Saturday, May 17, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.29: Caesar and Caepio as reference guides to modern gold crisis.

Nostradamus C.8 Q.29: Caesar and Caepio as reference guides to modern gold crisis.

The intent of this verse is to provide a suitable metaphor for the gold based financial crisis of the 21st century. By comparison to events surrounding two ancient figures Nostradmus delivers a picture of the events that will identify the coming crisis. Both these figures had adventures in the parts of Southern Europe with which Nostradamus was well acquiainted so their referencing is quite apt. See my paper called Nostradamus on Gold for more detail.
The following extract in Wikipedia provides detail of the gold carried off by Quintus Servilius Caepio in 105 BCE an event which is directly referred to in the last line of this verse.
While marching to Arausio (modern-day Orange) Caepio plundered the temples of the town of Tolosa, ancient Tolouse, finding over 50,000 fifteen-pound bars of gold and 10,000 fifteen-pound bars of silver. Strabo reports a story told in his time of this semi-legendary treasure, the aurum Tolosanum, supposed to have been the "cursed gold" looted during the sack of Delphi during the Gallic invasion of the Balkans in 279 BC. The riches of Tolosa were shipped back to Rome, but only the silver made it; the gold was stolen by a band of marauders, who were believed to have been hired by Caepio himself. The Gold of Tolosa was never found, and was said to have been passed all the way down to the last heir of the Servilii Caepiones, Marcus Junius Brutus
The text holds the name Caepio while the anagrams contain 'Caesar's talent'. Caesar followed Caepio by about two generations and one of the common recognitions  by later generations was that he was a man of many talents. The following is a concluding statement in a brief online article on Caesar's life..
As a general and a statesman, Caesar has clearly earned his place in world history. With the exception of Cicero, he was the greatest orator of his time. As a historian, he has rarely been surpassed in simplicity, directness and dignity. A man of many talents, Caesar was a mathematician, philologist, jurist and architect. The main outcome of his illustrious career was the transformation of Rome from a Republic to an Empire.
At the fourth pillar which they dedicate to Saturn
split by earthquake and by flood;
under Saturn's building an urn is found
gold carried off by Caepio and then restored.
Au quart pillier l'on $acre a $aturne
Par tremblant terre et deluge fendu
Soubz l'edifice Saturnin trouuee vrne
D'or Capion rauy et puis rendu.
  1. <SaracenS ill role Auuaqen(awaken) part><aS nature Scare> <caeSar turn Salon orleanS>
  2. <enraPtured><engulfed><tablement [chapter of pillars] err><blame><entreater><marble Part><bertram talent uPend>
  3. <natureS Sulfobenzide in ic (99)><turn aS ever in icefield Subzone><interuuoven norSe><never uurote in etruScan><So ninurta [Sumerian war and inundation god] never uurote>
  4. <preCautionary><insured au [gold]Cap iron roD type><yet iron au [gold] Cap uprise / epirus> <is roundedD up>
  1. Saracens, auuaqen (awaken), entreater, Sulfobenzide, icefield, subzone, inter-uuoven, precautionary
  2. engulfed, rounded
  3. Caesars, enraptured, tablement
  4. Bertram
  5. Etruscan, Ninurta
  6. insured
  7. -
  8. type
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. Caesar
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. talent, never
  19. blame

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