Saturday, May 31, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.9 Q.34 - Luther's impact as a Paraclete on ideology and war.

Nostradamus' verse C.9 Q.34 - Luther's impact as a Paraclete on ideology and war.

The following verse  describes the impact in the sixteenth century of Luther's views on the wars of that century. It then nominates the same tensions as being the cause of wars later in this century. The reference to oil for knives is a particularly apt reference to the trading of arms for fuel.  The anagram for Paracletus in the fourth line gives a bold and demagogic public-speaking framework to the style and aim of Luther's mission.
The single part afflicted will be mitered,
Return conflict to pass over the tile:
For five hundred one to betray will be titled
Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives.
Le part $oluz mary $era mittre
Retour conflict pa$$era $ur le thuille
Par cinq cens vn trahyr $era tiltre
Narbon et Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.
  1. <preLate art martyriSe Soul> <Letter part mary marieS Soulz><poleStar remittaL> <Leper /repeL artS miStreat mary zoul><Seaport luz mary remittaL yearS>
  2. <lutherS era Pass><luther aSSure ill plaStic forecount><urSae Route paSS luther iller conflict [in text]> <pact aSSureS luther illeR counterfoil><Luther pact aSSureS illeR contour fil>
  3. <in terreStrial Parc> <harry rateS triPle arc><tripPle arreST>
  4. <court place note uSa uxa sound><hudson Spectacular Non-reliable><paracletuS borne> <aS baroNet clue><baroN nucleateS parc><Speculate born><Near hudson ill bone Spectacular>
  1. martyrise, counterfoil, forecount, Harry, nonreliable, spectacular,
  2. remittal, terrestrial, Harry, speculate, Paracletus
  3. Polestar, Luthers, nucleates
  4. Luther
  5. mistreat
  6. -
  7. Mary
  8. -
  9. triple
  10. -
  11. seaport

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