Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Nostradamus C.3 Q.83: Designer drugs affect a nations greatness.

Nostradamus C.3 Q.83: Designer drugs affect a nations greatness.

The anagrams found in each verse are vital tools to remove obscurity that is in each verse's text. And if  used without full regard for rules that discipline the analyst the true interpretation may never be achieved. Even with such self imposed constraints the meaning may remain hidden until a critical anagram is understood. This was the case with this verse where I had readily seen anagrams for occasion, equating and position but not been able to proceed further. These three anagrams suggested an astronomic relevance but nothing in the text supported this view.  The picture created by adjacent anagrams easily becomes obscured by words of low complexity for which there will be many chance occurrences. Because of these difficulties i have in recent months increasingly relied on infrequency tables to set my frameworks. When I did this for C.3 Q.83 in May 2014 it became apparent there is a consistent meaning in the text anagrams and it isn't based on astronomy, it is a story of modern designer-drug usage affecting the way France is perceived in the world.
The long hairs of Celtic Gaul
Accompanied by foreign nations,
They will make captive the people of Aquitaine,
For succumbing to their designs.
Les longs cheueux de la Gaule Celtique
Accompaignez d'e$tranges nations
Mettront captif la gent Aquitanique
Pour $uccomber a internitions.
  1. <long sequeL><escheuu axled aGe Clue><quiet song seLL>
  2. <occAsion agents dezign map><<compAction deSignateZ><nation greatneSS As map dezign> <dezign Strange sensation> cocAins actions Antagonises
  3. <lift protectant agent><**pact equAting antique torMent fail**>
  4. <retain Position><Succour prem-onitions> <brominate [treat with bromine] insertion Succour>
  1. escheuu, compactions, dezignates, protectant, succour
  2. occasion, antagonises, sensation, brominate, insertion, position
  3. cuprous, occurs
  4. dezign, equating
  5. -
  6. -
  7. actions, nation (+ 8 in text)
  8. -
  9. axled, nations (=3 in text)
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. torment
  16. -
  17. greatness
  18. lift

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