Thursday, June 26, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.93: The Earth undergoes heat and cold and cities and pastures are relocated.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.93: The Earth undergoes heat and cold and cities and pastures are relocated.

The last verses of the prophecies carry Nostradamus' awareness of man's fate. In this verse he reveals that in the  coming centuries the race of men will be displaced by a new species while the earth  itself suffers from man's environmental legacy. The earth is at times molten and frozen, cities and pastures are relocated and the soil degraded.

C.X Q.93
The new bark will take trips,
There and near by they will transfer the Empire:
Beaucaire, Arles will retain the hostages,
Near by, two columns of Porphyry found.
La barque neufue receura les voyages
La et aupres transfereront l'empire
Beaucaire Arles retiendront les ho$tages
Pres deux colomnes trouuees de porphire.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <**savoy queen real cue feuuer aLgebras**><arab queen sageLy solve / loves a feuuer cure>overLays revalues squarabLe
  2. <a pure taLe retransfers montpelier [Vermont USA]><montpeLLier [France] partners refers><a molten periL refers partners><transfer pasture><pLateau arrest>
  3. <Because eArlier hoStage a resident> <stolen oathS interred> <not reinserted>
  4. <prophesied Peers uurote solemn ux-code><uuorst omen pedosphere Earth top soil layer] resPired> <Reprophesied rouu moonlets [satellites] excursed [journey through]><uue prophesied cool mentors uxed Peers> excused
  1. Savoy, 'Arab Queen', sagely, overlays, squarable, transfer, retransfers, (re)prophesied, pedosphere
  2. Montpelier (C3 Q84), Montpellier (+C3 Q56), hostage C4 Q41), reinserted (C9 Q20), moonlets (C6 Q88)
  3. plateau, because
  4. feuuer (fewer), excursed
  5. interred
  6. solve / loves, revalues
  7. partners, oaths, respired / reprised
  8. ux-code
  9. earlier
  10. cool
  11. resident
  12. -
  13. molten
  14. -
  15. uuorst (worst)
  16. -
  17. -
  18. pasture / Pasteur, excused
  19. -
  20. -
  21. Queen

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