Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.80: Radioactive metals involved in religious war.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.80: Radioactive metals involved in religious war.

There are many anagrams that serve as important keys in this verse. They are important because as a group they link to stories in several nearby verses. The idea of a Panurge or knave exists as does radiance (also tied into the name Curies and a radiant metal). There are others that tie into  the story of the text such as Arabesque and plunderage. And the anagrams have several other well linked anagrams such as arteries that reticulate and a palegreen caudex. Its theme is about radiation illnesses, knavery, religious war and invasion. The term cruel metal also emerges in another nearby verse while the duplicity of a merchanteer is also found in several of the last thirty verses of this part of Nostradamus' Prophecies.
From Fez the realm will reach those of Europe,
Their city ablaze and the blade will cut:
The great one of Asia by land and sea with great troops
So that blues and Pers[ians] the cross will pursue.
 De Fez le regne paruiendra a ceux d'Europe
Feu leur cite et lame trenchera
Le grand d'A$ie terre et mer a grand troupe
Que bleux pers croix a mort de cha$$era.
  1. <**reFeelz radiance our Deep panurge [knave] exude**><palegreen Feeds ruined><unrepaired genre Fleez> caudex [seed-head]
  2. <**Let merchanteer cite uuelFare**><hear metal centre cite curie Fuel><hence term reticulate><cruel metal tie enter reach><a metal Fuel curie retrench>
  3. <meter tree enLarged ideAS><**pLunderage arranged meter tree ideAS rot**><arranged ArterieS meet> <gArLanded Site><rotund margaret err Add Site enLarge><meterage retrieS Add enlarge>
  4. <axiom torched arabeSQueS plexures {interweavings]><democrat haS Square><toxicoderma [skin allergy] haS Square><eQuable Searches> craSheS Scathed
  1. Margaret, meterage, Arabesques, Democrat, toxicoderma, torched, axiom,
  2. merchanteer, plunderage, plexure
  3. reticulate, charted,
  4.  equable, radiance, retrench, scathed
  5. -
  6. -
  7. Panurge
  8. -
  9. searches, steadier
  10. -
  11. rotunda, unrepaired, arteries
  12. arrange
  13. caudex
  15. -
  16. garlanded, unrepaid / unpaired
  17. -
  18. rotund

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