Friday, June 20, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.37 : N's lexicon of names used to identify his themes.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.37 : N's lexicon of names used to identify his themes.

The anagrams of this verse hold a vital coding statement that shows Nostradamus utilised an ancient lexicon of names written in alphabetical order. These names are placed throughout the prophecies as additional identifiers of each theme.
The great assembly near the Lake of Bourget, They will meet near Montmélian: Going beyond the thoughtful ones will draw up a plot Chambéry, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Saint-Julien battle.
L'assemblee grande pres du lac de Borget
Se ralieront pres de Montmelian
Marchans plus oultre pensifz feront proget
Chambry Moriane combat $ainct Juliane.
  1. <preassemble-largest codaBle range used> <get enlarged preludes or assembLe a-B-c-d-e> <reassemblage> <danger pleasured>bLameless
  2. <**earlier nameliSt portends oMen*><**interperSonal eternaliSm mode**><**earlier Moment alienS portends**><nostredeM milaneSe pointer><lorraine alienS Memento><protein ailmentS real deMons><**Streamline deMons pre-relation**>
  3. <if present plans frozen port get slouu March><get proton>
  4. <Juli embarcation anticS><barmY [foamy] Chain><aeronomic abStain>Satanic
  1. codable, reassemblage, interpersonal
  2. a_b_c_d_e, frozen, aeronomic, barmy, embarcation
  3. namelist / ailments
  4. blameless, moment, memento
  5. abstain
  6. portends, eternalism / streamline, Nostredem
  7. Satanic
  8. slouu (slow)
  9. earlier
  10. -
  11. Milanese, Lorraine, pointer / protein
  12. -
  13. -
  14. pleasured
  15. -
  16. proton
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

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