Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Nostradamus C6 Q72: The emotions that drive future visions of religious repression.

Nostradamus C6 Q72: The emotions that drive future visions of  religious repression.
29th April 2015: This is the third in the series showing how Nostradamus prophecy sessions worked and were then translated into verse.

Through feigned fury of divine emotion
The wife of the great one will be violated
The judges wishing to condemn such a doctrine,
She is sacrificed a victim to the ignorant people.
Par fureur faincte d'e$motion diuine
Sera la femme du grand fort violee
Juges voulans damner telle doctrine
Victime au peuple ignorant imolee
Some verses contain very obvious clues as to their subject matter but four short poetic lines always holds too little for clarity. Given this dilemma there is only one possibility and that is that there is a code for linking that verse to others and finding key words that reveal details left out of the text.
The text of this verse mentions divine emotion and this clearly marks it as  commentary by Nostradamus on his method of achieving the right dream like state and then being able to recollect it once awake and set it down. My claim is that emotions are an essential part of memory recall when the subject matter has temporarily been forgotten and divine emotions imply this is his contact with the agent that provided his foresight into significant mutations of future times. In this verse it talks of a wife being violated while the first mentions feigned fury so it is no surprise to find anagrams for frantic (r fainct) and rapine (ine Par) in the first line. But the second line holds a greater affirmation of Nostradamus' intent since it holds clear anagrams 'for violet' (for - t viole) and 'flame release' (lee Sera - la fem).
Now the violet flame was a term suited to Nostradamus' time and it held special meaning to alchemists. It is related to self-transformation with the flame being the essence of a unique spiritual light. Mystics of all ages have glimpsed a "spiritual spectrum" behind the physical spectrum with the violet flame being associated with the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation.
Yet the tone of the text seems more vengeful than enlightened to our modern sense and it it is apparent that this disturbs Nostradamus. His verse is a condemnation of those who proclaim that enlightment underpins their cruel actions against those outside their realm of righteousness. His need when triggering the visions of this verse was then designed to build affinity with the mutations of future times and by the focus on the condemnation of a rape victim he draws forth a much more dire dream.
The modern story hidden in the anagram reflects the tone of the text since it concerns legal constraints on sexuality and racism introduced in the guise of God's word. The anagrams that form the backbone to this tale include:
interfaced, confederatism, rummaged, unfairer, sodomite, demotions, injector, injure,  recondite, emotions, unfair, vogues, antinegro, ovules, germination, motions, remands, frantic, eloping, regional, Girona, modest, mentorial, Eloim, motile, descent, motion, decent, frond, enticed, Eloise, damns, vice, most, argued, violet, flame, release, a flare.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Nostradamus C4 Q29: The Ritual for initiating and completing the 21stC Comet prophecies.

Nostradamus C4 Q29: The Ritual for initiating and completing the 21stC Comet prophecies.
28th April 2015:

The second verse in this series follows the path set by the anagrams for ritual and it illustrates some other Gods from legends that Nostradamus used to enhance his recall of his nightly visions. It also demonstrates the integration of usage, rules employed and topics he thought important enough to project 500 years beyond his mortal years.
The text of this verse immediately places it into the cluster of verses that describe Nostradamus' method of obtaining and presenting his prophecies. This is affirmed in the anagrams where one of the Prophecies' ten anagrams for ritual/s (rutila) is found. The story of the verse is found by interweaving the detail of the anagrams with the text and it hides a tale found throughout the Prophecies; it is the impact of the comet Apep on the world. From the comet comes bionomic material that enriches the pastures of Herculean Africa. And by including the anagram for ritual Nostradamus is declaring how he gained and remembered his dream; he focussed on the emotional  qualities of Vulcan and Hermes to initiate and remember his vision.

But the verse clearly has an astronomic tone which can lead to a specific date. The sun hidden eclipsed by Mercury will be placed second in the sky can be taken as an eclipse  the moon since this is the only means by which it can hidden and be second in the sky but there is also an eclipse by Mercury which limits the  possible periods. The sun hidden also suggest it is at night. The fourth line implies the reemergence of the sun from behind the moon as dawn breaks while in the anagrams there is verseau which in French means Aquarius and this identifies the period from 20th January to 19th February in any modern year.

Now the anagrams of the second line introduce a twist to the tale of a type Nostradamus often uses; it introduces two distintinctive names, Ermesinda (d Ne $era mi) and Cecile's  power (ue pour - le ciel $ec) that define an epoch of two branches of the de Foix family lineage in the early part of the thirteenth century. The second line also has anagrams for second-line see Marquis recouple (iel $econdN -e $e - ra mis qu-e pour le c) and this relates to the re-uniting of the two branches in 1314CE when Bernard VIII de Comminges married Nathe l'Isle d'Jourdain. The device used by Nostradamus is to use historically locatable events to set a period of 177 years that is  854 years in the future (from 1989CE to 2168CE), a period defined by the perfect cycle of planets which he describes in full in his Epistle to Henry 1558.  (See my paper on Floods for full coverage of this topic).

The third line holds anagrams for Herculean (e Vlcan Her) Africa (ra faic) and this provides a location where the real action of the story takes place. That action involves the comet Apep's flight path (he ecli - pse pa) and the release of material in the pastured (pa$ture D) regions of Northern Africa.

The Sun hidden eclipsed by Mercury
Will be placed only second in the sky
Of Vulcan Hermes will be made into food,
The Sun will be seen pure, glowing red and golden.

Le Sol cache eclipse par Mercure
Ne $era mis que pour le ciel $econd
De Vlcan Hermes $era faicte pa$ture
Sol $era veu pur rutilant et blond

L1: <each ruLe cloSe><apeps helice><reMaps recur eLSe cochlea clip><eclipse cure paMper>applies

L2: <~ermeSinda  rule on cecileS epoqus~><CecileS quipsome rule eNdearS<equip our arm><cecilleS pouuer><~SecoNd-line See marquis recouple~><ceciles rule eNdS on marquise><cruel lie coNdenSe armieS epoqu><eraSmieN relic encloSed epoqu><musiq eraS coNdenSe cruel lie><armies decleNSion recouple>

L3: <Hermes can cite a Safer past><Seems africa paStured HercVlean><true aSpect calVeD Herman Sees afar><cafeteriaS rueD> petraeuS practiSe

L4:  <~So tent ritual Supervalue blond~><aver latin bottle oldneSs up><blondS loSe talent><verSeau (Aquarian) Sold>revealS / Several latin

Monday, April 27, 2015

Nostradamus Rituals for producing his Prophecies.

Nostradamus Rituals for producing his Prophecies.

In mid April 2015 I set out to identify the quatrains and their content that disclose Nostradamus' mechanisms for transferring his nightly visions into a written form. I did so with great confidence for I no longer had any doubts that it would be there since I already knew the nature of Nostradamus' work as a whole and as a set of interwoven parts.
My confidence was based on the knowledge that I had successfully constructed the anagrams for all verses and that in their most polished form they produce a consistent story with great detail related to the written text. I also knew what to look for since I had spent considerable time understanding who Nostradamus was, the limits of future seeing, the nature of human evolution and the limitations and benefits that would bind his encounters. Those interesed in the scope of these issues are invited to access my papers such as  Future Seeing and In the Mind of a prophet. The latter is a gaming strategy I used to explore how future seeing might manifest itself and this current effort of mine is one outcome from those endeavours.  And the material has a substantial  foundation since I have published online over  fifty percent of all verses in fully analysed format. By the end of this year I will have eighty percent developed to a high level and published. To access all my published verses my page called Quatrain Map is the best means.
As a result of these earlier efforts I knew I was set to gather together those verses containing key words relevant to someone trying to recall experiences in a dream. My starting point is based on the properties of memory and the way that recall is aided by focussing on the emotions surrounding subliminal ideas.  There are also terms relevant to the physical or ethereal presence of the source for these determine the depth and quality of any dream. I hoped to find whether it was just voices, a single voice, an image or a mix of all these things that came to Nostradamus in his trances.

The extent of integrity within the verses is demonstrable in many ways but one emerged as I identified verses holding key words and began work on the earliest of these quatrains (C1 Q26). This verse was identified as interesting because it held an  anagram of rituals plus other terms relevant to my search. But when I looked closely at other verses in my search list I found many including C1 Q26 contained an anagram for posture. At first this seemed to me to be of low import but on finding out its alternate meanings I found it not only refers to a physical stance but it can be applied to mental and spiritual attitude. Further the letters for posture form another word which is Proteus the name of a future-seeing Greek Sea God who is noted for the ability to change shape and form when forced to foretell the future. Both these options have obvious relevance to the  rationale behind this analysis.

It is my intent to publish a link plus items relevant to each verse as I establish their full relevance. The first of these is C1 Q26.

The wine based medication behind his visions.

This quatrain reveals the mechanics of both Nostradamus trances and his means of recall each of which is essential in the difficult process of tranferring his prophecies onto paper.  That there is such a mechanism set out in his verses is to be expected whereas there absence would be difficult to explain.
It is quite true, Sire, that my natural instinct has been inherited from my forebears, who did not believe in predicting, and that this is a natural instinct that I have adjusted. Together with my long calculations this [instinct] unifies and empties my soul, mind and heart of all care, solicitude and vexation. By repose and tranquillity of the spirit all is made ready for the presage and this is in part due to the brazen tripod. Nostradamus 1558 Letter to Henry -HEE3.
The verse has a very powerful collection of anagrams centred around the ritual preparation of a wine based medication that Nostradamus used to aid his visions. The text gives the account of what he saw in one such vision which he acknowledges in part through the ambiguity of the first two lines. From the totality of this verse we see a program which fits to that he claimed he used which was to enter his visionary state in the night and to then pen these visions in the day by inducing a reflection of his nightly encounters. He does this by following an ancient ritual involving posture, a source of flame, procedure and the emotions that accompany all memories even when they are hidden. By using the emotions of strife, lust and unrest he produces the greatest rapport between the awakened and dream-like states thus enabling what he saw to be recovered. All of this can be found in his anagrams as shown below.
The anagrammatic structure is set by major anagrams such as:
ungarlanded, limiters, confer, requests, heed, winters, fiercest, weirder, firelit, flow (u foul), Jews presageant (e Suiu - ant pre$age t), wines, mutage, replicated, thumbed, encounters, depict, Puritan, weird, rituals, unsure counter heed  (e d'he - ure noct - urne Su),  once fire filter (ifer -e Con - flit Re), Templar ritual posture rapport (tpar por -teur po$ -t ulair- Mal et pr ), reflection strife (stifer - e Conflit Re), unrest, enforce, Florence, unreal, presage, pre-Satan, stupor, garlanded, stage, count, surest, lust, foul, court, cried, endorse, wise, report, refit, pride.
The great man will be struck down in the day by a bolt
An evil deed, foretold by the bearer of a petition
According to the prediction another falls at night
Conflict at Reims, London, and pestilence in Tusca
La grand du fouldre tumbe d'heure diurne
Mal et predict par porteur po$tulaire
Suiuant pre$age tumbe d'heure nocturne
Conflit Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestifere