Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Centuries 4 Quatrain 99 (C.IV Q.99)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 99

In its first line this verse brings together many reference points such as the valiant prince found in surrounding quatrains. Its astronomic reference points can be found in Hercules' eleventh labour which involves thunderbolts, dragons and the nymphs of Hesperides. This Herculean connection offers an interpretation of this verse content. The common boundary of the constellation of Heracles with Bootes and Draco is a known source of annual meteor showers that are distinguished by being few and distant except in a small window for a few hours in mid January in the far northern part of the earth. The last two lines  now imply that there will be an occasion when this shower turns deadly, increasing in strength and becoming a disease-laden threat to Mediterranean countries. This story fits to that of Nostradamus' Fire in the Sky theme found in his prefaces and in many of his other Prophecies and expands upon its mechanisms.

The valiant elder son of the King's daughter,
He will hurl back the Celts very far,
Such that he will cast thunderbolts, so many in such an array
Few and distant, then deep into the Hesperias.
L'ai$ne vaillant de la fille du Roy
Repou$$era $i profond les Celtiques
Qu'il mettra foudres combien en tel arroy
Peu et loing puis profondes He$periques.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <alleviant [remedy] fill DelusionaRy deal><aLiens filled youR deal><via youR aLiens all inflated>
  2. <for perSiaS quilt enClosed euRopes><lends proof CeltiQ  raiSeS pRouueSSes use>
  3. <combines rude liQuory matter of eternal><submediocre><microbes>
  4. <SpHeres / peSHers end proof equiPs longitudee><fond purposing reequips sHeep outline>

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