Saturday, June 7, 2014

Nostradamus C.9 Q.63: Man-made pollution retards normal masculine development.

Nostradamus C.9 Q.63: Man-made pollution retards normal masculine development.

In this verse Nostradamus provides basic information of the sect he sees as bringing about the disatrous religious war later in this century. Its initial impact is that as it spreads polluting chemicals the normal sexual development of the human male is retarded.
Complaints and tears, cries and great howls,
Near Narbonne at Bayonne and in Foix:
Oh, what horrible calamities and changes,
Before Mars has made several revolutions.
 Plainctes et pleurs crys et grands vrlemens
Pres de Narbon a Bayonne et en Foix
O quel horrible calamitz changemens
Auant que Mars reuolu quelques foys.
  1. <**Plainsmen sect cry grandest rvle rules step/pest**><Planetic curse><grandest scurry> <grey-star scruple> gyrates Pinnacles
  2. <PontiFex><Proxies broadeN Ban anyone> neoteny  [juvenilization]
  3. <genOmes chantz claimable> <gnOmesque hole> bricoler [tinkers wares] calibre
  4. <querulous sequel of Marquet> <slouuer / louuers Marquet><equant rearMs>
  1. greystar, gyrates, Pontifex, proxies, claimable, genomes, gnomesque, calibre, querulous
  2. pinnacles
  3. Plainsmen, planetic, bricoler, scurry
  4. neoteny
  5. scruple
  6. -
  7. anyone
  8. broaden
  9. -
  10. -
  11. slouuer (slower) / louuers
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. hole
  16. rearms
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. cry

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