Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.75: Rosemary, Magdalene Hautpuls chemical links.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.75: Rosemary, Magdalene Hautpuls chemical links.

Nostradamus lived near Chateau les Rennes in the Pyrennees in the early 16th century and it is here that the legend of the Magdlene has some of its strongest roots. The Hautpuls were a prominent family at the time that Nostradamus was honing his al/chemical knowledge in nearby Alet les Bains. It was at this time that Bernadin who was called the Great Corsair was called by the king to govern Les Baux, a town close to where Nostradamus was born that also was a hot-bed for the Magdalene myth. All these themes are well represented by the names, ideas and concepts found in the text and the anagrams of this verse.
The great Pilot will be commissioned by the King,
To leave the fleet to fill a higher post:
Seven years after he will be in rebellion,
Venice will come to fear the Barbarian army.
Le grand pilot par Roy $era mande
Lai$$er la cla$$e pour plus haut lieu attaindre
Sept ans apres $era contrebande
Barbare armee viendra Veni$e craindre.
  1. <RoSemary Legend a part><yearS named><poRtrayS named era><RoSary plot> <armand enLarged>MagdaLene engLander
  2. <red SaiLs recall aS purpoSe attain><i unretaliated iSraeLs hautpuls>nitrated sulphur propulSes aeSopS eSpouSal
  3. <pre-satan anceStors bear><an arborescent seed aptness><**an adeptneSs repreSs carbonate><narcoSes bantered>
  4. <VerdancieS drain Bare barer vine arm><arab inbred arsenic><arSenic a mere vine inVader Barred><Bernadin arab inVader Scare rearm>eVinceS
  1. Magdalene, propulses, sulphur, arborescent, inbred
  2. Rosemary, recalls, carbonate, adeptness, bantered, verdancies, evinces
  3. portrays, Hautpuls, unretaliated. espousal, barred
  4. rosary, narcoses
  5. purpose, attain, Aesops
  6. ancestors
  7. recall, nitrated
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. legend
  12. repress, arsenic
  13. Englander
  14. aptness


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