Thursday, June 19, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.33: 21st C Islamic regime conducts autopsies on people killed by radiation.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.33: 21st C Islamic regime conducts autopsies on people killed by radiation.

There is a peculiar tone in the text of this verse that becomes more explicable through the anagrams which have many images suited to forensic examination of bodies that have been fatally affected by radiation. It is apparent Nostradamus is describing the advent of mass forensic autopsies conducted under orders of an invading regime and in both text and anagrams it can be seen that the affects of this invasion are spread across Italy into France and upwards to the North Pole .

C.X Q.33
 The cruel faction in the long robe Will come to hide under the sharp daggers: The Duke to seize Florence and the diphthong place Its discovery by immature ones and sycophants.
La faction cruelle a robbe longue
Viendra cacher $ouz les pointus poignars
Sai$ir Florence le duc et lieu diphlongue
Sa de$couuerte par immeurs et flangnards.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <rob real rule belong occitan [Southern France]><caLifate [Islamic state] gun nuclear-role><caLefaction [heat up] boreal [Northern] / wind rule belong><narcotic Leaf><aLfa ruction>
  2. <Suzo Vaporising units reach poles><Search spouting cadaVerins [corpse gases]><Vars [Sthn Frnce river] gunpoints radiance><Search zoul><supposition raVings end><inVaders purgations><archdeaconries raVings> 
  3. <Ferriol uSage iS dolphin [dauphin}>< upholding irIs Flor-a elite uSe><philo dilute gun>
  4. <summer pirate left> <an addreSS><aS codeS uuere-part imm [1999] reuse><repeat flat rim resume>
  1. calefaction, belong, gunpoints, supposition, purgations, vaporising, spouting, cadaverins, archdeaconries, Ferriol, dolphin
  2. ravings, upholding
  3. summer
  4. narcotic ( 'narcotic leaf' only here), radiance
  5. Occitan, ruction, address
  6. nuclear, califate, Philo
  7. -
  8. boreal
  9. -
  10. -
  11. zoul (soul), units, resume, flat
  12. -
  13. alfa
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. felt / left

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