Sunday, January 5, 2014

Centuries 4 Quatrain 86 (C.IV Q.86)


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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 86

This verse has strong ties to C.IV Q,84 since both hold the anagram for qlan and both have astronomic settings in their text. It is important that these settings be properly interpreted and the dates made specific as Nostradamus intended. I have given a lengthy disscussion of C.IV Q.84 in my web pages and in my quatrain analysis however although I have alluded to this verse in my earlier works I didn't present ints astronomical dating. This is done below the anagram analysis.
The tone of the verse at both levels is about the timing of a conqueror whose reign is marked by genocide. Now the calendar dating is well confined by Nostradamus wording. The period of Saturn is such that in every thirty years there will be two consecutive conjunctions of Saturn and the Sun and the second of these will be about fourteen days later in the year and not quite as small a separation as the first. Therefore in 600 years there will be forty possibilities but many of these are ruled out because they either involve another planet in the conjunction or in the region of Aquarius. And the anagrams prove quite helpful in the resolution of the date for they are distinctive and the number forty which is part of the second line only occurs here and one other verse thereby limiting the period covered to 600 years.

The rotating giant axis mentioned in the third line's anagrams suggests that of the dates able to be identified the most relevant is that closest to the Polar turning point in 2105 CE. The date that fulfils all these requirements is the one on the second of March 2054. There is also a suggestion there are six other dates but I can identify nine in this period. The indications in this verse point to these datings being critical times in the clan's family history beginning with its origins in Scotland then their involvement in nineteenth  century European revolution all of which impinges on the lineage and titular ambitions of the North American branch of the family later in this century. I believe the verses that are in this part of the Prophecies are linked to this lineage at these Saturn-Sun dates.Below I show the dates and indicate some of the earlier possible events linked to the family. Other verses should either confirm this data or lead to its amendment as the three verses after this demonstrate (See C.04 Q.87, C.04 Q.88 and C.04 Q.89)
  • 10/02/1582 Mary Queen of Scots- Throckmorton Plot of 1583 to replace Q. Elizabeth I
  • 20/02/1641 Civil War in 1642 of king Charles against Eng & Scot parliamentary armies.
  • 23/02/1700 abandonment of second Caledonia colony led by Alexander Campbell
  • 06/03/1848 Year of Revolution-Europe has the most widespread political upheaval.
  • 18/02/1876 , 01/03/1877
  • 09/03/1907
  • 05/03/1996
  • 02/03/2054

The year that Saturn will be conjoined in Aquarius
With the Sun, the very powerful King
Will be received and anointed at Reims and Aix,
After conquests he will murder the innocent.
L'an que Saturne en eau $era conioinct
Auecques Sol le Roy fort et pui$$ant
A Reims et Aix $era receu et oingt
Apres conque$tes meurtrira innocens
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <qLan uSe natutre><urSae Latonic icon><Sate rune uneaSe>
  2. <iSSuant petty-role for a uueecq loSs><Satan iS put><foRty><putter [time-wasting] of ueAcq SaintS>
  3. <rare times ARe set to giAnt AxiS><RotAting><Six eAt into mAgisteR rarer cue>ReestimAting Axis era><Six teaMs oRiginAte><queSt resume corpse reincArnations>< once rApes Scots-queen><incinerator resume rApe conqueSts>.

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