Friday, January 3, 2014

Centuries 4 Quatrain 77 (C.IV Q.77)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 77

There can be little doubt that Nostradamus' verses have religious commentary as shown in this particular verse. However there is no evidence arising from the Prophecies that he needed to convert or convince people of religious conviction to reject or accept any particular view. Any person who looks into the past, present or future has no choice but to notice the huge impact that extreme views have. Nor is there evidence that Nostradamus set out to change what he saw and the implausibility of such a desire helps explain why the Prophecies don't attempt to solve the conflicts inherent in men. Nostradamus acts from an observer status recording what he saw as inevitable and noting what differed from his own time. His efforts are those of a diligent researcher, setting down the facts that allow assessment of his claim that time has dimensions undreamt by man.

The modern context of this particular verse lies in the search by religious groups to give meaning to their own narrow views. The anagrams carry the story of how Nostradamus built his messages into the lettering of his verses and how people will irrationally use his efforts to further their own ends.

Selin monarch Italy peaceful,
Realms united by the Christian King of the World:
Dying he will want to lie in Blois soil,
After having chased the pirates from the sea.
SELIN monarque l'Italie pacifique
Regnes vnis Roy chre$tien du monde
Mourant voudra coucher en terre ble$ique
Apres pyrates auoir cha$$e de l'onde.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <roman LINES equalIt(y/') lie>< It equ(a/')l NonrEaLISm><if capitalis<s/')e IN roman SEqueL>
  2. hyStEric veRsions> <united modern gene><nonRegRessive hySteric demon><Revenges yoR sin><chriSt-endure> <yovr-sin>
  3. <quatrein-MoveS a uuord ><requireS-treble-aMount re-encouch [reset] a vuord>
  4.  <usa choir rate edeSSa olden pApers><chaSeS prayers sauior set> <Seed as euchariSto [Thanksgiving] prayers>

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