Friday, January 10, 2014

Centuries 4 Quatrain 91 (C.IV Q.91)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 91

There are reasons in the text and hidden anagrams of this verse to believe it is about the physical and theoretical wars that will occur in this century. Within this context the perpetual prison is ideology and the wrongly accused are those judged to stand outside its bounds. The key words compelling this conclusion are 'theocrats', 'refashion tracts', 'generalise amount' 'Copernicus's' rotate'. There  are also 'creator,'creations', 'peter' , 'eulogias' and 'Epperson' contributing to the religious nature of this battle. There may also be more complex anagrams for 'repercussion-capture to tell'. The anagram for Epperson is fully in keeping with this story for it is the name of a teacher who took a creationist inspired legislature to court over laws stating that to teach evolution in any Arkansas school might lead to a criminal conviction. Finally the last line of visible text and its anagrams can be interpreted as a failed attempt by a modern sect to resurrect the line of Jesus through world-wide war.

For the Gallic Duke compelled to fight in the duel
The ship of Melilla will not approach Monaco,
Wrongly accused, perpetual prison,
His son will strive to reign before his death.
Au duc Gauloise contrainct battre au duelle
La nef Mellele monech n'approchera
Tort accu$e pri$on perpetuelle
Son fils regner avant mort ta$chera.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <auu-loGic creations><bactrian [anc Iranian] treat uualled section><oil containers><creation batter a uualled section>><euloGias [blessing]> <uuatered>
  2. <heracLean prop> <reapproach><enfLaMe once choLera happ'n>
  3. <roTate CopernicuS'S><perSon><percuSSion actor repute Tell><epperSon [Arkansas evolution curriculum]>
  4. <theocratS><refaShion tractS><reaSon lif(e) generalis' amovnt chatterS><engravers><Start Search on graven fl(i/y)ers>

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