Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nostradamus C.7 Q.30: A box lent to Singapore signals the new Great War.

Nostradamus C.7 Q.30: A box lent to Singapore signals the new Great War.

Centuries seven I have identified as being Nostradamus' Book of names and there are several in this verse that are important to the unravelling of his tale. Amongst these are ones for Singapore and Proserpine ( in Queensland, Australia) both of which are distant from France yet the names in the text are of places familiar to Nostradamus. In reconstructing the messages of this verse using the least frequent anagrams to form the skeleton it is apparent it involves an event in the Asian region and its content strikes a current chord as it resonates with the tragic flight of Malaysian Airlines MH370. It is unlikely to be about this particular plane but the repercussions of its disappearance seem to be bound into Nostradamus text while the anagrams suggest it is the seed for war between USA and Iran (See my paper titled Amercan Disaster for more on the start of the war and my analysis of C.06 Q.95  which also bears on the disappearance of MH370.
The sack approaches, fire and great bloodshed.
Po the great rivers, the enterprise for the clowns
after a long wait from Gennes and Nice,
Foussan, Turin at Savillan the capture.
 Le $ac s'approche feu grand $ang e$pandu
Po grand fleuues aux bouuiers l'entreprin$e
De Gennes Nice apres long attendu
Fou$$an Turin a Sauillan la prin$e.
  1. <<and agenS upLandS refuge appro'ches><a pageS prop uncLaSsed>
  2. <uuiser usa lent SingaPore unfueled box><ProSerpine [Australia Qld] listener use uxa bouu fuel><ProSpering usa lent uuiser box><ProSerpine uuiser use lent dangerful box>
  3. <Narcolepsies / precessioNal tangent uneDGed><pisceaN roles><siNce enn (possibly numeric code) uneDGed ><**siNce personal G attuned enn eDGe**>replaces along
  4. <usa inFerS Turn in a planilla [level mine site]><infFrapose [beneath] SuSa turn><allan auStralian-uni><inFers uSa plan ill ruin oF SusA><turn oF perSian SuSA><**uSa Saturnian plan a ill of uS**><uSa iran ill airplan FaTuouSneSS [foolish]>
  1. unclassed, prospering, unedged, planilla, infrapose, Australian-uni, fatuousness
  2. Singapore
  3. refuge, Proserpine, precessional / narcolepsies, airplan
  4. unfueled, bouu
  5. uplands, dangerful, box
  6. infers, Allan
  7. -
  8. Piscean
  9. -
  10. personal, attuned, unedge
  11. replaces
  12. -
  13. -
  14. pages
  15. listener

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