Sunday, June 15, 2014

Nostradamus' C.10 Q.21: Radiation sickness affects a royal families fertility.

Nostradamus' C.10 Q.21: Radiation sickness affects a royal families fertility.

This verse is one of those Nostradamus supplied to give detail of a single event that will act as his time marker of far greater events. It is about the cause of war when a king afflicted with impotence seeks wrongful advice in order to impress his sons. The consequences are that he is killed by that son because of the legacy the father carries. In the text Nostradamus uses a reference to the Magi and in so doing he  identifies the underlying topic of radiation which uses an eternal flame burning without heat. Its anagrams depict a tale of incompetent advice that fails to solve the king's issues and leads to further problems such as depression.
This is not the only verse detailing this event . See C.IV Q.32 for more.   
C.10 Q.21
Through the spite of the King supporting the lesser
He will be murdered presenting the jewels to him:
The father wishing to impress nobility on the son
Does as the Magi did of yore in Persia.
Par le de$pit du Roy $ou$tenant moindre
Sera meurdry luy pre$entant les bagues
Le pere au filz voulant noble$$e poindre
Fait comme a Perse jadis feirent les magues.
  1. <So deSpite youR Predominant tuneS><dominant raPer deputiSed><So youR tuneS pit elderS Predamnation><Stupid dealer / leader Predominant tuneS> Preordain anointment>
  2. <meAsures usage rud-ely pry><tables gueSs an eaStern arm purely dry>latent / talent murder preyS / pyreS
  3. <depreSSion peeL noble ovulant failurez> <notableneSS: pur-loined> boneleSS
  4. <friendliest games atomic Fuse>.<amPeres [current] atomic Fuse><refines metals><aid fertileness><eternalism Fatigues><males entire Fatigues><magus commit saFe><use segmental fires> streamline usage 
  1. predamnation, deputised, anointment, predominant, failurez, notableness, fertileness, fatigues
  2. measures, boneless, atomic, friendliest, Magus
  3. stupid, commit, segmental
  4. depression
  5. dominant, purely
  6. preordain, murder, fertile, eternalism / streamline
  7. despite, ovulant
  8. guess, games
  9. -
  10. measure
  11. -
  12. tables, dry, metals
  13. -
  14. -
  15. refines
  16. -
  17. preys / pyres
  18. dealer / leader, latent / talent
  19. Amperes
  20. fires

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