Monday, May 26, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.96: The Eastern Madonna who is the victim of her talent

Nostradamus C.8 Q.96: The Eastern Madonna who is the victim of her talent.

In the Middle East a Christian woman of talent is born amongst the missiles af an Arab- Israeli conflict. She is forced into a marriage with a lazy suitor and escapes the burden of this  marriage by the use of drugs. Her actions are condemned by those who control her life and she will choose to die an agonising death, leaving behind a child that will shape the outcome of the war.
This is one of the many incidental tales Nostradamus chose to write and thereby lay out the incidents that shape the course of his major themes. His story can be picked out of the text but it is in the anagrams that the greater detail lies. The hidden verse is full of religious references , birth and career markers all of which although rare have interwoven connectivities with each other and the message of the text.
 There are several names used in the anagrams that generate a framework of the events. The use of the name Heracles and his tasks sugests the magnitude of what she faces while the name Arachne indicates she will be judged by those in control as being too indepedent, highly talented and too much of a challenge to themselves. 
The sterile synagogue without any fruit,
will be received by the infidels,
the daughter of the persecuted (man) of Babylon,
miserable and sad, they will clip her wings.
 La $ynagogue $terile $ans nul fruit
Sera receu entre les infideles
De Babylon la fille du por$uit
Mi$ere et tri$te luy tranchera les ai$les.
  1. <realiSe anaLySt gueSt go it unfurls><iSraels nuns>< a SaintLy ><agony rituaLS geSture><earlieSt uSe>
  2. <**else euen friendliest careerS**><find leSser lies enter rare cue><enter lines defiles careerS>
  3. <BaiteD pouuders nobly fail ill><idleful><if Suitor pulled><**SuBeditor ably pulled final o**><proud Baby duties pour><filled allon {France- Loire} aBbey>
  4. <utterly heraclean as MiSSileS teeter>.<heracles aimleSS riSe><heracles sail SeisM teeter><Salaries /aliaSes tranche / chanter><SiMiles as Seer healer><truly achernar /arachne [Goddess of weaving]/ archaean / enarch> reMiSs
  1. analyst, guest, unfurls, nuns, saintly, agony
  2. friendliest, powders, subeditor, abbey, utterly, Heraclean, missiles
  3. idleful, pulled, baby, similes / missile, truly, archean / Arachne,  Achernar [ star in Eridanus]
  4. ably, chanters / tranches, healer
  5. rituals, defiles, baited, suitor, filled
  6. nobly, Bolyn
  7. -
  8. -
  9. gesture, find
  10. careers, Allon, aimless, remiss / misers
  11. earliest, fall, Heracles, aliases, salaries
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. duties
  16. -
  17. Israels
  18. final, teeter
  19. -
  20. earliest

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