Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Nostradamus C3 Q62: Nursemaids son discovers dinosaurs bones in the time of Darius.

Nostradamus C3 Q62: Nursemaids son discovers dinosaurs bones in the time of Darius.

One of the most intriguing things I find as I progress to delivering one of Nostradamus' key promises to explain every verse is the totally unexpected nature of the content of many of the verses. This current one is a good example as it presents the history of the discovery of dinosaur bones from a time well before the modern era. Finding such evidence should lead to a complete dismissal of all the other things I have found but the story of people having found dinosaur bones in the past is highly plausible and the manner in which it is delivered in the anagrams of line four makes good sense since they say Seem a dinosaur carcass seen (A Carcass- xxxxx -onduira $ -es me -nees) once a nursemaid(en)s son see carcass (A - Carcas -son -ne co - nduira $es me en- ees). The other lines then contribute to this theme by presenting the way in which peoples from different epochs ($e Poch) assessed such finds with people of Greece (ercee g) in the time of Darius (duira $) dismissing the existence of any animal (La main) more advanced than plain cows (ain pl- us cou) while Viennese (nees Vien) courts (s court) damns (ands m) the finders and burnt them in seven pyres (s Pyre -nees V) for possessing the  mania (a main) and zeal (ez La) of nomads (ands mo) who roamed the European (uero pa) estate (te et $a). The story of the text is the tale of the movement of dinosaurs and a record of some of the places where early discoveries were made- it is part of a series on the cloning of DNA. There are only a limited number of dinosaur related words in the Prophecies but where they do occur they are related to this verse. For more on this topic See C2 Q14 where there are the names of two species of dinosaur Stegosaurian and Ptersosaur and C9 Q96 which has anagrams saying Russia centre Dinosaurs reappear.

Dinosaur Bones in Greece date back to ancient times but of course not under the modern name:

In Greece, they have found ancient grave sites where a mishmash of odd dinosaur bones have been loosely laid out in the shapes of men.  The head might be a mastodon, the arms and legs, put together from mixed dinosaur bones to form a weird extra tall, man shaped skeleton.  In Greece, there were fossils so thick that, in places 1000s of bones jutted from the hillsides.
Greek historian Solinus, (c. AD 200) wrote:  "Before there were any humans on Pallene, the story goes that a battle was fought between the gods and the giants.  (They) Continue to be seen to this day, whenever torrents swell with rain and excessive water breaks their banks and floods the fields. They say that even now in gullies and ravines the people discover bones of immeasurable enormity, like men's carcasses but far bigger."   

The anagrams for rebuilding the intended prophecy include:

 Eridanus, dreamsongs, eluded, Greece, nursemaids, seem, dinosaur, carcass, seen, across, Darius, epochs, nomads, loze, Viennese, courts, mercy, scars, preinvade, treescape, echoed, syntrope, crows, animal, cease, Caesar, zeal, damns, Europa, coutures, estate, seven, pyres, drapers, adviser, panderer, enclose, scope, mania, cry.

#syntrope: a part within a correlation of several disease-causing factors.

Near the Douro by the closed Tyrian sea,
He will come to pierce the great Pyrenees mountain
One hand shorter his opening glosses,
He will lead his traces to Carcassone.

Poche del duero par mer Cyrrene clo$e
Viendra per$er les grands monts Pyrenees
La main plus courte et $a percee gloez
A Carcassonne conduira $es menees

L1: <ePochS clone eluded><prearm ePoch louder Cry reencloSe><merCy err encloSe Po><PoleS duel echoed><remap louder Cry><europa led>

L2: <Viennese draperS syntroPe damns><damns panderer enVies leSser Poynters><spy damns driVen Spear not reseen /><seVen Pyres>dreamsongs inVersed Pyrmonts dangers

L3: <~greec apeS animaL true-couplets loze~><greece loze animaL tree paSt couus><our eState><true tree-Scape>

L4: <~seem A dinoSaur Carcass once seen~><~once seen eridanuS seem scars on A arC~><once see dariuS / radiuS semen on A Carcass><once nurSemaids son see a Carcass>Caesar uncode across

1: Greece, eluded,
2: nursemaids, dreamsongs, carcass,
3: dinosaur, epochs, Darius / radius, across,
4: Viennese, nomads, 
5: -
6: Eridanus, mercy,
7: courts, Amelia, loze,
8: Pyrmonts, preinvade, treescape, echoed, scars, cease,
9: poynters / syntrope, epoch, scope,
10: crouus,
11: laze / zeal,
12: animal, Caesar,
13: opera,
14: court, estate,
15: Europa, damns,
16: coutures, spry, seven,
17: drapers, pyres / preys / respy,
18: aduiser, cry,
19: mania,
20: enclose,
21: -
22: capers / pacers  / scrape, graels, creep,
23: panderer.

Eridanus, dreamsongs, eluded, Greece, nursemaids, dinosaur, carcass, across, Darius, epochs, nomads, loze, Viennese, courts, mercy, scars, preinvade, treescape, echoed, syntrope, cease, crows, animal, Caesar, zeal, damns, Europa, coutures, estate, seven, pyres, drapers, adviser, panderer, enclose, scope, mania, cry.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Nostradamus C3 Q66: Da Vinci, Angevins and the story of the mortal bloodline of Christ.

Nostradamus C3 Q66: Da Vinci, Angevins and the story of the mortal bloodline of Christ.

Amongst the ciphers used by Nostradamus in his texts one of the most common is that of blood which consistently links verses whose hidden focus is on the the Angevin Royal lineage and a cult that believes Christ's line exists through this means. This particular verse contains many potent anagrams amongst which  Leanord (d'Orlean) da Vinci (vindica), a older Masonism (d'Oler -a -ns mis a mo),  Angevins (e $ang vin) and Sofia (fai$o) are most notable. This is backed with powerful references to mortalism (mis a mort L) with immortals (mis a mort L), mortals (s a mort L), Lord names moralist (lOrd - names - is a mort) being a few of the variants. And then there are anagrams for Lord, Lords-name and sanctified (ndicatif SE) mixed into a story of human reaction to the forces at play in different ages. Such complexity and diversity is nigh impossible to explain by chance alone especially when weighed against the fact that there are many verses telling different parts of this same story. And in this verse the Bailiff of Orleans seems to be a substitute for the crucified Christ.

The anagrams which allow the Prophecy of this verse to be reconstructed includes:

pre-enumeration, vindicating, sanctified, Masonism, moderators, normalised, invading, doomster, abrading, small, florid, mourner, speediest, retirement, under, Moiras, fatidic, trimeter, Leonard, da Vinci, disseminate, immortals, bargained, artifices, Angevins, despise, Sofia, moralist, stormed, acid, diactin, minerals, maims, predators, fairest, Mideast, animals,  despite, Bandar, strife, Lords-name, fill, mortals, ordeal, bad, fiats, espied, almoners,  tremor, Lord, brand, inmates, fires, amiss.

#Angevins: a family that was famous for its accumulation of kingdoms, principalities and dukedoms, across Europe.

The great Bailiff of Orléans put to death
Will be by one of blood revengeful
Of death deserved he will not die, nor by chance
He made captive poorly by his feet and hands.

Le grand Baillif d'Orleans mis a mort
Sera par vn de $ang vindicatif
De mort merite ne mourra ne par Sort
Des pieds et mains malle fai$oit captif

L1: <learns mortaLism / immortaLs anger Bad if dO ill><i fill Band mortaLise lOrd names> <ill Bargained mortaL miss an Ordeal><a older Bargained masonism fill ><~Bad anger nomalised if MortaL ill~><~moralist fill Older mans Bargained ~><lOrd names moiras><Large Band fill Older almonries><mortaL danger if minerals Do ill>

L2: <fearS vindicating daneS><da-vinci agenS faireSt><d' angevinS artificeS> <Saving Sanctified rape rvna><Spare angevinS fatidic rvna> <~if invading act Svnder a Spear~> davinci 

L3: <~armour retirement preDatorS omen~><moDeratorS preenumeration term><entire armour><more termite preDatorS mourner><~our rite ran tremor ape men StorMed~> ran><entire DoomSter term><enumerator pen timer moDe>

L4: <i fit pact Despised animals Sofia met><espied in small teams><pact spieD fit small dementias><mans speediest aim fell><despite mans aim fisteD pact fell>disseminate

1: preenumeration, vindicating, sanctified, normalised, moderators, invading, apositic, Masonism, abrading, doomster, despised, diving, florid, mourner, small,
2: retirement, speediest, da Vinci, fatidic, trimeter, refold,
3: disseminate, enumerator, almonries / normalise, saving,
4: immortals / mortalism, artifices, bargained, Angevins, despise, Sofia,
5: moralist, stormed, acid,
6: predators, minerals, animals / Manasil, fairest / Sefirat,
7: dementias, diactin, Mideast, despite, Bandar, strife, maims, fill,
8: Lords-name, mortalise,  fell,
9: mortals, ordeal, mall,
10: espied, bad,
11: -
12: almoners, fiats,
13: roars,
14: unrare, Lord,
15: tremor, vnder,
16: Moiras, amiss, Albi / Bali,
17: -
18: Milans, vends, mates / teams,
19: brand,
20: inmates, spied, fires,
21: Leonard,
22: mortal,
23: seminal, Sefira,

pre-enumeration, vindicating, sanctified, Masonism, moderators, normalised, invading, doomster, abrading, small, florid, mourner, speediest, retirement, under, Moiras, fatidic, trimeter, Leonard, da Vinci, disseminate, immortals, bargained, artifices, Angevins, despise, Sofia, moralist, stormed, acid, diactin, minerals, maims, predators, fairest, Mideast, animals,  despite, Bandar, strife, Lords-name, fill, mortals, ordeal, bad, fiats, espied, almoners,  tremor, Lord, brand, inmates, fires, amiss.