Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.71: Scaliger, astronomy and dating methods.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.71: Scaliger, astronomy and dating methods.

This verse shows some intriguing variations in the manner of the anagrams encodement when he dealt with topics where his name and his Pophecies were the focus. In these verses uses sophisticated splitting techniques so in this verse the second line holds an anagram for centuries in two parts that are separated by the the letter 'l'. This lone letter combines with the remaining lettering to the left of that for centuries to form an anagram for line while on the right it forms an anagram for rules. The resultant anagrams 'centuries-lines. and 'centuries-rules' are very topical and only occur in this line of verse. Similar splits occur in the first line and involve his name and variants on astronomy related words. This technique is taken to a further extreme in an earlier verse  C.02 Q.86 which holds a split anagram for Michel Nostredame and whole anagrams for comets and story.
The year 1607 was a time at which the new generation of astronomic views was under great challenge by religious traditionalists but it is also the year when Joseph Juste Scaliger's Protestant based scholarship was undermined by the Jesuits. Scaliger transformed the dating mechanism for ancient texts and relied on physical phenomena such as astronomic settings to build his historical chronologies. Joseph Scaliger was the youngest son of Jules Scaliger, the person who served as Nostradamus mentor in the years preceding Joseph's birth. The method Nostradamus uded to date his future parallels the method used by Joseph Scaliger to date the past. Although there is no reason to believe these two communicated with each other the flaws in earlier dating systems and its resolution would have been part of the debates both had with Jules Scaliger (See my paper on Jules of Agen for more on these themes).
There are two other poorly formed but rare variants relevant to Joseph Scalige in the third line which yield Scaloger Manilis. Joseph Scaligers historical dating methodology was publised in a volume titled Manilius in 1579.
The number of astronomers will grow so great,
that they will be driven out, banned and their books burned
In the year 1607 by sacred glomes
so that none will be safe from the holy ones.
 Croi$tra le nombre $i grand des a$tronomes
Cha$$ez bannis et liures cen$urez
L'an mil $ix cens et $ept par $acre glomes
Que nul aux $acres ne $eront a$$eurez.
  1. <some Correlations><retroCeSsional moon Star addreSsing><iS learnt dreading Sombre Stars><Saddest moron>.<noStredamos readingS><aStronomers-reloCationS addreSsing><Stores-aStronomiC addreSsing>montreal
  2. <centuries-lines ban><centuries-rules><cruelties enSure ban sin z-z chases>curies inSecure <leninist baSez><utilise cenSures><insane cruelties baSez>
  3. <SoLemnal explicitneSS(es) graceS partS><miLans /maniLi's exiStences>
  4. <acrux's uneQual Sense reSonateS><ornateneSS sCares uxual lune>
  1. Nostredames-dragon, retrocessional, correlations, Nostredamos, astronomers-relocations, centuries-lines, centuries-rules, insecure
  2. addressing, Leninist, utilise, solemnal, existences,
  3. sombre,cruelties
  4. Acruxs (Sthrn Cross stars), unequal
  5. resonates
  6. dreading, graces, ornateness
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. Curies
  11. Montreal
  12. moron
  13. -
  14. -
  15. stars-
  16. -
  17. -
  18. insane
  19. Moon

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