Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 19 (C.IV Q.19)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 19

This verse offers detail of a modern nature about a war that is yet to happen.
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for 'submersiles', 'missiles', 'inundators' and 'referment' are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of one. Other important words `such as regulations, exclude, uneasier , uranolites and executed have between three and fourteen occurrences  Together they weave a tale consistent with the story of  war where principles are rarely adhered to. In this instance it hints at a conspiracy for the elimination of the aged, a theme that is supported by many other verses.
C.4 Q.19
  • Before Rouen the siege laid by the Insubrians,
  • By land and sea the passages shut up:
  • By Hainaut and Flanders, by Ghent and those of Liége
  • Through cloaked gifts they will ravage the shores.
  1. Deuant Rouand In$ubres mis le $iege
  2. Par terre et mer enfermes les pa$$ages
  3. D'Haynault et Fladres de Gad et ceux de liege
  4. Par dons laenees rauiront les riuages
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <nature edGe lieS><around><submersiles inundatorS><and In><missiles><duRatIon burnS><round-submarines>
  2. <Sages paSs Part meter err><freemen Pages pleaSes><Parts resamples Sages referment> <less great-aPes paSS>
  3. <i exclude Greeds date><leFt addres><any aged li (51) geHad executed>
  4.  <no regulations sPared sale> <Pages seal radon><usage><uranolites[meteorites] reseen><Pardon uneasier sale>


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