Saturday, November 9, 2013

Centuries 3 Quatrain 27 (C.III Q.27)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 27

This and the previous verse make sense when they are considered as being about the way the printing process is used to  conceal Nostradamus' code. Their anagrams fit into the schemes documented by Agrippa, the writer who in Nostradamus'  life-time was one of the foremost authorities on ancient coding techniques (see my paper on Agrippa for more).
 C.3 Q.27

  • Libyan Prince powerful in the West
  • Will come to inflame very much French with Arabian
  • Learned in letters condescending he will
  • Translate the Arabian language into French.
  1. Prince libinique pui$$ant en Occident
  2. Francois d'Arabe viendra tant enflammer
  3. Scauans aux lettres $era conde$cendent
  4. La langue Arabe en Francois translater.
Anagram sequences in French Text.
  1. <Print equipS ancient-cOdeS> <cOnnect aS Printed in ><cOnceited Saints><equip iSsuant><intrePid cOnStance equipS>
  2. < Abdera [Greece] invader coins/icons Farmer><Arab draconis>
  3. <dracon Scene unaScendent> <deScendentS ><Sentenced Dracon eraS letters uxa><encodeS><textural> <textureleSs><condenSed aScent
  4. <aLlan argue>< Fractions been anguLlar Area>< trans-steLlar icon><trans-societal>

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