Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.44: Impact of asteroids on Paris, Russia and Arabia.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.44: Impact of asteroids on Paris, Russia and Arabia.

The verses connected to fire in the sky form one of the most dramatic of those found in Nostradamus' Prophecies. At the textual level and angram level there is unity in this fiery theme but the angrams deliver powerful aspects of that tale. Asin many others it is implied that asteriods disrupt life by bringing diseses with them. 
By night the Rainbow will appear for Nantes,
By marine arts they will stir up rain:
In the Gulf of Arabia a great fleet will plunge to the bottom
In Saxony a monster will be born of a bear and a sow.
De nuict par Nantes L ris apparoistra
Des artz marins $u$citeront la pluye
Arabiq goulfre grand classe parfondra
Vn mon$tre en Saxe nai$tra d'ours et truye.
  1. <paris airports LaNterns inDuce pact><paris LaNterns supraorDinate pact><apapis asteroiD> <appressoriaL [fungal pathogen]><raDiators><paraLipses [emphasise by ignoring]>
  2. <ruSSians contrite><tzar ScrutiniSes pall not arm><**yule plant outcrieS armz traDes Sins**><countrieS Sins> <rotten pall>tolerant
  3. <Arabia frond foul grander landscapes ><profaned class danger><qabir A radon glou>
  4. <**monS [Saxony] enVy truest axeS Saint ardour enter**><truest enVy dour monSter annexeS aStria><Venom enterS radiantS axeS routes>eaStern ornateneSS
  1. appressorial, paralipses, Russians, landscapes, annexes
  2. supraordinate, scrutinises, Arabia, profaned
  3. radiators, axes
  4. lanterns, countries, outcries, tolerant, venom
  5. asteroid, contrite, Qabir, ardour
  6. Tzar, truest / utters, ornateness
  7. -
  8. envy,
  9. -
  10. fouler
  11. -
  12. foul, frond, radiants

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