Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.77: A Romanian war affected by military prejudice.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.77: A Romanian war affected by military prejudice.

This verse is a commentary on a war in which the outcome is determined by prejudice against a woman called Victoria whose manner of speech the military leaders find repulsive.
Through the fraudulent victory of the deceived,
Two fleets one, German revolt:
The chief murdered and his son in the tent,
Florence and Imola pursued into Romania.
Par la victoire du deceu fraudulente
Deux cla$$es vne la reuolte Germaine
Le chef meurtry et son filz dans la tente
Florence Imole pourcha$$es dans Romaine.
  1. <deduce victoria rePellant duuarf> <i reduced Parent voltaic drauul><Palaver undulate>
  2. <reGimental vernal claSSes exuDe> *seven real excuSalS Greet maiDen louer**><exclude in teleGram><vaSSels learn><**excluDe venal aSSes louer Germinate**>
  3. <islandZ retry fume Leech latent fonts><yet truer son><try soften islandz latent fleche [slender spire]>troyes
  4. <Romans sad role chaSeS our Fine policemen**><Romanians><Famine chaSeS saRdon role><oR cahour SadneSs inFlame>
  1. reduce, regimental, telegram, Romanians, policemen
  2. repellant, drauul, vassels
  3. voltaic, palaver, germinate
  4. deduce, Victoria, excusal, soften, sadness
  5. duuarf, undulate, inflame. Cahours
  6. -
  7. -
  8. retry
  9. -
  10. Cahour
  11. vernal
  12. -
  13. -
  14. exclude, venal, Troyes
  15. famine
  16. seven

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