Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.18: Gundealers association with Christ' lineage.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.18: Gundealers association with Christ' lineage.

Here we have a verse that at both the anagram and textual level talk of lineage. Together they identify a family linked to the legend of Christ's family line. The name found in the anagrams places this family in the mid Pyrenese, a location close to where Nostradamus' own family and he himself had strong links and in which the legend of the Magdelaine and child has its roots. There is even a place name used that is in this region since Caderonne is also near Alet les Bains, the town where in 1492 Nostredamus ancestors first settled when driven out of Spain for being Jews.
The great King abandoned by the Physicians,
By fate not the Jew's art he remains alive, 
He and his kindred pushed high in the realm,
Pardon given to the race which denies Christ.
Par les phi$iques le grand Roy delai$$e 
Par sort non art de l'Ebrieu e$t envie 
Luy et $on genre au regne hault pouse 
Grace donnee agent qui Chri$t enuie.
  1. <helps delay PerSiaS><dRagonRy idealS><real sequel iS dRagonry shiP diSPleaSe>
    <RoyaliSed gundealers>
  2. <Persia eventS>< rEliberated nonPreservation uSe><no eventS rEliberated Patroniser>vaPoriser oPerativeness
  3. <yet reargue gennoS [beget]><poLlutes youngeSt><hautpouls gene><gennetoS [begotten] urea genre>
  4. <euGeniSt equating riCh race><a Geniture [birth] code><equating Christ caderonne [near Alet]><riCheSt equating>
  1. preservation, nonpreservation, operativeness, reliberated, gennetos, pollutes, Hautpouls, youngest
  2. royalised, vaporiser, Caderonne
  3. -
  4. displease, eugenist, equating, geniture
  5. helps, gundealers, Christ
  6. delay, patroniser
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. richest
  11. events, gennos

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