Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrains 83 and
I have included two verses in this page since they are the only two
in which Nostradamus uses the term 'valiant captain' and their anagrams
perform quite unexpected echoing of the text of the alternate verse. I
show the anagram analysis of each and give a frequency table showing the
rarity of the keys. The anagrams of the second line of C.IV Q.92
distinctly says 'no adversaries unseated' which reflects the
message in the second line of C.IV Q.83 which says 'conquered will flee,
few people conquered'. Inversely the first line of C.IV Q.83 has an
anagram for 'ultra-violence' while the first line of C.IV Q.92 says 'The
head of the valiant captain cut off'.
C.IV Q.83
C.IV Q.92
Combat by night the valiant
Conquered will flee few people conquered:
people stirred up, sedition not in vain,
His own son will
hold him besieged. |
The head of the valiant
captain cut off,
It will be thrown before his adversary:
His body hung on the sail-yard of the ship,
Confused it will
flee by oars against the wind. |
There can be little doubt these verses are meant to be linked by a
single event. Nor can there be any question that the naval leader is
brutally killed after an unsuccessful campaign in order to provide an
horrific portent for those who oppose the winners. The visible text
provides little guidance as to the time, place and identity of this event
and its leader however the anagrams imply that it is not a physical battle but
one of ideas. In this context the ship mentioned in the text represents
a covenant agreed to by religious institutions. The anagrams when
assessed as a whole suggest that there is an increased opposition to
human gene variants such as progenesis (retention of juvenile
appearance) and it is for such a heritage that the valiant captain is
C.IV Q.92
The head of the valiant captain cut off,
It will be thrown
before his adversary:
His body hung on the sail-yard of the
Confused it will flee by oars against the wind.
Te$te tranchee du vaillant capitaine
Sera gettee deuant $on
Son corps pendu de la cla$$e a l'antenne
fuira par rames a vent contraire.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
- <anTicipate an ill TeSt><anticipate unalleviated chanter
SeT><anticipant reState all unachieved><a inate pit vacillant TeSt
- <greateSt eraS riSe astound><raiSe / arieS target aStound
Seer><agree no aduerSarieS are unSeated>
- <called on as TenneS'an Seal upends crop>
- <same nonretractive covenant>< a pair rearm><same erratiC
convent> <save content>
Frequency of rarest anagrams found in verse above
and/or below.
1- unalleviated, unreached, covenant, ultraviolence,
progenesis, innovation, nondeviation, nonevasion, vigilance
2- anticipate, vacillant, anticipant,convent,
called, profile, progenies, pension
3- unachieved, nonretractive, target
4-5 greatest, astound
C.IV Q.83
Combat by night the valiant captain
Conquered will flee few
people conquered:
His people stirred up, sedition not in vain,
His own son will hold him besieged.
Combat nocturne le vaillant capitaine Vaincu fuyra peu de gens
proflige Son peuple $smeu $edition non vaine Son propre filz
le tiendra a$$iege.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
- <Combine count at latin-capital><anticipant recount all Come
alive><anticipate leave an ill turn><ultra-violence><vacillant>
- <Vigilance><pray due gene profiles><cauVin fury due ape gene
profiles unedge>
- <uSe non-deviation in meSs><Seems penSion innovation
uSed><non-evaSion Seems Suited>
- <aS progeneSiS profile retained><progenieS profile
enlizted><tellZ perSon profile><proper><life>
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