Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Nostradamus' C.V Q.100 - The evolution of the super-ape.

Nostradamus' C.5 Q.100 - The evolution of the super-ape.

The following verse offers powerful insights into the future of mankind with a quite logical implication that we will not remain the dominant species on this planet. A super-ape will evolve from cosmic events at the end of this century. Other verses tell of man's efforts to eliminate this threat but such attempts will ultimately fail.
 C.5 Q.100
The incendiary trapped in his own fire,
Of fire from the sky at Carcassonne and the Comminge
Foix, Auch, Mazères, the high old man escaped,
Through those of Hesse and Thuringia, and some Saxons.
Le boutefeu par $on feu attrape
De feu du ciel a Carcas et Cominge
Foix Aux Mazere haut vieillart e$chappe
Par ceux de ha$$e des Saxons et Turinge.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <fortunate ape><profaneS pretabulLate><future-ape Son operabLe>
  2. <Comets arc feeDing deuu ice> < a Caudicle [pollen] feD genomiC traces>
  3. <hear all ix [nine] chapterS of uxA Maze><ix chapterS oF uxA maze hear a ill vi-rtue>
  4. <oxens aS ruTting uxe caPer Seed-Heads><eruPTing arc exude [release]><nuTrients ox head aSSeSsed><recaPTuring uxe set on Seed Heads><enTrusting ox uxe caPer head uxe><SeegheadS set recuperaTing axons [nerve centres] uxe>
  1. pretabulate, operable, caudicle, chapters, rutting, oxens, recapturing, erupting, seedheads, nutrients, entrusting, recuperating
  2. feeding, genomic, axons
  3. fortunate, assessed
  4. profanes
  5. -
  6. comets
  7. maze
  8. -
  9. heads

Nostradamus' V.5 Q.99- vital code clues on location and content.

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.99- vital code clues on location and content.

The following verse has an unusual quality befitting the penultimate verse of the middle chapter of the Prophecies. Its text identifies specific places and a cryptic reference that should aid in dating it. However the anagrams don't point to a historical event but instead they have the consistent appearance of being about Nostradamus' coding technique telling us where to look and what to expect at special locations.
Milan, Ferrara, Turin and Aquileia,
Capua, Brindisi vexed by the Celtic nation:
By the Lion and his Eagle¹s phalanx,
When Rome will have the old British chief.
Milan Ferrare Turin et Aquilleye
Capne Brundis vexes par gent Celtique
Par le Lyon et phalange aquilee
Quant Rome aura le chef vieux Britannique.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <Final Quatrein M [1000=X.100] True rare ill eye> <eTrurian liquAte><rarer inFlaMe/ FeMinal uTerine equAllity>
  2. <Burden/  Burned is perCentages piquanCe [potential rightness] vex><Bindrune letter-spaCing vexes><apexes><presag-ient Celt> <reCtangle quite Cap><quite negleCt> <presage>
  3. <reaLly note alpha equi-angle><Lonely> <path angel /angle><phaeton[legend] reaLly a Pelique angel>
  4. <Quatrain-unique numeRator> <QuateRon [set of four] anti quin BurieX five><quintain [fifth] fleche [church spire] exurBiant [outside city] iv /vi [4/6]>
  1. percentage, bindrune, letter-spacing' exurbiant
  2. Phaeton
  3. piquance, vexes, really
  4. burden / burned, neglect, apexes, rectangle, path, quateron
  5. feminal / inflame
  6. Etrurian, numerator
  7. -
  8. relay, lonely
  9. Quintain
  10. quatrein,  five
  11. presage
  12. uterine

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nostradamus' C.V Q.98 - impact of rising arsenic levels in the oceans

Nostradamus' C.5 Q.98 - impact of rising arsenic levels in the oceans

The following verse supplies detail about the environmental factors relevant to the end of the 21st century. One of the consequences is a large rise in the arsenic levels in the oceans. It is this that poisons the food chains used by man.
At the forty-eighth climacteric degree,
At the end of Cancer very great dryness:
Fish in sea, river, lake boiled hectic,
Béarn, Bigorre in distress through fire from the sky.
A quarante huict degre climaterique
A fin de Cancer $i grande $eichere$$e
Poi$$on en mer fleuue lac cuit hectique
Bearn Bigorre par feu ciel en de$tre$$e.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <Aqua greed requite authentic claim>
  2. <arSenic dangerS><here find SeAS increaSed><arSenic decreaSing her defiAnCe><reaSsigned><hereS-ieS defiAnCeS can danger riSe>
  3. <refuel ethic cuticulae [ringworm] PoiSonS quiet men><uue ci(r)culate ethic>
  4. <Boring Bear SeeS reSt decline><luciene StreSSed reproBing Bear fear><Big n Bear SteerS><Be Bearing SS decline Steer>
  1. authentic, cuticulae, probing, boring
  2. decreasing
  3. increased, defiance, bearing
  4. claim
  5. reassigned
  6. decline
  7. -
  8. ethic
  9. -
  10. requite
  11. -
  12. arsenic, poisons

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nostradamus C.4 Q.66- polar treasure and human costs.

Nostradamus C.4 Q.66- polar treasure and human costs.

This is an intriguing verse since it seems to foretell exploration for treasure in the deepest and most remote regions of the world. The pursuit of this project is only possible by dehumanising the world's people and ignoring the adverse effects of the events that free up hitherto unreachable treasures. It is a foretelling of the economic mindset, the power of wealth and position and the hypocrisy aroused when profit must be weighed against the well-being of sections of mankind.
C.3 Q.92
Under the feigned color of seven shaven heads
Diverse spies will be scattered:
Wells and fountains sprinkled with poisons,
At the fort of Gennes devourers of men.
Soubz couleur faincte de $ept te$tes ra$ees
Seront $emes diuers explorateurs
Puys et fontaines de poy$ons arrou$ees
Au fort de Gennes humains deuorateurs
  1. <frantic reaSSess deepeSt teSt><teSt decent Step failure><fair descent><louuer Sea eSso zub SteepeSt reST>
  2. <ex-diuers Surest polar remoteneSS><**monSter diues explores treaSures**><treaSurerS demiSe not sure>
  3. <**nation re-arouSes seed poySons stupefy**>
  4. <foresAuu dehumanises at our Gene> <orate inhumaneness due of Greted [great] uuArs>
  1. treasurers, stupefy, foresauu, dehumanise, inhumaneness
  2. explores
  3. frantic, steepest
  4. re-arouses
  5. re-assess, remoteness, treasures
  6. failure
  7. -
  8. descent, demise
  9. -
  10. -
  11. deepest, decent
  12. -
  13. -
  14. uuars
  15. nation

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.94-97: His views on drugs.

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.94-97: His views on drugs.

It is quite normal that any writings by any person will reflect their interest and their occupation. The surprise in Nostradamus Prophecies is his lack of predictions about medicine and the treatment of the ill. Yet the surface writings are in keeping with the dread fears demanded by the church of Rome and accordingly is full of hints on pestilence, war, floods and fire. Nostradamus was a pharmacist and a physician with a claim to being able to see the future. Whether this claim is true or false it would be incredible if Nostradamus did not use this latter skill to explore ideas useful to his own profession. There is little hint of this in the visible text but there are obscure and seemingly meaningless passages such as The nautical ore will tempt the shadows that hint at things that are best kept secret in the 16th century.
The last section of Centuries five has numerous verses with anagrams that hold little in the way of Nostradamus' major story lines yet the ideas in them reflect drugs of special interest to Nostradamus. Below I analyse four of these (Q.94-97) that appear consecutively at the end of Centuries five. The text of the first two of these may cover features of drug production, distribution and impact on leaders and the population. The third seems to be a description of drugs used in the birth of a special child while the fourth recounts the manner in which drugs are used for population control. It is these parameters relevant to Nostradamus' time and the future that make them part of the broader stories Nostradamus tells.  
He will transfer into great Germany 
Brabant and Flanders, Ghent, Bruges and Boulogne:
The truce feigned, the great Duke of Armenia
Will assail Vienna and Cologne.
The nautical oar will tempt the shadows,
Then it will come to stir up the great Empire:
In the Aegean Sea the impediments of wood
Obstructing the diverted Tyrrhenian Sea.
The rose upon the middle of the great world, For new deeds public shedding of blood:
To speak the truth, one will have a closed mouth,
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come.
The one born deformed suffocated in horror,
In the habitable city of the great King:
The severe edict of the captives revoked,
Hail and thunder, Condom inestimable.
The first of these four verses carries a series of anagrams that sit well as an appraisal of the background to a society where drugs are rife.  Ganglanders, dreaming non-abrogable drug-ban are terms suggestive of a legal environment where black-market supply is prominent. The anagrams of the third line imply that an impure chemical[ [sulfinate] fuses part of the heart[atrium] while the user is in a drug-like dreaming state. And the last line helps identify the oil-dependent regions that are worst affected within the places named in the text. It also links it to a time when the seas are cooling.
He will transfer into great Germany 
Brabant and Flanders, Ghent, Bruges and Boulogne:
The truce feigned, the great Duke of Armenia
Will assail Vienna and Cologne.
Tran$latera en la grand Germanie
Brabant et Fladres Gand Bruges et Bolongne
La trai$ue faint le grand Duc d'Armenie
A$$aillira Vienne et la Coloigne.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <**dreaminG alTernateS near graal**><**marine Ganglander TranSlate era**><disarranGemenT alert><main danGer TranSlate><near graal meanderinG TranSlate>
  2. <nonaBrograble [legally unchallengable] druG-Ban Beset><Obsolete druG-Ban flatten arab dreGs><faltered><Flattered>
  3. <Dud time-cAlendar><and faltering atriaL [heart chamber] uSe remAined><atriaL Sulfinate [salt or ester of sulfinic acid ] remAined ungraDed><fuSe atriaL Duc(t) and altering Dream>
  4. (loCaL Agonies aS Viral il(l)><loCate gAsoline><Cooling SeAS ail rival><ASiaS ill raVine>< loCate oil>
  1. disarrangement, flatten, obsolete, nonabrogable, sulfinate, cooling
  2. flattered
  3. meandering, drug-ban, faltered
  4. dreaming, ganglander, locate, agonies,
  5. -
  6. alternates, local
  7. rival / viral
  8. altering / alerting, atrial,
  9. translate, gesture
  10. gasoline
  11. -
  12. remained
The second of the verses has a rare anagram for narcotic and is used in a setting which implies it is a drug of choice for lovers. The tone of the verse and its hidden message suggest that Nostradamus was well aware of the dangers of drug-use and condemned its use by the ill-informed. The use of the anagram for essential oils derived from wood [camphenes] acts as a hint towards lowering the impact of these drugs. And the first line suggests the full answer offered by this verse lies in the numbers generated by Nostradamus' code.

The nautical oar will tempt the shadows,
Then it will come to stir up the great Empire:
In the Aegean Sea the impediments of wood
Obstructing the diverted Tirreme wave.
Nautique rame inuitera les vmbres
Du grand Empire lors viendra conciter
La mer Aegee des lignes lesencombres
Empe$chant l'onde Tirreme defflotez.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <quatreiNs real-virtues remain several Nvmbers it reveals><earliest Nvmbers><reveals quatreiNs minutiae><reveals quite miniature><urbaNites marvels unite marque><neutralise Nvmbers><quatreiNs versatile>
  2. <narcotic Drug lovers dine prime dan(g)Er><draconic version namEd Drug peril><i rEprimand lovers Drug conceit><and cancroid [cancerous] veins Drug priimE role><namEd Drug driven accretion roles><reDuction prime dangEr><occitan granDeur driven>
  3. <embaLmers Agree once lessen seedlin(gs)><sombre reaLm lessen Seedling Age><maLe Agree enclose single seed>
  4. <olden chantS><redeTermined lot camphEnes [essential oils] letz-off>
  1. miniature, nvmbers, marvels, redetermined
  2. minutiae, draconic / cancroid, seedlings, camphenes
  3. version, accretion, sombre, embalmers,
  4. versatile, quatreins, urbanites, narcotic, lovers, conceit
  5. neutralise
  6. -
  7. Occitan
  8. reprimand, reduction
  9. -
  10. -
  11. earliest
  12. reveals / several
The text and anagrams of the verse below take on meaning when they are seen as the writings of a physician about the event of a special birth. Anagrams such as labours and ovary set the  framework explaining, the public shedding of blood as something new is created, the closed mouth the opened to reveal the truth of the rose upon the middle of the great world. The event described is  a difficult, secretive and endangered birth requiring the use of drugs to lessen the sounds of labour.

The rose upon the middle of the great world, For new deeds public shedding of blood:
To speak the truth, one will have a closed mouth,
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come.
Sur le milieu du grand monde la ro$e
Pour nouueaux faicts $ang public e$pandu
A dire vray on aura bouche clo$e
Lors au be$oing viendra tard l'attendu.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <and demon drug Solar ruleS><**i-reillume drug-man leonardo uSeS**><mlii [1052] unguarded demon Solar ruleS><leonard uSeS random miller >
  2. <piScean douunPour afix auue><pub uuorn Special caStings Pound >
  3. <vAried on ray aura> <he cloSe a dire ovary arab-ouun>
  4. <Labours noiSe attuned as rad dart given>< a dart driven unaLlotted biogenS [seed of protein]**><abuser So Loud latent rad-ion dart (be) given> 
  1. Leonardo, douunpour, castings, veining
  2. labours
  3. -
  4. unguarded, uuorn, unallotted, abusers
  5. miller, special, ovary, varied, biogens
  6. -
  7. -
  8. Piscean
  9. -
  10. attuned, given
A royal mercy-killing  is condoned by changing the usual laws.

The anagrams of this verse include references to  a disease involving accumulative scarring (morphea), a drug related scandal and allusions to the culling of an ageing population.
The one born deformed suffocated in horror,
In the habitable city of the great King:
The severe edict of the captives revoked,
Hail and thunder, Condom inestimable.
Le nay difforme par horreur $uffoque
Dans la cite du grand Roy habitable
L'edict $euere des captifs reuoque
Gre$le et tonnere Condon ine$timable.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <if day for morphea [autoimmune disease] err><or usurer hamper queen-off-daily>
  2. <dragonRy habit duet Dalliances><**landS cite a hoaRy and bitable drug**><it able tie drug scandal>
  3. <if uSe apt decrees oLder-queues cited><Sect Lied first (who) uuoqe escaped><oLder-queue fits space><oLder-queues cited uSe depreciates>
  4. <Condone timeS in elGebra [ Orionis]><enCoder inset no letter-ennS><denominationS>
  1. escaped, denominations
  2. morphea, hamper, hoary,dalliances, first, depreciates
  3. bitable, elgebra
  4. -
  5. decrees
  6. -
  7. condone, encoders
  8. -
  9. -
  10. scandal
See C.5 Q.43 for similar drug references.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Nostradamus' C.5 Q.93- Belarus, gold, commerce and round globules.

Nostradamus' C.5 Q.93- Belarus, gold, commerce and round globules.

This verse provides an important part of the background detail to the financial crisis that will undermine the current status of mankind. Its anagrams name the hidden participants whose self-seeking plans go awry. Its themes are consistent with the major stories that Nostradamus claims are the substance of his prophecies. They are centred on actions in the west and northern parts of Europe and the attempts of those in high office in  these regions to dominate commodities traded on share markets of the world.
There is however also a common intrusion that confuses the message in the anagrams. Many verses caryy the same type of intrusion; messages about the construction of the code, its relevance and the manner in which it is to be used.
Under the land of the round lunar globe, When Mercury will be dominating: The isle of Scotland will produce a luminary, One who will put the English into confusion.
Soubs le terroir du rond globe lunaire
Lors que $era dominateur Mercure
L'isle d'E$co$$e fera vn luminaire
Qui les Anglois mettra de$confiture.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <**blue gold round beloruSsian terroire **><beloruSsian round globule> <gold unable riSe round> <round globule terrori(s)ed bourSe>
  2. <Mercature [commerce] domain ruLe><romaniSed Mercature ruLe><quaereS [questions] recur dominate roLes><nuMerate roLes quareS recur><Seer Mature domain recur>
  3. <unravel main siLlier Seed><israeLi alumni [graduate] freeS codeleSS><fear murnival [four equal tokens] eSS codeS lies Linear>
  4. <losing unfit codeS eQuAliser matter><Scattered if no true An(a)logism> <**mistreat long codeS unfit eQuAliser**><contraSted fit eQuaLiser><confideS eQuAlis(e) true matter losing>
  1. globule, unable, Israeli, murnival, scattered, contrasted
  2. Belorussian, gold, mercature, unfit, confides, equalise
  3. codeless
  4. equaliser, dominate
  5. Romanised, numerate, unravel, mistreat, sillier
  6. -
  7. -
  8. domain
  9. round
  10. -
  11. alumni


Nostradamus' C.5 Q.92- Corporate misadventures in the latter part of the 21st century.

Nostradamus' C.5 Q.92- Corporate misadventures in the latter part of the 21st century.

The following verse has text which reads as though it is the history of the management of an institution or organisation. Several of its most complex and rare anagrams complement this idea. However the verse is not rich in such anagrams and it appears to be a side issue with only limited relevance to Nostradamus' main  themes.
After the see has been held seventeen years,
Five will change within the same period of time:
Then one will be elected at the same time,
One who will not be too comfortable to the Romans.
Apres le siege tenu dix$ept ans
Cinq changeront en tel reuolu terme
Pui$$era l'vn e$leu de me$me temps
Qui des Romains ne $era trop conforme.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <united Sex><aptneSs relies><persiAs-planets><get index-uSe>
  2. <garonne tenet><rontgen change louuer-letter incq<**inCq change not relent louuer meter **>
  3. <venal uPriSes><iSrael'S Pumps meet Seem eludeS> <eludeS univerSalS><Seem vernal iSSue / ieSuS eludeS me>
  4. <eQuiform [company] Romanised corporateneSs><procreateS on mansion form> <corporate> <readmission Seen><insane misdoeR arreSt> <Rides on eaSter mansion crop><esQuiRedom form on eSsenian crop>
  1. pumps, universals, corporateness, esquiredom
  2. Equiform, corporate, misdoer, readmission, procreates
  3. -
  4. -
  5. Romanised, Essenian, mansion
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. Rontgen
  10. -
  11. -
  12. form / from

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Unravelling the Sephirot of Centuries 5 quatrain 91.

Unravelling the Sephirot  of  Centuries 5  quatrain 91.

C.5 Q.91
At the market that they call that of liars, 
Of the entire Torrent and field of Athens: 
They will be surprised by the light horses, 
By those of Alba when Mars in Leo and Saturn in regression
Au grand marche qu'on dict des men$ongiers,
De tout Torrent et champ Athenien:
Seront $urprins par les cheuaux legiers
Par Albanois Mars Leo Sat vn ver$ien
I believe it is foolish when people use their own ignorance to dismiss out-of-hand Nostradamus' claim that each of his verses contains its answer. They can make such a case since nearly every verse of Nostradamus at its surface level is almost meaningless and until now it hasn't been shown to be otherwise. It is true that vagueness is part of a shyster's tricks but scamsters rarely pitched their scam to those from whom they couldn't hope to benefit, To answer these conundrums in mid 2003 I used the three verses to show the surface message does contain an unambiguous  resolution to each verse singularly  and as a group. I then undertook the task of showing that this applies throughout Nostradamus' work.
In pursuing my goal I reveal what is paramount in each verse at the visible and encrypted level. I do this because Nostradamus uses the same-style lock that makes the chromosome such a powerful generator of life's structures. Both involve a duality in whhich either of  its parts is inert and meaningless without its interlocking code. And just as  you need an overview of a sequence not an isolated part to break the code of the DNA you cannot solve Nostradamus' via either its visible or hiden messages alone nor by examining a single verse ib isolation.

Was Nostradamus a charlatan? Many people argue that he was but such an argument ignores the context of his creativity. What charlatan gains attention, acclaim, fame or power by talking of things so far in the future that he will never enjoy material benefits from his work? What charlatan goes to the trouble of building so many verses that are totally meaningless to the people of his or any day? What end does such secrecy serve to a charlatan? These questions have to be anwered by what lies underneath the visible text in order to show that his powers were not a sham. And the seemingly meaningless verses have to have substance added. It is for this reason I have often presented verses that are so vague and seemingly lacking in relevance that no other analysts take much interest in them. The three I ued in 2013  fall into this catgegory as you can see below. It is in similar seemingly meaningless verses that I  frequently unveil the most powerful and significant information. In doing this I am not a prophet I am fulfilling my role as decoder, the uncoverer of Nostradamus' coding mechanisms.

C.4 Q.84 A great one of Auxerre will die very miserable,
Driven out by those who had been under him: 
Put in chains, behind a strong cable, 
In the year that Mars, Venus and Sun are in conjunction
C.4 Q.97 The year that Mercury, Mars, Venus in retrogression The line of the great Monarch will not fail: 
Elected by the Portuguese people near Cadiz, 
One who will come to grow very old in peace and reign.C.
C.5 Q.91
At the market that they call that of liars, 
Of the entire Torrent and field of Athens:  They will be surprised by the light horsesBy those of Alba when Mars in Leo and Saturn in regression.

I have highlighted what turn out be the most powerful astronomic clues of each verse. But enough of these introductions the presentation of the hidden code is where I take you now.
Why I chose to start this analysis with verse C.5 Q.91.
The content of this verse certainly defies any attempt to give it unumabiguous meaning through its visible wording. And even that which seems helpful such as the astronomic settings of Mars in Leo with Saturn in regression is far too general to meet the objective precise dating. Yet keep in mind Nostradadamus claims each verse's tale can be read with this degree of clarity.
At the market that they call that of liars, 
Of the entire Torrent and field of Athens: 
They will be surprised by the light horses, 
By those of Alba when Mars in Leo and Saturn in regression
Au grand marche qu'on dict des men$ongiers,
De tout Torrent et champ Athenien:
Seront $urprins par les cheuaux legiers
Par Albanois Mars Leo Sat vn ver$ien
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <orgAnises mens deduction><So discounted men resign><dementS sougrAigne [pyrenees] <gennoS [begets]><regions>
  2. <i match noteD pAth Tutor enter><then i etch A map><i then match ten Denote Torture>
  3. <in heracles uxual regreSsion Spurt><real spin chase regreSsion Spurt>
  4. <PerSian Albino vaSt Arms rolES><MoraLiSes So ban vervant AirPlanes><vniverSe ParAbolani [bury dead] )>


  1. deduction(s) / discounted, regression
  2.  Sougraigne, parabolani, moralises
  3. match
  4. organises, path, spurt, airplanes
  5. albino
  6. -
  7. dements, torture
  8. regions
  9. -
  10. -
  11. gennos, Heracles
  12. vast
When archeologists look down upon an ancient landscape they see patterns in the green of grass, the type of plants, the geometric shaped plots in which feral plants thrive or die. And in these patterns they see the potential for the discovery of past habitations that have left their mark buried beneath the soil.  And the same is true whenever I now read a verse of the Prophecies for I see clues based on my experiences and threads already discovered.  I had assessed this verse as highly significant because its last line carries a great number of  markers in the form  of anagrams holding a capital letter. And there is a marker in the third line that only occurs in this verse. The word Nostradamus uses in the fourth line to signify regression is ver$ien which is partly interesting as it is a composite anagram of in-verse. It is not for this reason that I was interested but because in the line above it there is an anagram for regression in the form of 'giers Seron'.  This is the only anagram of this word anywhere in the Prophecies and being placed so close to a line talking of regresssion is surely noteworthy but not conclusive. And there is even a tenuous reason my thinking the verse is linked to the story of fraud in the gold market because its first line relates to 'a market of liars'. Both these factors of interlocked relevance and connection to the gold themes are crucial if my proof is to stand scrutiny.
Now the anagram for Regression in the third line is accompanied by two names for one constellation. There is Hercules in the form of 'r les cheu'  and Heracles as 'ar les che'. It is true that neither contains a capital but it remains consistent with my rules for exceptions which allow a highly important name of a person or place to be lower case. Although there are eleven occurrences in total for Heracles and three hidden anagrams for Hercules this is the only one where both occur in the same verse or line. And it is possible (but not essential) to see that these form a sequence saying 'Hercules/Heracles usual regreSsion'  where  'uaux l'  provides the imperfect anagram for 'usual'. If these verses are indeed unambiguous then they must hide the name of a constellation in which Saturn is retrograde in its motion so that the hidden facts can deliver certainty to the visible vagueness.  Certainty is a hard task-master but It is at this point that the end of the second line begins to take on meaning for it alludes to Athenien fields thereby adding a Greek setting for the name and particularly one where contests  are held. So, as I have already claimed, the visible clue hints at an aspect useful for confirming the hidden name. Such a device is essential if the hidden and the visible are to be uniquely united. And it appears that this is what Nostradamus is doing here, building a chromosome-like code.
The relevance of the foregoing begins to blossom into richer detail when we take into account the story of Heracles and in particular his role in the foundation of an event with which we are all familiar, the Olympic Games. Now the myths relate that Heracles laid the foundations for regular contests between sporting heroes along the lines of an earlier figure called Pelops
'Pelops was was the winner of a chariot race for which the prize was the hand in marrige of Princess Hippodameia. After his victory, Pelops organized chariot races as thanksgiving to the gods and as funeral games in honor of King Oinomaos, in order to be purified of his death. It was from this funeral race held at Olympia that the beginnings of the Games were inspired. Pelops became a great king, a local hero, and gave his name to the Peloponnese.
Eventually Pelops became part of the local mythology. According to legend, Hercules founded the Games at the place where Pelops' tomb was located at Olympia. '
It is apparent that the reference to light horse found in the third line of the text has relevance to this tale for Pelops relationship with winged horses and chariot racing were a gift from the Gods. Now in outlining my tale on the gold crisis I identified its unique linkages to the modern Oympics and in particular the equestrian sports found through anagrams in C.10 Q.64. This verse holds the reference that now ties it to this theme, not just by the name of Heracles and action in Athenien fields but to the allusion in the third line to 'light horses."  This now represents a great example of the link mechanisms used by Nostradamus. Through understanding the allusion of a classical story (past) via the imagery in the verse (present) unique links are made to another verse about the future. C.5 Q.91 is therefore linked to C.10 Q.94 in one of the left hand spheres of Nostradamus' Sephirot code and this takes the reader directly into the story of gold in this decade. Thereby 'the great market of liars' mentioned in the first line of the current verse moves beyond the tenuous link which Ied me to examine it to one bearing on silver-gold fraud. These relationships are all guided by the channels ditated by their theme and by the nature of their content which is consistent with the traditional attributes of the Sephirot's ten spheres (wisdom, knowledge  past, present etc.).
So there is a very strong base for believing this verse is about events in this decade and it will be reinforced as the path of the Sephirot is mapped out more fully. In this regard there is a lightweight but interesting sequence of anagrams that emerges from the second line and its Athenien fields. The visible French text is "De tout Torrent et champ Athenien" and its adjacent anagrams provide a sequence that almost mirrors the purpose that this process must do if it is to give a unique resolution to the message. It says "I then neeD A map Torrent etch out" (etch amp A then i enDe tou  tTorren t) but it is at best circumstantial and requires more definitive resolution to be accepted as being outside the bounds of chance.
But, with my own increased degree of confidence in the viability and the uniqueness of what this process yields I can and should show the implications of the astronomic reference knowing it will sharpen up the detail in an increasingly  well-defined story.
Fortunately this particular astronomic setting is not difficult to locate. Saturn is slow moving (about 30 degrees a year) so there are only a few blocks of years (about  3 to 4)  in a century where it is aligned or near to the constellation of Hercules. In most of these instances Mars will be in Leo at least once during the Saturn-Hercules alignment.  But there is only one of them that occurs when Hercules is in regression. The structure of the code directs us therefore to one and only one period that starts on17/8/2017 and ends three weeks later on 5/9/2017. These are the dates when the crisis cumulates but it has beginnings five years earlier. As I progress with the unveiling of these dates the unique significance of the greatest financial disaster in the history of the world will also emerge. It is this turmoil that spawns the wars and tragedies that follow

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.90- Chemical pollution in the Mediterranean.

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.90- Chemical pollution in the Mediterranean.

The following verse with its message about famine and false dust has long been seen as part of a Nostradamian theme about modern times. It is seen as a story of chemical pollution or intentional poisoning in the eastern Mediterranean Lands. Its anagrams add to this view but not with the strength generated in other verses. The mention of pellets, athletes and thirteen cycles are ones that seem to add detail to the surface message. The disaster occurs in thirteen waves lasting about twenty-one days from one cycle to the next and nine months in total.
In the Cyclades, in Perinthus and Larissa,
In Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus:
Very great famine, plague through false dust,
Nine months will it last and throughout the entire peninsula.
Dans les cyclades en perinthe et lari$$e
Dedans Sparte tout le Pelloponne$$e
Si grand famine pe$te par faux conni$$e
Neuf mois tiendra et tout le cherrone$$e.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <**iSraelS thirteen cycles deepens a lanDs**><earlieSt hint> <athlete riSeS><realiStS therein deepens a lanDs cycles><Stealthier / earthlieSt>
  2. <Spartans Deed>< no SenSe Spans dEad><openneSS saDdens outlet part><oneneSS Pellet lop out Deadness part><Spans rotate>
  3. <ingreSSions [entries] infamed [made]><reaSSignS Step infamed><confuxians readingS repeatS>
  4. <i rotate end motifs norSe cheer eNSue><motifs outlet retained norSe cheer><outlet fume disorientate><editions treat outlet>
  1. athlete, thirteen, stealthier / earthliest, openness, ingressions, motifs, disorientate
  2. cycles, deepens, reassigns
  3. Spartans, Confuxians
  4. therein
  5. realists, infamed, rotate (2 this verse)
  6. -
  7. hint, editions
  8. pellet
  9. -
  10. deadness
  11. earliest

Monday, March 17, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.89 - Odinist, Freemason sects influence on 21st century events in Europe.

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.89 - Odinist, Freemason sects influence on 21st century events in Europe.

The following verse offers powerful clues within its anagrams as to the substance behind the surface flamboyance. It tells the story of the sects that penetrate Europe and the professions that its leading members hold.
There are a set of profession-related anagrams that no reasonable expectation would anticipate finding together in one verse. These include biographer, economists and astronomies. These are then augmented by references to cults via equally complex anagrams such as Freemasons, Pendragonish readers and Odinist sect. And binding these are another series of highly complex anagrams such as craftiness, fearsome, trepidations, narratable, interfaces, abhor, contortions, aforetimes, mutilates. There are other anagrams too and as a group they indicate there was a deliberate attempt by Nostradamus to generate a framework for his visible text. It is no easy task to produce such a code and it must always by its very nature lead to some wrongful inclusions. However it is a matrix that gains clarity by its own complex coherence and the interfacing of these with ideas found in  both the visible and hidden text of other verses.
This verse is part of my presentation in Nostradamus on Sects.
Into Hungary through Bohemia, Navarre,
and under that banner holy insurrections:
By the fleur-de-lis legion carrying the bar,
Against Orléans they will cause disturbances.
Dedans hongrie par Boheme Nauarre
Et par bannieres faincts $editions
Par fleurs de lys pays portant la barre
Contre Orleans fera e$motions.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <**meNeau [French town] reareD biographer hands on**><**pendragonish reaDer meNeau aBhor><meNeau aBhor eDdan e-nographies>
  2. <odinist Sect in Step nine fear arab><**trEpidations in Sects refine a ban**><nine editions rEpeat craftineSs><it refine ions diStances><arab pEtitions inner diStances><diSsect into arab inner stEp><in part editions ban interfaceS>
  3. <reused narratable sporty plays><arab raPer sparsedly fuel> <sly patrons pay reused flare><**blatant raPer prosy [dull] rules splayed [scattered] far**>
  4. <freemaSons real Contortions> <Consentor learns aforetimeS> <learn eConomiSts fear> <reContrOl aStronomies><fearSome> <emotions>>
  1. Pendragonish, biographer, trepidations, mutilates / stimulates, petitions, narratable, sparsedly, blatant, Freemasons, economists, contortions, astronomies, aforetimes, fearsome,
  2. Odinist, station, craftiness, plays
  3. hands, sporty
  4. abhor, distances, dissect, splayed, prosy, interfaces
  5. -
  6. motions
  7. editions, emotions
  8. inner
  9. Menau, consentor

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.V Q.70 - Range of Cabalan influence

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.70 - Range of Cabalan influence 

The following verse supplies support detail about the cabal that Nostradamus sees as  influencing the catstrophic events at the end of this century. 

Of the regions subject to the Balance,
They will trouble the mountains with great war,
Captives the entire sex enthralled and all Byzantium
So that at dawn they will spread the news from land to land.
Des regions subiecte sa la Balance
Feront troubler les monts par grande guerre
Captifz tout sexe deu et tout Bi$ance
Qu'on criera a l'aube terre a terre.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <**i seal caBalan Degrees subsection**><alas ascenDaBle subregions cite> <gnosis decrees>
  2. <solemn parts reFer our danger><temporalness><arranged urge><past omens><or solemn part reFer rotten ruble danger>
  3. <But to / Butto CaptaincieS><if paCt z caBinetS [govt ministers] set out exude><if incuBateS paCt z to tout sex>
  4. <racier tableau no Quarter><beau conQuer aerial retreat>
  1. subsection, subregions, captaincies
  2. Butto, incubates, tableau
  3. Cabalan, temporalness, cabinets, quarter
  4. degrees, ascendable, gnosis
  5. decrees
  6. conquer

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Nostradamus' Centuries VIII quatrain 99 -Religious role in the 21st C.

Nostradamus' Centuries 8 quatrain 99 -Religious role in the 21st C.

This is once again a verse expressing  Nostradamus major theme about the nature of Christ and the  part this plays in the wars of this and other centuries. This is a verse with enigmas to excite the mind and  like so many with this theme its text gives us strong hints it is the anagrams that define it  and offer absolutus (completion). Compare this verse to those shown in my papers on the Nicean debate, Nostradamus' Gnostic views and the series containing  the Greek word for not begotten and you will see the strong religious themes in their text. The same themes exist here and they make sense in the context of a harsh debate over the begotten, unbegotten status of Christ.
The anagrams offer several terms that are easily identified as part of Religious discussions and these include Ierusalem, Isus, Paul, Osiris, desceration, ascend and descent but there is one that is not so commonly known that stands out. The word is Greek and occurs in the second line as aeigenes and it means eternally begotten, a status bestowed by the Christian Church on Jesus as well as their God. Like the words agennos (not begotten) and gennos (begotten) which dominate the verses in my papers named above it is part of the vocabularly emphasised by Athanasius in his discussions of the Arian controversy at the heart of the 325CE Nicean Council. There is only this one occurrence of the anagram for aeigenes in Nostradamus Prophecies and it occurs in this verse that talks of the restoration of the substance of the body and spirit, i.e. where  the eternally-begotten status of Christ will be surrendered for that of mortality. Additionally in this line where aeigenes occurs there are clusters that talk of a true gene, again linking the text to Christ's status of equality with God but it takes the opposite stance. We clearly have sound reasons for seeing the text as Nostradamus' story of the resolution of Christ's relationship to God.
The last line of this verse has anagrams on a very interesting but very different theme for it talks of the strength of Nostradamus powers to see the future.
C.8 Q.99
Through the power of three temporal kings,
the sacred seat will be put in another place,
where the substance of the body and the spirit
will be restored and received as the true seat.
Par la pui$$ance des trois rois temporelz
En autre lieu $era mis le $aint $iege
Ou la $ub$tance de l'e$prit corporel
Sera remys et receu pour vray $iege
Anagram sequences in the French Text.
  1. <upraiSal stories imposter role aScend>< stored osiris iSSuance><or spiritsome descent><iS intercrossed aS paul poem><temporise [hold back]><iSuS desecration stories >
  2. <ieruSalems SaintS lie><islam SanitiSe a true gEne><nature uSe maries lie><true islam reuSe aEigeneS [eternally begotten] lie><latiniSeS neutral meaSure>
  3. <poor Scrlpt uSual role><cleaned prieSt abSOlutuS [completed] role><led prieSt aScent ><proScript>
  4.  <See my secret pouuer vary iS rare> <Syria agreeS persecute our ryme>
  1. spiritsome, latinises, aigenes, absolutus
  2. Osiris, temporise, sanitise, proscript
  3. upraisal, intercrossed, persecute
  4. desecration, Ierusalems, Syria
  5. imposter
  6. -
  7. issuance, vary
  8. descent,script
  9. -
  10. measure

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.61 - Commentary on visionary drugs.

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.61 - Commentary on visionary drugs.

The anagrams of the following verse give the appearance of being about the drug(s) Nostradamus used to help him achieve a visionary state. There are many more that give detail on this particular theme. (See C.5 Q.53 for another example)
The child of the great one not by his birth,
He will subjugate the high Apennine mountains:
He will cause all those of the balance to tremble,
And from the Pyrenees to Mont Cenis.
L'enfant dugrand n'e$tant a $a nai$$ance
Subiuguera les hauts monts Appenis
Fera trembler tous ceux de la balance
Et des monts feux ju$ques a mont $enis.
ANAGRAM SEQUENCES in French Text (**= occupies full line)
  1. <and Satan Sent SaSanian (empire 224-651 CE) drug><anaStaSiS (Resurrection: Saturday before Easter) Lance> <and Satan Sent aSians a drug><and aSianS Scan ten-Leaf Stannate [compound of tin] drug>
  2. <pen iSsu' amounts pAst healers><greuu>
  3. <excludes cabalan Free route><**cabalan troubles exclude a Free term**>
  4. <minneSota dEmotes><jexu Squeamous [squeamish] intEnSest demons><Squamose [scaly] jeuux intEnSest demons><same noteS not fuse Sediments><mentionS stEeds foments>
  1. Sassanian, anastasis, intensest, jeuux, foments, squeamous, squamose
  2. Sasanian, amounts
  3. stannate, Cabalan, sediments
  4. demotes
  5. healers, troubles, mentions, Minnesota, jexu
  6. Asians
  7. amounts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.V Q.53- Mechanisms seen while under the visionary influence.

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.53- Mechanisms seen while under the visionary influence.

The following verse makes sense when seen as a description of Nostradamus methods while under the unfluence of an ancient drug.  The anagrams read like an inspired dream written while under the influence of whatever gave him his powers. (See C.5 Q.61 for another example)
The law of the Sun and of Venus in strife,
Appropriating the spirit of prophecy:
Neither the one nor the other will be understood,
The law of the great Messiah will hold through the Sun.
La loy du Sol et Venus contendens
Appropriant l'e$prit de prophetie
Ne l'vn ne l'autre ne $eront entendus
Par Sol tiendra la loy du grand Me$$ie
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <loudeSt Loyal / aLloy><counts Sole eVent><unconsented Soul eVent><Volutes (spirals) eVoluteS>
  2. <he Spelt inAppropriate prop tried><i tried prior prophet planetS><latin prieSt><plaineSt prop><prophet pAper tried pSalterion (Gk=psaltery)>
  3. <Seer not neutral ten luNes end>enn enters luNes v-alue>
  4. <loyal guardSMen deSpair><aMendS ProletarianiSed><PerSonalities><ireland MiSSed PoleStar><PolariS-Sites naMed><PerSia MadneSS drug alloy trained><Psalterion adorally [towards mouth] guard> <PolariSeS> <PolaritieS>:
  1. e/volutes, unconsented, inappropriate, proletarianised, personalities, polarities
  2. Psalterion (2 x this verse), guardsmen, adorally
  3. Polestar, madness
  4. -
  5. loudest, counts, Prophet (4 as Prophet[i]e)
  6. plainest, prior
  7. -
  8. despair
  9. missed
  10. -
  11. planets

Nostradamus' verses C.5 Q.43 -Proponents of Genocide.

Nostradamus' verses C.5  Q.43 -Proponents of Genocide.

The following verse defines some aspects of the genocide Nostradamus predicts will dominate the end of this century See Nostradamus on sects and war for more detail. Several of the anagram sequences marked with asterisks occupy the whole line which may increase the validity of their selection in my analysis but completion of lines is a totally unnecessary requirement for the code method to work.
The great ruin of the holy things is not far off,
Provence, Naples, Sicily, Sées and Pons:
In Germany, at the Rhine and Cologne,
Vexed to death by all those of Mainz.
La grande ruine des $acrez ne s'e$loigne
Prouence Naples Sicille Seez et Ponce
En Germanie au Rhin et la Cologne
exez a mort par tous ceux de Magonce.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= occupies full line)
  1. <**gangLander rue oil crazes Sense denies**><Legion denies arranged leSsen Scarez>
  2. <euroPe> <Slices ill peNance once Proue> <Poet Zees>
  3. <uRea ethnologiCal GEne remain><armenia loCate.long Gene><renaminG uRea Gene logo><armenia lutheRaniC Gene logo>
  4. <excused part out aMong roma> <**maze once a courts Mage [Magi] Vex a port**>
  1. ethnological
  2. penance, Lutheranic
  3. -
  4. ganglander, locate, logo, renaming
  5. -
  6. among
  7. slices, courts
  8. crazes, Armenia, maze
  9. -

Monday, March 10, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.42 - Cabalan Hautpuls, Beaufort and the Magdelaine line.

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.42 - Cabalan Hautpuls, Beaufort and the Magdelaine line.

The following verse introduces specific names which when joined with other verses tells part of the story of the mythical bloodine based on Jesus. See more in my pages that link Nostradamus' 1558 Epistle to story lines in his Prophecies.
Mars raised to his highest belfry
Will cause the Savoyards to withdraw from France:
The Lombard people will cause very great terror To those of the Eagle included under the Balance.
Mars e$leue en $on plus haut befroy
Fera retraire les Allobrox de France
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroy
A ceux de l'aigle comprins $ouz la balance
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <hautpuls Son be less for Mary><beaufort arMy less plush Son><leSser maYor enSue>
  2. <All Fed ox else irate rob France><careFree retailers rob All ox d'France>
  3. <drainages freed><granaries forlay fed><feared mob><Lamberton of-argYl is feared><disarrange offer><royaL gent><reaffording safer bread><yearLong>
  4. <galilee uxed a cAbalan Soulz sin><legalixed compreSsion><algedi compiler><exclude A lance>
  1. re-affording, compression, compiler
  2. -
  3. Hautpuls, Beaufort, carefree, yearlong, cabalan
  4. Lamberton,forlay,
  5. -
  6. -
  7. Mary / Army, Mayor, granaries, Galilee
  8. plush, retailers, disarrange, drainages-
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. offer

Nostradamus' verse C.IX Q.34 - Luther's impact on ideology and war.

Nostradamus' verse C.9 Q.34 - Luther's impact on ideology and war.

The following verse  describes the impact in the sixteenth century of Luther's views on the wars of that century. It then nominates the same tensions as being the cause of wars later in this century. The reference to oil for knives is a particularly apt reference to the trading of arms for fuel.
The single part afflicted will be mitered,
Return conflict to pass over the tile:
For five hundred one to betray will be titled
Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives.
Le part $oluz mary $era mittre
Retour conflict pa$$era $ur le thuille
Par cinq cens vn trahyr $era tiltre
Narbon et Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.
  1. <preLate art martyriSe Soul> <Letter part mary marieS Soulz><poleStar remittaL> <Leper /repeL artS miStreat mary zoul><Seaport luz mary remittaL yearS>
  2. <lutherS era Pass><luther aSSure ill plaStic forecount><urSae Route paSS luther iller conflict [in text]> <pact aSSureS luther illeR counterfoil><Luther pact aSSureS illeR contour fil>
  3. <in terreStrial Parc> <harry rateS triPle arc><tripPle arreST>
  4. <court place note uSa uxa sound><hudson Spectacular Non-reliable><paracletuS borne> <aS baroNet clue><baroN nucleateS parc><Speculate born><Near hudson ill bone Spectacular>
  1. martyrise, counterfoil, forecount, Harry, nonreliable, spectacular,
  2. remittal, terrestrial, Harry, speculate, Paracletus
  3. Polestar, Luthers, nucleates
  4. Luther
  5. mistreat
  6. -
  7. Mary
  8. -
  9. triple
  10. -
  11. seaport

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Centuries IX Quatrain 44- Disaster in Geneva 2065CE

Centuries 9 Quatrain 44-Geneva 2065CE

This verse is one of the many remarkable quatrains that contain anagrams and anagram sequences that have little possibility of being there by chance alone and which deliver ominous detail to the surface message Nostradamus provides. A fuller analysis of the meaning of this verse and the compliance between the hidden and visible is given in my paper called Geneva 2065.
Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
Saturn from gold to iron will be changed.
The opposing RAYPOZ will exterminate all
Before it has started the sky will show signs.
Migres migre de GeneSue treStous
Saturne d'or en fer Se changera.
Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous
Auant l'a ruent le ciel Signes fera
According to my hypotheses many poignant verses contain hidden material that will validate their import. I believe the following material fulfils that expectation. I begin with the third line of C.9 Q.44 whose hidden content is surely a most remarkable and unexpected validation of my 21st century science theme for it says Electron ray experimentorz... Year Expoz(e)Terminator SoulThe  origins for this are shown below.
The opposing/anti RAYPOZ will exterminate all
Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous.
Derivation of anagrams:
Lecontre RAY POZexterminer xxxx
eLectron RAY exPerimentOrZ
Although anagrams for electron/s are quite frequent in Nostradamus’ Prophecies there is no other occurrence that lies adjacent to an anagram for ray. There is also no other anagram in the whole text for any word based on the root ‘experiment’, yet here one occurs in a fashion that forms a perfect sequence of words ‘electron ray experimentorz’.  There is much more in this line and the other three as shown below.
  1. <Grim regimes><uueSterMost Genes><deGree enSue><germs MoiStures >
  2. <aS fonder nature enchargeS><reenforceS eraS turned>
  3. <eLectron POZ RAY u.s. Exterminator><YeAR exPerimentOrZ not oscuLate [come together]><once OZ PRAYer cLose><xZ-meteOr uranoLites >
  4. <nAtural farseeing clienteles> <fears intelligenceS> <an intellectualiSer Aura> <frees clientele Sign>

  1. UUestermost, regimes, reenforces, experimentorz, exterminator, intellectualiser, intelligences
  2. grim, moistures, electron-rays, farseeing, fragileness, clientele
  3. genearchs / encharges
  4. prayer, osculate, clienteles
  5. germs
  6. -
  7. fonder, uranolites [meteorites etc]
  8. -
  9. degree

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.V Q.41 - Henri IV of France

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.41 - Henri IV of France

The following verse aptly describes events in the sixteenth century surrounding the life of Henry IV of France who was born outside the mainstream of the Royal lineage but through a series of unexpected events inherited the throne. He was considered by many as the best king France ever had. This story is told in more detail in my articles on Henry and the Bourbon line.
C.5  Q.41
Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:
He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.
Nay $ouz les vmbres et journee nocturne
Sera en regne et bonte $ouueraine
Ferare nai$tre $on $ang de l'antique vrne
Renouuellant $iecle d'or pour l'aerain
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= complete line)
  1. <**seer jot rune encounter aNy Soulz embvs**>
  2. <Seer genera in bounteouS era> <tenuouS era><nearer Sauniere /uneaSierS gene>
  3. <Fear retainS reaSonS england never quit**><equivalent Fern><england Son reSiSt never quit arena> <neStorians era /are free> <Sister Son arena> <aSSertionS england never quit arena>
  4. <**older unceleStial Reunion pour areal [diffuse region]**><older clientS aerial Renouun> <preconSolidate our inner areal uuell>
  1. bounteous, preconsolidate
  2. England, equivalent, assertions, uncelestial, renouun
  3. Nestorians
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. uneasier/ Sauniere, encounter, inner

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.40- French Courtiers C(C.V Q.40)


Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.40-  French Courtiers

The following verse has strong reference points to people and events in the sixteenth century but it also carries astronomic detais such as meteorites that are totally out of keeping with the century in which Nostradamus lived.
There are two sets of names within the anagrams of the verse that cover much of the sixteenth century. In the second line there are adjacent anagram for 'Louis Nogaret'. According to Wikipedia:
 Jean Louis de Nogaret de La Valette (1554–1642), was a powerful member of the French nobility at the turn of the 17th century. He was deeply involved in plots and politics throughout his life.
The last line contains two names as adjacent anagrams who were a prominint pairing in the sixteenth century. The names Valoix (or Valois) and Poitiers validly link Henry II and his court favourite Diane Poitiers who gained Henri's protection up until his untimely death.
Diane de Poitiers (3 September 1499 – 25 April 1566) was a French noblewoman and a prominent courtier at the courts of kings Francis I and his son, Henri II of France She became notorious as the latter's favourite. It was in this capacity that she wielded much influence and power at the French Court, which continued until Henry was mortally wounded in a tournament accident, during which his lance wore her favour (ribbon) rather than his wife's.
It was the death of Henri that led to much of Nostradamus fame for his verse C.1.Q.35 was seen as predicting this event "1. The young lion will overcome the older one, 2. in a field of combat in single fight: 3. He will pierce his eyes in their golden cage; 4. two wounds in one, then he dies a cruel death."
Verse C.5 Q.40 is consistent with the theme of royal lineage and the influential sects that shaped that bloodline. It appears to be intermixed with more of Nostradamus' astronomic coding mechanisms that leave the impression of a more modern role for this lineage. The ideas are consistent with other verses that highlight these same events at the end of this century.
The blood royal will be so very mixed,
Gauls will be constrained by Hesperia:
One will wait until his term has expired,
And until the memory of his voice has perished.
Le $ang royal $era si tre$me$le
Contraint $eront Gaulois de l'Hefperie
On attendra que terme $oit coule
Et que memoire de la voix $oit perie.
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <aSterism relayS organeLleS><or aSterism relayS angeLS><organeLleS layS arterieS mess><resist a organ Slayer meLlees>
  2. <louis noGaret [1554-1642] retainS perfeCtion Held><noGaret sHield retainS perfeCtion><Gauloist Nestorian Held perfeCtion><arGentous oils Held perfeCtion> <uranoloGist [astronomer] Set Container Held>
  3. <meteoriteS quadrant-nOte><it equate romeS trend> <**meteorS quare elOcution attend**><it quartered Some leO tenant>
  4. <valoix [Henry II] poitierS [Diane]><dire memo><rEquite / quiEter expoSitio [an abandoned child]>
  1. 'Louis Nogaret', quartered, expositio
  2. organelles, equate, meteorites, elocution
  3. relays, mellees, perfection, argentous, shield, Poitiers
  4. Valoix
  5. container, Gauloist
  6. -
  7. held
  8. -
  9. asterism
  10. arteries, quieter / requite
  11. Nestorian

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Nostradamus' verses on Bourbon blood line (C.V Q.39, C.X Q.33, C.IV Q.67)

Nostradamus' verses C.5 Q.39, C.10 Q.33, C.4 Q.67 -Bourbon blood line

The following verse has anagrams that are in near perfect accord with that of the text. It holds a family name (d'Angouleme) that gives sense to 'His ancient blood woven by long hand' and bears other family names that have relevance to the family line of Marguerite d'Angouleme. The Lorraine family were the bitter rivals to the throne of France which was successfully claimed by Henry, grandson of Marguerite. The Ferriol family were steeped in the same heretical tradition as Marguerite a tradition that claimed the royal line stretched back to Jesus and Mary. This verse is a significant indicator that Nostradamus may well have read the future since its historical truths didn't occur until well after Nostradamus' death.
More detail on these relationships can be seen in my paper called Angouleme.  The following is an extract from that paper on Etruria and the Bourbons.
The Kingdom of Etruria (Italian: Regno di Etruria) was a kingdom comprising the larger part of Tuscany which existed between 1801 and 1807. It took its name from Etruria, the old Roman name for the land of the Etruscans.
It was created by the Treaty of Aranjuez, signed on 21 March 1801. In the context of a larger agreement between Napoleonic France and Spain, the Bourbons of Parma were compensated for the loss of their territories in Northern Italy, which had been occupied by French troops since 1796: in return for Ferdinand, Duke of Parma relinquishing his claims, his son Louis I was compensated with the Kingdom of Etruria, a new kingdom created out of the old Grand Duchy of Tuscany.
Issued from the true branch of the fleur-de-lis,
Placed and lodged as heir of Etruria:
His ancient blood woven by long hand,
He will cause the escutcheon of Florence to bloom.
Du vray rameau de fleur de lys i$$u
Mis et loge heritier d'Hetrurie
Son $ang antique de longue main ti$$u
Fera Florence florir en l'armoirie
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <mary ysiS iSuS uvard refuelled><feud yields rule> <feudal><array><rudely>
  2. <i iteMise their truer herd><here i let it go>
  3. <giant qnouuledge (knowledge)><in equating d'angouleme aS iSus Son>.<quite olden minutiae><equating in d'angouleme iSSu-ant Sons>
  4. <lorraine raFFle florence (orence fl)><ferriol normal conFerral Fee> <normal role i Fear ferriol Fire>
  1. Ysis, refuelled, yields, array, qnouuledge, d'Angouleme
  2. itemise, minutiae, Ferriol, conferral
  3. Florence (as anagrams +10 as word)
  4. feudal, rudely, equating
  5. normal
  6. -
  7. Mary, raffle
  8. Lorraine (as anagrams + 3 as word)
The anagram for Ferriol only occurs in one other verse (C.10 Q.33) and it occurs alongside other anagrams that clearly identify its location and its connections to Florence. And there is a verse (C.4 Q.67) that holds an anagram for Saint-Ferriol, the full name of the site in Southern France to which Nostradamus' alludes. Below I show these two verses.
The first of these two verses (C.10 Q.33) maintains the connection to lineage via reference to the dolphin (dauphin = French male heir to throne) and an anagram for Iris. Its connection to Ferriol and the ideas further on in this stream are provided by the anagram for Occitan , the land of Oc where Ferriol is located. However there is a modern tone delivered to this verse via anagrams relating the consequences of a vaporising nuclear-gun that releases the natural chemicals of the body through gases and liquids.
C.10  Q.33
The cruel faction in the long robe
Will come to hide under the sharp daggers:
The Duke to seize Florence and the diphthong place
Its discovery by immature ones and sycophants..
La faction cruelle a robbe longue
Viendra cacher $ouz les pointus poignars
Sai$ir Florence le duc et lieu diphlongue
Sa de$couuerte par immeurs et flangnards.
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <aLfue rob real rule belong occitan><caLifate gun nuclear-role><boreal [Northern]caLefaction [heating] rule>
  2. <Suzo Vaporising units reach poles><Search spouting cadaVerins [body chemicals]><gunpoints><supposition raVings end><inVaders purgations><archdeaconries raVings>
  3. <Ferriol uSage iS dolphin [dauphin}>< upholding irIs Flor-a elite uSe>
  4. <summer pirate left> <an addreSS><aS codeS uuere-part imm [1999] reuse>
  1. calefaction, belong, vaporising, cadaverins, archdeaconries, purgations, spouting, supposition
  2. ravings, Ferriol
  3. summer
  4. -
  5. Occitan, address
  6. califate
  7. -
  8. boreal
  9. -
  10. -
  11. iris
The last of this series of verses (C.4 Q.67) holds an anagram for Saint-Ferriol which is in Southern France. The connection to Ferriol is bolstered by the mention of Chelon (south-western France) and by its anagrammatic reference to heretics, richest tongue which is a very apt description of the historical significance of this region called Languedoc.
The text of this verse appears very vague but it actually yields a precise date of August 24th 2066 CE. There is no doubt the tone o f secret fires blaxing from burning heat at a time when the air is very dry and parched ties in with my paper on events in Geneva in 2065CE. The date of 2066 CE arises by finding the date set by the year when Saturn and Mars are equally fiery. This description seems well suited to any conjuction between Saturn, Mars and the Sun. There are only five years between 1500 CE and 2200 CE where a conjunction of less than two degrees separation occurs and these are in 1522, 1644, 1863, 1964 and 2066 CE. And of these 2066CE is the only one that  can count as a futuristic date that fits to Nostradamus' narratives in the rest of his work. There is one other link that supports the selection of this particular date and it is Nostradamus' reliance on the heretic allusion via the anagrams. The following is a record about the owners of Saint-Ferriol Chateau.
From notarial records we know something about the barons of St-Ferriol, the family that buil[t]the Château. Their name was de Plaigne and their ancestors had been key participants in some of the major events of the Cathar Crusades. Extract from History of Saint-Ferriol
The Cathar Crusades involving Ferriol occurred about 854 years before 2066 which is the period over which the Sun, Saturn and Mars complete a perfect cycle and are located almost exactly in the same position against the stars. The original chateau was destroyed in 1210CE which is 856 years before 2066. The degree of interweaving suggests stories of these two dates are also likely to be interwoven to a large degree, especially in terms of religious positioning and nature of war.
The year that Saturn and Mars are equally fiery,
The air very dry parched long trajectory
Through secret fires a great place blazing from burning heat.
Little rain, warm wind, wars, incursions.
L'an que Saturne et Mars e$gaux combu$t
L'air fort $eiche longue traiection
Par feux $ecrets d'ardeur grand lieu adu$t
Peu pluye vent chault guerres incur$ions.
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <comb natureS streaM uxageS> <Last equantS nuMerate> <gaSes Meet uuaterS buSt uxa qLan>
  2. <Saint-ferrioL chelon><regulation of hereticS Lair><theoricS recitation Flair><for richeSt>< tongue frictionaL air><helicon Softer air>
  3. <excuSe uPdrafts rest dread>.<excurSe dates a evil dust underdrag far><creSted rearguard refuxeS lined <Parts rest uuade>
  4. <unPerspicuously [unclearly] in event><Perniciousness regulatur><re-PercuSsion sin urge><unlatch>
  1. Saint-Ferriol, recitation, frictional, helicon, excurse, updrafts, rearguard, unperspiculously, perniciousness
  2. -
  3. -
  4. heretics
  5. numerate, Chelon, crested
  6. regulation
  7. excuse
  8. -
  9. -
  10. uuaters, richest, tongue
  11. underdrag