Friday, February 28, 2014

Atmospheric havoc in the 21st century (C.V Q.27 & Q.35)


Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrains 27 and 35- atmospheric havoc in the 21st century.

The following verse (C.5 Q.27) has historically been viewed as one of high significance in  relation to a leader of a war in modern times. However this interpretation relies on interpreting Nostradamus words to remedy obvious aberrations in their spelling. These interpretations have assumed a degree of incompetence in Nostradamus' writings in order to reach their conclusions. By contrast I claim that in this and many other verses these variations are deliberate with the aim[of producing highly significant anagrams such as 'the atmosphere'<er Phatos Methe>, 'themes <s Methe>', 'path <Phat>', 'atoms <atos M>', 'temblor (earthshake)' and many others. By using this approach I conclude that this verse is about a major mutational event for the earth in this century not about a person unless that person is Al Gore.
In making this processing  choice I am not denying errors of various kinds can't and don't exist in the lettering of Nostradamus' quatrains but the prime action of any analyst should be to work with what is there and not make assumptions that may favour their own view of what Nostradamus said.
The anagrams that emerge from the lines of this verse are sufficiently complex and interrelated as to suggest they are intentional. They are also modern and consistent with current scientific views of our future. Yet the presence of aberrant spelling should lessen the likelihood of coherence unless they are deliberate modern manipulations or mutilation of the original lettering and there is no basis for any recent intervention. This being the case there are too many verses where using the original lettering anagrams of this highly complex, rare and interwoven nature are found for chance to be the most likely creator of the patterns in this and other verses. And in addition the anagrams amplify the message in the text delivering unexpected but precise detail. It is highly improbable that any  process other than author's intent would increase the incidence of significant anagrams to the levels found in verses throughtout the Prophecies.
The text of this verse mentions fire, arms, tremors  and a wave linked to blood all of which ties into the major theme of Nostradamus' mutation stories for the late 21st century. (See mutations, floods and fire in the sky for more). These key words help identify the time -event context for the anagrams.
 Through fire and arms not far from the 'marnegro',
Will come from Persia to occupy Trebizond:
'Phatos', 'Methelin' to tremble, the Sun 'alegro',
A wave of Arab blood covers the 'Adrie'.
Par feu et armes non loing de la marnegro
Viendra de Per$e occuper Trebi$onde
Trembler Phatos Methelin Sol alegro
De $ang Arabe d'Adrie couuert onde
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <noodling [creativity] enumerates far Pro-german><feature leading Pro-german><magdalen fear loin arousement>< loing {Fr river] negro ornaments alarmed>
  2. <PeerS enVisioned dread><pure Tribe coerceS Pandered Son>
  3. <large Temblor [quake] also in the atMosPhere><the Temblor line grael MetaPhors><al gore Term> <Potash theMe allegorinS [allegories for]> <alSo the atoMs line><so the Temblor allegorinS line theMes Path>
  4.  <uurote on a Deed Abdera [Thrace] cried><Deed Sang on Arab dread ice touuer>
  1. Magdalen, envisioned, tribes, atmosphere, themes
  2. enumerates, pro-german, arousement, coerces, metaphors, allegorins
  3. Magdelain, ornaments, pandered
  4. temblor, path
  5. -
  6. atoms,theme
  7. -
  8. feature, Abdera
  9. alarmed
  10. Al-Gore, noodling
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. legal, tremor
The verse I have chosen to put with the one above has an anagram for atmospherical wich seems even less likely to occur by chance than the anagram for atmosphere found in the foregoing verse. Like S.5 Q.27, C.5 Q.35 has anagrams related to atoms and metaphors. It is valid to argue that these are anagrams of the atmosphere anagrams and this certainly increases the chance that they are accidental occurrences but not to a point where they can be ignored. In the verse below there is an anagram for Belarusian where the lettering could also create the word unraisable and since they use exactly the same lettering one would inevitably occur if the other was deliberately worked into the visible text. This is not the case with  using only part of the lettering fr they are not being created from the word atmosphere but from the jumbled letters formed in the words of the text. In order to distinguish the false from the possibly valid we must rely on inter-connections provided via the text and other anagrams. So the words boundaries, around, along and localise found as anagrams in different parts of the verse are important pointers to Belarusian being the intended word. And the same is true of the anagram for gasoline which has a relationship  to atoms and modern concerns about the atmosphere.
 In some uncommon instances all the lettering in aline is used in forming a relevant cluster and this is a feature that decreases the likelihood of chance but doesn't extinguish it. Literacy in each and every line is an unlikely and unnecessary requirement for the anagrams deliver increased clarity to the message of the text. 
Often the anagrams can be built into clusters delivering variant meanings and some of these may be accidental. It isn't the power of any one cluster that provides assurance but the stream of consistent ideas within and external to each verse. It is on this basis that I conclude the text of this verse is about a nuclear accident at the core of the Chernobyl reactor (see my nuclear paper for more.)
 For the free city of the great Crescent sea,
Which still carries the stone in its stomach,
The English fleet will come under the drizzle
To seize a branch, war opened by the great one.
Par cite franche de la grand mer Seline
Qui porte encores a l'e$tomach la pierre
Angloise cla$$e viendra $oubs la bruine
Vn rameau prendre du grand ouuerte guerre.
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <france chaldee><Seer cite Plainer><after chaldeen>< craftier chaldeen><he garlanded france><named grael>
  2. <reQuire.reSeal port once aphelic(furtherest point) atomS><enter Sale/Seal eQuip atmoSpherical core><metaphorical Quip Seals ore centre><eQuip or repair><reception reQuire atom ore Sales><to r'leaSe aplhameric> <set enter oracleS>
  3.  <envieS belArusian logicalneSs><losing belArusian vaSSel boundarieS><driven as gAsoline Scales ruinable><unignorAble boundarieS Saves Slice><localise variedneSS So sub-burial>Along adenoviruSes Scale>
  4. <great-maneuVerer render pure><ground-uuater redden><urge drug uuodan tree render><dug around><grand touuer endured>
  1. atmospherical, metaphorical, alphameric, logicalness, burials, unignorable, adenoviruses, UUodan
  2. craftier, Belarusian, boundaries, localise
  3. France (as anagram), aphelic
  4. Chaldee(n), require
  5. vassel, endured
  6. atoms, reception, variedness, UUoden
  7. -
  8. redden, around
  9. -
  10. gasoline

Tuesday, February 25, 2014



There are twelve verses that have anagrams of either calendar (7) and/or calendars (7). Of these at least three show that these calendars are an integral part of Nostradamus' coding system (C.3 Q.94, C.9 Q.65 and C.10 Q.01). These calendars complement his techniques for specifying dates. He uses them when events are part of a recurring pattern to show which is appropriate and also when his topic covers a period in which significant dates need to be defined. His method is simple and involves the use of specified lettering to form patterns that Nostradamus calls his tunes. It is the calendars that are the solution to Nostradamus' references to music in both his text and his anagrams.
The text of the three verses is an important starting point for they contain the vital clues to their purpose.
For five hundred years more one will keep count of the one
Who was the ornament of his time:
Then suddenly great light will he give,
He who for this century will render them very satisfied.
He will come to go into the corner of Luna,
Where he will be captured and put in a strange land
The unripe fruits will be the subject of great scandal
Great blame, to one great praise.
To the enemy, the enemy faith promised
Will not be kept, the captives retained:
One near death captured, and the remainder in their underwear
The remainder damned for being supported.
Seeing these verses together it is quite easy to visualize them as being part of a single tale describing the revelation of Nostradamus' Prophecies. But such conclusions are too easily made and have no substance without more powerful evidence. This can be provided by any one of these verses but i choose to use C.III Q.94 as my starting point. Below you can see my  anagram analyses of the lettering in its lines and within it you can see see several quite powerful keys and anagram clusters such as computes plan, completeness, endorsement, pseudovariant calendar group, ornamented notes, consequent, supraordinate group. These provide the skeleton of my claim that this verse is about a calendar computed from the values applied to music contained in Nostradamus' lettering. The anagrams of the last line don't fit directly to the calendar technology but they have internal consistency raising the possibility they describe an event that will occur at the time Nostradamus' calendar is fully revealed.
For five hundred years more one will keep count of the one
Who was the ornament of his time:
Then suddenly great light will he give,
He who for this century will render them very satisfied.
De cinq cens ans plus compte l'on tiendra
Celuy qu'e$toit l'aornement de son temps
Puis a vn coup grande clarte donra
Que par ce $iecle les rendra tre$contens.
Anagram sequences in French Text
  1. <computes plans><intend reaD leo><intend reaD><incq re-indicated not compl'te> 
  2. <Cluey queSt><quoteS oriental /relation><notes ornamented><Completeness><clue to queyS relation><endorsement>
  3. <cauvins calendar group><Pseudovariant calendar group><relocated group and cauvins [calvin's]><suPraordinate group>
  4. <lenders / slender cecileS rape conseQuent arreSt><conseQuent cell renderS rate><Queens anceStor render> <reactorS / creatorS> <picareSQue [clever.rogue] conSent>
  1. reindicated, computes, completeness, pseudovariant
  2. supraordinate
  3. endorsement, relocated, picaresque, creators
  4. -
  5. intend, quotes, ornamented, Cauvins, Ceciles, consequent
  6. queys
  7. calendar
  8. group
  9. quest
  10. -
The next verse, C .IX Q.65 also provides powerful anagrams  that strengthen my hypothesis and of these the most potent are coding system enter calendars. Others point to the references that flesh out the nature of the code but their confirmation relies on threads involving verses other than the three in this series. This verse contains anagrams such as genocide, superseminator and  Serpentarius etc whose import is developed in many of my other papers.
He will come to go into the corner of Luna,
Where he will be captured and put in a strange land
The unripe fruits will be the subject of great scandal
Great blame, to one great praise.
Dedans le coing de luna viendra rendre
Ou $era prins et mys en terre e$trange
Les fruitz immeurs $eront a grand e$clandre
Grand vitupere a l'vn grande louange
Anagram sequences in French Text
  1. <coding><rendereD calends><encoding-value><enclosing invalued [inestimable] Dead/eDda><invader renDered genocide lands anul> <devaluing rear end icon> 
  2. <generOuS persian rates(star)> <SuperseminatOr generateS><enter system><generate OurSe [Bear]/Ursae [Bear]/ SerpentariuS> <pertains my entOurage><generOuS eaStern pair enter system>
  3. <norSe summer calendarS grant itz surfeit> <arrogant clans eLders end><norSe red mizt calendarS grant Sumers seLf surfeit>< not a clanS danger>
  4. <eruptive danger anvl><pulverate><pure adverting [promoting]><engraver-olden-language>
  1. invalued, genocide, superseminator, summers, pulverate
  2. coding, enclosing, rendered, devaluing, Serpentarius, entourage, arrogant
  3. system, summer, surfeit, eruptive, adverting
  4. -
  5. -
  6. generous
  7. calendars, value
  8. -
  9. Sumers
The Calendars of Nostradamus are a different part of his dating system which mainly relies on astronomic settings to give a timing that doesn't rely on any one  religious-based calendar system. But since the astronomy can lead to multiple references  and cover extended periods there is a need for a poetic device that focuses on a particular date. In order to achieve this Nostradamus takes a single year and assigns poetic sounds to identify the fixed star that sets with the sun on each and every day.
The last of the three verses in this series, C.10 Q.01, delivers some of the most important aspects of this calendar code. It is located at a critical focal point of the Prophecies being the first verse of the last of the Centuries and given its position it is appropriate that it holds important clues about Nostradamus' technique. The text holds an interesting guide to the content through its reference to an enemy whose threats will not come to fruition. There is a section in Nostradamus' Epistle of 1558CE that not only talks of his enemeies but does so alongside statements about his poetic coding techniques which coincides with the claims I have made about these particular verses. 
So I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic calculations, which are composed out of a natural instinct, accompanied by a poetic furore rather than in accord with the strict rules of poetry. And in the most part they have been composed and are in accord with astronomical calculations corresponding to the years, months and weeks of the regions, countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe , including Africa and part of Asia . By changing of [these] regions [to ones] which approach the greater part of all these climates, and which consist of a natural [similar] group we can answer some one who needs to blow his own [trumpet/nose]; the algorithm will be as easy as the understanding of its meaning is difficult.
Henry Epistle (HEE2) Nostradamus 1558
Notwithstanding those who cannot contain the malignity of their spirit, the course of times after my earthly presence is extinguished, will see my writings have more weight than during my lifetime.
Henry Epistle (HEE4) Nostradamus 1558
The anagram clusters of this verse include highly relevant ideas such as calendars retained first places and Europes Sunset route and these framing ideas are supported by many other chains found within this verse's lines.
To the enemy, the enemy faith promised
Will not be kept, the captives retained:
One near death captured, and the remainder in their underwear
The remainder damned for being supported.
L'ennemy l'ennemy foi promi$e
Ne $e tiendra les captifs retenus
Prins preme mort et le reste en chemi$e
Damne le re$te pour e$tre $ou$tenus.
Anagram sequences in French Text
  1. <of my ell en poLymeriSe [link in chain] my enn><ell enn emm yy is my-proof> 
  2. <eternaliSed aspect if enter suN ><prefits calendars><fit places suN enters><first places retained><tunes credentials SeeN><if Site transplaced>
  3. <ee letter set in-scheme><hence PremiSe><inSPire sch-eme><enciPherments-premise><set more letters>
  4. <nameD leterS Set Europes Sunset routeS><poetS ruSe rules-nostredame tuneS><ourSe [Bear] Sunset releaSement>
  1. transplaced, credentials
  2. polymerise, inspires
  3. releasement, inspire
  4. eternalised, prefits
  5. -
  6. posturer
  7. calendars
  8. places, sunset
  9. -

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Nostradamus' Centuries 7 Quatrain 15 (C.VII Q.15)

Nostradamus' Centuries 7 Quatrain 15

The following verse's anagrams seem to be full of references to Yggdrasill, the Nordic Tree of Life and its use in coding the symbols of events via specific lettering. By contrast the text appears very mundane but when united with the anagrams a story of stoic resistance against non-orthodox forces is seen to overcome fire and inundation. It may well be Nostradamus' foretelling of a city near Milan, Italy that survives the disasters at the the end of this, the 21st,  century. Alongside is the modern flag of the Duchy of Milan, the main city of Insubria.
 Before the city of the Insubrian lands,
for seven years the siege will be laid;
a very great king enters it,
the city is then free, away from its enemies.
Deuant cite de l'In$ubre contree
Sept ans $era le $iege deuant mis
Le tre$grand Roy y fera $on entree
Cite puis libre hors de $es ennemis
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <an indeStructible tree once Due><once tree burnS unbliStered><cited obScure line aunt entereD>
  2. <realiSe Step iS an augmented eSs> <i augmented iSrael eSs aptneSs>< tsunamiS>
  3. <reaSon enter LeterS yy f-oR dangerS><dragonry tree LeterS enn foreSay>
  4. <horrible Seeds semitiC enn is up><eSsene hordes><ennS horrible epistemiC seed>
  1. indestructible, unblistered, tsunamis, horrible (+21 in text), epistemic
  2. augmented, semitic
  3. foresay
  4. -
  5. -
  6. obscure
  7. -
  8. burns
  9. -
  10. Essene

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 14 (C.V Q.14)

Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 14

The following verse is one of those that has an astronomic date setting included in the verse. Mars orbital period is just under two years which means that it spends about two months in each sign. Saturn's period is about 28 years so it spends about the same time in any sign as it takes Mars to cover all twelve. There is therefore a two month period in every 28 years and about twenty-two dates in 600 years which can fulfil Nostradamus' astronomic setting in this verse. The wording of the verse implies that no other stellar body is present in Leo at the time and so the presence of others eliminates most of the possible dates. Of the four dates possible in this century only those of June to July 2036  and September to October 2096 fulfil these conditions. However the war setting in the verse seems more in keeping with Nostradamus' story about the end of this century thus making 2096CE the most likely date. This is supported by the anagrams, especially those in the fourth line which references a meteor that causes death.
Saturn and Mars in Leo Spain captive,
By the African chief trapped in the conflict,
Near Malta, Herod taken alive,
And the Roman scepter will be struck down by the Cock.
Saturne et Mars en Leo E$pagne captifue
Par chef Lybique au conflict attrape
Proche de Malthe Heredde prin$e viue
Et Romain $ceptre $era par coq frappe.
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <agen poSE pact if uSe reLeaseMent at urn><eaSt nuMerate><Learns apogEeS><fit uuaterS enstreaM>
  2. <eparCh {Eastern governor] attract unifocal act><eparCh tacit part><b(r)iefLy>< acqui(r)e>
  3. <euPhoric deeM veinS Health><Here the deed previnS euPhoric Medal>
  4. <pErRmeations reSpect era><peterS tRee Masonic><perSistence a mEteor><apep frocq><peter cREmationS paper frocq><a preScient mEteor><piScean mEteoR treeS>
  1. unifocal, euphoric, health, frocq
  2. apogees, attract, persistence
  3. releasement, tacit, Masonic
  4. permeations, Previns
  5. numerate, cremations
  6. -
  7. -
  8. prescient, Piscean

Monday, February 17, 2014

Nostradamus' Death Verse Series. (C.03 Q.40, C.04 Q.07, C.06 Q.85, C.09 Q.83, C.10 Q.77 )

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Nostradamus' Death Verse Series. (C.03 Q.40, C.04 Q.07, C.06 Q.85, C.09 Q.83, C.10 Q.77)

There are only five verses where the anagram for 'death' can be found in Nostradamus' Prophecies and although they relate to different times in the history of man they bring unity to Nostradamus' main goal, the description of a significant period of death. The text of each gives strong clues as to the period on which its allusion draws. For instance C.3 Q.40 draws strongly on the post Ragnarok world foretold in the Norse Twilight of the Gods while C.6 Q.85 derives its allusion from the Crusader Guynemer at the battle of Tarsus in 1098. The main thrust of these verses is the parallelism with events beyond 2100CE when crusades and end-of-days scenarios will terminate the reign of gods.
Nostradamus' code is built by patterns just as is the image in a carpet. And the threads on their own are no real clue to that final image. These five verses are no exception but several threads glisten in the text. The repetition of 'grand theatre' and the implication that it is set up again take on meaning once the full image is known. The grand theatre is the Earth and it is the story of its near-total destruction and renewal that provide the main threads.  There are also common threads using number and concepts of destruction througout these verses. But much is contained in the anagrams found in the text and it is the interwoven links provided in the form of a Sephirot or World Tree that enable the image to glow in colourful, well-defined detail. The five verses are presented below so the range and content can be known before the fuller analysis begins.
The great theater will come to be set up again:
The dice cast and the snares already laid.
Too much the first one will come to tire in the destruction
Prostrated by arches already a long time split.
The minor son of the great and hated Prince,
He will have a great touch of leprosy at the age of twenty
Of grief his mother will die very sad and emaciated
nd he will die where the loose flesh falls.
The great city of Tharse by the Gauls
Will be destroyed, all of the Turban captives:
Help by sea from the great one of Portugal,
First day of summer Urban's consecration.
Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very greatly
It will ruin the great theater filled:
To darken and trouble air, sky and land,
Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.
Thirty adherents of the order of quyretres
Banished, their possessions given their adversaries
All their benefits will be taken as misdeeds,
Fleet dispersed, delivered to the Corsairs.
These verses proceed in a credible order that sets the time (2100CE+), the main participant (sickly prince), the place (lands of the 1st crusade), the main event (war of religions> and its aftermath (devastationg air pollution).
In the first verse disaster via asteroids that shatter airports and pasture lands. There are a group of words found as anagrams bur rare elsewhere that focus on this theme of devastation and desolation. The  text itself reads like the vision of life after Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods sung by the Norse Voluspa while the anagrams focus on the destructive phase. This setting fits to the major mutations and their timing that Nostradamus claimed were the focus of his prophecies. His stated five year gap in which his prophecies would remain hidden gives an unambiguous dating of the period in which these events take This same verse and its anagrams are presented in several of my papers on major events in  this century and it features prominently in my paper called Fire in the Sky,  The whole narrative involving the Nordic tales and the 21st Century can be read in my Kindle book Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century.
Wikipedia- final part of Ragnarok synopsis
Finally a beautiful reborn world will rise from the ashes of death and destruction where Baldr and Höðr will live again in a new world where the earth sprouts abundance without sowing seed.
C.III Q.40
The great theater will come to be set up again:
The dice cast and the snares already laid.
Too much the first one will come to tire in the destruction
Prostrated by arches already a long time split.
Le grand theatre $e viendra redre$$er
Les dez jettez et les rets ia tendus

Trop le premier en glaz viendra la$$er
Par arcs pro$trais de long temps ja fendus
Anagram sequences in French Text.
  1. <earth See LeSSer invader granted><anger death><Larger invader redreSS>< LeSSer danger threat><adherant Serve>
  2. <treaties end jetz eLudes ><zet letters sustained><rest insuLated seed><instead z(ed) eLudes letters zee><reinstated jetz eLudes>
  3.  <alaS evangelizer rePorts invader regimen><propel arreSTS><peTrol prime evangeliser>
  4. <leonids Star><alongside><long aSteroids><crops long diSaster><Star desolating crops><cars airportS unsPared><japs lodgements sufPend><golden s ratioS>
  1. evangelizer, jetz, asteroids
  2. propel, adherant, alongside, japs, disaster, lodgements
  3. desolating, reinstated
  4. treaties / treatise
  5. death, insulated
  6. regimen, sustained
  7. threat
  8. arrests, unspared
The above verse sets the scene for the events to follow. At the time that the Earth is devastated by major geophysical events the populace will be reduced to a state of turmoil. During this time one death will have a greater impact than any other. This tale with its elaborate detaii is consistent with that I have establisehed for the period 2100CE and beyond.
In the next verse the text talks of a specific medical issue affecting the youngest member of a royal line. The anagrams incorporate words such as anhydrate, pentahydric and elemine which together adequately descibe a antibiotic medication in lozenge form. The anagrams also  identify the victim as a Cyprian of lower royal rank and suggests he dies through improper use of his medicine. It appears his death leads to turmoil in those groups that don't hold the orthodox view of Christ's ascension.
The minor son of the great and hated Prince,
He will have a great touch of leprosy at the age of twenty
Of grief his mother will die very sad and emaciated
nd he will die where the loose flesh falls.
Le mineur filz du grand et hay Prince
De lepre aura a vingt ans grande tache
De deuil $a mere mourra bien tri$te et mince Et il mourra la ou tombe chair lache
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <the cyPrian><PrinceLy adherant><PrinceLy death><in theraPy and drug><fluidz danger><unifier> <guildz anhydrate><an eLemine Pentahydric drug>
  2. <Detach urea navigant dangers repel><grandest peer leD each vaginant [sheath] aura><granted aura ache repealeD>
  3. <euil Deed Same intermittencieS><ieruSalem armour><bar eternitieS time>Same enDemic deuil><mere nitriteS teem in iSlam arbour>
  4. <each hEretical tomb><hebraical mob><Elite armour ><hebraic rachel rural motilE><turmoil>
  1. princely, anhydrate, therapy, guildz (guilds=0), pentahydric, elemine, navigant/ vaginant, intermittencies, eternities , endemic, nitrites, heretical, hebraical, turmoil
  2. Cyprian, adherant, hebraic
  3. fluidz (fluids=1)
  4. detach, repealed
  5. death, arbour
  6. -
  7. ierusalem, motile
  8. rural
The above verse defines the attitudinal issues while the next places the events of this series in the Levant and Holy lands of the medieval Crusades. The text reads like a notable event of 1098CE when the First Crusade urged by Pope Urban II led to a battle in which a leader of the army from Gaulois (Northern France, Belgium etc) fought alongside fellow French man (Baldwin) against another Christian leader (Tancred). The town of Tarsus where this took place was already occupied by Baldwin and its arab occupants were held as captives. The following is an entry in a Wikipedia page.
Guynemer or Guinemerz was a Boulognese pirate who played a role in the First Crusade. He assembled a fleet of Danes, Frisians and Flemings and set out from northern Europe for the eastern Mediterranean in Spring 1097. He sailed up to Tarsus where he found Baldwin of Boulogne besieging the place, then held by Tancred of Hauteville, a fellow Christian but rival of Balwin's for dominance in Cilicia. Excited to find a native of his own home town, he readily gave assistance to Baldwin, and after the town was taken he was given command of the garrison.
However the anagrams of the following verse show that the action is not from the eleventh century but involves events in these same lands in modern times.

C.VI Q.85
The great city of Tharse by the Gauls
Will be destroyed, all of the Turban captives:
Help by sea from the great one of Portugal,
First day of summer Urban's consecration.
La grand cite de Thar$e par gaulois
Sera de$truite captifz tous a Turban
Secours par mer du grand Portugalois
Premier d'este le jour du $acre vrban.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <louisa cite deaTh garLand regraSp><and edict Spare earTh gorilLlas><a argiLlous [clayey] thRead redacting [driving back] apeS>
  2. <it treaSured urbanS><SubTerran>< rectitudeS / certitudeS> <fitz to Taurus>
  3. <a murder corpus [large report]><remap drug and oil Port sources><guard Pond><prearms oil Pond Sources guard>
  4. <vrban Prime cruSader lets joue><braver couuards joel Predetermines><arduouS><remedies><uuordS carve>
  1. gorillas, argillous, subterran, rectitudes / certitudes, predetermines
  2. -Urbans, couuards
  3. crusader, thread / dearth, carve /crave, arduous
  4. death, Taurus ( + 3 as Taurus), vrban (urban=4)
  5. fitz
  6. regrasp, treasured, murder, braver, uuords, remedies
  7. joel
  8. corpus
The anagrams of the above verse bear the hallmarks of the tale of the superapes's evolution. It contains references that would place the evnt in an eastern oil port that is notorious for drugs. Its reference to a lengthy report into a murder links it to the Cyprian prince of the earlier verse. The reference to Urban's braver cowards suggests a link remains to the soldiers of First Crusade. The death of the Prince is in the month of April when Taurus and Sun sink together beneath the horizon at sunset.This date setting is consisyent with that given in the text of the next verse.
The anagrams of the verse below magery sets the date for war  and adds the detail[of its gruesome nature.
C.IX Q.83
 Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very greatly
It will ruin the great theater filled:
To darken and trouble air, sky and land,
Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.
Sol vingt de Taurus $i fort terre trembler
Le grand theatre rempli ruinera
L'air ciel et terre ob$curcir et troubler
Lors l'infidel le dieu et $ainctz voguera
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <reSolving><date> <iS for uuars><froStiest uuater rr meter><ett err>
  2. <anger death impel real ruin><Learn danger mere threat><adheranT enLarge><granted earth>
  3. <obScure letter> <bore circUs r'Liable letter torture>
  4. <infidels argue roLLs lied><urge el il covntz find solar>
  1. solving, resolving
  2. frostiest, adherant
  3. infidels
  4. -
  5. death, circus
  6. obscure
  7. threat, torture
The above verse contains an angram for circus, a word consistent with the concept of a grand theatre, animals and the zodiac. The reference to frostiest waters also confers an affirmation of an April date. But there is also a sense that Nostradmus uses this verse to convey part of his poetic licence by which he uses varies letter to stress particular themes. The letters and sounds of war centre on the letters r and t which is consistent with scheme proposed in Agrippa' work. (See my Cornelius Agrippa paper for more detail on how this scheme is used.

In the last verse of this series the text tell us how those involved in planning the murder of the prince are stripped of all they own including their honours and these properties are bestowed on the peoples who were their adversaries.  The anagrams once agin flesh out the image of this thread with places named that are consistent with the ideas in the text.In the process it becomes clear their legacy is one of harm to the air people breathe.

Thirty adherents of the order of quyretres
Banished, their possessions given their adversaries
All their benefits will be taken as misdeeds,
Fleet dispersed, delivered to the Corsairs.
Trente adherans de l'ordre des quyretres
Bannys leurs biens donnez $es aduer$aires
Tous leurs bienfais $eront pour de$merites
Cla$$e e$pargie de liurez aux cor$aires
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <death reenTers d'orleans><rest query seed><d'orleans Threatened rest><query lends neaTer order rest heard>
  2. <Banners surely raiSe><seeS aSsured ends on serBian><Senze air asSured nebuliser [misting device] dons>
  3. <nebulisers set ouT><poStured merit / timer><it raiSes fine slouuesT proton><proudeSt merit><fine aSsertion><proton test reSumed buries soul>
  4. <i deliuer ClaSsier preSageS aS uxa-zource><I preSage azure ClaSS rise acroSx>
  1. banners, query, slouuest, acrosx (across=3)
  2. threatened, classier
  3. -
  4. -
  5. death, postured / proudest, protudes
  6. -
  7. presages, assertion, nebuliser ( occurs twice), resumed
  8. azure, surely
  9.  buries
The final line of this series has a strong personal touch that seems consistent with the corpus of Nostradamus verses on death and murder and it holds its deepest secret in obscure letters all of which is consistent with anagrams found in the verses above. It begins with clarity wth sequences that say ' presage' and 'I deliver classier presages' and finishes with complex obscure references to the prophets future audience.
Et il mourra la ou tombe chair lache
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <the cyPrian><PrinceLy adherant><PrinceLy death><in theraPy and drug><fluidz danger><unifier> <guildz anhydrate><an eLemine Pentahydric drug>
  2. <Detach urea navigant dangers repel><grandest peer leD each vaginant [sheath] aura><granted aura ache repealeD>
  3. <euil Deed Same intermittencieS><ieruSalem armour><bar eternitieS time>Same enDemic deuil><mere nitriteS teem in iSlam arbour>
  4. <each hEretical tomb><hebraical mob><Elite armour ><hebraic rachel rural motilE><turmoil>
  1. princely, anhydrate, therapy, guildz (guilds=0), pentahydric, elemine, navigant/ vaginant, intermittencies, eternities , endemic, nitrites, heretical, hebraical, turmoil
  2. Cyprian, adherant, hebraic
  3. fluidz (fluids=1)
  4. detach, repealed
  5. death, arbour
  6. -
  7. ierusalem, motile
  8. rural
The above verse defines the attitudinal issues while the next places the events of this series in the Levant and Holy lands of the medieval Crusades. The text reads like a notable event of 1098CE when the First Crusade urged by Pope Urban II led to a battle in which a leader of the army from Gaulois (Northern France, Belgium etc) fought alongside fellow French man (Baldwin) against another Christian leader (Tancred). The town of Tarsus where this took place was already occupied by Baldwin and its arab occupants were held as captives. The following is an entry in a Wikipedia page.
Guynemer or Guinemerz was a Boulognese pirate who played a role in the First Crusade. He assembled a fleet of Danes, Frisians and Flemings and set out from northern Europe for the eastern Mediterranean in Spring 1097. He sailed up to Tarsus where he found Baldwin of Boulogne besieging the place, then held by Tancred of Hauteville, a fellow Christian but rival of Balwin's for dominance in Cilicia. Excited to find a native of his own home town, he readily gave assistance to Baldwin, and after the town was taken he was given command of the garrison.
However the anagrams of the following verse show that the action is not from the eleventh century but involves events in these same lands in modern times.
C.VI Q.85
The great city of Tharse by the Gauls
Will be destroyed, all of the Turban captives:
Help by sea from the great one of Portugal,
First day of summer Urban's consecration.
La grand cite de Thar$e par gaulois
Sera de$truite captifz tous a Turban
Secours par mer du grand Portugalois
Premier d'este le jour du $acre vrban.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <louisa cite deaTh garLand regraSp><and edict Spare earTh gorilLlas><a argiLlous [clayey] thRead redacting [driving back] apeS>
  2. <it treaSured urbanS><SubTerran>< rectitudeS / certitudeS> <fitz to Taurus>
  3. <a murder corpus [large report]><remap drug and oil Port sources><guard Pond><prearms oil Pond Sources guard>
  4. <vrban Prime cruSader lets joue><braver couuards joel Predetermines><arduouS><remedies><uuordS carve>
  1. gorillas, argillous, subterran, rectitudes / certitudes, predetermines
  2. -Urbans, couuards
  3. crusader, thread / dearth, carve /crave, arduous
  4. death, Taurus ( + 3 as Taurus), vrban (urban=4)
  5. fitz
  6. regrasp, treasured, murder, braver, uuords, remedies
  7. joel
  8. corpus
The anagrams of the above verse bear the hallmarks of the tale of the superapes's evolution. It contains references that would place the evnt in an eastern oil port that is notorious for drugs. Its reference to a lengthy report into a murder links it to the Cyprian prince of the earlier verse. The reference to Urban's braver cowards suggests a link remains to the soldiers of First Crusade. The death of the Prince is in the month of April when Taurus and Sun sink together beneath the horizon at sunset.This date setting is consisyent with that given in the text of the next verse.
The anagrams of the verse below magery sets the date for war  and adds the detail[of its gruesome nature.
C.IX Q.83
 Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very greatly
It will ruin the great theater filled:
To darken and trouble air, sky and land,
Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.
Sol vingt de Taurus $i fort terre trembler
Le grand theatre rempli ruinera
L'air ciel et terre ob$curcir et troubler
Lors l'infidel le dieu et $ainctz voguera.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <reSolving><date> <iS for uuars><froStiest uuater rr meter><ett err>
  2. <anger death impel real ruin><Learn danger mere threat><adheranT enLarge><granted earth>
  3. <obScure letter> <bore circUs r'Liable letter torture>
  4. <infidels argue roLLs lied><urge el il covntz find solar>
  1. solving, resolving
  2. frostiest, adherant
  3. infidels
  4. -
  5. death, circus
  6. obscure
  7. threat, torture
The above verse contains an angram for circus, a word consistent with the concept of a grand theatre, animals and the zodiac. The reference to frostiest waters also confers an affirmation of an April date. But there is also a sense that Nostradmus uses this verse to convey part of his poetic licence by which he uses varies letter to stress particular themes. The letters and sounds of war centre on the letters r and t which is consistent with scheme proposed in Agrippa' work. (See my Cornelius Agrippa paper for more detail on how this scheme is used.
In the last verse of this series the text tellus how those involved in planning the murder of the prince are stripped of all they own including their honours and these properties are bestowed on the peoples who were their adversaries.  The anagrams once agin flesh out the image of this thread with places named that are consistent with the ideas in the text.In the process it becomes clear their legacy is one of harm to the air people breathe.
Thirty adherents of the order of quyretres
Banished, their possessions given their adversaries
All their benefits will be taken as misdeeds,
Fleet dispersed, delivered to the Corsairs.
Trente adherans de l'ordre des quyretres
Bannys leurs biens donnez $es aduer$aires
Tous leurs bienfais $eront pour de$merites
Cla$$e e$pargie de liurez aux cor$aires.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <death reenTers d'orleans><rest query seed><d'orleans Threatened rest><query lends neaTer order rest heard>
  2. <Banners surely raiSe><seeS aSsured ends on serBian><Senze air asSured nebuliser [misting device] dons>
  3. <nebulisers set ouT><poStured merit / timer><it raiSes fine slouuesT proton><proudeSt merit><fine aSsertion><proton test reSumed buries soul>
  4. <i deliuer ClaSsier preSageS aS uxa-zource><I preSage azure ClaSS rise acroSx>
  1. banners, query, slouuest, acrosx (across=3)
  2. threatened, classier
  3. -
  4. death, postured / proudest, protudes
  5. -
  6. presages, assertion, nebuliser ( occurs twice), resumed
  7. azure, surely
  8.  buries
The final line of this series has a strong personal touch that seems consistent with the corpus of Nostradamus verses on death and murder and it holds its deepest secret in obscure letters all of which is consistent with anagrams found in the verses above. It begins with clarity wth sequences that say ' presage' and 'I deliver classier presages' and finishes with complex obscure references to the prophets future audience.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Nostradamus' Essenic Verse Series.-Sexual mutation in 21st C.

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Nostradamus' Essenic Verse Series. (C.02 Q.43, C.02 Q.71, C.07 Q.34, C.08 Q.24, C.09 Q.26)

There are only five verses where the anagram for Essenic can be found in Nostradamus' Prophecies and together they reinforce the theme of sexual intervention in the genetic stream being promulgated by religious groups to the ultimate disadvantage of themselves and the world. Yet little of this is readily seen in the visible text of the verses. Their gentle hints only take on meaning via their sephirotic (linked cipher) streams of anagrams found within their text. Although the text doesn't declare this message openly there is not one that contradicts its possibility. Below I present the translated versions of each of these verses before showing what the original text hides
During the appearance of the bearded star.
The three great princes will be made enemies:
Struck from the sky, peace earth quaking,
Po, Tiber overflowing, serpent placed upon the shore.
The exiles will come into Sicily
To deliver from hunger the strange nation:
At daybreak the Celts will fail them:
Life remains by reason: the King joins.
The French nation will be in great grief,
vain and lighthearted, they will believe rash things
No bread, salt, wine nor water, venom nor ale,
the greater one captured, hunger, cold and want.
The lieutenant at the door of the house,
will knock down the great man of Perpignan.
Thinking to save himself at Montpertuis,
the bastard of Lusignan will be deceived.
Departed by the bitter letters the surname of Nice
The great Cappe will present something, not his own
Near Voltai at the wall of the green columns,
After Piombino the wind in good earnest.
The Essenic theme behind these verses is  one of many strong examples of how detail is tied into the anagrams using the Sephirot (Tree of Life) coding method. Two verses hold alternate names for the Essenes in lines independent of the word Essenic. Verse C.7 Q.34 holds Gaulonite/s which is a name applied to the Zealots of North Galilee, a branch of the Essenes, a non-peace group of which it is claimed, Jesus' brother Judas was the founder. Verse C.9 Q.26 has anagrams for Essenoi, Esseni and Essenian at the end of the fourth line while the anagrams for Essenic is in its first line. These are words that ancient writers using different languages coined when naming the cult we call the Essenes. The languages used by these ancient writers conform to the geographic pattern in these verses.

There are also biological themes. When very rare words such as inseminates, genealoguist, secretions and intercourses occur within a limited sequence defined by a single unifying anagram then the chance of these being accidental is highly unlikely. Yet each of these occur in this series and there credibility may well enhance that of others such as sex and semen that are not so rare. There is another stream based on rare anagrams for pestilence, infector, problems, importunate, permutations, troubles, mourned and carnaged that suggest that all these things are bound into a story in which the Essenes promote an old view and a new action on sexual matters that have unforeseen consequences. One other rare word, the anagram for regrets, suggests that such an outcome is unintended and acts against the more fundamental principles of humanity to which they ascribe.
There is also a strongly unifying stream of astronomic reference provided by anagrams such as constellatile wheel and meteoric that provide dating for the story and this is consistent with events of the later 21st century as described in many of my papers on Nostradamus' Prophecies.
There are other sephirotic-style links between the verse such as that provided by the anagram for Princess that help bind the story into a well detailed account of a series of related events.
C.II Q43
During the appearance of the bearded star.
The three great princes will be made enemies:
Struck from the sky, peace earth quaking,
Po, Tiber overflowing, serpent placed upon the shore.
Durant l'e$toille cheuelue apparente
Les trois grans princes $eront faits ennemis
Frappes du ciel paix terre tremulente
Pau Timbre vn dans $erpent $us le bort mis.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <resuLtant uuheel tenD to appear>.<conStellatile uuheel appear turneD><apep cell returneD a Stellation [ extended polygon] uuheel>
  2. <eSsenic front sentimentaLises><sLim princeSs fenestration [opening] stories rang> <timeLess norSe sent princess faint roarings> <Lest garrison inseminate princeSses front>
  3. <aFter lune meter err><apep luciFer-seed>
  4. <temblor {earthquake] Stuns Serpens and><iT imParts v-number><and Ss preSent troubleS>
  1. resultant, constellatile, stellation, sentimentalises, fenestration, princesses, inseminate, nvmber
  2.  returned, garrison / roarings, stuns
  3. presents / serpents, timeless, uuheel
  4. temblor, imparts
  5. Essenic, troubles
  6. princess
The above verse sets the scene for the events to follow. At a time of astronomic significance involving strong earth tremors, royal families will fall out over the rape of a Princess. Note the modern word temblor meaning earthquake appears in a separate line of text from that holding the same idea. The tone of all these anagrams is such that the timing of the events can be set around 2100CE. And this story, this date, these participants are consistent with the tales in many other parts of Nostradamus' work.

C.II Q71
The exiles will come into Sicily
To deliver from hunger the strange nation:
At daybreak the Celts will fail them:
Life remains by reason: the King joins.
Les exiles en Sicile viendront
Pour deliurer de faim la gent e$trange
Au point du jour les Celtes luy faudront
La vie demeure a rai$on Roy $e range.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <eSsenic lie not driven eLse lxi><nord Seen let sex lie civiliSe><overinclined Let sex Sin lie><eSsenic exiles live /evil>
  2. <Proud amalfi (S.italy] deliuerer> <elegant aim freed engrouPed Star><feared intraSegmental grouPed>
  3. <utopiAn rule Selects judo> <round Cruellest fay [Celtic fate fairy]>
  4. <medievaL range><rue Leaving areas deem oRionS yearS>
  1. overinclined, civilise, grouped, intrasegmental, medieval
  2. engrouped, deliuerer (deliverer=0), cruellest
  3. judo, Orions
  4. Amalfi, Utopian, leaving
  5. Essenic
  6. -
  7. fay, selects
The above defines the attitudinal issues. The Essene cult has historically held strong antipathy to sexual freedom and placed a strong emphasis on celibacy. The text of this verse can be read as the actions of an excluded minority to combat the effects of sexuality and lust in modern life. At the start of their campaign they are not well received by those of northern France and despite their efforts childbirth still continues amongst those deemed to be unworthy parents.
The French nation will be in great grief,
vain and lighthearted, they will believe rash things
No bread, salt, wine nor water, venom nor ale,
the greater one captured, hunger, cold and want.
En grand regret $era la gent Gauloi$e
Coeur vain legier croira temerite
Pain $el ne vin eaue venin ne ceruoi$e
Plus grand captif faim froit nece$$ite.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <a GenealoguiSt alterS rangE>< Gaulonite [Essene] regretS EndangerS graal><Gaulonite graal SeEn>
  2. <revaluing meteoriC rate><aerometric rite><leaving cour-ier>
  3. <even i renounce avenue in aPeliness><nine alienS PoiSe a venue cure>
  4. <i affirm grand pact><for it eSSenic aim><notice fit SiteS affirm><PeStilenceS from it><and infector SiteS sPlurge><Secretion Site><Stir- Plagues>
  1. meteoric, aerometric, pestilences, secretion
  2. affirm, Gaulonite (Essene), revaluing
  3. genealoguist, apeliness, secretions
  4. leaving, infector
  5. Essenic, regrets
  6. Gaulonites
The preceding verse is about the resistance of the French people to breeding constraints. Essenic values lead to genetic interventions but because of popular myths they utilise dietary methods rather than those requiring surgery. A consequence of these policies and their failure is the outbreak of mutations that brands new-borns as diseased. 

The lieutenant at the door of the house,
will knock down the great man of Perpignan.
Thinking to save himself at Montpertuis,
the bastard of Lusignan will be deceived.
Le lieutenant a l'entree de l'huys
A$$ommer a la grand de Perpignan
En $ecuidant $auluer a Montpertuis
Sera deceu ba$tard de Lusignan.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <eternal tenant><entered tale><eLlysieu tune held natal entree>
  2. <mASonS reaping a garlanded mare><mASonS raping a grand deeP realm>
  3. <ESsenic true><iMportunate rule><lauu Stand> <auntS rule audiEnceS perMutations>
  4.  <decreaSe using a baLuStraded [posted]> <decreaSe using a Ladder abutS>
  1. permutations, balustraded
  2. importunate
  3. audiences, ladder
  4. Masons, decrease, using
  5. Essenic
  6. usual / lauus (laws)
  7. abuts
The above verse is about the policing of extreme genetic policies. People are subjected to invasive scrutiny and use relatives and escape tricks to shield their child-bearing acts from the upholders of the law.
C.IX Q.26
Departed by the bitter letters the surname of Nice
The great Cappe will present something, not his own
Near Voltai at the wall of the green columns,
After Piombino the wind in good earnest.
Nice $ortie $ur nom des letres a$pres
La grande cappe fera present non sien
Proche de vultry aux murs de vertes capres
pres plombin le vent a bon e$$ien.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <eSseNic Sparse letr modes><priNceSS trio models eaSters runeS><perSiaNs modern leters courteSies><relates iNtercourSeS modes in preSs><Nice StorieS mourned><aS preceSsioN trieS mourned leters>
  2. <fear apep serpent carnaged non present Lines> <aLgerian son encapped present fear><graaL encapped present fear><garLand>
  3. <Papers secret chore>>
  4. <line problems><mob in levent><propels An eSSenoi boat><perSiAn poles levantine bones>.<persiAn ones inventable><even propels eSSeniAn boat>
  1. intercourses, inventable, courtesies, encapped, Levantine, problems
  2. propels, Essenian
  3. Algerian, Essenoi
  4. Essenic,
  5. Princess, boat
  6. -
  7. carnaged
This verse relates the creation of a new inquisitor who comes down hard upon those lands where mutation is most rife.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 59- Destinies Stars (C.IV Q.59)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 59- Destinies Stars

I find this a most intriguing verse. It is true the anagrams of the first line are meaningless but those of the even lines suggest Nostradamus used a particular drug to induce a state of awareness based on his stars of destiny, those aligned to each other at his moment of conception. The imperfection of the first line is not uncommon but still I try to make it conform so that I don't miss something by pre-assumptions. Long ago I concluded that not all lines are needed to complete a message nor do they have to be fully literate to serve a proper coding purpose.

But those that do generate anagrams  fully compensate for the failures of the unconformable. In the text we  have suggestions of a rite involving chemicals that leads to visions that others can follow. In the anagrams of the second line there is quite strong details on the nature and risks of drugs while the last line presents the idea raised in my discussion of future-seeing whereby every person inherits the time-based attributes present at the time of their conception. See my paper on future-seeing for explanation of the DNA -time mechanisms involved.

C.IV Q59
Two beset in burning fervor:
By thirst for two full cups extinguished,
The fortified lime and an old dreamer,
To the Genevans he will show the track from Nira.
Deux a$$iegez en ardente ferueur
De $oif e$taincts pour deux plaines ta$$es
Le fort lime et vn vieillart re$ueur
Aux Geneuois de Nira mon$tra tra$$e.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <feuuer enter-ed assi-zee g-arden uxed>
  2. <proudest anticS><aSSeSSed plainest products uxe in feaSt><if DoSe conStipates><plain products uxe><rude DoSe Stupefications explains aSSets><if explain Scantiest pouuder DoSe aSSets><explain antic due stupor if DoSe Set>
  3. <loftier Use meet ill treaSure ruLe><villein treaSure><ill-arterieS vein>
  4. <moderNiSations><Start iN roman/iSed ideS [week for full moon]> <Star ordaiNmentS><AxunGe [medicinal grease]><Nostradam-ien StarS ar-iSe>
  1. explains, products, stupefications, ordainments, modernisations, constipates
  2. -
  3. assets, assessed, villein
  4. feuuer
  5. proudest, scantiest, romanised
  6. plainest, pouuder, axunge, loftier
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 11- 2058CE (C.V Q.11)

Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 11

The following verse has an intriguing set of allusions suggestive of an astronomic date setting being included in the verse. 'Those of the Sun' could be either the zodiac signs or Mercury and Venus. If the latter is the case then it most likely refers to the zodiac sign of Pisces, which is the sign most involving the Sea and over which these planets can pass. The second line may then imply Venus is south of the Sun and Mercury is to the north. The third line adds the notion that Saturn has just passed through Pisces and the fourth suggests Mars, Jupiter and the Moon may be entering from the East.

There is only one small period in this century that matches the astronomic setting found in this verse. It occurs in March 2058CE a period during which in Nostradamus' storyline the machinations of religious rulers sets up the climate for the genocides, genetic manipulations and authoritarian dogmatism that will follow. The year fits with other verses that define  the year 2065 as the time when science experimentation suffers its greatest setback by bringing great harm to the areas surrounding Lac Leman in Switzerland (See my paper on Geneva 2065 for more on this topic.

The sea will not be passed over safely by those of the sun
Those of Venus will hold all Africa:
Saturn will no longer occupy their realm,
And the Asiatic part will change.
Mer par $olaires $eure ne pa$$era
Ceux de Venus tiendront toute l'Affrique
Lur regne plus Saturne n'occupera
Et changer a la part A$iatique.
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <enSure SpearS reMap Solar rise><prearM So enSure israel era paSS><Sailor prearm Seers rune><perSeanS era uSe Solar rise>
  2. <fAteful Cirque not to exude><eVen intrudes on><sun Vexed><Venue site><outlet not Aquiffer>
  3. <plus natureS ruraL gene a pure><concern a uSsat ruLer pure plunge><cc [200] pure neutron reguLar pulSes>
  4. <a archangel quit Asia part><Satrapal [Persian petty ruler] era quiet change>

Monday, February 10, 2014

Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 14 (C.V Q.14)

Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 14

The following verse is one of those that has an astronomic date setting included in the verse. Mars orbital period is just under two years which means that it spends about two months in each sign. Saturn's period is about 28 years so it spends about the same time in any sign as it takes Mars to cover all twelve. There is therefore a two month period in every 28 years and about twenty-two dates in 600 years which can fulfill Nostradamus' astronomic setting in this verse. The wording of the verse implies that no other stellar body is present in Leo at the time and so the presence of others eliminates most of the possible dates. Of the four dates possible in this century only those of June to July 2036  and September to October 2096 fulfil these conditions. However the war setting in the verse seems more in keeping with Nostradamus' story about the end of this century thus making 2096CE the most likely date. This is supported by the anagrams, especially those in the fourth line which references a meteor that causes death.
Saturn and Mars in Leo Spain captive,
By the African chief trapped in the conflict,
Near Malta, Herod taken alive,
And the Roman scepter will be struck down by the Cock.
Saturne et Mars en Leo E$pagne captifue
Par chef Lybique au conflict attrape
Proche de Malthe Heredde prin$e viue
Et Romain $ceptre $era par coq frappe.

Anagram sequences in French text.

  1. <agen poSE pact if uSe reLeaseMent at urn><eaSt nuMerate><Learns apogEeS>
  2. <eparCh {Eastern governor] attract unifocal act><eparCh tacit part><b(r)iefLy>< acqui(r)e>
  3. <euPhoric deeM veinS Health><Here the deed previnS euPhoric Medal>
  4. <pErRmeations reSpect era><peterS tRee Masonic><perSistence a mEteor><apep frocq><peter cREmationS paper frocq><a preScient mEteor><piScean mEteoR treeS>