Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Michel Nostredame's story of comets & earthquakes that destroy mankind in C.2 Q.86

Michel Nostredame's story of comets & earthquakes that destroy mankind in C.2 Q.86

This verse has the unusual distinction of containing a split anagram for Nostradamus name (Michel Nostredame). It is the only occurrence in the Prophecies and it occurs in the fourth line which talks of a Herald surrendering himself to the announcement  of his name. Under my rules the key to decoding relies on full anagrams supported by the meanings in that verses text and anagrams. In general I present material that fits to these rules however the rules are mine not those of Nostradamus. There is no doubt that license must eventually be given to reading verses distorted by the process of publication but license is a last resort in my analyses. This verse has several places where I have bent my own rules and I do so because of the close connection the keys such as Michel-Nostredame have to Nostradamus' life and interests. However the strength of the analysis still comes from the whole anagrams of rare and relevant nature.
Many of Nostradamus' Prophecies talk of the earth trembling and of comets. The second line of this verse holds both these events and suggests one follows the other with the land being shaken by objects from the sky hitting the land. The anagrams in the fourth line reinforce this essential detail. One of them, seismometric,  only occurs here and its aptness to a state of trembling is not only apparent but very modern in its application to events causing the earth to shake. But it is possible this event signals the end for the human race.
There is also a distinctive anagram for comets  which ties neatly and correctly into those that say Michel Nostredame's story. There are only five other verses where this anagram is found so it too cannot easily be discounted as occurring purely by chance. The finding of so many interrelated words does strengthen the case that this verse was Nostradamus' way of declaring his involvement in creating these anagrams. After all it is they and only they that can remove ambiguity from his verses and this was part of his claim for each verse.
But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets should not be bared except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one sense and meaning and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted.
Nostradamus, 1558 in his Epistle to King Henry
Wreck for the fleet near the Adriatic Sea:
The land trembles stirred up upon the air placed on land
Egypt trembles Mahometan increase,
The Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out.

Naufrage a cla$$e pres d'onde Hadriatique
La terre tremble e$meue $us l'air en terre mis
Egypte tremble augment Mahometique
L'Herault $oy rendre a crier e$t commis.
Anagram sequences in French Text
  1.  <aquitaiNe reSponded Hard><rafuNa age Handed on quiet air ScaleS><far aquitaiNe Heard><endorsed>
  2. <israel emblemS uSe retailers renter term><<reaLism neutraliSer><isLam reenter / terrene><reSemble miLes retreat> terrestriaL
  3. <quiet home Meant><blame Egypt tree><Egypt meter quite Mahometen>
  4. <Michel-Nostredames Story carrieS><eSoteric layoutS><carried Secret >earthLy-Soul commits><misHraeL / 'Hear slim' cometS recarried><Seismometric Story end race>
  1. handed, 'Michel-Nostredame Story', earthly-soul, re-carried, seismometric, layouts
  2. Aquitaine (+4 in text),  terrestrial, emblems, Mahometen, carried, commits
  3. neutraliser, endorsed, carries
  4. Egypt (all as 'Egypt')
  5. esoteric
  6. resemble, comets
  7. Rafuna
  8. retailers, home, type
  9. -
  10. story
  11. -
  12. -
  13. hard, retreat
  14. realism
  15. heard
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. Islam

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