Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nostradamus' Centuries 10 Quatrain 80- Gates of Paradise

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Nostradamus' Centuries 10 Quatrain 80- Gates of Paradise

The text of this verse is another that makes sense when the context of religious allusion is recognised. It is about John's Gospel and St Peter at the gates to Paradise. It is about sin, punishment and pardon in the wars of the modern era as shown by the anagrams it holds.

C.X Q80
In the realm the great one of the great realm reigns
Through force of arms the great gates of brass
He will cause to open, the King and Duke joining,
Fort demolished, ship to the bottom, day serene.
Au regne grand dug rand regne regnant
Par force d'armes les grands portes d'arain
Fera ouurir le roy et duc joignant
Port demoly nef a fons jour $erain.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <and urge guard anger><nAture gender range><grander genre ungraded><and gangrene drug endanger ureA>
  2. <traders screamed for pardons legs Pain><amed sport dangers forced less Pain><dream portends Paradis'an largesse> <regalness><transposed> <predators Pain>
  3. <yet uuarrior role a jingo duct><atoning Fear>
  4. <Predominator rouSe> <our PerSian melody of jons fane [small church]><a felony of jons><Portend><Predation><Pain><iran Promoted><only fane of jons PerSian ur>

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Paraclet(e)us (Holy Spirit)- C.5 Q.26 , C.6 Q.84 & C.9 Q.34

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The Paraclet(e)us (Holy Spirit)- C.5 Q.26 , C.6 Q.84 & C.9 Q.34

Paraclete: According to Trinitarian doctrine, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who among other things provides guidance, consolation, strength, and support to people. Other titles for the Holy Spirit include 'Spirit of Truth', Lightful Spirit of God Almighty, Holy Breath, Almighty Breath, Giver of Life, Lord of Grace, Helper, 'Comforter', 'Counselor' and 'Supporter'....Paraclete in Wikipedia

Paracletus provides a crucial cipher integrating a theme from the past with the action principle of a future event. It identifies a prince of peace who lead a religious sect in the years leading up to the apocalyptic religious war at the end of this century.
There are a total of seven verses holding variant anagrams for Paraclete. There is also a verse C.5 Q.26  which has an anagram for Paraclet(eus) and relevant other key words but I have found no other variants than these:
 Paraclet: French form of Paraclete

The slavish people through luck in war
Will become elevated to a very high degree:
They will change their Prince, one born a provincial
An army raised in the mountains to pass over the sea.
 La gent e$claue par vn heur martial
Viendra en haut degre tant e$leuee
Changeront prince nai$tre vn prouincial
Pa$$er la mer copie aux monts leuee.
  1. <gaLilean Sect marital lau><paraceteuS anGel humaner trial / trail><neglectS aLl><i encapSulate Legal art><nucleateS>
  2. <inVader ungathered><great era Sent haunted><neateSt daughter leuee driven>
  3. <proven arChangelic uni-on retainS><ancientS reporting> <garonne print tranSceive>
  4. < rePaSS amountx lame copier leuees><amuxe proclaimer SeaPS toluene/ solvent>
 The Galilean Sect is appropriate to Jesus and the time of the Pentecost but also applies to the Essenes of that same era, The Garonne mentioned in the third line is the name of a main river in the west of southern France; a region well known to Nostradamus. Agen, where he lived in the 1530's is a town on the Garonne midway between Toulouse and Bordeaux. Today there is a nuclear plant quite close to Agen at Golfech.
The Lame One, he who lame could not reign in Sparta
He will do much through seductive means:
So that by the short and long, he will be accused
Of making his perspective against the King.
Celuy qu'en Sparte Claude ne peut regner
Il fera tant par voye $eductiue
Que au court long le fera araigner
Que contre Roy fera $a per$pectiue.
  1. <nuCleated genre quey Clue reputes><parentS quey clue> <urgent deepen paraCletuS><true gene Cruel quey transplaCe>
  2. <ovary Seed tuuice pattarn lIfe><after a prevoyant uSed>
  3. <agrarian long feel court Queer><nigeria area longfelt><a angrier fear>
  4. <aS i Queue preceptS fear><paperS cite foReSayer counter Queue><pictureSQue apeS foRyear>
The single part afflicted will be mitered,
Return conflict to pass over the tile:
For five hundred one to betray will be titled
Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives.
Le part $oluz mary $era mittre
Retour conflict pa$$era $ur le thuille
Par cinq cens vn trahyr $era tiltre
Narbon et Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.
  1. <preLate art martyriSe Soul> <Letter part mary /army armies/ marieS Soulz><poleStar remittaL> <Leper artS miStreat mary zoul>
  2. <lutherS era Pass><luther aSSure ill plaStic forecount><urSae Route paSS luther iller conflict> <pact aSSureS luher illeR counterfoil>
  3. <in terreStrial Parc> <harry rateS triPle arc><triPle arreST>
  4. <court place note uSa uxa sound><hudson Spectacular Nonreliable><paracletuS borne> <aS baroNet clue><baroN nucleateS parc><Speculate born><Near hudson ill bone Spectacular>

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Paraclete (Holy Spirit)- C.2 Q.69, C.3 Q.77 & C.9 Q.75

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The Paraclete (Holy Spirit)- C.2 Q.69, C.3 Q.77 & C.9 Q.75

Paraclete: According to Trinitarian doctrine, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who among other things provides guidance, consolation, strength, and support to people. Other titles for the Holy Spirit include 'Spirit of Truth', Lightful Spirit of God Almighty, Holy Breath, Almighty Breath, Giver of Life, Lord of Grace, Helper, 'Comforter', 'Counselor' and 'Supporter'....Paraclete in Wikipedia

There are a total of seven verses holding variant anagrams for Paraclete:
Paraclet: French form of Paraclete
The Gallic King through his Celtic right arm  
Seeing the discord of the great Monarchy:
He will cause his scepter to flourish over the three
Against the cope of the great Hierarchy.
Le Roy Gaulois par la Celtique dextre
Voiant di$corde de la grand Monarchie
Sus les trois pars fera florir $on $ceptre
Contre la cappe de la grand Hierarchie
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <polaris u-aLleGoRy exert>reCall quite><prosaical[ commonplace event]>
  2. <roMan chi garlanded coderS deViation><large rich Madonna><harMonic indicatorS garland deed><diScordant randoM hi-Voice lead-range>
  3. <SonS reSpect results> <results flora Stories conSpireS><or interproceSS raffles airports><flora inSpectorS><airports uSeless fear>
  4. <central Choice appealed hid rare rang(e)><paraclet onCe Hid deep graal> < toleranCe capped Hinder a rich graal>.<archer Hid aCceleration><garlanded aeroteCHnical pape>
This verse is one of several that contain a specific date. However this is not the mechanism by which Nostradamus normally builds his calendar nor does it make sense that he would place a dated event at a time before his prophecies would be decoded. Here the date is likely to be a cipher not a calendar device. In this respect this verse holds both an anagram for Paraclete (the Holy Spirit of the Pentecost) and an independent anagram for Pentecost. The Paraclete anagram  only occurs in two other verses one of which has anagrams for 'magian archangels'. And the text of the current verse refers to 'death, loss to the cross great shame'. Such strong relevance implies the Paraclete is an important Nostradamien key. The anagram for Pentecost which appears in the second line only occurs in one other verse, making its very appropriate appearance here all the more notable. Nostradamus states that each verse needs the past and present to illuminate the future. In this manner the verse's text and the underlying principle it implies represent the present aspects while the tale of the Paraclete at Pentecost represents the outline of the story that is yet to occur, the story of the Prince of Peace during the time of the religious wars of the 21st century.

The third climate included under Aries The year 1727 in October,
The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.
Le tiers climat $ous Aries comprins
L'an mil sept cens vingt et sept en Octobre
Le Roy de Per$e par ceux d'Egypte prins
Conflit mort perte a la croix grand opprobre
  1. <resiLient claim comprise><Lines So it comprise ursA miracles><oSsuAries reclimatise ><comprise usA atomS resiLient relics>
  2. <Once Lamberton plies><v [5] boreaL [northern] pentecOst setting><simple Lane>
  3. <interLoPers preyed><PrepareS cue x [10]><rEtyping RoLes Spear excur>
  4. <onCe lift report><paraclete or dragon prop ix [9]><latter-poem><confer>
From Ambracia and the country of Thrace
People by sea, evil and help from the Gauls:
In Provence the perpetual trace,
With vestiges of their custom and laws.
Del l'Ambraxie et du pays de Thrace
Peuple par mer mal et $ecours Gaulois
Perpetuelle en Prouence la trace
Auec vestiges de leur cou$tume et loix.
  1. <The days Abram exited recalleD><reacheD up exited mAll bar sTeady><dyes update cHart><exited The race days up><haTred pays><deathraYs up><arch sTayed up>
  2. <metalS sPoil rearm papule scourGe> <latecomerS remap auGurs oils> <metal Sources prearm>
  3. <peter Paraclete><counterPlea><Proue accelerant ><clean Pouer react> <per ounce Peace alter><nucleate race><nuclear-(r)eactor><perpetu-ate race>
  4. <excusAtive oil cruel edges meet> <its edges ulcerouS><its ledges muSt couuer><cuStom-er eludes g(u)ides a-exectutives lot>

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Paracletes (Holy Spirit)- C.1 Q.95 & C.5 Q.06 (C.I Q.95, C.V Q.06)

The Paracletes (Holy Spirit)- C.1 Q.95 & C.5 Q.06

Paraclete: According to Trinitarian doctrine, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who among other things provides guidance, consolation, strength, and support to people. Other titles for the Holy Spirit include 'Spirit of Truth', Lightful Spirit of God Almighty, Holy Breath, Almighty Breath, Giver of Life, Lord of Grace, Helper, 'Comforter', 'Counselor' and 'Supporter'....Paraclete in Wikipedia

There are a total of seven verses holding variant anagrams for Paraclete:
C.1 Q.95
In front of a monastery will be found a twin infant
from the illustrious and ancient line of a monk.
His renown by his sect’s language and power.
So that they will say his strength overwhelms his twin.
C.5 Q.06
The Augur putting his hand upon the head of the King
Will come to pray for the peace of Italy:
He will come to move the scepter to his left hand,
From King he will become pacific Emperor.
In front of a monastery will be found a twin infant
from the illustrious and ancient line of a monk.
His renown by his sect’s language and power.
So that they will say his strength overwhelms his twin.
Deuant mouStier trouue enfant beSSon  
D'heroic Sang de Moine et vestutisque

Son bruit par Secte langue et puiSSance Son
Qu'on dira
fort eSleue levopiSique.
The key to the above verse evolves through the same method as I use for the analysis of all verses, namely there is a dominant message  through the verse that ties in to a cipher hidden in the anagrams of the verse. The element that distinguishes this verse is language and power (L.3 ). The hidden word Paracletes is found as par Secte la (parSectela) in the same line and this name is the key to the visible text as well as the mutation that is part of the hidden text. This cipher, Paracletes,  is also backed by the anagram of aScenSionS (iSSanceSon) at the end of the same line.  Paraclete  which is a name given by the apostle John to the Holy Ghost is notable for its properties of speaking in tongues and it is said to hold many powers. So this word fits Nostradamus own statement and yields its full import. The Holy Spirit is also involved in the ascension of Jesus which also binds the story at both levels. These two key words are very rare in Nostradamus' text with both appearing together only in this verse and separately in three others (each). 
  1. <riteS uurote amount beSt Son><abSent Son riteS foreuuent amount due><fane [small church] undoeS reuurote bent mutationS>
  2. <quietus vest><scenario><event> <in heroDic godS-naMe>
  3. <paracleteS it Suborn aScenSionS><angel traceS><SonS iSSuance><part Select> <Sons born recapitulateS gun iSSuance > <rectangleS put aScenSionS abruptionS [placental displacement]>
  4. <aStrofel reQuoined><for ordina-te leuelS><softer ploSive qui Que ordain>
(NOTE: The term Paraclete/s provides an important cipher within Nostradamus' Prophecies. It appears on six other occasions but as Paracletes it only occurs in one other. In Verse C.5 Q.6 L.3 (A la main gauche viendra changer le Sceptre) Paracletes lies alongside the anagram for Archangel.  These two verses are distinctly  about religious dynasty and the ascension of an individual to head its institutions. The internal and external linking of these events to the time of Jesus' ascension illustrate that this dynasty is considered  to be part of Jesus' lineage.
    C.V Q.06
The Augur putting his hand upon the head of the King
Will come to pray for the peace of Italy:
He will come to move the scepter to his left hand,
From King he will become pacific Emperor.
Au roy l'Augur sur le chef la main mettre
Viendra prier pour la paix Italique
A la main gauche viendra changer le $ceptre
De Roy viendra Empereur pacifique.
  1. <royAl gurus cheerful animal> <A flame lurches terminate your uuAr-glory><hercules royAl guru>
  2. <ix (9) driVen repair a popular (pair) I liquate>
  3. <pAracleteS archangel magian driven><reSpect underachieving archangel><animal repeAts> <pAracleteS unachieved genearchal gain>
  4. <if queRied yov rEmained><purer><vineyard eRoDe>
The last line of this verse contains an anagram for vineyard and implies reliance on it if placed under pressure. This too has a connection to the same historic lineage (See this extract from the Essene Dead Sea scrolls. It contains references to the numbering found in C.5 Q.02 with fourteen angels and seven kingdoms and it is a speech about peace and its attainment.) And importantly  by this speech in the vineyard this current verse is brought into harmony with the astronomic quest nominated in C.5 Q.02.
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Centuries 5 Quatrain 02 (C.V Q.02)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 02

The text of this verse clearly relates to a set of divisions that prevail at different stages of a great contest. The anagrams of line four imply this contest is a parliamentary debate over how Nostradamus' quatrains can be fitted into the concept of the trinity or vice versa. The end point involves an expansion of the trinity into a set of four.

There are many numbers in this verse with seven, three and two being in the text and anagrams for fourteen and four being in different lines and each number is an important definer of the debate.

The seven conspirators at the banquet identify an attempt to place part of Ursae Majoris (Septentrionis) into the context of representing one who was in attendance at the Last Supper. Already tradition has the apostles representing the twelve signs of the zodiac but if Jesus and the Holy Spirit are added fourteen signs are needed in total. When at a future date this is attempted the relationship of the Holy Trinity no longer can be upheld by the Ship of the modern Church since it remains unprepared to accept Jesus and the Holy Spirit as purely mortal or astral-symbols. What starts as acceptance of the division between those of the Arian-Judaic-Islamic and Christian Orthodox views then flares into religious self-destruction when one party uses self-belief to try and force submission upon its opponents. Even the futile war which Nostradamus forecasts in his Prophecies and Prefaces doesn't resolve the issue. A Nicean-like council at the end of this century unsatisfactorily revises the concept of the Trinity but instead of unity or a duality replacing the trinity there will be a quaternity.

So the essence of the verse is the future controversy over which of Ursae Majoris, Draconis, Ophiuchus or Eridanus can be interpreted as representing Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the ancient texts alongside the zodiac signs used for the apostles.
Erkia Cheetham comments at the end of her presentation of this verse I [Erica C.] cannot decipher this verse. The last line has the word 'mail' for which there is no old meaning; only a modern one of email. And the word 'Denier' is used in the same line and this means to disclaim or deny. Both have such modernity that they make the verse indecipherable to those who seek its meaning in older French.

C.V Q.02

Seven conspirators at the banquet will cause to flee 
The iron out of the ship against the three:
One will have the two fleets brought to the great leaders
As with an email he denies the shot is to the forehead.
Seps conjures au banquet feront luire
Contre les trois le fer hors de nauire
L'vn les deux cla$$es au grand fera conduire
Quant par le mail. Denier au front luy tire.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <preceSs until><ursae j preceSsion><aauuebrs jcon not frequent><banq on fourteen pictureleSs><subaquean journ(i)es>
  2.  <onCe eridanus letters><free hordes><electron stories feel eridanus><or eridanus herself loiters>
  3. <and laSS argues fear excludes><and cofear ruined><un-rivalled fear excludes dracon>
  4. <parliament Denial><Quatrein ampler iDeal t(r)uly not unfairer> <four end era in parliamental Querulity [bickering]><unt(y)l Quaternity [four sets]><fortun-ately in Quatrein ampler ideal>

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Biassed Verses - C.2 Q.49 , C.6 Q.21 & C.8 Q.83

Biassed Verses - C.2 Q.49 , C.6 Q.21 & C.8 Q.83

The following three verses each hold an anagram for biassed and they are the only ones to do so. In each case the other anagrams in the verse accentuate the aptness of the biassed setting. In the first it involves imbalance in the attitudes of those in power towards the different genders. It seems to hold the same idea found in many other verses whereby the male population will be exposed to radiation that changes their fertility and thus their usefulness in a world that has vastly diminished resources.
The second of the verses alludes to religious agencies whose view of the world dominates the genociidal practices that will occur towards the end of this century. I believe these three verses are part of the same story.
The third of the set implies that the printers of materials bias public opinion via censorship which favours the orthodox line on sexuality. It references the stories of Peter and Herod as the frames determining what will be acceptable under the new regimes. But it appears the tyranny that takes place later in this century eventually will be thwarted.
C.II Q.49
The advisers of the first monopoly,
The conquerors seduced for Malta:
Rhodes, Byzantium for them exposing their pole:
Land will fail the pursuers in flight.
Les con$eillers du premier monopole
Les conquerants $eduits par la Melite
Rodes, Bisance pour leurs expo$ant pole
Terre faudra les poursuiuans de fuite
Anagram sequences in French Text
  1. <pole moon pure reds ill rime encLoSes><pole more impure reds cloSe no lineS> 
  2. <Male conquers parts Sustained><querants uSed its sperMatial Selection><Male rapist eLections unaSserted><elite aSsent stupid alarM><it encLose parts Male querant iSsued><quatreins-uSed Male parts seLection>
  3. <ruler pounce oppoSant Biassed sex Role><lepanto expoSures><nuclearpouer disrobes><piscean Bodies louuer sex oppoSant Role>
  4. <real prouuess infused uia><a fraud><it refer feuds><sudan spurious fraud real><it-refuTed fear>

Centuries 6 Quatrain 21

The following verse is one of three holding an anagram for biassed.
C.VI Q.21
When those of the arctic pole are united together,
Great terror and fear in the East:
Newly elected, the great trembling supported,
Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.
Quant ceux du polle artiq vnis ensemble
En Orient grand effraieur et crainte
E$leu nouueau $ou$tenu le grand tremble
Rodes Bi$ance de $ang Barbare taincte
Anagram sequences in French Text
  1. <qvatrein poll is seen><eQual unexact iraq-polluted><qvatrein ensembles><qvin nemesis preallot><qvartile nimbleness> 
  2.  <granted fafir creature><intErgeneratiOn><rEgeneratiOn interact><and genitOr a-differ>
  3. <uSa large tenuouS trend ouue lunes><rESemble lune granted lune ouStS>
  4. <cReation Biassed><doctRine Basis><caBins desecRation> <certain arab><barter cReation BandageS>disroBe bare aScend intact><BiaS doctRinate><barter Bandages ceRtain Bodies aScend>

Centuries 8 Quatrain 83

The following verse is the third of those holding an anagram for biassed. All three are united by the word Bisance and the first two by their reference to the Pole.
The largest sail set out of the port of Zara,
near Byzantium will carry out its enterprise.
Loss of enemy and friend will not be,
a third will turn on both with great pillage and capture.
Le plus grand voile hors du port de $ara
Pres de Bi$ance fera $on entreprin$e
D'ennemy perte et l'amy ne $era
Le tiers a deux fera grand pille et prin$e.
Anagram sequences in French Text
  1. <novigrad deports a reaL shoulder plus><deportS olive shroud><herods proudest oil><holier d poStured> <novigrad predatorS shoulder><novigrad upholders Stored> 
  2. <PreBiaSsed printerS fence reaSon><BeSides fear Son can enter>
  3. <peter let many See my enD-near>< my enn temperately SerenaDe><men retype enD-yearS metal><reDSea elementary-type><are many letter eeS>
  4. <earLiest fear uxed> <Sin pill peter arranged><preinset a sterile fear uxed><steadierLines refuxe peter pill>

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Centuries 4 Quatrain 100 (C.IV Q.100)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 100

In verses C.IV Q.97 and Q.98 Nostradamus text allows astronomic dating solution to evolve out of a combination of the text as a classical star reference, the poetic structure and the content of the anagrams. In C.IV Q.100 There is once more a readable astronomic setting. The celestial fire is the Sun and the royal edifice is the house of Leo in the Zodiac. The light of Mars goes out when that planet is totally covered by another.
From the celestial fire on the Royal edifice,
When the light of Mars will go out,
The content of the anagrams and the structure of the sounds again allow the date to be precisely determined. The sound of the verse is of both the voice and harmony since there is  evidence of internal rhyme in the last three lines. The letter 'r' is dominant in all lines and this is one of the sharp sounds that Agrippa alludes to in his musical notation for Mars.These all confirm that the planet Mars is the essential ingredient in setting the date. There is also a high usage of double letter sounds such as 'll' and 'rr' which is typical of verses about the male-female relationship in the Jesus-lineage myth. (see C.IV Q.94). But there is another pattern present and it is much the same as that used in C.IV  Q.98. since they both use sounds from the Venus collection ("ou ux us uz uc ue eu oi ol lo il li ly  lu ul sl un nu am ma mu om mo ns sn en an is ys iz ez") and it makes Venus the logical planet for obscuring the light of Mars when they and the Sun are in Leo. In the 850 year period from 1500 to 2150CE there is only one tiny window where this setting is valid and that occurred in 1891 at about 8.30am on the 2nd of August. At that time the Sun was very close to the star called Regulus one of whose meanings is that of a Royal Prince or Ruler.

One war that started seven months after the foregoing date was in the Wild West of the USA (See Johnson County War for more). The last line of text implies that a bloodline with links to French Kings is involved in this event and becomes the fount from which the last war of this century springs.
From the celestial fire on the Royal edifice,
When the light of Mars will go out,
Seven months great war, people dead through evil
Rouen, Evreux the King will not fail.
De feu cele$te au Royal edifice
Quant la lumiere de Mars defaillira
Sept mois grad guerre mort gent de malefice
Rouen Eureux au Roy ne faillira.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <eaSt feeD youR deifical [godlike] clue><clue teaSe youR ideal Deific [made divine] fee>
  2. <ill Quatrain all dreaMs fade><illumant aQua redeeM>
  3. <female pieceS><mated life competeS><if male urged mortgaged-renter epitomeS [ represent a class]>
  4. <uxa ill Roar youR finale rEneuu>

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Centuries 4 Quatrain 99 (C.IV Q.99)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 99

In its first line this verse brings together many reference points such as the valiant prince found in surrounding quatrains. Its astronomic reference points can be found in Hercules' eleventh labour which involves thunderbolts, dragons and the nymphs of Hesperides. This Herculean connection offers an interpretation of this verse content. The common boundary of the constellation of Heracles with Bootes and Draco is a known source of annual meteor showers that are distinguished by being few and distant except in a small window for a few hours in mid January in the far northern part of the earth. The last two lines  now imply that there will be an occasion when this shower turns deadly, increasing in strength and becoming a disease-laden threat to Mediterranean countries. This story fits to that of Nostradamus' Fire in the Sky theme found in his prefaces and in many of his other Prophecies and expands upon its mechanisms.

The valiant elder son of the King's daughter,
He will hurl back the Celts very far,
Such that he will cast thunderbolts, so many in such an array
Few and distant, then deep into the Hesperias.
L'ai$ne vaillant de la fille du Roy
Repou$$era $i profond les Celtiques
Qu'il mettra foudres combien en tel arroy
Peu et loing puis profondes He$periques.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <alleviant [remedy] fill DelusionaRy deal><aLiens filled youR deal><via youR aLiens all inflated>
  2. <for perSiaS quilt enClosed euRopes><lends proof CeltiQ  raiSeS pRouueSSes use>
  3. <combines rude liQuory matter of eternal><submediocre><microbes>
  4. <SpHeres / peSHers end proof equiPs longitudee><fond purposing reequips sHeep outline>

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Centuries 4 Quatrain 98 (C.IV Q.98)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 98

The anagrams of the first line are intriguing with their being a complete sequence saying ' Norse labels a d'Nostredame passion'  ( nois_paS a Les_Alb Seron t_dedans_Rome). The second line also has quite meaningful and complex sequences that seem pertinent to the cause of Nostradamus. They say 'deems some perils a bluff' 'fearful symbole' 'annoyment sufferable'. These are most unusual, unexpected, complex and rare but their message fills in  a part of Nostradamus pattern. It unites, music, astronomy, Agrippa and Nordic poetry as used in the Prose Edda and it exploits past and present to date the future.

The union is illustrated by several close-by verse (see C.IV Q.93 and C.IV Q.100)  since ancient astronomic allusions are used together with the absence of Nordic-style internal rhyme to generate a single date for the events of each verse. And it is done using Agrippa's musical coding system for the planets. It is not surprising Nostradamus would have a passion for these fearful symbols for they allow Nostradamus to date his message by a sophisticated use of sound and lettering. And there are many references in his prefaces and verses that state that there is a hidden code in the pattern of the verse. But in this verse it does not lead to a precise date but to an allusory defining of its story.
 In this verse there  are internal rhymes based around 'on/an /en' that mark it as one where harmony dominates. This marks the verse as one where the classic tale of Venus is relevant. According to Agrippa the sounds of the planet Venus are lascivious, luxurious, delicate, voluptuous, dissolute and fluent. I believe the following sounds are therefore pertinent indicators of Nostradamus intent "ou ux us uz uc ue eu oi ol lo il li ly  lu ul sl un nu am ma mu om mo ns sn en an is ys iz ez". Many of these can be found throughout this verse
I believe the sounds of Venus are the sounds of the institutions and persons that are neither part of war nor its warriors. It is by this reasoning that I conclude the anagrams identify the major participants as bankers who foreclose on their borrowers with devastating results.
C.IV Q.98
Those of Alba will pass into Rome,
By means of Langres the multitude muffled up,
Marquis and Duke will pardon no man,
Fire, blood, smallpox no water the crops to fail.
Les Albanois pa$$eront dedans Rome
Moyennant Langres demipler affubles
Marquis et Duc ne pardonnes a homme
Feu $ang morbilles point d'eau faillir les bleds.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <NorSe Labels moRe a d'nostredame passion> <tranSpoSes edda noRms> <Eddan moRse LAbels tranSpoSed>
  2. <a bluff soMe deems peril><fearful syMbole><annoyMent sufferable> <Money raffle blues impedes>
  3. <inDuctees pardon Marq><suiteD homam's preannounced MarQ><has preannounced Duties><nonMahommeds encaptured>
  4. <billers (who) FuSsed among unap'ointed billers fail><antipodes blessed unSaFe ill-failures><gambron [Bandar Abbas] use ill depletions>

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Centuries IV Quatrain 97 (C.IV Q.97)

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Perseus, dipper as time of retrograde Mars, Venus, Mercury.This verse is one of only three that holds an anagram for GOLD and the sequence it forms confirms Nostradamus' process in the clearest terms. I began each analysis of verses alluding to gold by referencing the patterns that you see in the verse. I talk of its equivalence to ancient patterns used in science to indicate where potential sites of minerals, stars or civilisations might be found. And I say this is what Nostradamus intended; visual clues left so that we should look beneath the verse into its poetic structures. When you do this in this verse  you find something which is most unusual and although you would expect this could occur occasionally by chance alone in this verse they occur quite frequently in appropriate lines.
C.4 Q.97

In the year that Mercury, Mars, Venus retrograde,
The line of the great Monarch will not fail:
Elected by the people visiting nearby Gagdole
One will come to grow very old in peace and reign.
 L'an que Mercure Mars Venus retrograde.
Du grand Monarque la ligne ne faillit
E$leu du peuple l'v$itant pres de Gagdole
Qu'en paix et regne viendra fort enuielli

note: there is no such word as vsitant nor a place called Gagdole. My translation uses visitant for vsitant but others translate it not as l'vsitant but as Lusitant meaning Lusitania (Portugal) and Gagdole is taken to be Spain.
in my analyses I retain this quirky spelling and in doing this consistenly I surely lower the chance of finding sequential anagrams. My consisteny ensures that researcher bias is minimised. The anagrams I am referring to say 'aGed gold patterns (<tant pres> <de Ga> <gdol>)' and 'evilS taint presaGed gold (<e l'v$> <itant> <pres de Ga> <gdol)'. Alongside these there are also anagrams for 'perSistant' 'evilS' all of which again stretch chance's influence beyond credible limits. And in the next line is 'ill' ,'fortune' 'exerting paniQue'. These bizarre yet complex sequences made up from singular and rare anagrams containing Nostradamus' capitalized markers hold a message that is closely related to many normal discussions of gold. Since they talk directly of gold and not  the French 'or' or the scientists 'au' they are highly unlikely to be anything but the product of Nostradamus' own hand.
This verses astronomy allusion is as is common in many verses based on word plays thatmake sense of ancient myths about the stars.. Here it is set up by Nostradamus when he writes 'One who in peace and reign will come to grow very old' . This is evocative of one constellation and that is Perseus, he who was the husband of Andromeda and from both of whom the lineage of Heracles sprang.
Perseus (Greek: Περσεύς), the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty of Danaans there, was the first of the heroes of Greek mythology whose exploits in defeating various archaic monsters provided the founding myths of the Twelve Olympians.
Perseus and Andromeda had seven sons: Perses, Alcaeus, Heleus, Mestor, Sthenelus, Electryon, and Cynurus, and two daughters, Gorgophone, and Autochthe. Perses was left in Aethiopia and became an ancestor of the Persians. The other descendants ruled Mycenae from Electryon down to Eurystheus, after whom Atreus got the kingdom. However, the Perseids included the great hero, Heracles, stepson of Amphitryon, son of Alcaeus.

So what does this Perseus inspired verse do to  resolve the enigma of the regressing planets? Regression in a single year of three planets on different sides of the Earth's orbit around the sun is the most difficult of astronomic projections Nostradamus could have chosen. In order to resolve it he needed not one but at least two constellations set apart by approximately 180 degrees. We now have one and as can be expected from Nostradamus' claims in his Prefaces the resolution of the astronomyis contained in the verse. The anagrams are Nostradamus' mode of concealment. In the first line of this verse there is a sequence that says E-quadrangLe recur store Western arms (<grade L'an qu>  <e> <rcure> <Mars> <Venus ret> while the second line says engine fail lit equal roMan N-guard (Du-grand Monar que_la igne_ne fail lit). And most of the verses key words such as quadrangle, equalling and Vuestern arise from very rarely occurring anagrams.  These messages make  consistent sense when you use the Eastern part of the quadrangle of the Big Bear (the Dipper) and when you know that this figuration was often called the Northern Guard to the Polestar. The Uvestern arm is then that of Perseus. When  either one of these two constellations is visible the other is, as suggested by the second anagram sequence, ill lit,  it being on the other side of the Earth's heavenly view.
And the message about the Klan's activities in 2017 is this 'Klan ManeuVres recur resort uneq'al grade' (<L'an q> ue Mercur> <e Mars Venu> < s retro> <grade> ), a message totally consistent with a fraud involving precious metals.
With these settings for the planets in the constellations named there is only one relevant year where this takes place in the 21st century, it is  in late spring in the year 2012.
Anagram Clusters found in French Text.
L'an que Mercure Mars Venus retrograde
Du grand Monarque la ligne ne faillit
E$leu du peuple l'v$itant pres de Gagdole

Qu'en paix et regne viendra fort enuiellir
  1. <ManeuVres recur><ensure qLan garroted><rearMs Venturers><Vuestern><quadrangLe oVerturns><uneq'aL grade resort>
  2. <and it equal roMan ill guarD align><equalling randoM antiDrug><quran lineage-finale random lit><all quoran engine fail>
  3. <gold patterns aGed lives><perSistant ev'l aGed gold><presaGed gold taintS>
  4. <gene invader fortune lie><liQuer given exert pain><expirant invader of ill uterine gene><evening expirate>

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