Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.17: Nordic allusions used for Brussels destruction

Nostradamus C.6 Q.17: Nordic allusions used for Brussels destruction.

This verse displays several features that are common throughout Nostradamus verses. There is often an English version of a word in the anagrams that is stated in a different line in the French text (meusniers (millers) in line 3 and milleress in line 1). It is by such links that Nostradamus provides the detail needed to give the context for his visible words. The story relates to events yet to come at a time when people neglect their duties and suffer the consequences of ill preparation for bombardment from the skies.
After the files are burnt the mule-headed,
Will be obliged to change diverse garbs:
Those of Saturn burned by the millers,
Except the greater part which will not be covered.
Apres les limes bru$lez les a$iniers
Contraints $eront changer habits diuers
Les Saturnins bru$lez par les meu$niers
Hors la plus part qui ne $era couuers.
  1. <lazineSs ruleS Arise repels smiles> <leSz Sin Arise as Persia repeAls Slumbers lies><bruSselz milleress (in) persiAn aiSles>
  2. <absurdities norSe chant Constraint><reStrains not change destruCtions><norSe sourCe adhibits [admits] triStan anger >disCourse introduCes reSistant reStraints Countries suited nestorianS aSsertion
  3. <bruSseLz turn in airLeSsness><Sunrise resample StarleSs ruin><burnS at Sunrise ruin seem LeSs><StarLess>realms
  4. <uppsala [Swedish source] equeStrian couu Horse><enquireS plurals parts><quatrienS are couu Horse><quaternarieS [four parts]>
  1. slumbers, absurdities, constraints, restraints, adhibits, airlessness, starless, quaternaries, enquire
  2. Brusselz (2 in this verse),laziness, destructions, discourse, resistant
  3. milleress, introduces / reductions, Nestorians
  4. restrains, countries, quatreins, plurals
  5. -
  6. equestrian
  7. assertion, sunrise
  8. burns, re-sample
  9. -
  10. -
  11. Uppsala
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. suited

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