Saturday, June 28, 2014

Nostradamus C.2 Q.46: At the turn of the 21stC genetic experiments go awry.

Nostradamus C.2 Q.46: At the turn of the 21stC genetic experiments go awry.

This verse sits squarely into the theme of disaster at the end of this century when Fire from the Sky coincides with the turning of the Polestar. Within its rarest anagrams there is a consistent theme in which a state 'under the rule of God' manipulates the human gene pool. However this selective breeding goes awry and leads to a species that outlives man.
C.II Q.46
After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is near
The Great Mover renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
In the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.
Apres grat troche humain plus grad s'appre$te
Le grand moteur les $iecles renouuelle
Pluye $ang laict, famine, fer et peste
Au ciel veu feu courant longue e$tincelle.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text (**= occupies full line)
  1. <theocrat [God as head of state] presAger> <chore targets repeAts><he hum plain presAge papers guards > <preAge Set tractor>
  2. <one uuell enLarged><true random Leg iceleSs><enclosure reSiles><dormant Leg rule><leSs ice uuorsen rule><iceleSs route>
  3. <easY sePtuple [seven parts] firemen fact align><sPelt peter uneaSy fee> eScalating analgeSic unSagely refine
  4. <eugeniSt cell> <lotan [disaster god] clienteleS gun couuer> outSeeing evil feuu
  1. theocrat, targets, tractor, firemen, unsagely
  2. uneasy, analgesic
  3. enclosure, uuorsen (uu=w), septuple, escalating, outseeing
  4. Eugenist, clienteles
  5. presager
  6. dormant
  7. -
  8. guards, iceless
  9. fact
  10. -
  11. Presage, easy
  12. -
  13. -
  14. refine
  15. -
  16. resiles
  17. -
  18. uuell (uu=w)
  19. -
  20. -

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