for despite), pigments, Taoism / Maoist, concause, deterrents, personator
  4. ezpied (10 for espied), Belarus
  5. -
  6. bury
  7. Mideast, dementias, Bathin
  8. burns
  9. Patroness / transpose
  10. -
  11. burn
  12. -
  13. organs, bluer
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. insane
  19. -
  20. habit

Friday, May 9, 2014

Nostradamus C.7 Q.39: The French army leader mutilated by his adversaries.

Nostradamus C.7 Q.39: The French army leader mutilated by his adversaries.

Here yet again we have a verse whose text is full of vague, cryptic enigmas but its anagrams contain many names and they provide links to other verses that fill in the detail. Amongst the names Freemasonic, Pandora and Prussia provide important settings for this tale of a French military leader who loses a large part of his army in a foreign land.  It is in essence an unflattering character description  of a leader whose behaviour inflames retribution from his adversaries.
 The leader of the French army
will expect to lose the main phalanx.
Upon the pavement of oats and slate
the foreign nation will be undermined through Genoa.
 Le conducteur del'armee Francoi$e
Cuidant perdre le principal phalange
Par $us paire de l'auaigne et d'ardoise
Soy parfondra par Gennes gent e$trange.
  1. <Freemasonic adulterer concLude><delarue conduct><mere ForenSical deal>< delarue occLudent [blocked] Scenario><duct enclose><France true emerald decoLoniSe> <Falconries conduce [lead to] true deal><Loise France counted>
  2. <phalangeal /(alpha angel) principle unprediCated [unaffirmed]<alpha elder principal undeprecating[not disapproving] ><elder principal parent guidanCe>eduCating
  3. <**Persia displeaSure negated uia a rod***><**date Periods urSa [Bear] l'iguana  (Draco?) paired **> <pruSsia elders date a Periods><Persias upraised><leader denigrate(d) pairs ursa Poise(d)>
  4. <So pay for genes test range><pandora far< greatneSs><pardon Gangrenes ten reagentS>
  1. Freemasonic, conclude, occludent, decolonise, conduce, phalangeal, unpredicated
  2. undeprecating, guidance, displeasure, Prussia, gangrenes
  3. forensical / falconries, educating, denigrated, Pandora
  4. scenario, principal
  5. conduct, periods
  6. negated, upraised, poised
  7. adulterer
  8. denigrate
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. emerald
  15. paired
  16. -
  17. greatness
  18. Louise, Delarue
  19. Persias
  20. enclose

Nostradamus C.7 Q.38: The equestrians death that affects us all.

Nostradamus C.7 Q.38: The equestrians death that affects us all.

This verse is different to most of those in Centuries seven since it doesn't offer a significant name nor does it easily link into the concept of the evolution of the soul. Yet its anagrams have powerful connections with the text and it may well be that it delvers the necessary relevance through its detail. There is no doubt that the text and the anagrams are about  physical mutilation through an equestrian accident. The text tells us the magnitude of the mutilation in a very generalised way but the anagrams tell us the shocking details of how the entrails are torn apart and the genitals separated from the body by the mob as much as the accident itself. There is a sense in the anagrams of a courtly involvement in the plight of the equestrian with the courtiers emotionally involved in the lead up events and its immediate aftermath.  The story and the context fit into the events of the financial turmoil starting in the current decade which involve an Olympic equestrian, gold scandals and a financial crisis that underpins all the disasters that follow (See my paper on Nostradamus-gold_date_code for more.) From this we can conclude this is no routine part of history but a critical moment when the chance to alter the fate of mankind is lost.
The elder royal one on a frisky horse
will spur so fiercely that it will bolt.
Mouth, mouthful, foot complaining in the embrace;
dragged, pulled, to die horribly.
 L'ai$ne Royal sur cour$ier voltigeant
Picquer viendra $i rudement courir
Gueulle lipee pied dans l'estrein pleignant
Traine tire horriblement mourir.
  1. <aLiens over elating Scurrilous><geneRaLisation revolt slay><Royals crouus><courierS><slay RelationS><noRSe raucously lot genitaLia riverS><eating lover entRailS>
  2. <documentarieS driven><court e-Pic drainS rude men quiver> <InvaderS unmerited><ruction><incorruPt cirque [mountain lake] driven>
  3. <lands neGating serpentine (S-shaped) uuell><pillule [small pill] tunnaGe [tonnage]>{dilatedness> <antigen splinter><sadden listener>
  4. <entire moment horrible><either Train or embroilment [fight]><remount their Terrain><therein /neither embroiler [fighter] mount>
  1. scurrilous, generalisation, raucously, over-elating, genitalia, unmerited, incorrupt, pillule, tunnage, embroiler, embroilment
  2. documentar(ies / ise), ruction, negating, dilatedness, moment (+2 as 'moment')
  3. revolt, rivers, quiver, Serpentine
  4. therein / neither
  5. Royals, lover, either
  6. couriers
  7. splinter
  8. elating
  9. relations / orientals
  10. crouus
  11. cirque, antigen
  12. slay / lays
  13. -
  14. court, drains
  15. listener
  16. over, mount
  17. -
  18. uuell

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nostradamus C.7 Q.36: The evolution of the Soul from horror to trust.

Nostradamus C.7 Q.36: The evolution of the Soul from horror to trust.

n the text of this verse Nostradamus alludes to the themes I identify as central to the verses in Centuries seven. In the first line he links the dramatic changes in the human soul to the time of flood at the end of this cetury. In doing so we see he nominates the evolutionary focal point as words, the production of which distinguishes both the physical and the ethereal nature of the higher species. He then ties this into more detail about the way in which humans bring about the end to their own dominance of the highest point of evolution. Modern man has largely forgotten that our species is not the end point but merely a passing flutter in the unrelenting progress of evolution. And he emphasises not the strength but the weakness of our current evolutionary standpoint wherein our savage origins linger on in the form of wars and criminality until the rise of trust pemeates the newly emerging soul.
The anagrams tell the same story in a difrerent way, reflecting on the savagery of our past through the mirror of Nazi Germany and modern industrial energy demands but counterbalancing and overriding it is the views of a philosopher named in this verse. Not only is he named but his philosophical position is also given throough the complex anagram of Gnosticizer.
Epicurus (341-270 BC):For Epicurus, the purpose of philosophy was to attain the happy, tranquil life, characterized by ataraxia—peace and freedom from fear—and aponia—the absence of pain—and by living a self-sufficient life surrounded by friends. He taught that pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and evil; death is the end of both body and soul and should therefore not be feared; the gods neither reward nor punish humans; the universe is infinite and eternal; and events in the world are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space
God, the heavens, all the divine words in the wave
carried by seven red-shaven heads to Byzantium:
against the anointed three hundred from Trebizond,
will make two laws, first horror then trust.
Dieu le ciel tout le diuin verbe a l'vnde
Porte par rouges $ept razes a Bizance
ontre les oingz trois cens de Trebi$conde
Deux loix mettront et horreur puis credence.
  1. <outlet inDeed lie in verbal clue><*Denied lie to dilute unrevivable clue**> <undivertible> <alnvveber denied clue outlie>
  2. <nazi Preoperatot guess part baseZ> <Basiz Portance> <uproar iz tzar-Base aPocenter[ furthest point]>
  3. <**eleCtron so gnosticizer [gnostic view exponent] ends Second Tribe**><Scribe Condones descenT><inTercrossed><eleCtrons biSector ends riots><considers iS beT-ter so Condone zign>
  4. <oil exuDence {seeping]><rotten mix hotter purer discure [discover]><rue hotter rotten mix underprices excluDe><hotter curies torment purer oil exuDence> Epicurus creed unexceeded
  1. unrevivable, indivertible, preoperator, basiz, gnosticizer, scribe, bisector, under-prices, Epicurus, exudence ,oil exudence
  2. indeed / denied, condones
  3. verbal, apocenter, basez, intercrossed
  4. portance, considers, hotter, exudence
  5. -
  6. -
  7. dilute, nazi
  8. guess, descent
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. exclude
  15. torment
  16. -
  17. purer
  18. outlet
  19. tribe
  20. died