Sunday, June 22, 2014

Nostradamus' C.10 Q.66 The lineage connection between Scotland and Texas.

Nostradamus' C.10 Q.66 The lineage connection between Scotland and Texas.

This verse is another in the tale of genetic manipulations Nostradamus foresaw for this century. The details of this incident indicate that genetic change experiments are conducted by an American institution headed by a rich Texan but they have the authority of the British government and act within its guidelines.  The results are bad with unexpected side effects and a non-containment effect that sees its impact rapidly spread around the world.
There are several anagram-words that distinctively shape the outcome yet at the same time they unite closely with the story of the text. Pellagra, Flodden, chimeral, Texan are prime examples of this unique fitting. Flodden Fields are a part of Scottish, English military history (1513CE). Pellagra is an ailment arising from nutrient deficiency.  Chimeral is a term relating to rapid, almost spontaneous, emergence of a new living body or part. A cosset is a pet (or experimental) lamb raised by hand away from its mother. These anagrams and several others are extremely rare in the Prophecies. Pellagra, landmasses, cossets and unobservant only occur here and others such as Texan only have one other occurrence. And there are many such as Flodden, crime and astounds that have fewer than four other occurrences. It is this shaping that delivers the unambiguity that Nostradamus claims underpins each verse.
But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets should not be bared except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one sense and meaning and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted.
Nostradamus, 1558 in his Epistle to King Henry
C.10 Q.66
The chief of London through the realm of America,
The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
King and Reb will face an Antichrist so false,
That he will place them in the conflict all together.

Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh
L'i$le d'E$co$$e tempiera par gellee
Roy Reb auront vn $i faux antechri$t
Que les mettra tre$tous dans la me$lee
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <general crime><rich fLodden [Scot] mAles Leech gene><rare gene fLeeched [induced] mirAcle Respond> <olden chimerAl [newly emerged] genre spread>
  2. <empire SetS pellagra [nutrient deficency] codeS><empire Seed coSSet [pet lamb] iLls>
  3. <rich texan StorY><if unobseRvant a unexact (C)hrist><histoRy-eRr>.
  4. <seQuel matterS><landmaSses routeS><arreSt / reStart / rareSt astounds maleS> routeS seQuel>
  1. pellagra, unobservant, landmasses
  2. chimeral, cosset, texan
  3. -
  4. crime, astounds
  5. Flodden, miracle
  6. unexact
  7. -
  8. -
  9. matters
  10. respond, story
  11. -
  12. -
  13. fleeched
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

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