Sunday, April 27, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.93: Nostradamus notes that he sees his own coded message differently to us.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.93: Nostradamus notes that he sees his own coded  message differently to us.

Nostradamus declares a great deal of self-interest via the last line of this verse since he is indicating that the process of encoding his messages shapes his meaning more than the story in the text. His anagrams in the first line tell us that the text is built from his visions of the past while the second tells us his code is held within six nine-bit squares some of which overlap to fit into the available space in a verse.
 The greedy prelate deceived by ambition,
He will come to reckon nothing too much for him:
He and his messengers completely trapped,
He who cut the wood sees all in reverse.
 Prelat auare d'ambition trompe
Rien ne $era que trop viendra cuider
Ses me$$agiers et luy bien attrape
Tout au rebours voir qui le bois fendroit.
  1. dream bit into poem><premotion made aura alter><**aura made into Pretemporal bit**><monitor ambit><pre-emptor ambitioned>
  2. <inneR quarter See><provident arc><overprinted Square><nine carRied-under vi>
  3. <meSSages rise><Seems SageS result by inate part>
  4. <our oblique ironfisted visor><it is fonder To uuater><robe>
  1. ambitioned, provident, overprinted, messages, ironfisted
  2. pretemporal, preemptor, oblique
  3. quarter
  4. ambit
  5. -
  6. -
  7. fonder, visor
  8. monitor, inner
  9. -
  10. --
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. uuater

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