Friday, June 6, 2014

Nostradamus C.9 Q.54: The oceans polluted by chemicals sold by a unscrupulous company.

Nostradamus C.9 Q.54: The oceans polluted by chemicals sold by a unscrupulous company.

There is a medical theme in the anagrams of this verse in which an unorthodox treatment is carried out by a corporation under the direction of unscrupulous creditors or directors. If this is so then the text is likely to contain the characterisation of people, place and chemical process. When these attributes are compared to the messages in the preceding verses such as C.09 Q.52 this now looks to be  a well-fitting piece in a larger scheme involving a sect that pollutes the oceans.
There will arrive at Porto Corsini,
Near Ravenna, he who will plunder the lady:
In the deep sea legate from Lisbon,
Hidden under a rock they will carry off seventy souls.
Arriuera au port de Cor$ibonne
Pres deRauenne qui pillera la dame
En mer profonde legat de la Vlisbonne
Souz roc cachez rauiront $eptante ames.
  1. <bonne CreditorS / direCtorS auuare po><Arriue area pour>
  2. <PremeasuRed enn ill equip><Redsea unequine [not a horse] pill><a real unequine pill Premade>
  3. <olden bonne delegate perform /preform Vials><legend date proof><**bonnes deal profer men elongated Vial**>
  4. <reputationS meant><moSes crocuz archez eruptionS><portentS emanate><nitrouS patent> <patentS urinator> proteinS /pointerS
  1. premeasured, unequine, ill equip, delegate, preform / perform.
  2. creditors / directors, elongated, reputations
  3. -
  4. vials, nitrous, eruptions, urinator
  5. auuare (aware), emanate
  6. premade, profer, portents
  7. -
  8. patents
  9. -
  10. -
  11. legend, pointers / proteins
  12. -
  13. Moses
  14. Bonne
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. proof

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