Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nostradamus C.10 Q.64: A thermonuclear event affects much of Italy.

Nostradamus C.10 Q.64: A thermonuclear event affects much of Italy.

Hidden in wording acceptable to the 16th century Nostradamus details events that wouldn't occur for five hundred years. In this instance it is about the discharge from thermonuclear devices that have their greatest impact on Italy. This particular verse draws upon the tale of Charlemagne to further develop the scope of the event and its protagonists.

C.X Q.64
 Weep Milan, weep Lucca and Florence, As your great Duke climbs into the chariot: The see to change it advances to near Venice, When at Rome the Colonna will change.
Pleure Milan pleure Luques Florance
Que ton grand Duc sur le char montera
Changer le siege pres de Veni$e s'aduance
Lors que Colomne a Rome changera.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <Foulques (11th C) Prenuclear rule>< Falconers Peel (of bells) plenarium [list of formulae]><Pre-illume plan> Mineral
  2. <thermonuclear eQuator> <monarch rules Quote rate><and cruel scuD not harm eQuator>tongue 
  3. <eVen pedigreeless genearCh / enCharge> <peers enVied Seas><eVen aduiSes Chance releasing / generalise>
  4. <charLemagne More Cool name> <encharge / genearch squalor Roma omen>
  1. pre-nuclear, pre-illume, Charlemagne
  2. Foulques, plenarium, thermonuclear, harm, pedigreeless
  3. equator, monarch (+ 5 as 'monarch')
  4. Falconers, chance, aduises (advises), squalor
  5. -
  6. SCUD,
  7. quote
  8. -
  9. generalise / releasing
  10. tongue, genearch / encharge (2x in this verse), cool
  11. mineral
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -

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