Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nostradamus C.7 Q.41: In death we are united.

Nostradamus C.7 Q.41: In death we are united.

This verse's infrequent anagram list is full of place names ranging across Belarus, the Congo,the Mid-East and Mongolia and there are clusters of words bearing strong cohesive links. The cluster of bluer, pigments, untreated, cocagnes (pastel dye-leaf rolls), shipment and Patroness can be drawn together as part of the pastel-dye industry around Toulouse and Carcassonne in the 16th century. This is a region and an activity with which Nostradamus would have been familiar for he spent many of his early adulthood years in that region. My paper on Nostradamus Sect identifies this same connection through other means. What unifies the text and the story-lines in the anagrams is a connection with the rituals that different cultures use to bury their dead. Such practices usually reflect the manner in which people of a region view the soul and its need for respect at the time of death. Throughout many places and times one of the important features has been the death shroud and as such  it usually was a high quality, status garment treated with the sort of dye with which Nostradamus was familiar. In choosing his places and the topic Nostradamus is highlighting a cluster that is unified in the act of grief at a time when countries such as Belarus had the names used in the angarams. This places the period of unity in death in modern times. The inclusion of a named bacterial disease (entamoebiasis) suggests there is a world-wide pandemic and this fits to the scenario that other verses paint for the end of this century.
The bones of the feet and the hands locked up,
because of the noise the house is uninhabited for a long time
Digging in dreams they will be unearthed,
the house healthy is inhabited without noise.
Les oz des piedz et des mains en$erres
Par bruit mai$on long temps inhabitee
Seront par $onges concauant deterres
Mai$on $alubre et $ans bruyt habitee.
  1. <dementias err dezpised Lozes Sense><maidens Sense errs dezpite Less dozes><mideast ezpied Lesser Sense dozes**> insane
  2. <mongolianS pantheism><bathin [demon duke of hell] pigments><it aimS rub on long shipment> elongations simulation Taoism maoiSt Sanitorium
  3. <**patroneSS err on untreated cocagnes [pastel rolls])**><congreSs tranSpose><patron arson deterrentS><congoes partS uncatenated [unlinked]><attend organS concause linked causes]><Seers perSonator(s) [imitators] reattuned>
  4. <**beloruSSian habit bury meet [those met with]**><eaSt belaruS Aim burn thy Son> <eaSt burns a bluer entamoebiaSis [bacterial disease]>
  1. dezpised (1 for 'despised'), Mongolians, pantheism, sanitorium, simulation, shipment, elongations, Congoes, personators, uncatenated, untreated, cocagnes, Congress, entamoebiaSis
  2. reattuned, Belorussian
  3. dozes, dezpite (7 for despite), pigments, Taoism / Maoist, concause, deterrents, personator
  4. ezpied (10 for espied), Belarus
  5. -
  6. bury
  7. Mideast, dementias, Bathin
  8. burns
  9. Patroness / transpose
  10. -
  11. burn
  12. -
  13. organs, bluer
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. insane
  19. -
  20. habit

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