Thursday, November 28, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 14 (C.IV Q.14)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 14
On Agennos: (
from Gk a=without/ not, gennos=beget) implying not begotten.

There are eight verses with an anagram of Agennos and this is one of them. These verses form a remarkable set with a strong link to Christs mortal / immortal status and his family connection to God al of which is in keeping with agennos (begotten without a father). All eight of the agennos anagram verses can be accessed through agennos quatrains
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for 'gethsemanic 'sublimator', 'robust', 'meeting(s), ' and 'belatedness' are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of two. Together they weave a tale consistent with the story of Jesus and his disciples at the Mount of Olives. This verses text can then be seen as a precis of the papal line passing from the death of Jesus up to modern times. It can also be considered as further commentary on Nostradamus' acrimonious debates over these issues with Jules Scaliger of Agen.
Agennos is a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future. The stories sketched out by the  agennosverses although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.4 Q.14
  • The sudden death of the first personage, Will have caused a change and put another in the sovereignty:
    Soon, late come so high and of low age,
    So by land and sea it will be necessary to
    fear him.
  1. La mort $ubite du premier per$onnage
  2. Aura change et mis vn autre au regne
  3. Tost tard venu a $i haut et bas aage
  4. Que terre et mer faudra que on le craigne
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <Subedit Mortal agennoS><agennoS reputed empire SubliMator><robuSt Male agen norSe empire><tributeS agen Moral perSon pure rime>
  2. <gethsemanic uuater genre Aura><argue v(5) meetings nature>t<v(5) times nature gene>
  3. <verdant uSa habituate saga><To start beast age><seagoaT [Capricornus] beast>
  4. <re-eQuating clone><clearing Queen on><grecian><glacier><marqet-fraud>


Centuries 3 Quatrain 59 (C.III Q.59)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 59
On Agennos: (from Gk a=without/ not, gennos=beget) implying not begotten.

There are eight verses with an anagram of Agennos and this is one of them. These verses form a remarkable set with a strong link to Christs mortal / immortal status and his family connection to God all of which is in keeping with agennos (not begotten). All eight of the agennos anagram verses can be accessed through agennos quatrains
Agennos is a cipher of great import to Nostradamus' thesis and its significance goes back to the debates at the Nicean Counsil in the 5th Century. The discussion of the context of that council is throughout the Prophecies and is brought together in my paper Nicea and Agennos
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for Tetragrammaton, transposed, Silvester, Superb, viruses, Montpeliers, Palestine, and monogenist are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of two. Together they weave a consistent tale about the bloodline of Jesus as viewed by the dominant Christian Church.  And although other anagrams are not quite so rare they are still infrequent enough or form powerful sequences and thereby instil confidence in the theme (e.g. Paul's mortal matter, pagan, epulary, tremors.). The anagrams and the text resonate with the stories of religious wars and may include glimpses of  French Christian misbehaviour in the crusades against Palestine.
Agennos is a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future. The stories sketched out by the  Agennos verses although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.3 Q.59
  • Barbarian empire usurped by the third,
  • The greater part of his blood he will put to death
  • Through senile death the fourth struck by him,
  • For fear that the blood through the blood be not dead
  1. Barbare empire par le tiers v$urpe
  2. La plus grand part de $on $ang mettra a mort
  3. Par mort $enile par luy le quart frappe
  4. Pour peur que $ang parle $ang ne $oit mort
 Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <SuperB arab empire><Silvester repair><Be prime bearer><viruSes>.
  2. <agennoS'S mortaL matter departs on pauL's><tranSpoSed tetragrammaton>
  3.  <Pape line tremorS><(t)ruly paleStine equal><tafur [cannibalistic crusader] paper> <remaP montpelierS epulary [banquet]>
  4. <genomiSt [DNA researcher] learnS pagan pouuer Square><Sangreal><monogeniSt [single ancestor] Seal Purport><agennoS omit>

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 19 (C.IV Q.19)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 19

This verse offers detail of a modern nature about a war that is yet to happen.
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for 'submersiles', 'missiles', 'inundators' and 'referment' are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of one. Other important words `such as regulations, exclude, uneasier , uranolites and executed have between three and fourteen occurrences  Together they weave a tale consistent with the story of  war where principles are rarely adhered to. In this instance it hints at a conspiracy for the elimination of the aged, a theme that is supported by many other verses.
C.4 Q.19
  • Before Rouen the siege laid by the Insubrians,
  • By land and sea the passages shut up:
  • By Hainaut and Flanders, by Ghent and those of LiĆ©ge
  • Through cloaked gifts they will ravage the shores.
  1. Deuant Rouand In$ubres mis le $iege
  2. Par terre et mer enfermes les pa$$ages
  3. D'Haynault et Fladres de Gad et ceux de liege
  4. Par dons laenees rauiront les riuages
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <nature edGe lieS><around><submersiles inundatorS><and In><missiles><duRatIon burnS><round-submarines>
  2. <Sages paSs Part meter err><freemen Pages pleaSes><Parts resamples Sages referment> <less great-aPes paSS>
  3. <i exclude Greeds date><leFt addres><any aged li (51) geHad executed>
  4.  <no regulations sPared sale> <Pages seal radon><usage><uranolites[meteorites] reseen><Pardon uneasier sale>


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 13 (C.IV Q.13)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 13

In this verse Nostradamus further develops the theme of a religious war affecting the Middle East. The language used for the anagrams  suggests a period between 1950 and 2100 CE.
Within the anagrams the ones for 'pentecostalism', 'tradepeople', 'compensates', 'patrollers', 'prefatorial', 'depletes', 'nondurable', 'ganglander', 'laboured' ' and 'belatedness' are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of two. Together they weave a tale of corruption in respect to trade in the Middle East. There is a mix of crimes involving climate, ownership of wells and withholding of labour that influence the progress of a war.
This is not a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future  but  just one of the many events he uses to flesh out incidents which said he included to maintain peoples interest. These stories although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.4 Q.13
  • News of the greater loss reported,
    The report will astonish the army:
    Troops united against the revolted:
    The double phalanx will abandon the great one.
  1. De plus grand perte nouuelles raportees
  2. Le raport fait le camp s'e$tonnera
  3. Bandes vnies encontre reuoltees
  4. Double phalange grand abandonnera
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <seller operates pretend ouun><uuell><traDespeople resell><plugs operas Desert uuell><patrollers seeD><Depletes operas ungrasped uuell><operas Deepest uuell>
  2. <pentecoStalism Learn forepart><map port reaL ornateneSs>.<Leaner Steps on climate><compenSates Learner><noteS prefatorial placeme-nts > <none Set califate maps>
  3. <once veins re-enter Badness><see veins Belatedness re-encounter>
  4. <nonDurable ganglander band a help><danger Duo abandon near><alpha bandar and none laboureD>

Monday, November 25, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 07 (C.IV Q.07)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 07

In verse seven it is apparent that Nostradamus is beginning to concentrate on the detail of his story  about the male disease. In this instance he equates its symptoms to that of leprosy however radiation sickness also causes the flesh to rot away.
Within the anagrams the ones for 'endemic', 'therapy', 'hebraical', 'eternities', 'intermittencies'' turmoil'' and 'princely' only occur here. Many of the related words are also rare with 'hebraic', 'heretical' and 'Cyprian' only having one other occurrence. The connections to the earlier verses  are manifold with the most surprising being that of the Cyprian  connection since this word is not only a reference to location but to those who worship the fertility goddess Aphrodite.
This is not a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future  but  just one of the many events he uses to flesh out incidents which said he included to maintain peoples interest. These stories although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.4 Q.07  
  • The minor son of the great and hated Prince,
  • He will have a great touch of leprosy at the age of twenty
  • Of grief his mother will die very sad and emaciated
  •  And he will die where the loose flesh falls.
  1. Le mineur filz du grand et hay Prince
  2. De lepre aura a vingt ans grande tache
  3. De deuil $a mere mourra bien tri$te et mince
  4. Et il mourra la ou tombe chair lache
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <the cyPrian><PrinceLy adherant><PrinceLy death><in theraPy and drug><fluidz danger><unifier>
  2. <Detach urea navigant dangers repel><grandest peer leD each vaginant [sheath] aura><granted aura ache repealeD>
  3. <euil Deed Same intermittencieS><ieruSalem armour><bar eternitieS time>Same enDemic deuil><mere nitriteS teem in iSlam arbour>
  4. <each hEretical tomb><hebraical mob><Elite armour ><hebraic rachel rural motilE><turmoil>

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Summary of Quatrains from Centuries 3 on my website

Map of Individual Quatrains on my website.

Also showing some of the significant anagrams, keywords and ciphers.


  • C.03 Q.03 Sephirot, emblems, master emblems recur. Turkey, earthquake, 1851CE, 2056CE, 2057CE.
  • C.03 Q.26 auspices, soothsayers,musical, prescient entries, Pisces, redress, storminess, secularism, letters, printers.
  • C.03 Q.27 Agrippa, connect, angular, descendants, encodes, Draconis. trans-stellar, fractions, printed, learned in letters.
  • C.03 Q.40 asteroid, disaster, Earth invader, desolating, airports, petrol, regimen, alongside, pasture.
  • C.03 Q.46 sky of Plancus, unplaced, coastine, sea eruptions, super gale, presagient,  europe, females, cholera, spirochete.
  • C.03 Q.72 Boleyn, guard, person, inviolable art, calendar, machine, lords-name, Essene, riches, nobleness, five ensue.
  • C.03 Q.74 Eschaton, Planetic, frications , refers, dangers, destinies, patrons, plans.
  • C.03 Q.76 German, pagans, Armenian, Nestorians, Magians, secret, dismay, year, day, rotten, torrent, approaches.
  • C.03 Q.77 Paracletes, spear, Pentecost, Holy Spirit, Lamberton, reclimatise, 1727, October.
  • C.03 Q.78 Europeans, Ursae, lineage, treasure, Magdelaine, presagient, codes,modernise, Henry Epistle.
  • C.03 Q.79 simple fate, queens record, invent, seraphical rune, particle, nautical, Atlantic, recipients, anarchies.
  • C.03 Q.85 Persian, particle,i mporter, replicated, real money, appear, leaders, saved USA, war troops.
  • C.03 Q.90 disaster,America, Susa, Alexander the Great, Hormuz, neurotraphy, anhydric ytterite, quarantine, crenotherapy.
  • C.03 Q.92 Napoleon Bonaparte, parliament, Battle of Waterloo, goshawk, longitude, Thomas Earnshaw, Achernar.
  • C.03 Q.94 computes, ornamented, pseudovariant, calendar groups, consequent, queen's ancestor, encouplements, relocated.

Centuries 4 Quatrain 05 (C.IV Q.05)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 05

Unsurprisingly, the anagrams found in each verse provide the chains that unify Nostradamus' writings. Any discourse by any author usually begins each chapter with its theme(s). This is true of Nostradamus and is well illustrated by verses one to five in his Centuries IV. These  verses provide  the essence  of Nostradamus' mutation theme about pending infertility affecting mankind.
In this verse the key anagrams, those that are rare but well themed,. include 'quatrein', 'source', 'inventor', 'equestrian', 'Sirrah (bright star in Andromeda and Pegasus)' and 'Astarte (fertility goddess)'. The five verses when read together interweave on many levels and produce a coherent story of war and fiery radiation from the sky that causes males  to become infertile and women to seek other forms of begetting offspring. The text of each takes on growing relevance when considered in this context. And when given the detail provided by the anagrams Nostradamus' cloud begins to lift. One such thread is that of the feminine goddesses of fertility (Asherah and Astarte)  whose presence highlights a move away from the patriarchal dominance of the pantheon. This is a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future and not  just one of the many events he said he included to maintain peoples interest. These stories although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.4 Q.05 
  • Cross, peace, under one the divine word accomplished
  • Spain and Gaul will be united together:
  • Great disaster near, and combat very bitter:
  • No heart will be so hardy as not to tremble.
  1. Croix paix soubz vn accomply diuin verbe
  2. L'E$paigne et Gaules $eront vnis en$emble
  3. Grand clade proche et combat tre$acerbe
  4. Coeur $i hardy ne $era qui ne tremble
 Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <Core axis pix><diviner-Cube can comply>
  2. <inventor Sense><norSe Semen invest><no leSser menS><nimbleneSs pLEaSing>
  3. <aStarte [fertility goddess] becometh><chore placed comet danGer ><and caStrate Berger [hilltop dweller]>
  4. <quatrein Source Seen iS hardy><deny equestrian Sirrah [Pe gasus]><hiS rule-beCome>.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 02 (C.IV Q.02)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 02

This verse is part of Nostradamus' mutation theme about pending infertility affecting mankind.
There is only one other verse holding an anagram for Israelite (See C.04 Q.04 ) and in this verse the anagram for regiment is adjacent to it. By this means essential detail is added  and its definition is high since there is no other anagram for regiment. This verse holds anagrams for militia and militant and these have five and one other occurrence respectively. Other key anagrams that relate to heritage and lineage such as 'parcener [joint heir]', 'ovary' and 'generation' also  occur in this verse as does the word 'menace'. These are also rare  (under 6 occurrences) and each fits well  to the theme suggested by the text thus affirming this verse is truly part of the suggested mutation theme. 
C.4 Q.02
  • Because of death France will take to making a journey
  • Fleet by sea, marching over the Pyrenees Mountains
  • Spain in trouble, military people marching:
  • Some of the greatest Ladies carried off to France.
  1. Par mort la France prendra voyagea faire
  2. Cla$$e par mer marcher monts Pyrenees
  3. E$paigne en trouble marcher gent militaire
  4. Des plus grand dames en France emmenees
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <Far mortal rePair><ovary age afire><parcener [joint heir] >
  2. <sPy CareleSSnes(s)><Pyres not seen><charmer remap monster Pyre sCene><.PeaceleSSnes(s) arm rearm ><serene Scales>
  3. <iSraElite regiment charm><militia pEerS generation><clamber enroute><entering pErSiae militant><engine rout>
  4. <splurges Seed and made men menace><far seen><demands>

Friday, November 22, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 04 (C.IV Q.14)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 04

This verse has  an ancient Hebrew biblical reference point centred around the Goddess Aschera.
Aschera is the name given to a Main belt asteroid  of notable size (26km). It is named after Asherah a Mother Goddess of Lebanon  worshipped by the early Israelites. She was worshipped on hilltops such as the Mount of Olives and her stature was such that the pillar became a symbol of her healing skills. The name  'She who walks on the Sea' was also given to her to express her power within her realm.
There is only one other verse holding an anagram for Israelite (See C.04 Q.02 ) and none that has one for catharticalness. This latter word with its relation to cleansing is appropriately placed in a verse talking of Aschera, the goddess of healing and the sea.
C.4 Q.04
  • The impotent Prince angry, complaints and quarrels
  • Rape and pillage, by cocks and Libyans:
  • Great it is by land, by sea infinite sails,
  • Italy alone will be chasing Celts.

  1. L'impotent prince fache plaincts et querelles
  2. De rapts et pille par coqz et par Libyques
  3. Grand e$t par terre par mer infinies voilles
  4. Seule Italie $era cha$$ant Celtiques
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <poet encript><simpLe ell planetic portent request>< he print sect (in) plain face>
  2. <ill step Depart><by apriL zet rocq><persuaDe set><reDsea><steep-pillar><predates><Libra queys>
  3. <GrandeSt part err><ill ranGes departS><ramp in finer olives><if oil in veins>
  4. <aS aSchera [asterioid] reacheS aSCent><Israelite><earlieSt uSes lIe quiet><Search><haS aS Client><CatharticalneSS [cleansing]>.

Summary of Quatrains from Centuries 2 on my website

Map of Individual Quatrains on my website.

Also showing some of the significant anagrams, keywords and ciphers.

CENTURIES II quatrains

  • C.02 Q.01 Persians, Russian, Prussian, Iran, USA, germs, poisons, reafforest, foresee, inquiries, terrorists, positrons.
  • C.02 Q.13 Francis I, Angouleme, Marguerite, d'Navarre, Montmorency, Henry III, Henry IV, internet, female inheritance.
  • C.02 Q.14 astronaut, stegosaurus, pterosaur,ganglander, microbes in ocean rain.
  • C.02 Q.15 creationists, transference, practitioners, quarter,aerial particle, predict faster, Etrurian, fates.
  • C.02 Q.20 eruditeness, displeases marquess, front ten, normative, patrons repress, variations.
  • C.02 Q.21 encoder,decoder, encoding machine, portentous, portent, albam, Europe's coding runes.
  • C.02 Q.27 Fire in the Sky, Apophis, Lucifer, Apep, life crusade, life paper, Paulus creed, eternal secret.
  • C.02 Q.54 encipher,  montseignorial parenting, mongrelisation, nationalising,liaison, meteor, life-line, nostradamien.
  • C.02 Q.65 Sephirot, Calendar, Rafael, Azael
  • C.02 Q.86 Michel Nostredame, comets, seismometric, story Aquitaine, secret, terrestrial, emblems, Islam, Israel.
  • C.02 Q.93 Armageddon, Ragnarok, Ngalfar, ship of dead, ship of nails, conflagration, inundation, Sybil's tale.
  • C.02 Q.95 populous places uninhabitable, three great brothers, poison, meteors, reformers, destinies.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 03 (C.IV Q.03)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 03

This extraordinary verse hides, under its 16th century shroud, a tale of evolutionary genocide in a time beyond this century. The anagrams in the Prophecies detail the themes Nostradamus claimed he had recorded. In this instance it is the tale of the 22nd century super-ape whose emergence is seen as a threat  to mankind. It is also about the manner in which humans react to this rival species.
In this verses presentation the anagrams have several distinctive topics one of which is genetic based while  another is about chemical genocide. Eugenics only occurs in this verse (and there are none for eugenic/ist/s).There are only two others verses with anagrams for 'generations' and 'agennesis [infertility]'. However two of the three agennesis occurrences are in this verse. The third occurrence is in a verse where there two occurrences of 'genesis' and there are only three other verses outside these two that hold anagrams for genesis.
The chemical identifiers are almost as rare as the genetic ones as there are  three, five and five occurrences of carbonates, nitrogen and arsenious respectively.
C.4 Q.03
  • From Arras and Bourges many banners of Dusky Ones,
  • A greater number of Gascons to fight on foot,
  • Those along the RhĆ“ne will bleed the Spanish:
  • Near the mountain where Sagunto sits.

  1. D'Arras et Bourges de Brodes grans en$eignes
  2. Vn plus grand nombre de Ga$cons batre a pied
  3. Ceux long du rosne $aigneront les E$paignes
  4. Proche du mont ou Sagonte s'a$$ied
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <rogue Beast ><or suBrogate Breeds><reADers Seeing><saBoteur reADing><aBout greeds geneSis dangers roB><our Best><Sense><agenneSis enDs>
  2. <carbonates breed GaS><aBSorptance><embarGoed><tabs and plugs on caGeS preinVade><random-lungs>
  3. <sounder reaSoning long exCuse><dour agenneSis [infertility]><drug organiSes apES stolen eugeniCs><Else eSCaping><agenCies uxe><arsenous nitrogen><plEaSes generationS>
  4. <gaS Period no aSSet><croP SteadineSs go aS outmounted><he note croP diSeaSes mounted>.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Summary of Quatrains from Centuries 1 on my website.

Map of Individual Quatrains on my website.

Also showing some of the significant anagrams, keywords and ciphers.


CENTURIES I quatrains

  • C.01 Q.13 ruination, six sex encounters, gory dracon, dragonry
  • C.01 Q.18 prophet, focus, encode, encoders, presagement, Norse tree, dsiagreement, Enoch letter-prop.
  • C.01 Q.20 Meistersinger, Mastersinger, address, emblem, statements, testaments, tuneful,
  • C.01 Q.21 rhetoric, labelling, cipher, proof, asterisms, poetic iambs, arsenates, Enoch, Metatron, Gabrielle.
  • C.01 Q.46 Fire in the Sky, meteorites, remotest ordinate, neutrinos, barrage, instructions, bacterium infusion, superape
  • C.01 Q.47 Nostredame,star images. Valoix, Valois. quatrains, particles, positronium, destruction, utopians. utopism.
  • C.01 Q.48 prophets name, complicates, time, ciphers, planetariums, aerolites, heliotropes, ectoplasm, manipulates.
  • C.01 Q.51  mutations, Polaris, Polar sign, alignment,2000CE 2100CE, Essene, Odinism,gnosia, Proteus.
  • C.01 Q.54  mutations, two revolutions, 2105CE, Polaris, Essenes, ordinate' direction, doctrine, flaming glacier, falling mud.
  • C.01 Q.56 volcano, coastal subsidence, flooding, radiation, actinoids, soil degradation, climate change. hornitos.
  • C.01 Q.68 terminated,Montreux, Geneva, 2065CE, Piedmont, metallic poison, terror.
  • C.01 Q.75  insane, Syrian, targeting, calendar, same lines, ingredient, renegotiating,  year, ageing, announced.
  • C.01 Q100 Inundatory Gods, Osiris, Asclepius, Noah, flood legends, pneumatologies, auspices, auguries, Bennu, Essenes.

Centuries 4 Quatrain 01 (C.IV Q.01)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 01

This verse contains anagrams for the recurring theme of begotten/ not begotten and shows the personal interest Nostradamus had in this topic. It alludes to its importance in the lead up to a war. It holds a unique reference to this verse and its themes being a prime cornerstone for his prophecies. This suggests it is about the religious wars Nostradamus foresaw for the end of the 21st century.
C.4 Q.01
  • That of the remainder of blood unshed:
  • Venice demands that relief be given:
  • After having waited a very long time,
  • City delivered up at the first sound of the horn.
  1. Cela du re$te de $ang non e$pandu
  2. Veni$e quiert secours e$tre donne
  3. Apres auoir bien long teps attedu
  4. Cite liuree au premier cornet sone
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <and agennoS / gennoS penS Steered dual Cue>
  2. <eVen in querieS our sect reSet><secret routeS><requiSite sources><none reSted>
  3. <persuAde state> <updAte past><a long step><berlin oiseau>>
  4. <preuuar crime eleCtions / seleCtion><seCtion / notiCes><prime cornerstone>

Friday, November 15, 2013

Centuries 3 Quatrain 94 (C.III Q.94)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 94

The text of this verse  has for five centuries given readers the impression Nostradamus foresaw  his prophecies would remain hidden until the 21st century. The ease with which this conclusion is reached potentially means its anagrams will be far more complex than normal otherwise it would be easily decoded. Of those anagrams that are plainest the words computes, quotes, ornamented, pseudovariant, calendar, group, consequent, queen's, endorsement and  ancestor appear most significant. Together they direct the attention towards an ancient coding method that enables new meaning to be computed from the existing  words and such  suggestion once again complements the visible message  It seems more than a creation produced by chance alone that the wording 'calendar group' stands out in a verse naming a period of time. There are a total of twelve places in the Prophecies where anagrams of calendar(s) can be found and only eight for group(s). The anagrams for calendar and group are separate and adjacent in the fourth line which is again quite remarkable since there is no other anagram for 'calendargroup' whether it be as a whole set or split into two scrambled parts.
C.3 Q.94
For five hundred years more one will keep count of the one
  • Who was the ornament of his time:
  • Then suddenly great light will he give,
  • He who for this century will render them very satisfied.

  1. De cinq cens ans plus compte l'on tiendra
  2. Celuy qu'e$toit l'aornement de son temps
  3. Puis a vn coup grande clarte donra
  4. Que par ce $iecle les rendra tre$contens
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <computes plans><intend reaD leo><intend reaD><incq re-indicate not cmpl'te>
  2. <Cluey queSt><quoteS oriental /relation><notes ornamented><Completeness> <enCouplements> <endorsement>
  3. <Pseudovariant calendar group><relocated group and cauvins [calvin's]><suPraordinate>
  4. <conseQuent cell renderS rate><Queens anceStor render> <reactorS> <picarSsQue [clever.rogue] conSent>

Centuries 1 Quatrain 75 (C.I Q.75)

Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 75

This verse is the first of twelve containing anagrams for calendar(s) Amongt its other anagrams those of greatest significance are insane, Syrian, earnestly, targeting, ingredient, renegotiating, cheerful year, ageing armies, interlaced, announced,  marq / marx. The message of this verse is the clarification of Nostradamus calendar by using a sequence of events throughout a Middle Eastern war in which the USA is possibly  a protagonist.
C1 Q.75
  • The tyrant of Siena will occupy Savona,
  • having won the fort he will restrain the marine fleet
  • Two armies under the standard of Ancona:
  • the leader will examine them in fear.
  1. Le tyran Sienne occupera Sauone
  2. Le fort gaigne tiendra cla$$e marine
  3. Les deux armees par la marque d'Anconne
  4. Par effrayeur le chef s'en examine.
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <on uSA era nine earneStLy><try inSane once><let one Syrian rape uSa><yet uSA iranS lone preoccupan(c)e>
  2. <i targeting Same Line of calendarS><forget a Line ingredient><feeL renegotiating calendarS remainS><interlaced aS armieS ageing><marineS foretel(l)>
  3. <marx alarm eLudes peers><a Announced marq resampled>
  4. <cheerful year seen><Pen examines fray fear><affrayer rule>

Centuries 3 Quatrain 92 (C.III Q.92)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 92

This is an intriguing verse which displays evidence related to Napoleon Bonaparte and his descendants. The emblem of the dynasty is a bird of prey not unlike the goshawk mentioned in the text. Among the anagrams are 'buonapart', 'uuaterloo (waterloo). and 'carrhae [ ancient battle]'. Now Napoleon's family name was originally Buonaparte but there are no full anagrams for either Bonaparte or Buonaparte in the Prophecies. There is only one anagram for 'uuaterloo' but there are twelve for carrhae which represents a losing battle for an 'invincible' army.   All three of these anagrams together with the reference to the goshawk occur in the fourth line.
The second and third lines seem to provide a dating of the verse that corresponds with the time of Napoleon since it was in the period 1800 to 1850 that maritime clocks became sufficiently reliable for tracking longitude at sea. The Battle of Waterloo was in 1816, in which year Thomas Earnshaw, marine clock maker, invented an escapement using two metals working against each other that compensated for temperature induced expansion  thereby increasing the accuracy for measuring longitude. 
C.3 Q.92
  • The world near the last period,
  • Saturn will come back again late:
  • Empire transferred towards the Dusky nation,
  • The eye plucked out by the Goshawk at Narbonne.
  1.  Le monde proche du dernier periode
  2. Saturne encor tard $era de retour
  3. Tran$lat empire deuers nation brodde
  4. L'oeil arrache a Narbon par Autour. 
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <demon Led><he prod-uced><end-model><pierre ruined oLden-mode><pierre endured>
  2. <readS Star route rune><natureS route traderS once read><aS traderS route encounter><tauruS><to urSa turn>
  3. <parliamenTS ensured><prime odd alTernates born><rod obtains TranSlated runes><rod obtains unsteadier planetari(u)S><nestorian> <metalS><permit>
  4. <buoNapart carrhae [battle] raN> <uAterLoo><acherNar [Eridanus] born>

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Centuries 3 Quatrain 90 (C.III Q.90)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 90

In this verse there is a disaster off the Iranian coast involving America. The story told in text and anagrams parallels that of Alexander the Greats campaign in this region. Part of the American disaster is about neurologic diseases invoked by the war. This story is told through this and several other verses in my paper entitled American Disaster. The elements of this verse identified by its anagrams are about a neurological disease that strikes during an invasion of Iran by American military forces.

C.3 Q.90
  • The great Satyr and Tiger of Hyrcania,
  • Gift presented to those of the Ocean:
  • A fleet's chief will set out from Carmania,
  • One who will take land at the Tyrren Phocaean.
  1. Le grand Satyre et Tigre d'Hyrcanie
  2. Don pre$ente a ceux de l'occean
  3. Vn chef de cla$$e i$tra de Carmanie
  4. Qui prendra terre au Tyrren Phocean.
  1. <aS anHydric yTterite enLarged>Sedentary > <lineage> <righted><Large dynaSt >
  2. <perSon concealed excudate><exclude reSponDent><conceal penetranceS uxed>
  3. <ameriCan diSaSter  Scale><fed eradiCateS enhanciVe arm>
  4. <neuroTheraPy / neuraTroPhy  piQuance><preQuarantined ePoch><urea trader crenoTheraPy>

List of word meanings with frequency of other appearances in brackets. These illustrate their topical relevance and union.

  • Anhydric (0): Chemical or mineral containing no water.
  • Ytterite (0): Mineral in which many rare earths are found.
  • Excudate (3): Fluid movement from the circulatory system into lesions or areas of inflammation.
  • Penetrances (0): Penetrance is a term used in genetics describing the proportion of individuals carrying a particular variation of a gene.
  • Crenotherapy (0): Alternate medicine practised in northern Europe . Treatment uses mineral waters.
  • Neurotherapy (0): Alternate medicine methods used in the treatment of nervous disorders. Note that neuropathic pain is initiated or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system.
  • Neuratrophy (0): Impaired nutrition of the nervous system.
  • Piquance (2): The quality of being agreeably stimulating or mentally exciting.  
  • Concealed (0)
  • Enhancive (0)
  • Erradicates (0)

Centuries 3 Quatrain 85 (C.III Q.85)


Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 85

The following verse clearly offers details about a particular war but the defining elements of time and place are missing. The anagrams provide this essential par of the story and it involves our time, our financial system and the interplay between the Middle East and the United States that will lead us into war.
C.3 Q.85
  • The city taken through deceit and guile,
  • Taken in by means of a handsome youth:
  • Assault given by the Robine near the Aude,
  • He and all dead for having thoroughly deceived.
  1. La cite prin$e par tromperie et fraude
  2. Par le moyen d'vn beau jeune attrape
  3. A$$aut donner Aubine pres de LAVDE
  4. Luy et tous morts pour auoir bien trompe.
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <perSian particLe importer featured><eerie poem><repLicated feature><pertainS dupLicate><citaDel / Dialect prime feature>< a part after recipientS dueL>
  2. <june treat real money Paper><aPpear bevan deny Palermo jeu>
  3. <LeAders SAVED uSA><AS  urbAne persien aStound><VASsELeD peer aStound>
  4.  <yet to us montpeLier bi><yuLe poem set--out><outermost ports><uuar troops><be-in uproarious><rapturous><stupor>

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Centuries 3 Quatrain 79 (C.III Q.79)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 79

The text of this verse evokes the image of the Polestars turning point  that is found in many other of Nostradamus' quatrains. This provides a date setting of late in the 21at century. The messages contained in the anagrams relate to the coding method connected with these events. They also place the setting in both the modern era and the 16th century through the use of the  term 'antiparticle' contrasted to the 16th century astronomic calculation method of the 'equant'. This progression of Nostradamus' focus is consistent with the message of the first three lines of text.
C.3 Q.79
  • The fatal everlasting order through the chain
  • Will come to turn through consistent order:
  • The chain of Marseilles will be broken:
  • The city taken, the enemy at the same time.
  1. L'ordre fatal $empiternel par chai$ne
  2. Viendra tourner par ordre con$equent
  3. Du port Phocen $era rompue la chai$ne
  4. La cite prin$e l'ennemy quant et quant
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <laSt Lord fear anarchieS><a Simple fate enter oLder chainS><chileanS><entire Seraphical><order LineS><LancaShire> <fear pit metalS rod parcel inhaLeS ><enter aSpherical>
  2. <conSequent order driVen to a rune><once queenS inVent a record> <ordinate V[5] rune>
  3. <choSen / enoch's era poem-rule suPporteD> <uncodeS-Prophet Scene>
  4. <antiparticLe><atLantic><nauticaL><quantaL [quantum] recipientS><my equant enn e-quate ten lineS>

Centuries 3 Quatrain 78 (C.III Q.78)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 78

Most of the verses at the end of the third of Nostradamus Centuries involve astronomic settings with frequent reference to Saturn and the Polestar as reference points. This verse, like the previous one, involves these central themes but unlike C. III Q.77 its astronomy allusions are solely in its Ursae anagrams.   However it is dominated by other rare anagrams linking it to the Magdelaine legend. I have used this verse in my paper on the Analysis of the Epistle to Henry. it is in that paper that I show the importance of the capitals as linking markers for  prioritising the keywords.  In presenting this material I also show how the stories in Nostradamus' Prefaces and Prophecies are interwoven. (See  Epistle Analysis to see the method or buy my Kindle book called  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century for a full collection and discussion of these themes).
C.3 Q.78
  • The Scottish chief with six Germans
  • Captive of the Eastern seamen:
  • They will pass Gibraltar and Spain,
  • Present in Persia for the fearful new King.
  1. Le chef d'E$co$$e auec six d'Alemaigne
  2. Par gens de mer Orienteaux captif
  3. Trauer$eron le Calpre et Espaigne
  4. Pre$ent en Per$e au nouueau Roy craintif
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <Seas coDES mAgdelaine fLeech [cajole]><mAle Lineage><mAgdelaine cause ix [9]>
  2. <<if Pager remOdernised pact><mOderniser unexact>
  3. <platEs replaCe lone TreaSure><separaTing><preSagient TreaSurer><replaCe urSae tree>
  4. <<ten euroPeanS uuear><ouR cry fit in a SerPent><youR>< Pen-rePreSent urSae nouu>

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Centuries 3 Quatrain 77 (C.III Q.77)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 77

This verse is one of several that contain a specific date. However this is not the mechanism by which Nostradamus normally builds his calendar. Here the date is likely to be a cipher not a calendar device. This verse  also holds an anagram for Paraclete (the Holy Spirit of the Pentecost). This anagram  only occurs in two other verses (one of which has anagrams for 'Magian archangels') and this rarity combined with this texts reference to 'death, loss to the cross great shame' implies the Paraclete is an appropriate key pointing to the yearly timing of Pentecost. The anagram for Pentecost which appears in the second line only occurs in one other verse, making its very appropriate appearance here all the more notable.
C.3 Q.77
  • The third climate included under Aries
  • The year 1727 in October,
  • The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
  • Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.
  1. Le tiers climat $ous Aries comprins
  2. L'an mil sept cens vingt et sept en Octobre
  3. Le Roy de Per$e par ceux d'Egypte prins
  4. Conflit mort perte a la croix grand opprobre
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <resiLient claim comprise><Lines So it comprise ursA miracles><oSsuAries><relics><reclimatise>
  2. <Once Lamberton plies><setting v [5] boreaL [northern] pentecOst><simple Lane>
  3. <interLoPers preyed><PrepareS cue x [10]><rEtyping RoLes Spear excur>
  4. <onCe lift report><paraclete or dragon prop ix [9]><latter-poem><confer>

Centuries 3 Quatrain 76 (C.III Q.76)

Nostradamus C.3 Q.76- Diary on Armenian Nestorian sects torture.

This verse is clearly about religious sects in Northern Europe reverting to old modes of worship and its complementary details can be  found in both the text and the anagrams. A diary is kept of pagan revelries in the forests and its participants are tortured.
C.3 Q.76
In Germany will be born diverse sects,
Coming very near happy paganism,
The heart captive and returns small,
They will return to paying the true tithe.
En Germanie nai$tront diuer$es $ectes
S'approchant fort de l'heureux pagani$me
Le coeur captif et petites receptes
Feront retour a payer le vray di$me
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <Seer sEe neStorian Sects in German><aGrEements nine ratioS intrude><Sect reuSes armenian Gene traditionS>
  2. <uuhere pagan x iS Same<aS prop for chant><approacheS magianS font>
  3.  <if teLescope capture><secret tipe><it preseLect set>
  4. <our rotten repayal vary torrent><Foremens diary torture repayal><iS day revelry><reForeStment/Fomenters diary><reveal diSmay free> < early><year>
  1. traditions, approaches, telescope, reforestment, dismay
  2. Armenian, revelry, vary
  3. Magians, capture, fomenters, foremens
  4. renaming, repayal
  5. agreements, pagan, impasse, preselect
  6. reveal
  7. intrudes, diary, torture
  8. sects, early
  9. -
  10. -
  11. Nestorian, where
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. torrent
  18. -
  19. day
  20. -
  21. year