Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.81: Illegal removal of corpses from crematoriums causes deadly disease.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.81: Illegal removal of corpses from crematoriums causes deadly disease.

This is another verse in the series about death and burial in the next few hundred years and it follows on from the story in C.10 Q.77. The text can be seen in this context when the treasure is considered to be the body with its inherent soul and the temple is a crematorium where the bodies are secretly removed and reburied while animals are burnt in their stead. The outcome is a deadly disease is released into the population. This is the message to be found amongst the anagrams but there also also signals as to the timing and location wrapped into the main story. These extra details are included via a reference to Nostradamus astronomic coding system and his use of displacement values from those in St Remy, Provence where he was born.
C.X Q.81
A treasure placed in a temple by Hesperian citizens
Therein withdrawn to a secret place:
The hungry bonds to open the temple,
Retaken, ravished, a horrible prey in the midst.
Mys tre$or temple citadens He$periques
Dans ice luy retire en Secret lieu
Le temple ouurir les liens fameliques
Reprens rauys proye horrible au milieu.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <SpHere equips st-reMy><meteorS displacement> <System restore>< SpHeres distance><Sheep (Aries) declinates reSorts My queries> que-ens citadel / dialect periSHes instead requieMs
  2. <entire Secret lie insecurely><audiences centuries-i-rely> <icelanDs> <clue><neutraliseD Scene><ice insulateD><suDanic elite> entire centerS entrieS
  3. <miquels fame><louuer lines flames><sequeL inflames sillier rouu>
  4. < ursa apyrous [incombustile]> osprey ohr reburial><peuRile peer he prosy sunray>puRer
  1. displacement, 'sphere distance', insecurely
  2. apyrous (C1 Q50), re-burial (C10 Q24)
  3. system, requiems, Icelands, Sudanic, audiences
  4. St-Remy,  prosy
  5. declinates, neutralised, insulated, flames, inflame, sunray, sillier, Osprey
  6. perishes, centres
  7. re-sorts
  8. meteors, puerile
  9. -
  10. -
  11. sphere, sheep
  12. -
  13. citadel / dialect
  14. -
  15. -
  16. restore, fame
  17. purer
  18. queries, instead
  19. -
  20. -
  21. louuer (uu=v)

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