Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 13 (C.IV Q.13)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 13

In this verse Nostradamus further develops the theme of a religious war affecting the Middle East. The language used for the anagrams  suggests a period between 1950 and 2100 CE.
Within the anagrams the ones for 'pentecostalism', 'tradepeople', 'compensates', 'patrollers', 'prefatorial', 'depletes', 'nondurable', 'ganglander', 'laboured' ' and 'belatedness' are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of two. Together they weave a tale of corruption in respect to trade in the Middle East. There is a mix of crimes involving climate, ownership of wells and withholding of labour that influence the progress of a war.
This is not a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future  but  just one of the many events he uses to flesh out incidents which said he included to maintain peoples interest. These stories although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.4 Q.13
  • News of the greater loss reported,
    The report will astonish the army:
    Troops united against the revolted:
    The double phalanx will abandon the great one.
  1. De plus grand perte nouuelles raportees
  2. Le raport fait le camp s'e$tonnera
  3. Bandes vnies encontre reuoltees
  4. Double phalange grand abandonnera
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <seller operates pretend ouun><uuell><traDespeople resell><plugs operas Desert uuell><patrollers seeD><Depletes operas ungrasped uuell><operas Deepest uuell>
  2. <pentecoStalism Learn forepart><map port reaL ornateneSs>.<Leaner Steps on climate><compenSates Learner><noteS prefatorial placeme-nts > <none Set califate maps>
  3. <once veins re-enter Badness><see veins Belatedness re-encounter>
  4. <nonDurable ganglander band a help><danger Duo abandon near><alpha bandar and none laboureD>

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