Monday, June 30, 2014

Nostradamus C.04 Q.82: Food riots and floods in the mid-east and eastern Europe.

Nostradamus C.04 Q.82: Food riots and floods in the mid-east and eastern Europe.

Nostradamus' text tells the story of a populace of on the move, driven by ancient forces and once they leave there is an unstoppable flame that burns the land. In the anagrams the focus is sharpened and we see it occurs in a secular mid-eastern country and involves the basic ingredients that enable human digestion to occur. There is deforestation and famine with those on farmlands rising up against their rulers all of which amplifies the elements of the text. The term Deucalion refers to a Noah like figure found in the legends of ancient Sumeria and its presence implies the prime cause of disruption is massive flooding.

C.IV Q.82
A throng approaches coming from Slavonia,
The old Destroyer the city will ruin:
He will see his Romania quite desolated,
Then he will not know how to put out the great flame.
Amas s'approche venant d'E$clauonie 
L'Ole$tant vieux cite ruynera 
fort de$olee verra $a Romanie 
Puis la grand flamme e$taindre ne $cuara.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <copperah [dried coconut flesh] Amass nucleotidaSE [digestive enzyme]> <cAesaropapism [supremacy of empire over church] heaven>dEucalionS unSocial aScEndent inoSculatEd [blended]
  2. <unexcitative SeLenOlatry [worship of the moon]><native nearLy StOle> ventilateS reaLlOtS yearn
  3. <Federation loSe aRomas><leoS deFormation revere><aS a ReFormation revere><or oldeSt Famine Soar><in aRomaS revealer deForest>
  4. <mideaStern Scene lags farmland aura><uPrisal / uPraisal cauSe><Seem farmland diSentrance><Seem farmland uPrisal unaScertained><cenSured Saint> <adrienne farmland meets>meantimeS Sunderance dementiaS inStead
  1. caesaropapism, heaven, unexcitative, ventilates, Reformation, deformation, Mid-Eastern scene, meantimes, sunderance
  2. inosculated, Selenolatry, revealer, farmland, unascertained, disentrance
  3. nucleotidase, Deucalions, unsocial, ascendent, reallots,  revere, upraisal, censured
  4. amass, aromas, federation(s), deforest, Mid-Eastern
  5. nearly
  6. -
  7. famine (+8 as 'famine')
  8. native, yearn
  9. -
  10. uprisal
  11. -
  12. -
  13. Adrienne
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. instead
  19. copperah
  20. -

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Nostradamus C.2 Q.46: At the turn of the 21stC genetic experiments go awry.

Nostradamus C.2 Q.46: At the turn of the 21stC genetic experiments go awry.

This verse sits squarely into the theme of disaster at the end of this century when Fire from the Sky coincides with the turning of the Polestar. Within its rarest anagrams there is a consistent theme in which a state 'under the rule of God' manipulates the human gene pool. However this selective breeding goes awry and leads to a species that outlives man.
C.II Q.46
After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is near
The Great Mover renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
In the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.
Apres grat troche humain plus grad s'appre$te
Le grand moteur les $iecles renouuelle
Pluye $ang laict, famine, fer et peste
Au ciel veu feu courant longue e$tincelle.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text (**= occupies full line)
  1. <theocrat [God as head of state] presAger> <chore targets repeAts><he hum plain presAge papers guards > <preAge Set tractor>
  2. <one uuell enLarged><true random Leg iceleSs><enclosure reSiles><dormant Leg rule><leSs ice uuorsen rule><iceleSs route>
  3. <easY sePtuple [seven parts] firemen fact align><sPelt peter uneaSy fee> eScalating analgeSic unSagely refine
  4. <eugeniSt cell> <lotan [disaster god] clienteleS gun couuer> outSeeing evil feuu
  1. theocrat, targets, tractor, firemen, unsagely
  2. uneasy, analgesic
  3. enclosure, uuorsen (uu=w), septuple, escalating, outseeing
  4. Eugenist, clienteles
  5. presager
  6. dormant
  7. -
  8. guards, iceless
  9. fact
  10. -
  11. Presage, easy
  12. -
  13. -
  14. refine
  15. -
  16. resiles
  17. -
  18. uuell (uu=w)
  19. -
  20. -

Friday, June 27, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.96: A Sunni sect with the Name of the Seas lets loose a nautical infection.

Throughout the centuries Nostradamus' verse has resonated with events current in those times.This particular verse carries ideas and names that can be used to link it to events in the second decade of the 21st century. The anagrams of the second line are particularly evocative of events in Syria while the rest conveys strong ideological links to ancient rituals and beliefs.

C.X Q.96
The Religion of the name of the seas will win out
Against the sect of the son of Adaluncatif:
The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid
Of the two wounded by Aleph and Aleph.
Religion du nom des mers vaincra
Contre la $ecte fils Adaluncatif
Secte ob$tinee deploree craindra
Des deux ble$$ez par Aleph et Aleph.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. < demons undo minervas [Goddess of wisdom & arts]><aRrivance summoned><caRriel undoing minervas modes>
  2. <cleareSt faCtion> <Asad (A sad) lunatic Sect alter life><sAlafid [Sunni 'ancestor' sect] faCtion telecaSter><caStle inFeCtor act><fAils acidulant toleranceS><sAd Sect alter nautical life>
  3. <**care bitS deepen deSecration role**><benoiSt aScertained><**in career obSecrated [implored] destine pole**>
  4. <raphAel tale > <theA [daughter of the Earth goddess] Apparel helpeD> <theA Deeds paSSez bluex help**>
  1. 'Asad lunatic', Salafid, telecaster, helped
  2. Minerva's (C1 Q91), arrivance (C1 Q86), summoned (C7 Q14), undoing (C1 Q71), Asad (C2 Q.46), obsecrated (C9 Q66)
  3. acidulant, lunatic, ascertained
  4. infector, desecration, Raphael
  5. Carriel, deepen, nautical
  6. -
  7. apparel, help
  8. clearest
  9. -
  10. tolerances
  11. Benoist
  12. -
  13. faction, heat / Thea
  14. Castle, destine
  15. -
  16. modes, bits
  17. demons
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.94 : The 21st century rejects Nostradamus' visions.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.94 : The 21st century rejects Nostradamus' visions.

As the Prophecies draw to a close Nostradamus draws together the methods he has used to encode his themes of the destruction of the 21st Century way of life. His text is is also a commentary on the reception of his work by the people of our time who he always knew wouldn't and couldn't accept the images he had incorporated.
C.X Q.94
Scorn from Nîmes, from Arles and Vienne,
Not to obey the Hesperian edict:
To the tormented to condemn the great one,
Six escaped in seraphic garb.
De Ni$mes d'Arles et Vienne contemner
N'obey tout a l'edict Hespericque
Aux labouriez pour le grand condamner
Six e$chappez en habit $eraphicque.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <**leAders NemeSis invent re-encoDement**><remiNDS leAders set conVenient men> <miSsed VersAtile / relAtiVes eND><Vilest / leVites dreAms>.<leAders DimNeSs><miSsed eND interleaVes>
  2. <**dialect pretecHNiques out (to) obey><citadel tout spHere> <yet spHere colatitude> <price eThics><pierces / precise ditCh><ebony ditcHes toluate price>
  3. <our large prize><uxA labour>regular <dracon manned><**uxA clangored zuperior labour manned**>
  4. <hebraiSant {french hebraist] zee><a hebraisT [Hebrew language expert]><Sephira quieScex [quietens]><papez / apepz hibernateS><exciSeS quic><Sepharic / aSpheric bit enhaze>
  1. reencodement, reminds, obey, co-latitude, enhaze, hibernates, excises, Hebraisant, Sepharic / aspheric
  2. convenient (C8 Q33), pre-techniques C4 Q50), ebony / boney (C10 Q94), ditch (C6 Q63), ditches(C4 Q18), prize (C.2 Q8)
  3. interleaves, Hebraist
  4. versatile / relatives, Sephira
  5. Levites, dimness, pierces /precise
  6. ethics
  7. vilest, toluate, labour, clangored
  8. invent
  9. missed, price
  10. -
  11. sphere
  12. -
  13. manned
  14. dialect / citadel
  15. nemesis
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. dreams

Nostradamus C.10 Q.93: The Earth undergoes heat and cold and cities and pastures are relocated.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.93: The Earth undergoes heat and cold and cities and pastures are relocated.

The last verses of the prophecies carry Nostradamus' awareness of man's fate. In this verse he reveals that in the  coming centuries the race of men will be displaced by a new species while the earth  itself suffers from man's environmental legacy. The earth is at times molten and frozen, cities and pastures are relocated and the soil degraded.

C.X Q.93
The new bark will take trips,
There and near by they will transfer the Empire:
Beaucaire, Arles will retain the hostages,
Near by, two columns of Porphyry found.
La barque neufue receura les voyages
La et aupres transfereront l'empire
Beaucaire Arles retiendront les ho$tages
Pres deux colomnes trouuees de porphire.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <**savoy queen real cue feuuer aLgebras**><arab queen sageLy solve / loves a feuuer cure>overLays revalues squarabLe
  2. <a pure taLe retransfers montpelier [Vermont USA]><montpeLLier [France] partners refers><a molten periL refers partners><transfer pasture><pLateau arrest>
  3. <Because eArlier hoStage a resident> <stolen oathS interred> <not reinserted>
  4. <prophesied Peers uurote solemn ux-code><uuorst omen pedosphere Earth top soil layer] resPired> <Reprophesied rouu moonlets [satellites] excursed [journey through]><uue prophesied cool mentors uxed Peers> excused
  1. Savoy, 'Arab Queen', sagely, overlays, squarable, transfer, retransfers, (re)prophesied, pedosphere
  2. Montpelier (C3 Q84), Montpellier (+C3 Q56), hostage C4 Q41), reinserted (C9 Q20), moonlets (C6 Q88)
  3. plateau, because
  4. feuuer (fewer), excursed
  5. interred
  6. solve / loves, revalues
  7. partners, oaths, respired / reprised
  8. ux-code
  9. earlier
  10. cool
  11. resident
  12. -
  13. molten
  14. -
  15. uuorst (worst)
  16. -
  17. -
  18. pasture / Pasteur, excused
  19. -
  20. -
  21. Queen

Nostradamus C.10 Q.90: The inhumanity of Earthmen revealed as leaders order chemical attacks on their citizens.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.90: The inhumanity of Earthmen revealed as leaders order chemical attacks on their citizens.

It is at this point as the last of his Prophecies were written that Nostradamus reflects on the change from humans to a more enlightened species.  This change appears in the text while in the anagrams there is an account of what causes Nostradamus to refer to mankind as the the inhuman tyrant. This verse is the only one to carry anagrams for Earthmen, mutational and misery and such a pointed selection seems a fair assessment of what Nostradamus' Prophecies present.
C.X Q.90
A hundred times will the inhuman tyrant die,
In his place put one learned and mild,
The entire Senate will be under his hand,
He will be vexed by a rash scoundrel.
Cent foys mourra le tyran inhumain
Mys a $on lieu $cauant et debonnaire
Tout le $enat $era de$$oubz $a main
Fache $era par malin themeraire.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <armour let inhuman ray in><mousy often inhumaniC><of anCient mousy inhuman try><yet rural iran inhuman>Canine inhumanitary
  2. <a bonne eMiSsary><SecluSion a Misery><as My Son lie cauSe a iran debutante><MayoreSs anion line unabetted> <attuned bonne cauSe><no debt remain> seminarY
  3. <redSeaS leaneSt muTation><redSeaS muTational SenateS><zambianS tout So redSeas leaneSt><arSenate ouTletS mania><adulterateneSS To zambianS> tolueneS aSSerted
  4. <**earthmen aFire reacheS parma**><preacheS Fear alarm theme in air><**reacheS palmarian [Carmelites] Fairer theme**>Farce aSchera
  1. inhumanitary, misery, emissary, seminary, debutante / unabetted, Zambians, mutational, adulterateness, Palmarian, Earthmen
  2. inhumanic (C6 Q81), mousy (C1 Q23), seclusion (C6 Q11)
  3. mutation, arsenates
  4. ancient, inhuman, asserted
  5. preaches
  6. Mayoress, Senates / Sensate, outlets, theme
  7. canine, toluenes
  8. -
  9. rural, reaches, fairer
  10. attuned
  11. -
  12. Aschera
  13. -
  14. Bonne
  15. farce
  16. -
  17. Parma
  18. leanest
  19. mania
  20. debt

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Nostradamus- C,10 Q.87 :The dangers of both science and religious ideology come to a head.

Nostradamus- C,10 Q.87 :The dangers of both science and religious ideology come to a head.
 On Agennos: (from Gk a=without/ not, gennos=beget ) implying not begotten.

All eight of the agennos anagram verses can be accessed through agennos quatrains.
This verse is another extraordinary verse  whose anagrams belie the possibility that they appear by chance. Not only do they complement the story of the status of Christ's foundations but they produce remarkably coherent stories about Psellos, another person who questioned the churches view. The power of this verses stories about Psellos and modern politics is in part a product of the anagrams rare occurrence and the very modern terminology that they represent. 
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for radioelements, presidents, paranoia, atomiser, redemptorial, meliorates, fraternise,  pillar, paramonarius, exsanguinates, Psellos, pollinates, agenesis, and auxesis  are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of three.  Most of the other significant anagrams have under eight occurrences and are given relevance by the sequence of which they are part.
The verse represents a morality tale of dispute between those who use modern science to give birth without a father and those who base their faith on this very principle.
Agennos is a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future. The stories sketched out by the  agennos verses although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
 C.10 Q.87
A Great King will come to take port near Nice,
Thus the death of the great empire will be complete
In Antibes will he place his heifer,
The plunder by sea all will vanish.
Grand roy viendra prendre port pres de Ni$$e
Le grand empire de la mort $ien fera
Aux Antipolles po$era $on geni$$e
Par mer la Pille tout e$uanoira
Anagram sequences found in the above lines of French text.
  1. <preSidents ponder danGerS><draGonry invader><reaSSiGned reports pander><GeneSis ord'nary>:<eSSeNi dragonr(y) vineyard>
  2. <fear radioelementS prime danger><mortalS refine a enLarged (and) primed><atomiSer><redemptorial fineS named><Large reprimand><meliorateS pride><moralIst><and empire><fraterniSe><enLarged fear prime deal insert><finest moral>
  3. <psellos [11th C writer] reaSonS geneSiS><exSAnguinAtes [drains blood]> <psellos reaSoning agennoS AuxeSis [overstates] A point><Spore(s) pollinate(s)><AgeneSiS><eSSeni pose pollinAte organS ><SenSing reaSon uxA pollinates Po>
  4. <uueSt Paranoia><aPril tell ParamonariuS [anyone in charge of church property]> <rearm a Pillar outlet no Pair uSe>
Agennetos: (from Gk a=without/ not, gennos=beget, -tos =by means of) ) implying born without a father.
Sefira: The Letter carrying spheres in the Hebrew coding device called the Tree of Life

In his The Argument of Psellos’ Chronographia, Anthony Kaldellis claims that "[Michael Psellos] was a serious philosopher rather than a mere polymath or intellectual dilettante, and that he used his considerable rhetorical skills to disguise the revolutionary nature of his political thought, which was consciously anti-Christian and deeply influenced in some respects by the political philosophy of Plato."
  1. redemptorial, radioelements, Psellos, exsanguinates, pollinates, ParamonariuS, paranoia
  2. Presidents, meliorates, pollinate
  3. -
  4. refines, auxesis, agenesis, pillar
  5. reassigned, vineyard, moralist, fraternise
  6. genesis (2 in this verse), finest, reasoning, UUest
  7. atomiser
  8. reprimand, agennos
  9. ponder, mortals
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. organs
  14. reports, refine
  15. -
  16. primed
  17. dragonry
  18. moral, outlet
  19. -
  20. reasons


Nostradamus C.10 Q.83: Corpses shipped in special containers that extract lethal emissions.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.83: Corpses shipped in special containers that extract lethal emissions.

Once again this is a verse about death and it is consistent with many of the verses in this the last section of Nostradamus' prophecies. In this instance this ritual involves the placing of the dead on ships to be returned to their place of birth. It carries a reference to a practise that arises in England whereby special engines are designed to ensure any lethal emissions are retracted during transport. To further limit the risk the bodies are shipped with the sparsest of shrouds so that these cannot be used either to perpetuate the menace or for the purpose of holding others to ransom.

C.X Q.83
The signal to give battle will not be given,
They will be obliged to go out of the park:
The banner around Gand will be recognized,
Of him who will cause all his followers to be put to death.
De batailler ne $era donne$igne
Du parc $eront contraint de $ortir hors
De Gand lentour $era cogneu l'en$igne
Qui fera mettre de tous le $iens amors.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <**iller radon engineS Seen abateD**><none Sign redSea ill Debate><**reaSoned Debate enn a iller sign**><none abnegateD [renounced] ill Serenader><androgeneSis [male parent only] Detainable><nonDeSigned abate>
  2. <rioterS caperS /  Scrape shrouD><nonretractionS Sorted><train connectorS Sorted><concentratorS trained> heritorS Sedation conSecrator cornerS nitrated inStead
  3. <enGland neeD Single cargo routes><encourageS nonreGulated Design><engineS GlaDden><our entanGled lineS encourageS> <lineS enGaged encourage tourS>
  4. <romans aQuifers><Sensualise to deter><matter deter soul><outed Sameliness><aQuifer morass> Solutes ransoms
  1. abnegated, non-designed, consecrator, detainable, concentrators, non-regulated, 'cargo routes', gladden, 'Romans aquifers', sameliness
  2. abated (C2 Q26), heritors (C3 Q24), corners (C9 Q72), connectors (C2 Q38), sedation (C2 Q41), England C5 Q41), entangled (C5 Q51), engaged (C4 Q51)
  3. debate, cargo
  4. androgenesis, non-retractions, nitrated, encourage, aquifers
  5. reasoned, shroud, encourages, ransoms
  6. serenader, morass
  7. -
  8. -
  9. design, aquifer
  10. -
  11. -
  12. engines
  13. -
  14. -
  15. single
  16. -
  17. rioters
  18. instead, solutes
  19. -
  20. -

Nostradamus C.10 Q.81: Illegal removal of corpses from crematoriums causes deadly disease.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.81: Illegal removal of corpses from crematoriums causes deadly disease.

This is another verse in the series about death and burial in the next few hundred years and it follows on from the story in C.10 Q.77. The text can be seen in this context when the treasure is considered to be the body with its inherent soul and the temple is a crematorium where the bodies are secretly removed and reburied while animals are burnt in their stead. The outcome is a deadly disease is released into the population. This is the message to be found amongst the anagrams but there also also signals as to the timing and location wrapped into the main story. These extra details are included via a reference to Nostradamus astronomic coding system and his use of displacement values from those in St Remy, Provence where he was born.
C.X Q.81
A treasure placed in a temple by Hesperian citizens
Therein withdrawn to a secret place:
The hungry bonds to open the temple,
Retaken, ravished, a horrible prey in the midst.
Mys tre$or temple citadens He$periques
Dans ice luy retire en Secret lieu
Le temple ouurir les liens fameliques
Reprens rauys proye horrible au milieu.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <SpHere equips st-reMy><meteorS displacement> <System restore>< SpHeres distance><Sheep (Aries) declinates reSorts My queries> que-ens citadel / dialect periSHes instead requieMs
  2. <entire Secret lie insecurely><audiences centuries-i-rely> <icelanDs> <clue><neutraliseD Scene><ice insulateD><suDanic elite> entire centerS entrieS
  3. <miquels fame><louuer lines flames><sequeL inflames sillier rouu>
  4. < ursa apyrous [incombustile]> osprey ohr reburial><peuRile peer he prosy sunray>puRer
  1. displacement, 'sphere distance', insecurely
  2. apyrous (C1 Q50), re-burial (C10 Q24)
  3. system, requiems, Icelands, Sudanic, audiences
  4. St-Remy,  prosy
  5. declinates, neutralised, insulated, flames, inflame, sunray, sillier, Osprey
  6. perishes, centres
  7. re-sorts
  8. meteors, puerile
  9. -
  10. -
  11. sphere, sheep
  12. -
  13. citadel / dialect
  14. -
  15. -
  16. restore, fame
  17. purer
  18. queries, instead
  19. -
  20. -
  21. louuer (uu=v)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Nostradamus' C.10 Q.80- Gates of Paradise and the price of entry for predatory warriors.

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Nostradamus' C.10 Q.80- Gates of Paradise and the price of entry for predatory warriors.

The text of this verse is another that makes sense when the context of religious allusion is recognised. It is about John's Gospel and St Peter at the gates to Paradise. It is about sin, punishment and pardon in the wars of the modern era as shown by the anagrams it holds. The frequency section for this verse highlights the value this technique brings to the anaysis. By some peculiar means it both filters and sorts the words and by reducing the input of the trivial emphasises a much more singular message.
C.X Q80
In the realm the great one of the great realm reigns
Through force of arms the great gates of brass
He will cause to open, the King and Duke joining,
Fort demolished, ship to the bottom, day serene.
Au regne grand dug rand regne regnant
Par force d'armes les grands portes d'arain
Fera ouurir le roy et duc joignant
Port demoly nef a fons jour $erain.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <and urge guard anger><nAture gender range><grander genre ungraded><and gangrene drug endanger ureA>
  2. <traders screamed for pardons legs Pain><armed sport dangers forced less Pain><dream portends Paradis'an largesse> <regalness><transposed> <predators Pain>
  3. <yet uuarrior role a jingo duct><atoning Fear>
  4. <Predominator rouSe> <our PerSian melody of jons fane [small church]><a felony of jons><Portend><Predation><Pain><iran Promoted><only fane of jons PerSian ur>
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. predominator, promoted
  2. melody
  3. screamed, forced, jingo, felony
  4. transposed, portend (also portends in different line)
  5. predation
  6. portends, regalness / largeness, predators
  7. uuarrior (uu=w)
  8. gangrene
  9. -
  10. pardons, atoning
  11. largesse
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. traders / retards
  17. -
  18. endanger
  19. -
  20. -

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Nostradamus C.10 Q.77: Deaths and burials where misting agents used to purify air.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.77: Deaths and burials where misting agents used to purify air.

Nostradamus' focus on death and burial isn't necessarily that he found this topic fascinating; it is the inevitable result of trying to show how religious approaches come into conflict as the Earth's environment changes. It is the dissension raised by legal requirements that conflict with unyielding religious practice that leads to interminable wars. In this verse Nostradamus deals with cultures in which burial is sacrosanct and  where there are attempts  to meet increased threat from diseased corpses by purifying the air.

C.X Q.77
Thirty adherents of the order of Quirites
Banished, their possessions given their adversaries
All their benefits will be taken as misdeeds,
Fleet dispersed, delivered to the Corsairs.
Trente adherans de l'ordre des quyretres
Bannys leurs biens donnez $es aduer$aires
Tous leurs bienfais $eront pour de$merites
Cla$$e e$pargie de liurez aux cor$aires.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <death re-enTers d'orleans><seed query Threatened rest ><query lends neaTer order rest heard><turqeys adherent ordered reSt><d'orleans seed adhere><retry queys><lord adherends>
  2. <Banners surely raiSe><seeS aSsured ends on serBian><Senze air asSured nebulisers [misting device] don>
  3. <nebulisers set ouT><poStured / proudeSt merit / timer><it raiSes fine slouuesT proton><fine aSsertion proud><proton test reSumed buries soul><Seem Sefiras rites not proud>
  4. <i deliuer ClaSsier preSageS><raise croSx><i preSage azure ClaSS rise acroSx deuil>
  1. query. ordered, banners, 'buries soul', acrosx (x=s)
  2. threatened, Turqey (q=k), adherent, adherends, nebulisers (both in this verse). slouuest (uu=w), Sefiras, crosx (x=s)
  3. -
  4. classier
  5. death, adhere, postured /proudest, resumed
  6. queys
  7. senze (z=s), nebuliser (2 in this verse), assertion, presages
  8. retry, surely
  9. buries
  10. Serbian, assured
  11. presage
  12. -
  13. deliuer (u=v)
  14. re-enters, lord
  15. heard
  16. d'Orleans, order, proton
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

Monday, June 23, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.75: A Christ like figure cloned from relics in India.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.75: A Christ like figure cloned from relics in India.

The meaning of this verse is given even greater import when read in conjunction with C.10 Q.66, C.10 Q.72 and C.10 Q.74.

This verse is the complement to my narrative in C.X Q.72 for it contains the formula that made our century of great interest to Nostradamus.  We know how fast man's technology is advancing and this verse holds evidence that is consistent with many others about the emergence of a Christ figure. The natural tendency is to see such a story from a traditional viewpoint but the tales in Nostradamus' Prophecies only make sense from a non traditional stance. The anagrams of this verse suggest that although the tale of the new Christ figure parallels that of Jesus it is in reality the results of cloning based on DNA found in Jesus-branded relics. There are also clues as to where this occurs both in the text and the anagrams and they lead to a region in India close to the Himalayas (such as Achad). The timing of this story is linked into the Fire From the Sky theme via the presence of 'asteroid' as an anagram in the second line. The actual event told via the anagram perspective is of the raising of the Jesus clone from the dead by the administration of a drug and this tale directly links to C.10 Q.66 in which the text talks of a false Christ and whose hidden content parallels the type of experiments on cloning currently taking place in various countries around the world. In the current verse a woman is involved in the process but to achieve the birth she betrays the untutored guards who have been appointed to prevent the incompleted process from ever being finalised. The place name Achad and the names Magdelaine and JesuX are found together in the previous verse C.10 Q.74 and they together with the other elements in that verse amplify the story of this one.

C.X Q.75
 Long awaited he will never return
In Europe, he will appear in Asia:
One of the league issued from the great Hermes,
And he will grow over all the Kings of the East..
Tant attendu ne reuiendra jamais
Dedans l'Europe en A$ie apparoi$tra
Vn de la ligue y$$u du grand Hermes
Et $ur tous roys des orientz croi$tra.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. jamadar [ Indian military officer] aTtains><unentered jamaTsani [Himalayan plant] ruined><attendant reneuu>
  2. <apep is European><lands aSteroid appear><StanDardise rule> <European airportS lanes Dead><apep reopen unsEaled raDiators>appraiSe ratios>
  3. <yeSuS guile enslaVed Hermand drug><**unVillaged Herdsmen guard yeSus**><enlaVed guile Hand yeSuS drug> 
  4. **uuorst traitoreSS rosy desertion>**ostracizer indorses yours to trust**><reSuScitator routs rosy> racEriotS uttErs / truESt StaturE
  1. Jamadar, Jamatsani, standardise, European, enslaved, Hermand, unvillaged, herdsmen, trust, traitoress, ostracizer, resuscitator
  2. -
  3. attendant, radiators, indorses
  4. attains, unentered
  5. asteroid, desertion
  6. re-open, appraise, utters / truest, race-riots
  7. reneuu (uu=w), Yesus
  8. stature
  9. hand, yours
  10. unsealed
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. uuorst (uu=w)
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. guile
  20. -

Nostradamus C.10 Q.74 : The story of the modern Christ-like resurrection begins.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.74 : The story of the modern Christ-like resurrection begins.

The meaning of this verse is given even greater import when read in conjunction with C.10 Q.66, C.10 Q.72 and C.10 Q.75.
Here we have a verse whose text talks of resurrection of the dead. Its anagrams make the connection to the time of Christ through the names Jesu, Jesux, Magdelaine. It ties in closely with the Terror from the Sky mentioned in C.10 Q.72 through the anagram for terrorists found in the fourth line. The story of the verse is about a modern fervour surrounding the reported resurrection of Jesus, a story completely in keeping with that in the next verse C.10 Q.75. It is in the setting of these links that the city named Achad (found in the second line) takes on great significance. And as fanciful as these ideas might seem such a resurrection is now at the edges of man's ability with the cloning of a sheep already  having been achieved. In addition all  these connections are amde in C.10 Q.66 which openly talks of the emergence of an anti-Christ  and whose content reflects the idea of deliberate experimentation on the replication of individuals.
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will go out from their tombs..
Au reuolu du grand nombre $eptie$me
Apparoi$tra au temps Jeux d'Hacatombe
Non e$loigne du grand eage millie$me
Que les entres $ortiront de leur tombe.
  1. <Sombre epiSteme [part of speech]><mob meAsure respite><louuer guard>
  2. <Jesu acHad [Heb] tomb ><riotS Appear><traumatiSe><Jesux Had combat airports Ape>J<auStria Jet-spume>
  3. <**magdelaine urged None loSing menS lie**><looSening guard image ill SemeN end**> <legionS drug agenda><legionS argued end ill image>
  4. <noted terroriSts rule tomb><seQuel enter Sorts> <mob not led enters true Stories>
  1. Achad
  2.  Jesux (x=s), traumatise, terrorists
  3. sombre, Magdelaine
  4. -
  5. loosening
  6. agenda
  7. episteme, Austria, combat (+10 as 'combat'), image
  8. sorts
  9. -
  10. measure
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. respite
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. Jesu
  20. -

Nostradamus C.10 Q.72 : 1999- The King of Terror and mankind-induced-fallout from the sky.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.72 : 1999- The King of Terror and mankind-induced-fallout from the sky.

The meaning of this verse is given even greater import when read in conjunction with C.10 Q.66, C.10 Q.74 and C.10 Q.75
This famous quatrain offered men of the past a hint of a dire future which they took to be due to a great war started by one man at the start of this millennium. However reason tells us that it is a greater threat than that of any single short-lived mortal. The anagrams in this verse direct us to the idea that the impact of man on the earth's finite resources triggers war, fire from the sky, flood and disease. These are the great themes of Nostradamus Prophecies as stated in his Preface.
But in order, my son, that I may not wander too deeply for the future capacity of your mind, and also because I find that letters shall undergo such a huge and incomparable loss, I find that so many deluges and such deep floods shall befall the world before the universal conflagration that there shall not be scarcely any land. And this will be for such a long time that except for enographies and topograpies all would be lost. Also, both before and after these floods, the rains in many countries shall be so slight, and there will be so much fire and white-hot rock shall fall from the sky, that nothing shall remain that is not consumed. And all this is to occur, in a brief period before the final conflagration. Preface  to Cesar 1555 (PCF8)
There can be no doubt that Nostradamus' work wasn't able to be read with any clarity over the last five hundred years but this is exactly as he intended and predicted. If Nostradamus could see the future then we know that each verse plays a part in the telling of the period beyond 2003 CE. We know this because it is a useless exercise if any verse solely tells the story of common incidents from the past that have no bearing on the future or weren't interesting to men in the past.Each quatrain must contribute once it is decoded or else kept peoples interest in Nostradamus' work during the long period of enforced ignorance. And the last five hundred years have been filled with horrific wars, dreadful misadventures, ravages from natural forces and terrible plagues. So we can also know that the period beyond the year 2000 CE holds a story far more damning for mankind than that of World War I or II, influenza plagues, cholera, Napoleon, Hitler, Pol Pot since they are merely part of the dark side of man's history that has always blighted our species. None of these are enough to justify hiding the story of the future for 500 years unless what is to come is far more horrendous than any combination of these threats could offer.
Nostradamus makes it clear that the statements above reflect his own view. The whole narrative of his prefaces make it apparent we face a period of upheaval that threatens but does not extinguish mankind.
This dread verse C.10 Q.72 indicates through its anagrams that the seeds of our destruction lie in our impact on the soil, moisture and air that we have always needed for our survival. Destruction of these basic elements provides the foundation for war, drought, flood, famine, disease and sectarian fervour. Man has many strengths and will attempt to address the underlying issues but it is the flaws in our self-centred mortality that will betray us. If Nostradamus was a prophet then his future visions reflect the best efforts of man as well as the worst and so his foreseen outcomes will happen. Man will act and needs no instruction from Nostradamus but won't avoid the outcome. All the foregoing fits well with the known history of the universe and man and shows the means by which evolution will control our profligate dominance.
One of the key anagrams in this verse is that for Platonism and the meaning of this word sets the tone for this verse and Nostradamus' aims.
 The central concept of Platonism is the distinction between the reality that is perceptible, but not intelligible, and that which is intelligible, but imperceptible.. from Wikipedia
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongol
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf $ept mois
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy deffraieur
Re$u$citer le grand Roy d'Angolmois
Auant apres Mars regner par bon heur.
  1. <man influence soiL><moist maLinfluence> <pLatonism enfuse> miLan noninflueces nonfluencies
  2. <far uuider dRagonry fed><curd evil invader><defy far uuiDer Radon><daffier dRagonry>
  3. <mongoliAs cuRSeS><dRagonry crueltieS> <cuRSeS large daimonology rite><cuRses day Radon looming><citeS SeRious>monAdology [unitary state]
  4. <hebron prearranges uuAr><he prearranges uuAr baron><Auuare rearMs parents>
  1. influence, malinfluence, noninfluences, nonfluencies, Mongolias, monadology, daimonology, Hebron, Hebron uuar (uu=w),
  2. Platonism
  3. uuider /uueird (uu=w), cruelties, looming, pre-arranges
  4. curses
  5. defy, daffier, auuare (uu=w)
  6. -
  7. -
  8. Curd (Kurd?), serious
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. moist, enfuse, rearms
  15. -
  16. -
  17. dragonry (2 in this verse)
  18. -
  19. -
  20. day

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.68 : Ireland once again afflicted by poverty and invasion.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.68 : Ireland once again afflicted by poverty and invasion.

There is once again a consistency in this verse between text and anagrams with the anagrams delivering much of the detail that is missing from the text. We know from the text that it involves the sea, an army, a city, a departure and a return. The anagrams in the first line tell us the sea is the Atlantic, while the anagram for Emerald (isle), supported by one for Ireland, tells us the country that is besieged. The anagrams for pauperist league in the second line identify a period in the 1840's when the Irish poor Laws were enacted. The text suggests the army will one day return return while the anagrams imply this will be because the Irish forge links with Iran.
The army of the sea will stand before the city,
Then it will leave without making a long passage:
A great flock of citizens will be seized on land,
Fleet to return to seize it great robbery.
L'armee de mer deuant la cite tiendra
Puis partir $ans faire longue alee
Citoyens grande proye en terre prendra
Retourner cla$$e reprendre grand emblee.
  1. <nautical re-aLarm redeemed><retained atlantic><enumerated emeraLd lattice><ireLand remade tactile aunt redeem**> unrelated / unaltered
  2. <iranS gun parts foresail><regional airStrips fans><lone Pauperist league>longer afire
  3. <aCrid [bitter] eye ponder astrogeny [evolution of universe]> <panderer reenter> endangers
  4. <Reroute mendable><Rebel regard / gerard mend route clearneSS> gendarme repreSS careleSS
  1. redeemed, airstrips, pauperist, mendable
  2. enumerated, Atlantic, clearness
  3. nautical, foresail,
  4. regional
  5. careless
  6. unaltered / unrelated, astrogeny
  7. -
  8. -
  9. ponder
  10. acrid, endangers
  11. re-alarm, league, repress
  12. lattice, tactile
  13. regard / Gerard
  14. emerald, redeem, longer
  15. -
  16. gendarme
  17. -
  18. re-route
  19. -
  20. -

Nostradamus' C.10 Q.66 The lineage connection between Scotland and Texas.

Nostradamus' C.10 Q.66 The lineage connection between Scotland and Texas.

This verse is another in the tale of genetic manipulations Nostradamus foresaw for this century. The details of this incident indicate that genetic change experiments are conducted by an American institution headed by a rich Texan but they have the authority of the British government and act within its guidelines.  The results are bad with unexpected side effects and a non-containment effect that sees its impact rapidly spread around the world.
There are several anagram-words that distinctively shape the outcome yet at the same time they unite closely with the story of the text. Pellagra, Flodden, chimeral, Texan are prime examples of this unique fitting. Flodden Fields are a part of Scottish, English military history (1513CE). Pellagra is an ailment arising from nutrient deficiency.  Chimeral is a term relating to rapid, almost spontaneous, emergence of a new living body or part. A cosset is a pet (or experimental) lamb raised by hand away from its mother. These anagrams and several others are extremely rare in the Prophecies. Pellagra, landmasses, cossets and unobservant only occur here and others such as Texan only have one other occurrence. And there are many such as Flodden, crime and astounds that have fewer than four other occurrences. It is this shaping that delivers the unambiguity that Nostradamus claims underpins each verse.
But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets should not be bared except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one sense and meaning and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted.
Nostradamus, 1558 in his Epistle to King Henry
C.10 Q.66
The chief of London through the realm of America,
The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
King and Reb will face an Antichrist so false,
That he will place them in the conflict all together.

Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh
L'i$le d'E$co$$e tempiera par gellee
Roy Reb auront vn $i faux antechri$t
Que les mettra tre$tous dans la me$lee
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <general crime><rich fLodden [Scot] mAles Leech gene><rare gene fLeeched [induced] mirAcle Respond> <olden chimerAl [newly emerged] genre spread>
  2. <empire SetS pellagra [nutrient deficency] codeS><empire Seed coSSet [pet lamb] iLls>
  3. <rich texan StorY><if unobseRvant a unexact (C)hrist><histoRy-eRr>.
  4. <seQuel matterS><landmaSses routeS><arreSt / reStart / rareSt astounds maleS> routeS seQuel>
  1. pellagra, unobservant, landmasses
  2. chimeral, cosset, texan
  3. -
  4. crime, astounds
  5. Flodden, miracle
  6. unexact
  7. -
  8. -
  9. matters
  10. respond, story
  11. -
  12. -
  13. fleeched
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

Nostradamus- C.10 Q.65 : Computerisation of Christ's resurrection line.

Nostradamus- C.10 Q.65 : Computerisation of Christ's resurrection line.
 On Agennos: (from Gk a=without/ not, gennos=beget ) implying not begotten.

All eight of the agennos anagram verses can be accessed through agennos quatrains.
This verse is one of the focal points of a major story told by Nostradamus in his Prophecies.another of those that gives every appearance of being central to Nostradamus' coding methods. It ony needs a glance at its visible text to see that it has a religious theme and it takes just a little knowledge to conclude it reaches way back into religious history for its story of the churches future troubles. But the anagrams underneath are quite dramatic. They are personal, complex, identifiable with a unique historical event and with Nostradamus' personal struggle in presenting his case. His story is about the Nicean Council and its creation of a status of heresy for those who dared take a Gnostic view of Christ's birth.. And yet it also is about Nostradamus' coding methods and his own struggles with the questions this Nicean legacy leaves unanswered. 
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for Nostredamus, encodements, status, denouncements, computerisation, perfection, actiniums,  proactiniums  and tremendous  are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of two. Together they state quite dramatically that Nostradamus' aim was to expose the fallacy in the doctrine surrounding the birth,  death and lineage of Jesus. The anagrams also spell out the time of nostradamus' interest from the time of the birth of Jesus up to when Proactinium/Actinum afflicts the earth.
The anagrams for Actiniums and Proactiniums are both found in line 4 and their connection reinforces the agennos link. The element proactinium was given the name because it is the father of actinium, a radioactive element of short half-life.
Agennos is a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future. The stories sketched out by the  agennos verses although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century).
 C.10 Q.65
O vast Rome, thy ruin approaches,
Not of thy walls, of thy blood and substance:
The one harsh in letters will make a very horrible notch,
Pointed steel driven into all up to the hilt.
O va$te Romme ta ruyne s'approche
Non de tes murs de ton $ang et $u$tance
L'aspre par lettres fera $i horrible coche
Fer poinctu mis a tous ju$ques au manche
Anagram sequences found in the above lines of French text.
  1. <uneasy prop Stave echO><papers> <moRe mature yen OvateS><maumetry[Islamic] propanes OverhaSte> <OverheatS super-canopy>
  2. <noStredamus eNcodements denote Agennos StatuS><agennetoS StatuS eNcodements/ / deNouncements><noted tremendous agentS>
  3. <Sefira's letter> <latter paper refers> <hiS fear><appears><his bricoler [Fr. tinkerings] echo flatterers appareLs>
  4. <computerisation><manchu perFection><aqueuS tsunamic joust><juSus to actiniums><proactiniums><manchu Frontpiece>
Agennetos: (from Gk a=without/ not, gennos=beget, -tos =by means of) ) implying born without a father.
Sefira: The Letter carrying spheres in the Hebrew coding device called the Tree of Life
  1. maumetry, overhaste / overheats, super-canopy, Nostredamus, encodements, agennetos, denouncements, flatterers, Manchu, computerisation, tsunamic, joust, actiniums, proactiniums
  2. uneasy, status, Sefiras, frontpiece
  3. ovates, tremendous, bricoler, perfection
  4. apparels
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. agennos, latter
  9. appears
  10. propanes
  11. denotes
  12. -
  13. -
  14. mature

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.64: A thermonuclear event affects much of Italy.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.64: A thermonuclear event affects much of Italy.

Hidden in wording acceptable to the 16th century Nostradamus details events that wouldn't occur for five hundred years. In this instance it is about the discharge from thermonuclear devices that have their greatest impact on Italy. This particular verse draws upon the tale of Charlemagne to further develop the scope of the event and its protagonists.

C.X Q.64
 Weep Milan, weep Lucca and Florence, As your great Duke climbs into the chariot: The see to change it advances to near Venice, When at Rome the Colonna will change.
Pleure Milan pleure Luques Florance
Que ton grand Duc sur le char montera
Changer le siege pres de Veni$e s'aduance
Lors que Colomne a Rome changera.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <Foulques (11th C) Prenuclear rule>< Falconers Peel (of bells) plenarium [list of formulae]><Pre-illume plan> Mineral
  2. <thermonuclear eQuator> <monarch rules Quote rate><and cruel scuD not harm eQuator>tongue 
  3. <eVen pedigreeless genearCh / enCharge> <peers enVied Seas><eVen aduiSes Chance releasing / generalise>
  4. <charLemagne More Cool name> <encharge / genearch squalor Roma omen>
  1. pre-nuclear, pre-illume, Charlemagne
  2. Foulques, plenarium, thermonuclear, harm, pedigreeless
  3. equator, monarch (+ 5 as 'monarch')
  4. Falconers, chance, aduises (advises), squalor
  5. -
  6. SCUD,
  7. quote
  8. -
  9. generalise / releasing
  10. tongue, genearch / encharge (2x in this verse), cool
  11. mineral
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -

Nostradamus C.10 Q.63: A remote battle field where the injured are helped to die.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.63: A remote battle field where the injured are helped to die.

This verse at both the text and the anagram levels is united by  a single theme about the difficulties faced when treating casualties in remote and dangerous places such as those experienced by soldiers and hermits. It concentrates on the elements of reducing the suffering of the afflicted when supplies are short and the system is burdened to an extent beyond its normal stress capacity. The outcome of these conditions is mercy killing by anaesthesia for those who cannot be treated.

C.X Q.63
Cydonia, Ragusa, the city of St. Jerome, With healing help to grow green again: The King's son dead because of the death of two heron Arabia and Hungary will take the same course.
Cydron Ragu$e la cite au $ainct Hieron
Reuerdira le medicant $ecours
Mort fils de Roy par mort de deux heron
L'Arabe Ongrie feront vn me$me cours.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <etHnic Crony><actualiSe nonHieratiC uSage> <eutHanaSic orienCy [enlightenment]><etHician actualiSe Dragonry uSe><Croydon aRgues actualiSe tHeir><antiHeroiC cauSe>Heroin Thioarsenic Sluicegate
  2. <courteSan reclaimed><Resource diStance><remedial accidentS> <**maledicent [slanderous] ResourceS arriued**><our endemical Sect raider><remedial deSSicant>
  3. <mortar he exuded R'deploys nitroform [anaesthetic chemical]><horMone uxed>soldieRy pRoarmy forMentor stifled 
  4. <Arable regiOn source><vermonts-men freeing ArboreaL-source><fOrebearing urALs come><vermontS-men bear nO grief><freeing urALS anarObe [zero oxygen bacteria]>foreign bArOnage
  1. non-hieretic, sluicegate, anti-heroic, oriency, Croydon, thioarsenic, reclaimed, maledicent, nitroform, hormone, stifled, soldiery, freeing, foreign, arable region, forebearing, grief
  2. euthanasic, remedial, accidents, endemical, pro-army, formentor, anarobe / baronage
  3. ethnic, crony, ethician
  4. actualise, distances / dessicant
  5. resource, raider
  6. their, courtesan
  7. heroin, resources
  8. arriued (arrived)
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. arable
  13. distance, exuded
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. dragonry, arriue (arrive)
  18. -

Nostradamus C.10 Q.57: Cremation as a preferred means of dealing with diseased members of a royal family.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.57: Cremation as a preferred means of dealing with diseased members of a royal family.

 The theme of death rituals occurs in several of Nostradamus' Prophecies and especially the treatment of those who die from disease. This verse has anagrams that make this verse of that type. It also focuses on astronomy and mentions Perseus, the immortalised king who was father to Andromeda, wife of Hercules. This allegory is one which Nostradamus uses to parallel  his stories of a royal dynasty in our time.

C.X Q.57
 The uplifted one will not know his scepter, He will disgrace the young children of the greatest ones Never was there a more filthy and cruel being, For their wives the king will banish them to death.
Le $ubleue ne cognoi$tra $on $ceptre
Les enfans jeunes des plus grands honnira
Oncques ne fut vn plus ord cruel e$tre
Pour leurs e$pou$es a mort noir bannira.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <Son rEspect cogenerationS uSe blue><noSogenic [pathogenic] anceStorS><noSogenetic [pathogenetic] arSon preSeLect><once roaSting SonS preSelect bluest><congo arSoniSts> <once aSSorting>narcOseS congeStion repLete bleuu>
  2. <**junes splurges ends hands on linear fan see**>
  3. <Once queens><cOnquer crueleSt rod enfuse><queens cruder electrOns><cOnquer cluStered)
  4. <per$eus { King & star] rule><prouueSs monitor Seas> <pouuerleSs aStronomies><astronome [Fr. Astronomer] brain><eSpouSes moration [delaying] rules)>aSsumes repulSes aeronomiSts [student of upper ion layers]
  1. nosogenetic, cogenerations, bleuu (blew), clustered
  2. nosogenic, arsonists, congestion , assorting, astronomies, aeronomists, assumes
  3. roasting, hands, astronome, moration
  4. Junes, cruder, pouuerless (powerless)
  5. ancestors, preselect, prouuess (prowess)
  6. conquer
  7. bluest, replete, cruelest, Perseus, espouses, repulses
  8. splurges
  9. brain
  10. -
  11. -
  12. Queens
  13. -
  14. enfuse
  15. -
  16. -
  17. respect / spectre
  18. -
  19. -

Friday, June 20, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.37 : N's lexicon of names used to identify his themes.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.37 : N's lexicon of names used to identify his themes.

The anagrams of this verse hold a vital coding statement that shows Nostradamus utilised an ancient lexicon of names written in alphabetical order. These names are placed throughout the prophecies as additional identifiers of each theme.
The great assembly near the Lake of Bourget, They will meet near Montmélian: Going beyond the thoughtful ones will draw up a plot Chambéry, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Saint-Julien battle.
L'assemblee grande pres du lac de Borget
Se ralieront pres de Montmelian
Marchans plus oultre pensifz feront proget
Chambry Moriane combat $ainct Juliane.
  1. <preassemble-largest codaBle range used> <get enlarged preludes or assembLe a-B-c-d-e> <reassemblage> <danger pleasured>bLameless
  2. <**earlier nameliSt portends oMen*><**interperSonal eternaliSm mode**><**earlier Moment alienS portends**><nostredeM milaneSe pointer><lorraine alienS Memento><protein ailmentS real deMons><**Streamline deMons pre-relation**>
  3. <if present plans frozen port get slouu March><get proton>
  4. <Juli embarcation anticS><barmY [foamy] Chain><aeronomic abStain>Satanic
  1. codable, reassemblage, interpersonal
  2. a_b_c_d_e, frozen, aeronomic, barmy, embarcation
  3. namelist / ailments
  4. blameless, moment, memento
  5. abstain
  6. portends, eternalism / streamline, Nostredem
  7. Satanic
  8. slouu (slow)
  9. earlier
  10. -
  11. Milanese, Lorraine, pointer / protein
  12. -
  13. -
  14. pleasured
  15. -
  16. proton
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

Nostradamus C.10 Q.34: Death of an Olympic equestrian leaves his estate in turmoil.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.34: Death of an Olympic equestrian leaves his estate in turmoil.

This verse holds anagrams that repeatedly point to its message as one of legal struggles over inherited land rights. The text sets the background of the participants and this is expanded upon  in the anagrams so that we are brought to the conclusion that a leader who was both a tyrant and an olympic equestrian dies while riding a horse. His unexpected death leaves his estate in limbo with the tenants on the properties of the estate being the beneficiaries of the delay. This state of affairs produces huge tension amongst those who are the nominated inheritors of the  estate.

C.X Q.34
The Gaul who will hold the empire through war, He will be betrayed by his minor brother-in-law: He will be drawn by a fierce, prancing horse, The brother will be hated for the deed for a long time.
Gauloys qu'empire par guerre occupera
Par $on beau frere mineur $era trahy
Par cheval rude voltigeant traynera
Du fait le frere long temps $era hay.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <aqueously prime praGue reoccur> <olympiques uuarpaGe rage preoccur><prague impure><prague prime queys reoccur>
  2. <mine treasurer><refer numerieS><Pray boneS insure (e)arth era> <Pray Son be urfa [Turkish city] ermine treaSure> arreSt / rareSt <intermeaSure baronS harPy> end> 
  3. <**tyrant Preach overvalued elating**>< treating any revalued love><outlived agent><elongative tyrant revalued><tattering love><Parcenary [estate legatees] tyrant have ruled> yearn tenantry devour
  4. <**feuDality refer long metaphraSes [literal translations]**><longer metaphraSes after-life> foreteller fertile empreSs hearSay felt / left
  1. Olympiques, reoccur, aqueously, numeraries, intermeasure, tyrant (+1 as 'tyrant'), over-valued, revalued, elongative, parcenary, outlived, tenantry, feudality, foreteller, metaphrases
  2. uuar-page (war page), tattering, hearsay
  3. harpy, treating, afterlife
  4. treasurer
  5. -
  6. impure, fertile
  7. empress
  8. elating, yearn
  9. -
  10. -
  11. treasure
  12. -
  13. preach
  14. Prague, bones, longer
  15. devour
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. felt / left
  20. -

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.33: 21st C Islamic regime conducts autopsies on people killed by radiation.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.33: 21st C Islamic regime conducts autopsies on people killed by radiation.

There is a peculiar tone in the text of this verse that becomes more explicable through the anagrams which have many images suited to forensic examination of bodies that have been fatally affected by radiation. It is apparent Nostradamus is describing the advent of mass forensic autopsies conducted under orders of an invading regime and in both text and anagrams it can be seen that the affects of this invasion are spread across Italy into France and upwards to the North Pole .

C.X Q.33
 The cruel faction in the long robe Will come to hide under the sharp daggers: The Duke to seize Florence and the diphthong place Its discovery by immature ones and sycophants.
La faction cruelle a robbe longue
Viendra cacher $ouz les pointus poignars
Sai$ir Florence le duc et lieu diphlongue
Sa de$couuerte par immeurs et flangnards.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <rob real rule belong occitan [Southern France]><caLifate [Islamic state] gun nuclear-role><caLefaction [heat up] boreal [Northern] / wind rule belong><narcotic Leaf><aLfa ruction>
  2. <Suzo Vaporising units reach poles><Search spouting cadaVerins [corpse gases]><Vars [Sthn Frnce river] gunpoints radiance><Search zoul><supposition raVings end><inVaders purgations><archdeaconries raVings> 
  3. <Ferriol uSage iS dolphin [dauphin}>< upholding irIs Flor-a elite uSe><philo dilute gun>
  4. <summer pirate left> <an addreSS><aS codeS uuere-part imm [1999] reuse><repeat flat rim resume>
  1. calefaction, belong, gunpoints, supposition, purgations, vaporising, spouting, cadaverins, archdeaconries, Ferriol, dolphin
  2. ravings, upholding
  3. summer
  4. narcotic ( 'narcotic leaf' only here), radiance
  5. Occitan, ruction, address
  6. nuclear, califate, Philo
  7. -
  8. boreal
  9. -
  10. -
  11. zoul (soul), units, resume, flat
  12. -
  13. alfa
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. felt / left

Nostradamus C.10 Q.31: American anti-emperial campaign flounders in Iran.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.31: American anti-imperial campaign flounders in Iran.

This verse is one of four that has an anagram for American in its text. In my page on American disaster in Iran I show the consistency in these four verses. In total  they produce a story that uses Alexander the Great's campaigns in Persia as a mirror image of what will happen in the twenty-first century. In this verse we see some of the elements that are repeated in the complete set and these relate to a disaster in the Gulf of Hormuz involving minerals released into the sea. It is part of an anti-imperial campaign that traverses the Alexandrian routes from the Gulf to the city of Susa by land and sea. This has always been difficult terrain for any army and it remains the case today. The Ishmaelites mentioned in the text most likely refers to a branch of Shia Islam whose adherents are also known as Seveners.

C.X Q.31
The Holy Empire will come into Germany, The Ishmaelites will find open places: The asses will want also Carmania, The supporters all covered by earth.
Le $aint empire viendra en Germanie
I$maelites trouueront lieux ouuerts
Anes vouldront au$$i la Carmanie
Le $ou$tenens de terre tous couuerts.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <mineraL endanGer Sea><permit aLienS near envied Germ><eLSe renaminG era anti-empire driven><aLiens met enGrained marine viper ><**anti-miLaneSE empire Genera driven**>
  2. <our aSterIsm routine ouue titles uxe><**uuorst reuolution Semiliterates uxe**><true it outline(x) aimless routes>
  3. <**not sAne uvorld uSa ameriCan Sail**> <ail SuSa Carmania> <Carmania unsolved inSulatorS><ultraSound ovens> <a SCarlatinouS Armenian ovules>raCial undulatorS iSSuant 
  4. <tenSe deterrents><deters courteous resuLt><LeSs tense deterrents couu routes>
  1. engrained / endearing, anti-Milanese, semi-literates, reuolution (revolution), Carmania, unsolved, scarlatinous, undulators, ultrasound, ultrasound ovens, insulators, courteous
  2. anti-empire, Armenian
  3. ovules, deterrents
  4. renaming, outline, American
  5. -
  6. racial
  7. VUorld (world)
  8. ovens, issuant
  9. asterism
  10. permit, aimless
  11. mineral ( only one for 'sea mineral')
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. uuorst (worst)
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. endanger
  20. -

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.30: Sub atomic particle experiments for medical purposes imposed by a new religious hero.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.30: Sub atomic particle experiments for medical purposes imposed by a new religious hero.

A great number of Nostradamus Prophecies deal with events about to occur in this century and beyond. It is very logical that this is the case since by his own admission it is only from this time on that the readers of the prophecies will have the means to know what he meant. This is true regardless of whether my work or that of someone else provides the intended key. Since the story-line in the Prefaces and the Prophecies can be shown to be about the emergence of a religious sect at a time when natural disasters involving flood and fire combine with wars, then it is also logical that many verses weave these factors in the text and the hidden ciphers. In this particular verse we can see a tale that unifies lineage with religious and twenty-first century scientific terms. The integration of text and anagrams is seen via the word achromatism which refers to the lack of spectral effects when the components of light arrive together despite different paths. The anagram for chromatism also occurs and in the last line there are notable references to conversion of light. From other connections in this verse we can see words that are not of place in describing an experiment on the diffraction effects of sub atomic particles. And from other anagrams a case can be made that these are medical experiments.

C.X Q.30
 Nephew and blood of the new saint come, Through the surname he will sustain arches and roofs They will be driven out put to death chased nude, Into red and black will they convert their green.
Nepueu et $ang du $ainct nouueau venu
Par le $urnom $ou$tient arcs et couuert
Seront cha$$ez mis a mort cha$$ez nu
En rouge et noir conuertiront leur vert.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <uueep in auue aS uNeven count>< touun avenue Sudanic agentS uueep>< Sanction /containS auue><Saudi agentS uueep><uueave / uuave count>
  2. <sect uurote PronumeralS So arc unites><monStrouS / oStensorium ruleS Part><counteracts true Site><moonS reSuscitant ruleS><sect Sure Petrol-uuar interacts><Surreal moonS><uniteS touuer scatter>
  3. <achromatiSm><chromatiSm><enSurez SS chartS><chant miSSez><truncheonS aims maSSez ><rhotaciSm [bad r sound]><**maSS-atomizers chaSezS neutrons**> <misz trachomaS> maims
  4. <our orogenetic mountain building] vEnturer> <neurotonic [impaired nerve stimulator]  volunteer trier><routine erection>rEvert
  1. pronumerals, monstrous, chromaticism, resuscitant, achromatism, rhotacism, missez (misses), mass-atomizers, truncheons, orogenetic, neurotonic, volunteer
  2. uneven, Sudanic, ostensorium, counteracts, moons, interacts, venturer
  3. uueave (weave), ensurez (ensures), neutrons, trachoma
  4. -
  5. sanction / contains, uuave (wave)
  6. Saudi, scatter
  7. chasezs (chasers), maims
  8. avenue, erection
  9. revert
  10. touun (town)
  11. -
  12. -
  13. count, surreal
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. uueep (weep)
  20. -