Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.100: The powerful curse of musical code.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.100: The powerful curse of musical code.

Although generally ignored or dismissed as a weird curse this verse holds highly potent clues to the encoding techniques concealing Nostradamus' deepest secrets. It is the obvious verse to contain highly vital information since it is the only one entirely in Latin and the only one with a header. And the curse itself is not a curse but an invitation to ignore its threat if you wish to know Nostradamus' secrets.
Let those who read this verse consider it deeply
Let the profane and the ignorant herd keep away
And far away all Astrologers, Idiots and Barbarians
May he who does otherwise be subject to the sacred rites
Quos legent hosce versus mature censunto
Profanum vulgus et inscium ne attrectato.
Omnesq Astrologi Blenni Barbari procul sunto
Qui aliter facit is rite sacer esto .

  1. <conSeQuent verSe choSe soul a true sum>.<conSeQuent ethnologues><choSe gentle> <erasmus true>encounterS
  2. <neat Proof unites vulganum [common prayer? ] music><Proof num-valu guest in neumaticS><muSic act to entreat guest in vulganum [common prayer]>
  3.  <mOon to Sun><prior arab Sun-cult enBibling StAr logo ><Astrologiq mOonset><Omens qASt unto procluS [ancient writer]>
  4. <**Questorial riteS its ace artifice**><createS Quotes><aliQuots [equal portions] its riteS actifier><**aliQuot aS its secret rite artifice**><aS coQuetries satiric filter>
  1. contraction, locicises, Angliciste, Notaricon, critic, ethnologues, Vulganum, moonset, sun-cult, star-logo
  2. Erasmus, neumatics, satiric
  3. questorial, coquetries, actifier
  4. -
  5. Occitan, inspector, container, consequent, music, guest
  6. actions, prior, Proclus, quotes, filter
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. entreat
  11. action
  12. poets
  13. gentle
  14. -
  15. -
  16. chose
  17. -
  18. -
  19. Moon
  20. proof
Reading the above extracts on Erasmus and the text of Nostradamus verse C.6 Q.100  it is easy to see that Erasmus fits the description of someone suited to be a participant in whatever message the verse contains, However Erasmus had died nearly 20 years before the quatrains were written and published. Yet in this verse is one of the two anagrams for Erasmus that are found in Nostradamus' Prophecies. I believe that Nostradamus wrote this verse for a specific audience and that names such as Erasmus were his ciphers for these people to use as markers.
And there are many good reasons why this verse should also be considered to contain a cipher for Julius Caesar Scaliger, the most prominent of Latin writer of his time. Firstly this quatrain is the only one in Latin which suggests the importance this language choice must have in identifying its import to specific readers. A further clue is Scaliger was considered by Erasmus to be an inept critic. Jules was prolific in his attacks on many scholars of his time and claims of ineptitude flew freely amongst him and those he criticised. Nostradamus' reference to the inept critic in his header again draws attention to the battle between Scaliger and Erasmus. it tells the knowledgeable reader that this is the verse where the key lies to whatever purpose Nostradamus' Prophecies serves. The solution in this verse lies within a group or sect that is highly interested in the issues  that divided and united these two new conservative heretics (Erasmus and Scaliger) and who viewed Nostradamus as their own special courier. They were people Nostradamus had met in Agen during the time that Scaliger was in battle with Erasmus from 1533 to 1538CE.
Scaligers quatrains Wikipedia includes the following short statement that tells us much that is relevant to identifying the ciphers.
'In 1531 he [Scaliger] printed his first oration against Erasmus in defence of Cicero and the Ciceronians. It is a piece of vigorous invective, displaying, like all his subsequent writings, an astonishing command of Latin and much brilliant rhetoric, but full of vulgar abuse, and completely missing the point of the Ciceronianus of Erasmus.'
Scaliger, like many others of his time, also published works on Poetry and Religion. Some of these were published as collections in later years. 
Given the relationship that had once existed between the two men and Nostradamus high esteem of the contributions Scaliger made to his own progress, it wouldn't be at all surprising for this verse to have been  used in the way I imply. However this quatrain was published in 1555 when Erasmus was dead and Scaliger was already confined to his bed and unable to adequately respond. Scaliger died in 1558, the same year that the second part of Nostradamus' Prophecies were officially published. Although both Scaliger and Erasmus are indicated as ciphers underpinning this verse it self-evidently wasn't in order for the attention of either of these men to be drawn to it.
The name, Erasmus, is to be found in the first line where it occurs in an anagram  as ersus ma.  The only other place where an anagram for this name can be found  is C.3 Q.64 line 1 so it cannot be discounted as a commonly found letter group. Nor can those that are found behind the header where the following uniquely occurring anagrams occur:
  • Angliciste (meaning a student of English- which Erasmus was)
  • Notaricon or Notarikon (is a method of deriving a word, akin to the creation of an acronym, by using various but fixed order combinations of letters from each word. The word "notarikon" is related to the Latin word "notarius," meaning "short-hand writer." or contracted writing)
  • Contraction
  • Critic(s)   
Now these words are found together with other more frequently found anagrams which are often  adjacent to these rare ones and this gives all of them extra poignancy. For example there is, Angliciste.Notaricon.Poets.Critic or the whole line can be completed to read So.Angliciste.Poet.Notaricon.Critic. The  term angliciste is very interesting since it can be readily applied to Erasmus. He had spent several periods in England, most notably from 1509 to 1514 and he maintained many of these contacts thoughout his life. However it also applies to a great deal of scholars in that era, especially those linked to Marguerite de Navarre whose territory included Nerac, 15 kilometres from Agen. Nerac, under Marguerite's rule, was a haven for radicals and those under stress. Erasmus was one of the guests to this region as were Calvin and the poet Rabelais.  And although this verse was self-evidently not aimed at Erasmus who died in 1536CE it may well refer to one or more of Erasmus' friends or students. Julius Scaliger on the other hand had no interest or liking for the English so the angliciste epithet can't apply to him. However, whatever way these rare anagrams are reconstructed there seems to be a meaningful coding purpose underpinning this verse, a conclusion that is strengthened by the anagrams found in the other lines of this verse.
The first line saying Quos legent hosce versus mature censunto has anagrams which yield Erasmus chose-length consequent verse a true.sum. Consequent occurs as anagrams in a total of 5 quatrains while verse.a.true.sum is an adjacent sequence. The anagram that provides this sequence is only found in this verse as is a.true.sum.
The second line is equally as intricate and relevant to the messages already shown. In its wording Profanum vulgus et inscium ne attrectato we find  where both guest and music are reasonably rare (four other occurrences each). Although other anagrams like proof occur more frequently (20x for proof) they form a powerful sequence that states Proof num-value guest in music. There is also an anagram for neumatics which occurs here and only one other verse. The word relates to the notation of incantations and chants using neumes as musical-value ciphers. Given that  this verse is meant to be an incantation and the previous line's hidden content alludes to a true sum there is a coherence given to the whole and it flowers into a beautiful coding scheme based on the structure of a verse and using ciphers based on the same principle as music in the 16th Century.
There is one other anagram found in the 2nd line and it is is unique being found nowhere else in the prophecies. This word is Vulganum and it forms a sequence which uses most of line to say Proof.Neumatics.Unites.Vulganum (common Book of prayer)
The evidence I have presented  above tells us that the key to Nostradamus work is somehow tied into two famous 16th C figures, Erasmus and Julius Scaliger, yet it was clearly not intended for them. Although it can be shown there is strong evidence that this verse is about a coding scheme there seems to be allusions to 16th C music as well as poetry. In addition the verse 's text highlights the religious aspect  of  Nostradamus intended cipher.  It is therefore highly possible that guests to the region of Nerac formed a sect (or group with common goals) into which Nostradamus had been initiated and his career path then determined by them.
It is possible to trace these conclusions in many other powerful verses in the Prophecies. From these verses it becomes apparent that their purpose is to further the prospects of the Bourbon line and validate its claim to being part of the lineage of Christ. It is also apparent that this sect infiltrated the royalty of Europe including that of England and Scotland.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.99: The secret rhythms of the Prophecies.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.99: The secret rhythms of the Prophecies.

Here is a verse with enigmas to excite the mind. The sequence of verses at the end of Centuries VI hold numerous code-relevent anagrams in their lines. This one is no exception. The anagrams are once again heavily accented towards code-type words and in particular to the war stories in the quatrains. Several of them are split anagrams but even so they occur nowhere else in the fashion and  extent found here.
C.6 Q.99
The learned enemy will find himself confused,
His great army sick, and defeated by ambushes,
The Pyrenees and Pennine Alps will be denied him,
Discovering near the river ancient jugs.
L'ennemy docte $e tournera confus
Grad camp malade et defaict par embu$ches
Mots Pyrenees et Poenus luy $erot faicts refus
Proche du fleuue de$couurat antiques oruches
Anagram sequences in the French Text.
  1. <my-code 'L enn'  Set non-surface route> <my enn fueLs counter-reaSon><to our encodement-styLe>
  2. <Subscheme part> <i defeated pact><Such decaGrams map defeat deal>
  3. <Poet Surely see PoeMs-entry factorise forM-use><Poets Strenuously >
  4.  <uue fchedule uuar-codeS equitant [folded over] > <antique chorus><our-techniques><quaint source><question><equations><quatrains-uurote>
  1. non-surface, encodement-style, question, counter-reason, defeated, decagrams,  equations, strenuously, equitant
  2. factorise, poems-entry
  3. subscheme
  4. uuar-codes
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. truest
  9. surely
  10. syntrope


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.97: Fire in the sky affects the productivity of farmland.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.97: Fire in the sky affects the productivity of farmland.

Verse C.6 Q.97 is an important part of the sephiroth (tree of life) as can be seen in my paper on Fire in the Sky. The relevance of  the reference to forty five degrees is not only in the text since it is also carried through the anagram for quadrante (1/4 of 189 degrees). The anagrams build a consistent picture of the impact of the fire in the sky on things that live outdoors. Animals and crops are affected by the depletion of nitrates in the soil and this imbalance increases the value of fertilisers.
C.6 Q.97
 At forty-five degrees the sky will burn,
Fire to approach the great new city:
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up
When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.
 Cinq et quarante degres ciel bru$lera
Feu approcher de la grand cite neufue
In$tant grand flamme e$par$e $autera
Quant on voudra des Normans faire preuue.
  1.  <cries guaranteed> <clergies quadrante [a quarter part]><quatrein-generated arc-q><ice blurS real degrees>
  2. <Feuu uninfected a large herd crop><pauper chore><enunciated>
  3. <farmland Seem SparSe><SaInt grant treAsures><female-named><nItrateS true><aSSure retaInS>
  4. <raNdomness not a fair uvord><Norseman dreads sefira><aunt repair Queue><anton vuord uuaQe pierre>
  1. enunciated, uninfected
  2. clergies, farmland
  3. guaranteed, randomness
  4. quadrante, degrees, generated, Norseman
  5. treasures
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. degree
  10. nitrates, queue
  11. -
  12. blurs, pauper

Nostradamus C.6 Q.96: Timescale for great war and Pandora's gifts.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.96: Timescale for great war and Pandora's gifts.

This verse at both the text and anagram level set the signs that can be seen at the time of the hideous calamity at the heart of Nostradamus' Prophecies. The nature of Nostradamus' quatrains yields much about its intent. It is of a well-defined scale insufficient to offer insight into a great number of events. There is no reasonable logic to his having chosen events in a far distant future other than that these events are far more significant than all those in between. But there is also no logic for a man of the sixteenth century to become involved  other than the recording of an inescapable set of events that the earth survives. This rationale is to be found in the anagrams which focus on a time scale, the atmospere and climate disasters. And the inclusion of the name Pandora in the anagrams illustrates this well since it is a perfect cipher for the release of manifold ills. To this the anagram for Hippocrates offers another dimension for these gifts for this name acts as a cipher for all things medical.
C.6 Q.96
Great city abandoned to the soldiers,
Never was mortal tumult so close to it:
Oh, what a hideous calamity draws near,
Except one offense nothing will be spared it.
 Grand cite a $oldatz abandonnee
Onques n'y eu$t mortel tumult $i proche
O quel hideuse calamite s'approche
Fors vne offence n'y sera pardonnee.
  1. <old diStance Genera><declarations><endanGer no Societal band><diSlocated><iSolated><none cited old tazaband anGer>
  2. <my-tuneS><no queensy muSt><Split chore><loSt-cipher>
  3. <a time appro'ches><papers echo time><hippocrates><hide a time scale use> <atmospheric-epoq><climate-appears use><spaceport aim><prophe-tic sea>
  4. <pandora ovens scenery Forseen><years pandora>yearns.
  1. dislocated, declarations, Hippocrates
  2. isolated, split, scenery
  3. Pandora, yearns
  4. societal
  5. must
  6. spaceport
  7. -
  8. ovens
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. distance

Monday, April 28, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.95: Malaysian airlines MH370, nuclear metals, numbers and war.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.95: Malaysian airlines MH370, nuclear metals, numbers and war.

There are many anagrams in this verse that affirm the idea that Nostradamus did conceal his secrets through the anagrams and the text. This quatrain has very strong links to C.06 Q.81  which has a concentration of both numeric and radoactive metal terms in its anagrams. In these two verses the only anagrams for Laurencium occur. This is a very short-life transition element and the word transit occurs as an anagram in the first line of C.6 Q.95 as does the name-anagram of this element. The anagram for numerical also  occurs further enhancing their connectivity. And both fraction and accurate occur in this verse thereby reinforcinge the use of numbers as a meaningful cipher. And the fraction cipher occurs in two lines of this verse with only one other occurrence in the remainder of the Prophecies which further strengthens the likelihood it is in this verse as an act of choice not chance alone.
Other anagrams may well mean this verse has relevance to Malaysian Airlines MH370 disappearance. If this event is the reference point used by Nostradamus then we can assume its disappearance will have a military aspect in its demise; one that will fuel the future wars seen by Nostradamus. From the threads in these anagrams and the verses text it appears we can expect this mystery to shape significant events into the foreseeable future.
Calumny against the cadet by the detractor,
When enormous and warlike deeds will take place:
The least part doubtful for the elder one,
And soon in the realm there will be partisan deeds.
 Par detracteur calumnie a puis nay
Quant i$tront faicts enormes et martiaux
La moindre part dubieu$e a l'ai$nay
Et to$t au regne $eront faicts partiaux.
  1. <any trace dePart><accurate><numerical><dysPareunia [painful sex] laurencium trace>
  2. <Quaint iuxta [side by side]><matter faction transit><**matter sent iS Quaint uxa morse fraction**><meteors transfection> <cremations front><fraction set iS Quaint monster stream><timestream fornicates>remoteness traumatise anemometers manometers
  3. <maLaySian seal preordain><uSe part i dub><paLindrome><anomaLy in aliaS uSe><raimond depart>
  4. <urge to-teSt a fraction parts seen juxta [side-by-side]><tExt outrageS parts fraction Seen><Seafront genre><parts genre it fornicateS>
  1. dyspareunia, accurate, anemometers, transfection, Malaysian, palindrome, anomaly
  2. numerical (see C.06 Q.81), Laurencium (see C.06 Q.81), manometers, traumatise, timestream,
  3. fraction (2 in this verse)
  4. -
  5. remoteness, cremations, outrages
  6. preordain
  7. fornicates (2 in this verse)
  8. meteors
  9. transit
  10. -
  11. seafront
  12. faction (2 in this verse)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.94: Greenhouse emissions lead to northern nations murdering eastern refugees.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.94: Greenhouse emissions lead to northern nations murdering eastern refugees.

In every verse the collective nature of the anagrams is far more significant than any readability in its strings since nostradamus' ciphers act like key words used in internet searches. It is inevitably so because of the comlexity of the verses construction as each quatrain serves several master. In this verse the gestalt of the anagrams focuses on directional location with the north and east being significant. The North-Sea and the Nordic countries is one such focal point and Rhodes in the Eastern mediterranean is another. the verses anagrams also tell us the strengths of this coding technique for the building of the story relies on interlocking with other quatrains and indirect guides from both the anagrams and the text. The impact of the text is enlarged when the final two French words 'Serre Serre' are ascribed their modern  meaning of 'greenhouse emissions'.
A King will be angry with the see-breakers,
When arms of war will be prohibited:
The poison tainted in the sugar for the strawberries
Murdered by waters, dead, saying greenhouse emissions.
Vn Roy ire $er a aux $edifragues
Quant interdicts $eront harnois de guerre
La poi$on taincte au $uccre par les fragues
Par eaux meurtris mors di$ant $erre $erre.
  1. <ReVerSionary usage fired><areaS uxeS><Seer VeRsyon argufied Sex aura>
  2. <urge Quatrein intercroSsed><organised throneS / Shorten><indirect eQuant guides err> <ten antiQue recordiSts><organised diSsect north><odins northSea directs><rhodesian urge Quatrein><dire Sects organised north Quintant [1/5 extant arc]>
  3. <optionS seaL><apoSitionaL usage><poLaris-usage><argue containS superaccurate self>
  4.  <eaSternerS err><randomiSts truer><tardineSS><Seer reStrainS reAper meaxure>
  1. reversionary, argufied, Rhodesian, recordists, superaccurate
  2. indirect, quintant
  3. intercrossed, directs, options, randomists, tardiness
  4. guides, dissect, North-Sea, restrain, Easterners
  5. contains
  6. -
  7. organised, north
  8. throneS / Shorten
  9. -
  10. Quatrein, Odins
  11. fired

Nostradamus C.6 Q.93: Nostradamus notes that he sees his own coded message differently to us.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.93: Nostradamus notes that he sees his own coded  message differently to us.

Nostradamus declares a great deal of self-interest via the last line of this verse since he is indicating that the process of encoding his messages shapes his meaning more than the story in the text. His anagrams in the first line tell us that the text is built from his visions of the past while the second tells us his code is held within six nine-bit squares some of which overlap to fit into the available space in a verse.
 The greedy prelate deceived by ambition,
He will come to reckon nothing too much for him:
He and his messengers completely trapped,
He who cut the wood sees all in reverse.
 Prelat auare d'ambition trompe
Rien ne $era que trop viendra cuider
Ses me$$agiers et luy bien attrape
Tout au rebours voir qui le bois fendroit.
  1. dream bit into poem><premotion made aura alter><**aura made into Pretemporal bit**><monitor ambit><pre-emptor ambitioned>
  2. <inneR quarter See><provident arc><overprinted Square><nine carRied-under vi>
  3. <meSSages rise><Seems SageS result by inate part>
  4. <our oblique ironfisted visor><it is fonder To uuater><robe>
  1. ambitioned, provident, overprinted, messages, ironfisted
  2. pretemporal, preemptor, oblique
  3. quarter
  4. ambit
  5. -
  6. -
  7. fonder, visor
  8. monitor, inner
  9. -
  10. --
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. uuater

Nostradamus C.6 Q.92: The royal line and its ties to Nostradamus.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.92: The royal line and its ties to Nostradamus.

Here is a verse with enigmas to excite the mind. We have the glamour, intrigue, and drama well suited to many stories but the anagrams give it a different twist since they imply it is really about high level code and the encoder. There are several references that Nostradamus makes that apply to himself and his decoder, a white haired person hampered by a wasting disease such as oedema (also called dropsy). The sequence of verses at the end of Centuries VI hold numerous code-relevent anagrams in their lines while the story of the text is relevant to both the 16th century (henry IV) and to the modern day tales in Nostradamus' Prophecies. This verse has several code related full-anagrams within it which encourages me to include the split anagram for cryptographer found in the fourth line. The lettering is evocative of several complex words on the same topic (e.g. cryptography) but they are also split anagrams and in a single split or unsplit format they can only be found in this verse.
Prince of beauty so comely,
Around his head a plot, the second deed betrayed:
The city to the sword in dust the face burnt,
Through too great murder the head of the King hated.
Prince de beaute tant venu$te
Au chef menee le $econd faict trahy
La cite au glaiue de poudre face adu$te
Par trop grand meurtre le chef du Roy hay.
  1.  <encriPted venuS be attenuate><PreScient><Priest><attune>
  2. <he confiScated Autarchy[self-rule]><el em en ef artifact encloSed> encodeS
  3. <gaulite pouudered eLastic facade><actuaLiSed a gaulite pouudered face><fear educateS><ague Lattice/ tactiLe aliue>
  4.  <cryPto-grapher named truer><fchedule><Paratrophy [wasting disease] fed youR><handy-program Part><hoaRy feud Portray><lecturer named>
  1. attenuate, confiscated, autarchy, actualised, facade, educates, paratrophy
  2. pouudered, hoary
  3. encripted, artifact, portray
  4. -
  5. -
  6. lecturer
  7. -
  8. prescient
  9. enclosed
  10. -
  11. -
  12. lattice
  13. attune
  14. elastic
  15. -
  16. -
  17. encodes

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.84: Paraclete involvement in genesis of super-ape.

The Paraclet(e)us (Holy Spirit)- C.5 Q.26 , C.6 Q.84 & C.9 Q.34

Paraclete: According to Trinitarian doctrine, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who among other things provides guidance, consolation, strength, and support to people. Other titles for the Holy Spirit include 'Spirit of Truth', Lightful Spirit of God Almighty, Holy Breath, Almighty Breath, Giver of Life, Lord of Grace, Helper, 'Comforter', 'Counselor' and 'Supporter'....Paraclete in Wikipedia

Paracletus provides a crucial cipher integrating a theme from the past with the action principle of a future event. It identifies a prince of peace who lead a religious sect in the years leading up to the apocalyptic religious war at the end of this century.
There are a total of seven verses holding variant anagrams for Paraclete. There is also a verse C.5 Q.26  which has an anagram for Paraclet(eus) and relevant other key words but I have found no other variants than these:
The Lame One, he who lame could not reign in Sparta
He will do much through seductive means:
So that by the short and long, he will be accused
Of making his perspective against the King.
Celuy qu'en Sparte Claude ne peut regner
Il fera tant par voye $eductiue
Que au court long le fera araigner
Que contre Roy fera $a per$pectiue.
  1. <nuCleated genre quey Clue reputes><parentS quey clue> <urgent deepen paraCletuS><true gene Cruel quey transplaCe>
  2. <ovary Seed tuuice pattarn lIfe><after a prevoyant uSed>
  3. <agrarian long feel court Queer><nigeria area longfelt><a angrier fear>
  4. <aS i Queue preceptS fear><paperS cite foReSayer counter Queue><pictureSQue apeS foRyear>
  1. prevoyant, Nigeria, agrarian, longfelt. picturesque, precepts
  2. transplace, nucleated, Paraclet(e)us, foryear, foresayer
  3. tuuice
  4. deepen
  5. ovary
  6. urgent, quey
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. queue
  11. angrier

The slavish people through luck in war
Will become elevated to a very high degree:
They will change their Prince, one born a provincial
An army raised in the mountains to pass over the sea.
 La gent e$claue par vn heur martial
Viendra en haut degre tant e$leuee
Changeront prince nai$tre vn prouincial
Pa$$er la mer copie aux monts leuee.
  1. <gaLilean Sect marital lau><paracleteuS anGel humaner trial / trail><neglectS aLl><i encapSulate Legal art>nucleateS Speculate gaLlia
  2. <inVader ungathered><great era Sent haunted><neateSt daughter leuee driven>
  3. <proven arChangelic uni-on retainS><ancientS reporting> <garonne print tranSceive><proven retainS haluCinagenic pointer>
  4. < rePaSS amountx lame copier leuees><amuxe proclaimer SeaPS toluene/ solvent>
  1. humaner, Paracleteus, encapsulate, neglects, speculate, ungathered, haunted, daughter, proven Archangelic, reporting, halucinagenic, proclaimer
  2. nucleates, transceive
  3. Galilean
  4. ancients
  5. Gallia, neatest
  6. toluenes
  7. copier
  8. -
  9. -
  10. pointer
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. legal
The Galilean Sect is appropriate to Jesus and the time of the Pentecost but also applies to the Essenes of that same era, The Garonne mentioned in the third line is the name of a main river in the west of southern France; a region well known to Nostradamus. Agen, where he lived in the 1530's is a town on the Garonne midway between Toulouse and Bordeaux. Today there is a nuclear plant quite close to Agen at Golfech.
The single part afflicted will be mitered,
Return conflict to pass over the tile:
For five hundred one to betray will be titled
Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives.
Le part $oluz mary $era mittre
Retour conflict pa$$era $ur le thuille
Par cinq cens vn trahyr $era tiltre
Narbon et Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.
  1. <preLate art martyriSe Soul> <Letter part mary /army armies/ marieS Soulz><poleStar remittaL> <Leper artS miStreat mary zoul>
  2. <lutherS era Pass><luther aSSure ill plaStic forecount><urSae Route paSS luther iller conflict> <pact aSSureS luther illeR counterfoil>
  3. <in terreStrial Parc> <harry rateS triPle arc><triPle arreST>
  4. <court-place note uSa uxa sound><hudson Spectacular Nonreliable><paracletuS borne> <aS baroNet clue><baroN nucleateS parc><Speculate born><Near hudson ill bone Spectacular>
  1. martyrise, forecount, plastic, counterfoil, speculate, Hudson, spectacular, court-place, non-reliable
  2. remittal, terrestrial, Harry Paracletus
  3. Polestar, nucleates
  4. Luthers
  5. mistreat
  6. -
  7. Baronet
  8. -
  9. triple
  10. soulz, sound
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. borne

Nostradamus C.6 Q.85: Drug and oil sources as targets for 21st C crusade.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.85: Drug and oil sources as targets for 21st C crusade.

Nostradamus uses the setting of the First Crusade as an allusion for the great religious battle at the end of this century. The allusion doesn't draw on the proponents but on the attitudes of that time. It will be a barbarous war inspired by avarice and falsely perceived necessity.
 The great city of Tarsus by the Gauls
Will be destroyed, all of the Turban captives:
Help by sea from the great one of Portugal,
First day of summer Urban's consecration.
La grand cite de Thar$e par gaulois
Sera de$truite captifz tous a Turban
Secours par mer du grand Portugalois
Premier d'este le jour du $acre vrban.
  1. <louisa cite deaTh garLand regraSp><and edict Spare earTh goriLlas><a argiLlous [clayey] thRead redacting [driving back] apeS>
  2. <bardeSanes fitz to Taurus><it treaSured urbanS><SubTerran>< rectitudeS / certitudeS>
  3. <a murder corpus [large report]><remap drug and oil Port sources><guard Pond><prearms oil Pond Sources guard>
  4. <vrban Prime cruSader lets iove><braver couuards joel Predetermines><arduouS><remedies><Suuord / uuordS carve>
  1. argillous, gorillas, Urbans [Pope], subterran, rectitudes / certitudes, predetermines
  2. couuards
  3. thread, Crusader, braver, carve
  4. Taurus (+3 in text), Vrban [Pope Urban], arduous
  5. death, suuord / uuords, remedies
  6. murder
  7. braver
  8. regrasp, corpus
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. prearms
  14. -
  15. -
  16. Iove
  17. redacting, pond
  18. Earth / heart

Friday, April 25, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.82: The Pope who is killed by priests entrenched in the ancient beliefs.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.82: The Pope who is killed by priests entrenched in the ancient beliefs.

Verse C,6 Q.82 mentions the number seven in its text and five in its anagrams with both used as identification of groups of people who are meant to be protectors. Other anagrams refer to augurs, futhaorcs and fates all of which resonate with ancient divination methodology which is consistent with persons engaged in ministering to the spiritual needs of a congregation. There are also words such as corpulent corpse  and odourless ashes which also sit comfortably with the ancient practice of reading fate from the signs found in the dead. And there is a further connection as these means are seen to be the way to access the soul.
C.6 Q.82
 Through the deserts of the free and wild place,
The nephew of the great Pontiff will come to wander
Felled by seven with a heavy club,
By those who afterwards will occupy the Chalice.
 Par les de$ers de lieu libre et farouche
Viendra errer nepueu du grand Pontife
A$$ome a sept auecques lourde $ouche
Par ceux qua pres occuperont le cyphe.
  1. <irrefutable real Seeds resiled><Presealed futhaorc resiled> <cofeature elderS Preach><Preach our fate><our elders Preach Seers fate>bereft
  2. <rarer end Point fiVe unguarded><unargued rarer prune fit enVied Pond><Pond augured up>
  3. <** he Sourced soul AS Some aspects-queues**>odourleSs ASheS
  4. <corpulent corpse><Place-cypher parques [Roman fates] uxe>
  1. irrefutable
  2. futhaorc, cofeature, odourless, corpulent
  3. bereft
  4. unguarded
  5. augured
  6. -
  7. unargued
  8. presealed
  9. resiled
  10. five
  11. sourced
  12. -
  13. preach
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. pond

Nostradamus C.6 Q.81: The cruel metal that affects the fate of mankind.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.81: The cruel metal that affects the fate of mankind.

A large part of my efforts in recent years has been given to understanding the dating methods used by Nostradamus. In C.9 Q.44 Nostradamus left visible clues as to the date. However as they stand they are of little benefit.
C.9 Q.44 L.2   Saturn from gold to iron will be changed
C.9 Q.44 L.4   Before it has started the sky will show signs.      
To use these lines we need extra information and this is contained in its companion verse, C.6 Q.81 (discussed below).  Three lines of this particular verse carry four of the six anagrams based on the root of numeral and numeric. The anagrams are numerical (main cruel ), unnumerical (umain cruel n ), numeral (a nul mer) and an independent occurrence of numeraLs (urs Leman). There are also a very powerful cluster of anagrams that imply the event involves radioactive elements from the transition series of which uranium is a member. And in this context the wording of the first two lines of the text then takes on a dreadful relevance, "Tears, cries and laments, howls, terror, Heart inhuman, cruel, black and chilly"
Verse C,6 Q.81 also contains a unique anagram for Cynosurae (L.3 ansyCoeur) which is the current Polestar. Now from the emphasis given to numeration we can be confident that important information about numbers is contained in this verse. The Polestar was also found in a number of verses which I have shown tie the events at Geneva to the period of 2000CE to 2100CE. We can conclude from the Polestar reference that the same period is likely to apply here. In my paper on the great mutations I give the evidence for this 101 year period and at the head of that paper is an image of the sky at Easter in the year 2000CE. At this time there is a great clustering of the planets in Aries. Another series of conjunctions involving each of the planets occurs late in the year 2100CE. These are the sorts of signs from the sky that Nostradamus is referring to in the aforementioned verse. But in this instance the reference applies especially to Saturn and its alignment with Polaris.
C.6 Q.81
Tears, cries and laments, howls, terror,
Heart inhuman, cruel, black and chilly:
Lake of Geneva the Isles, of Genoa the notables,
Blood to pour out, wheat famine to none mercy.
Pleurs crys et plaincts hurlement effraieur
Coeur inhumain cruel noir et tran$y
Leman les i$les de Gennes les maieurs
Sang e$pancher frofaim a nul mercy.
  1. <planetic element hurts><plainest rules cry Pure raffi element><scruPle types><Peurile afferent><luthers planetic> interplays
  2. <unheroiC tyrantS><enrich-uranium><nuclear-ion><inhumanic torrential CynoSure [brightness]><numerical iron treat><human cure in torrential ruin><tranSitory-e> <CynoSurae [Polaris]]><laurencium [radioactive element]>
  3. <ierusalems maLe seed illneSs> <ierusaLem maleness gene lineS less seed><maLe illneSses><aimless ruLes><**numeraLise nameless edGeleSs lines**>numeraLs
  4. <**aSync numeral aim for french pageS**> <immanuel cry aS for french pageS>
  1. interplays, unnumerical, tyrants, enrich-uranium,  torrential, Cynosur(a)e, French, Immanuel, edgeless, numeral
  2. afferent, numerical, numerals, unheroic, nuclear-ion, inhumanic, maleness / nameless, Laurencium, numeralise
  3. async, types, hurts
  4. Luthers, Ierusalems, illness
  5. planetic, scruple
  6. plainest
  7. element, illnesses
  8. peurile
  9. -
  10. aimless
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. pages
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. cry

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.80: Radioactive metals involved in religious war.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.80: Radioactive metals involved in religious war.

There are many anagrams that serve as important keys in this verse. They are important because as a group they link to stories in several nearby verses. The idea of a Panurge or knave exists as does radiance (also tied into the name Curies and a radiant metal). There are others that tie into  the story of the text such as Arabesque and plunderage. And the anagrams have several other well linked anagrams such as arteries that reticulate and a palegreen caudex. Its theme is about radiation illnesses, knavery, religious war and invasion. The term cruel metal also emerges in another nearby verse while the duplicity of a merchanteer is also found in several of the last thirty verses of this part of Nostradamus' Prophecies.
From Fez the realm will reach those of Europe,
Their city ablaze and the blade will cut:
The great one of Asia by land and sea with great troops
So that blues and Pers[ians] the cross will pursue.
 De Fez le regne paruiendra a ceux d'Europe
Feu leur cite et lame trenchera
Le grand d'A$ie terre et mer a grand troupe
Que bleux pers croix a mort de cha$$era.
  1. <**reFeelz radiance our Deep panurge [knave] exude**><palegreen Feeds ruined><unrepaired genre Fleez> caudex [seed-head]
  2. <**Let merchanteer cite uuelFare**><hear metal centre cite curie Fuel><hence term reticulate><cruel metal tie enter reach><a metal Fuel curie retrench>
  3. <meter tree enLarged ideAS><**pLunderage arranged meter tree ideAS rot**><arranged ArterieS meet> <gArLanded Site><rotund margaret err Add Site enLarge><meterage retrieS Add enlarge>
  4. <axiom torched arabeSQueS plexures {interweavings]><democrat haS Square><toxicoderma [skin allergy] haS Square><eQuable Searches> craSheS Scathed
  1. Margaret, meterage, Arabesques, Democrat, toxicoderma, torched, axiom,
  2. merchanteer, plunderage, plexure
  3. reticulate, charted,
  4.  equable, radiance, retrench, scathed
  5. -
  6. -
  7. Panurge
  8. -
  9. searches, steadier
  10. -
  11. rotunda, unrepaired, arteries
  12. arrange
  13. caudex
  15. -
  16. garlanded, unrepaid / unpaired
  17. -
  18. rotund

Nostradamus C.6 Q.79: Details of the false dust scam used to control the populace.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.79: Details of the false dust scam used to control the populace.

In this verse Nostradamus talks of bandits and rogues who, in order to scare the populace into following their schemes, promote the idea of a deadly disease created by scientists.
 Near the Ticino the inhabitants of the Loire,
Garonne and Saone, the Seine, the Tain and Gironde
They will erect a promontory beyond the mountains,
Conflict given, Po enlarged, submerged in the wave.
Pres du Te$in les habitans de Loyre
Garonne et Saonne Seine Tain et Gironde
Outre les monts dre$$eront promontoire
Conflict donne Pau granci $ubmerge onde.
  1. <it reasonedLy has bit inSulTed Peers> <it reasonedLy uneSTablished><redePLoy unreSisted saint sheba><Peers inSulTed she abstain><**instead sheba lineS redePLoy dusT**><Leo inhales bandits Pyre>
  2. <none See danGer oriGinaTe on Senate><deroGatinG norn><Genitor danGer none sate none><nitroGen Grade> inTeGration orientinG iGnored / neGroid, moon
  3. <**redreSS proton monitor solemnest rOute**><solemn promotion StreSsed not re-route>
  4. <Submanic [affected by mania] Prague contend><no Submanic Panurge [knave] Conflicted><enCode germ><a Panurge incumberS> <Condone merge>erbiumS [rare earth metal]
  1. unestablished, utensil, integration, derogating, orienting, submanic, imbues
  2. reasonedly,unparagoned , bandits, originate, scaring
  3. insulted /unlisted, promotion, habits, caring, moon, conflicted, emerge
  4. unresisted, solemnest, abstain, stressed
  5. redeploy(s), nitrogen, contend
  6.  genitor, panurge
  7. -
  8. monitor, ignored, negroid
  9. -
  10. -
  11. merge
  12. -
  13. habit, Prague
  14. -
  15. -
  16. organ
  17. instead

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.78: Fertility drugs impede readiness for a Mediterranean war.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.78: Fertility drugs impede readiness for a Mediterranean war.

In this verse Nostradamus suggests there is a calendar based on the stars that is used when taking  fertility drugs. This concept of a menstrual cycle is well known in modern times but it is presented here because it impacts on a particular womans ability to be ready for a mid Mediterranean war.
 To proclaim the victory of the great expanding Selin
By the Romans will the Eagle be demanded,
Pavia, Milan and Genoa will not consent thereto,
Then by themselves the great Lord claimed.
Crier victoire du grand Selin croi$$ant
Par les Romains $era l'Aigle clame
Ticcin Milan et Gennes n'y con$ent
Puis par eux me$mes Ba$il grand reclame.
  1.  <i urged irelandS><ungraded lineS><linc aStrionicCS evictor rude dangers><and NarcoSis drug lineS>
  2. <gAlilea Romanisers rePeals calm><ArSenals aim><Pamela almonRies><AlgeriaS sin>gAllia
  3. <in Mil cci an [ year 1201] conTentS><enn syne aliGnMent / laMentinG>
  4. <grander aSSemBlies persia camel uP> <girl Pauperism calendar baSes uxe emmS><Priapus [fertility god] uxe grander camel miSaSsemBle> <aruspex [soothsayer] miSaSsemBle grander camel>
  1. astrionics, Algerias, Romanisers, misassemble, assemblies
  2. alignment / lamenting, pauperism
  3. evictor, almonries, contents
  4. arsenals
  5. Priapus
  6. -
  7. Pamela, Gallia, calendar
  8. -
  9. narcosis, Galilea, aruspex
  10. -
  11. bases

Nostradamus C.6 Q.77: A Romanian war affected by military prejudice.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.77: A Romanian war affected by military prejudice.

This verse is a commentary on a war in which the outcome is determined by prejudice against a woman called Victoria whose manner of speech the military leaders find repulsive.
Through the fraudulent victory of the deceived,
Two fleets one, German revolt:
The chief murdered and his son in the tent,
Florence and Imola pursued into Romania.
Par la victoire du deceu fraudulente
Deux cla$$es vne la reuolte Germaine
Le chef meurtry et son filz dans la tente
Florence Imole pourcha$$es dans Romaine.
  1. <deduce victoria rePellant duuarf> <i reduced Parent voltaic drauul><Palaver undulate>
  2. <reGimental vernal claSSes exuDe> *seven real excuSalS Greet maiDen louer**><exclude in teleGram><vaSSels learn><**excluDe venal aSSes louer Germinate**>
  3. <islandZ retry fume Leech latent fonts><yet truer son><try soften islandz latent fleche [slender spire]>troyes
  4. <Romans sad role chaSeS our Fine policemen**><Romanians><Famine chaSeS saRdon role><oR cahour SadneSs inFlame>
  1. reduce, regimental, telegram, Romanians, policemen
  2. repellant, drauul, vassels
  3. voltaic, palaver, germinate
  4. deduce, Victoria, excusal, soften, sadness
  5. duuarf, undulate, inflame. Cahours
  6. -
  7. -
  8. retry
  9. -
  10. Cahour
  11. vernal
  12. -
  13. -
  14. exclude, venal, Troyes
  15. famine
  16. seven

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.76: Human experimentation on the ill and dying.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.76: Human experimentation on the ill and dying.

The anagrams of this verse are as curious as the themes in its text but together they describe the act of sacrificial slaughter with the angrams delivering the idea this is done upon people afflicted with serious illness.
The ancient city the creation of Antenor,
Being no longer able to bear the tyrant:
The feigned handle in the temple to cut a throat,
The people will come to put his followers to death.
 La cite antique d'antenoree forge
Plus ne pouuant le tyran $upporter
Le manchet fainct au temple couper gorge
Les $iens le peuple a mort viendra bouter.
  1. <**an aL gore note cite quiet and free**><tenor of dane quite neat gLacier> inadequate
  2. <Plus report Spun ray uueapon lent><Sun ray latent prop>
  3. <mute antic fetch name><gregor manceL><complete purge><the mutafacient [mutilating] couple.<the mute fanatic couple><couple fate gregor manceL impunctate [remove spots]><complete regroup><couple mutate>
  4. <temporal invader><reaLiSes ventromedial spleen up> <LeSser lines about><obdurate normative><broaden true iLlneSses><palermo /leproma [ nodular leprosy lesion]>unaborted
  1. inadequate, mutafacient, Gregor, mutate, ventromedial, unaborted
  2. complete, impunctate, normative
  3. couple, temporal
  4. glacier, uueapon, obdurate, about
  5. sunray, fetch, fanatic, Mancel
  6. -
  7. purge, regroup, spleen, illnesses, leproma
  8. broaden
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. realises

Nostradamus C.6 Q.75: Rosemary, Magdalene Hautpuls chemical links.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.75: Rosemary, Magdalene Hautpuls chemical links.

Nostradamus lived near Chateau les Rennes in the Pyrennees in the early 16th century and it is here that the legend of the Magdlene has some of its strongest roots. The Hautpuls were a prominent family at the time that Nostradamus was honing his al/chemical knowledge in nearby Alet les Bains. It was at this time that Bernadin who was called the Great Corsair was called by the king to govern Les Baux, a town close to where Nostradamus was born that also was a hot-bed for the Magdalene myth. All these themes are well represented by the names, ideas and concepts found in the text and the anagrams of this verse.
The great Pilot will be commissioned by the King,
To leave the fleet to fill a higher post:
Seven years after he will be in rebellion,
Venice will come to fear the Barbarian army.
Le grand pilot par Roy $era mande
Lai$$er la cla$$e pour plus haut lieu attaindre
Sept ans apres $era contrebande
Barbare armee viendra Veni$e craindre.
  1. <RoSemary Legend a part><yearS named><poRtrayS named era><RoSary plot> <armand enLarged>MagdaLene engLander
  2. <red SaiLs recall aS purpoSe attain><i unretaliated iSraeLs hautpuls>nitrated sulphur propulSes aeSopS eSpouSal
  3. <pre-satan anceStors bear><an arborescent seed aptness><**an adeptneSs repreSs carbonate><narcoSes bantered>
  4. <VerdancieS drain Bare barer vine arm><arab inbred arsenic><arSenic a mere vine inVader Barred><Bernadin arab inVader Scare rearm>eVinceS
  1. Magdalene, propulses, sulphur, arborescent, inbred
  2. Rosemary, recalls, carbonate, adeptness, bantered, verdancies, evinces
  3. portrays, Hautpuls, unretaliated. espousal, barred
  4. rosary, narcoses
  5. purpose, attain, Aesops
  6. ancestors
  7. recall, nitrated
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. legend
  12. repress, arsenic
  13. Englander
  14. aptness


Monday, April 21, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.74: Essene path from Enoch to Jesus' lineage in modern times.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.74: Essene path from Enoch to Jesus' lineage in modern times.

Nostradamus uses a small number of anagrams with powerful interconnections to generate the detail of this verse.This is highlighted through two distinct themes one being the Essenian connections to Enoch and the other to a commentary by Nostradamus as to how his prophecies might be perceived by his father Jaques. The Essenian links rely not only on the names and places but on the Essenian-type concepts in the anagrams and the numbers mentioned in the text (See my paper on the Essenes for more detail).
She chased out will return to the realm,
Her enemies found to be conspirators:
More than ever her time will triumph,
Three and seventy to death very sure.
La de$cha$$ee au regne tournera
Ses ennemis trouues des coniures
Plus que jamais $on temps triomphera
Trois et $eptante a mort trop a$$eures.
  1. <**chaLdeaS entourage SeeS near ur**><argue neutron era LeadS chaSeS>
  2. <eSsenes codes uuorse in ur times> <innermost codes insure uue See><**Sunrise is sense men codes uurote**><**second uuorse ruin eSsenes times**>
  3. <jaques' son [Nostradamus] met Pauls prophetism aims><jaques not amiSS imposter hamPer> <nepotiSms thermopairs ajam>
  4. <**ur SeaportS tape Stories metatron set**>
  1. Chaldeas, Essenes, jaques, prophetism, hamper
  2. entourage, nepotisms, imposter
  3. -
  4. -
  5. innermost
  6. -
  7. neutron, sunrise, Metatron, seaports
  8. -
  9. ajam
  10. -

Nostradamus C.6 Q.73: Oil deal between East and West based on Knights Hospitallier' practices.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.73: Oil deal between East and West based on Knights Hospitallier' practices.

There is a distinctive pattern in the anagrams that readily ties in to Nostradamus' text and it takes us back to ancient trading practices. Such a reference to the past is only relevant if it fits to the future themes that are at the heart of Nostradamus' Prophecies. In his two epistles accompanying the prophecies the linking of the past to the future is a technique that Nostradamus frequently declared he used.
 In a great city a monk and artisan,
Lodged near the gate and walls,
Secret speaking emptily against Modena,
Betrayed for acting under the guise of nuptials.
En cite grand vn moyne et arti$an
Pres de la porte loges et aux murailles
Contre modene $ecret caue di$ant
Trahis pour faire souz coleur d'e$po$ailles.
  1. <anciEnt treatiSe / treatieS danger><treat inSanE money creating><rE-enacting movnd entreaty>
  2. <Presell uuar-mix petrol deal goes east><allies Presealed petrol goes>
  3. <aCtionS educate endorSement><**re-encodeS acute SanCtioned term**><more ConStant needS> diStanCe eduCationS ConStraint
  4. <allieS poSed his sTar / Tsar rule><our fair ship alTers Sail><urfa [Edessa] hospiTalliers [knights] colourizes><urfa aphorisT sell><So earThs ill repulSed>
  1. entreaty, re-enacting, re-encodes, sanctioned, colourizes, Hospitalliers, aphorists
  2. constant, educations
  3. endorsement, aphorist
  4. ancient, treaties / treatise, educate
  5. presell, constraint
  6. -
  7. creating, actions, ship
  8. presealed
  9. -
  10. money
  11. -
  12. repulsed
  13. distance
  14. allies (2 in this verse), petrol
  15. posed

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.69: Sefirot transposes calendars when generosity gives way to arsenals

Nostradamus C.6 Q.69: Sefirot transposes calendars when generosity gives way to arsenals.

Actions intended to be for the greater good often have the contrary effect and this is the theme of this verse. The anagrams inform the generality of the text directing the readers attention to bungled arms deals and the fate of those who buy them using debt.
The great pity will occur before long,
Those who gave will be obliged to take:
Naked, starving, withstanding cold and thirst,
To pass over the mountains committing a great scandal.
La pitie grande $era $ans loing tarder
Ceux qui donoient $eront contrains de predre
Nudz affamez de froit $oif $oy bander
Les monts pa$$er commettant grand e$clandre.
  1. <redeSignate apriL aSSan oil granted><dearneSS losing trader><redSea granite><denigrator tie arSenals dangerS >
  2. <nonretractionS / constraint predeCreed><quixodon entrieS reduCe spend><transpired quixodon reduCe intereSt on>
  3. <for it defameZ><So if by Sefirot and zed rune><So if it for andre zudaN boyS> <ff maze>
  4. <soLemn past rend calendarS comet-StreamS><grant temporaLness land aScend><clan eLders TranSposes grandeSt moment-act>
  1. redesignate, predecreed, temporalness
  2. denigrator, transpired
  3. forget, transposes
  4. arsenals, nonretractions
  5. constraint, interest
  6. -
  7. calendars
  8. -
  9. -
  10. dearness, reduce
  11. Sefirot
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. ascend

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.62: European financial intrigues over medical treament costs.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.62: European financial intrigues over medical treament costs.

Verses involving medical themes have their strongest alignments in the anagrams while the text holds ambiguous whisperings and that is the case in this quatrain. This verse names Belgium , Prague and southren France as central locations that accept radical treatments for old-fashioned illnesses such as leprosy and sexual disease.
 Too late both the flowers will be lost,
The serpent will not want to act against the law:
The forces of the Leaguers confounded by the French
Savona, Albenga through Monaco great martyrdom.
 Trop tard tous deux les fleurs $eront perdues
Contre la loy $erpent ne voudra faire
Des ligueurs forces par gallots confondues
Sauone Albingue par monech grand martyre.
  1. <proudesT norSe fluxes rules to dart >< proTest unreported><portend proTeus dart used to lux sef rules> unproTested prosTrated
  2. <**preSent alloy / loyal reCreation unfavored**><preSent fontevraud [monastery where Angevin rulers buried]><afraid peyroleS [ in Pyrenees] toleranCe> forniCate leproSy eleCtron devour
  3. <**guile confounds seeDs all to force user grasp**>allots
  4. <uSa artery Alone upbearing><uSa alone retry damn roman charge><no belgiAn treaSury>prague enabling
  1. proudest, fluxes, unreported, unfavored, Fontevraud, Peyroles, leprosy, confound(s), upbearing, treasury
  2. unprotested, prostrated, Belgian, enabling
  3. allots
  4. portend, fornicate, artery
  5. protest, recreation
  6. portends, tolerance, allot
  7. -
  8. guiles, retry
  9. grasp, charge
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. Prague
  15. devour

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.52: His summary of the contents of his prophecies.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.52: His summary of the contents of his prophecies.

Nostradamus was aware of the visual impression of his prophecies and in this verse he gives a wider view of its contents including events surrounding royal captivity in Spain in the early 16th century. Its content has the attributes of a summary used to identify patrons that helped Nostradamus in his goals.
 In place of the great one who will be condemned,
Outside the prison, his friend in his place:
The Trojan hope in six months joined, born dead,
The Sun in the urn rivers will be frozen.
En lieu du grand qui $era condemne
De pri$on hors $on a my en $a place
L'e$poir Troyen en fix moys joinct mort nay
Le sol a l'vrne $eront prins fleuues en glace.
  1. <augured linE><acquireS unguarded demon linE><linE men encod drug quandarieS> <deaconries><decameron>
  2. <a Sons honor iS replaceD><priSoned palaceS><So many sane perioDS shorn><arSons lanDscape my horiSons><priSoned palaceS>maSons ranSoms
  3. <tyroLean repoSiTory> <fine perSonaliTy> <enn repoSiTory mix joys Lamentory tonic><matronLy yen enfix poSTerior tonic>
  4. <norSe print Leos useful vernal glances>
  1. Decameron, landscape, repository, lamentory, personality, glances
  2. acquires, deaconries, quandaries, prisoned, matronly, enfix, posterior
  3. joys
  4. unguarded, honor, replaced, palaces, masons
  5. augured, periods, ransoms, Tyrolean, mix, useful
  6. shorn / horns
  7. arsons
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. vernal

Nostradamus C.6 Q.51: Russian commercialism brings various social ills.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.51: Russian commercialism brings various social ills.

This verse contains Nostradamus' story about the impact of Russian commercialism. There are elements in the anagrams that suggest it occurs in this century and that it mirrors the uprisal stories of the past.
People assembled to see a new spectacle,
Princes and Kings amongst many bystanders,
Pillars walls to fall: but as by a miracle
The King saved and thirty of the ones present.
Peuple a$$emble voir nouueau expectacle
Princes et Roys par plu$ieurs a$$i$tans
Pilliers faillir murs mais comme miracle
Le Roy $auue et trente des in$tans.
  1. <liveborn ouue a meSS><expect orion Place uuaue><accept a ouuner uxe>blamelESS pleaSeS / elapSeS
  2. <Prescient SaintS aSSure upriSal><poRtrays><storY><inteRcessory Span aSSiSt uuiSer><Saint aSSures Princess><>ruSSias><interPRocess prays>
  3. <arms commercialism><commissar><emPirical emm refills mosaic><fires ill rePlica ail ><racisms><semicommercial Pill><sillier Place fail>
  4. <uue Say naStiness RolE><entered tuueet aS yor SentinaLs><entered Sins>intereSted
  1. liveborn, expect, Russias, intercessory, commercialism, commissar, empirical, mosaic, semicommercial, nastiness, tuuet, interested
  2. -
  3. portrays, assist, refills, racisms, sentinals
  4. accept, blameless, interprocess
  5. Orion, uuave, sillier, replica
  6. Princess
  7. -
  8. prescient, prays
  9. -
  10.  uprisal, story

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.50: Jesus' line and the coming war at the end of this century.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.50: Jesus' line and the coming war at the end of this century.

The frequency with which anagrams and text can be aligned with the legend  that Jesus' line  survived his crucifixion imply Nostradamus may have intentionally built these stories into his work. If so it is likely they have direct relevance to the initiators and major participants of the war he foresaw for the end of this century. Since Nostradamus time Europe has had quite catastrophic wars and yet Nostradamus work concentrated on a war to come. What we can take from that is this coming war does what no other has achieved, it radically alters the destiny of mankind. This verse is distinctly part of this tale of our future and is also tightly tied to the legends of Jesus.
Within the pit will be found the bones,
Incest will be committed by the stepmother:
The state changed, they will demand fame and praise
And they will have Mars attending as their star.
Dedans le puys $eront trouues les oz
Sera l'ince$t commis par la maratre
L'e$tat change on querra bruict et loz
Et aura Mars attendant pour $on a$tre.
  1. <uurote /touuer loses eDdan Sensory pulse><Yesus Dead/ Dazed torrentuouS loSsez><rotten>< torrentS <**uurote Yesus torn**>
  2. <Seer commensaliStic {secondary] art alarm><cometS relianceS> <paris eaSter alarm><tamar [Jesus daughter?] centraliSeS a spiral> canticleS conceitS commitS
  3. <zealotS chant let><rubricate [red lettering] gennao [idea of begetting] St-Thecla [pious martyr follower of Paul] lozt><Latest c-onquerer hang >
  4. *our pendant reSonatES start a trauMa**>.<taMars [Jesus daughter?] as Sound-pattern on trEe><**our pendant start (on) Son EaSter trauma**>
  1. commensalistic, centralises, canticles, conceits, rubricate, St Thecla, trauma
  2. reliances, zealots
  3. -
  4. -
  5. torrentuous, Tamars, Tamaris, resonates
  6. torrents, dazed, comets
  7. Yesus, sensory
  8. gennao
  9. pendant
  10. Tamar
  11. -
  12. -
  13. latest
  14. start