Friday, June 6, 2014

Nostradamus C.9 Q.55: Pestilence transferred from Middle East to North West France.

Nostradamus C.9 Q.55: Pestilence transferred from Middle East to North West France.

In the anagrams included in this verse a sickness is transferred from the Middle-East to the north-eastern mountains of France. It is here that Nostradamus' text brings together many of the horrors that dominate the preceding verses (See C.09 Q.54 etc).
Each of these verses contains considerable detail but four lines only allows for a small snippet of the full story. This limitation is remedied by the use of the Sefiroth technique which links the verses through double referencing in either the text or the anagrams. The anagram for Sefiroth is itself found in this current verse and it emphasises the importance of those difficult anagrams that have two occurrences in the Prophecies. It is these that form a trackable chain while those with more frequent occurrence form a quickly expanding web.
The horrible war which is being prepared in the West
The following year will come the pestilence
So very horrible that young, old, nor beast,
Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
L'horrible guerre qu'en l'occident s'apre$te
L'an en$uiuant viendra la pe$tilence
Si fort horrible que jeune vieulx ne be$te
Sang feu Mercure Mars Jupiter en France
  1. <occidentals queen reurge><beguiler hoLSter queer discrepant clone> <lone accidents preSet><clone diStance><horribLesSt parents><Shelter pedants><SheLter past><instead preSet><queerer bulge> PatternleSs
  2. <valetudinarian [sickly person] epiStle cLean><inundative Sun><paleStine / penaltieS native Suuine cLean lard><unindurative [unhardened tissue] palliatEs [eases without curing]> Splenetic cLeanlieSt cLienteleS
  3. <benelux SiteS for thor>< beSt Sefiroth><unveilx fortieS beSet><frothieSt beer-liquor> froStieSt june
  4. <agenS fuMe cure rearMs Jupiter><Saracen Fern><fang tranSFerence><Juras [NE France mountain range] pit>entire
  1. queerer, discrepant, valetudinarian, palliates, Benelux, Sefiroth, frostiest
  2. patternless, accidents, bulge, beguiler, shelter, inundative, unindurative, frothiest
  3. suuine (swine) / wines / sinew, transference
  4. holster, clienteles, cleanliest, Juras
  5. Palestine / penalties
  6. pedants
  7. Saracen, fang
  8. native
  9. epistle, splenetic
  10. -
  11. fume
  12. forties
  13. distance
  14. -
  15. -
  16. rearms
  17. -
  18. instead, beset
  19. -
  20. -
  21. Queen

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