Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Paraclete (Holy Spirit)- C.2 Q.69, C.3 Q.77 & C.9 Q.75

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The Paraclete (Holy Spirit)- C.2 Q.69, C.3 Q.77 & C.9 Q.75

Paraclete: According to Trinitarian doctrine, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who among other things provides guidance, consolation, strength, and support to people. Other titles for the Holy Spirit include 'Spirit of Truth', Lightful Spirit of God Almighty, Holy Breath, Almighty Breath, Giver of Life, Lord of Grace, Helper, 'Comforter', 'Counselor' and 'Supporter'....Paraclete in Wikipedia

There are a total of seven verses holding variant anagrams for Paraclete:
Paraclet: French form of Paraclete
The Gallic King through his Celtic right arm  
Seeing the discord of the great Monarchy:
He will cause his scepter to flourish over the three
Against the cope of the great Hierarchy.
Le Roy Gaulois par la Celtique dextre
Voiant di$corde de la grand Monarchie
Sus les trois pars fera florir $on $ceptre
Contre la cappe de la grand Hierarchie
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <polaris u-aLleGoRy exert>reCall quite><prosaical[ commonplace event]>
  2. <roMan chi garlanded coderS deViation><large rich Madonna><harMonic indicatorS garland deed><diScordant randoM hi-Voice lead-range>
  3. <SonS reSpect results> <results flora Stories conSpireS><or interproceSS raffles airports><flora inSpectorS><airports uSeless fear>
  4. <central Choice appealed hid rare rang(e)><paraclet onCe Hid deep graal> < toleranCe capped Hinder a rich graal>.<archer Hid aCceleration><garlanded aeroteCHnical pape>
This verse is one of several that contain a specific date. However this is not the mechanism by which Nostradamus normally builds his calendar nor does it make sense that he would place a dated event at a time before his prophecies would be decoded. Here the date is likely to be a cipher not a calendar device. In this respect this verse holds both an anagram for Paraclete (the Holy Spirit of the Pentecost) and an independent anagram for Pentecost. The Paraclete anagram  only occurs in two other verses one of which has anagrams for 'magian archangels'. And the text of the current verse refers to 'death, loss to the cross great shame'. Such strong relevance implies the Paraclete is an important Nostradamien key. The anagram for Pentecost which appears in the second line only occurs in one other verse, making its very appropriate appearance here all the more notable. Nostradamus states that each verse needs the past and present to illuminate the future. In this manner the verse's text and the underlying principle it implies represent the present aspects while the tale of the Paraclete at Pentecost represents the outline of the story that is yet to occur, the story of the Prince of Peace during the time of the religious wars of the 21st century.

The third climate included under Aries The year 1727 in October,
The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.
Le tiers climat $ous Aries comprins
L'an mil sept cens vingt et sept en Octobre
Le Roy de Per$e par ceux d'Egypte prins
Conflit mort perte a la croix grand opprobre
  1. <resiLient claim comprise><Lines So it comprise ursA miracles><oSsuAries reclimatise ><comprise usA atomS resiLient relics>
  2. <Once Lamberton plies><v [5] boreaL [northern] pentecOst setting><simple Lane>
  3. <interLoPers preyed><PrepareS cue x [10]><rEtyping RoLes Spear excur>
  4. <onCe lift report><paraclete or dragon prop ix [9]><latter-poem><confer>
From Ambracia and the country of Thrace
People by sea, evil and help from the Gauls:
In Provence the perpetual trace,
With vestiges of their custom and laws.
Del l'Ambraxie et du pays de Thrace
Peuple par mer mal et $ecours Gaulois
Perpetuelle en Prouence la trace
Auec vestiges de leur cou$tume et loix.
  1. <The days Abram exited recalleD><reacheD up exited mAll bar sTeady><dyes update cHart><exited The race days up><haTred pays><deathraYs up><arch sTayed up>
  2. <metalS sPoil rearm papule scourGe> <latecomerS remap auGurs oils> <metal Sources prearm>
  3. <peter Paraclete><counterPlea><Proue accelerant ><clean Pouer react> <per ounce Peace alter><nucleate race><nuclear-(r)eactor><perpetu-ate race>
  4. <excusAtive oil cruel edges meet> <its edges ulcerouS><its ledges muSt couuer><cuStom-er eludes g(u)ides a-exectutives lot>

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