Sunday, January 12, 2014

Centuries IV Quatrain 97 (C.IV Q.97)

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Perseus, dipper as time of retrograde Mars, Venus, Mercury.This verse is one of only three that holds an anagram for GOLD and the sequence it forms confirms Nostradamus' process in the clearest terms. I began each analysis of verses alluding to gold by referencing the patterns that you see in the verse. I talk of its equivalence to ancient patterns used in science to indicate where potential sites of minerals, stars or civilisations might be found. And I say this is what Nostradamus intended; visual clues left so that we should look beneath the verse into its poetic structures. When you do this in this verse  you find something which is most unusual and although you would expect this could occur occasionally by chance alone in this verse they occur quite frequently in appropriate lines.
C.4 Q.97

In the year that Mercury, Mars, Venus retrograde,
The line of the great Monarch will not fail:
Elected by the people visiting nearby Gagdole
One will come to grow very old in peace and reign.
 L'an que Mercure Mars Venus retrograde.
Du grand Monarque la ligne ne faillit
E$leu du peuple l'v$itant pres de Gagdole
Qu'en paix et regne viendra fort enuielli

note: there is no such word as vsitant nor a place called Gagdole. My translation uses visitant for vsitant but others translate it not as l'vsitant but as Lusitant meaning Lusitania (Portugal) and Gagdole is taken to be Spain.
in my analyses I retain this quirky spelling and in doing this consistenly I surely lower the chance of finding sequential anagrams. My consisteny ensures that researcher bias is minimised. The anagrams I am referring to say 'aGed gold patterns (<tant pres> <de Ga> <gdol>)' and 'evilS taint presaGed gold (<e l'v$> <itant> <pres de Ga> <gdol)'. Alongside these there are also anagrams for 'perSistant' 'evilS' all of which again stretch chance's influence beyond credible limits. And in the next line is 'ill' ,'fortune' 'exerting paniQue'. These bizarre yet complex sequences made up from singular and rare anagrams containing Nostradamus' capitalized markers hold a message that is closely related to many normal discussions of gold. Since they talk directly of gold and not  the French 'or' or the scientists 'au' they are highly unlikely to be anything but the product of Nostradamus' own hand.
This verses astronomy allusion is as is common in many verses based on word plays thatmake sense of ancient myths about the stars.. Here it is set up by Nostradamus when he writes 'One who in peace and reign will come to grow very old' . This is evocative of one constellation and that is Perseus, he who was the husband of Andromeda and from both of whom the lineage of Heracles sprang.
Perseus (Greek: Περσεύς), the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty of Danaans there, was the first of the heroes of Greek mythology whose exploits in defeating various archaic monsters provided the founding myths of the Twelve Olympians.
Perseus and Andromeda had seven sons: Perses, Alcaeus, Heleus, Mestor, Sthenelus, Electryon, and Cynurus, and two daughters, Gorgophone, and Autochthe. Perses was left in Aethiopia and became an ancestor of the Persians. The other descendants ruled Mycenae from Electryon down to Eurystheus, after whom Atreus got the kingdom. However, the Perseids included the great hero, Heracles, stepson of Amphitryon, son of Alcaeus.

So what does this Perseus inspired verse do to  resolve the enigma of the regressing planets? Regression in a single year of three planets on different sides of the Earth's orbit around the sun is the most difficult of astronomic projections Nostradamus could have chosen. In order to resolve it he needed not one but at least two constellations set apart by approximately 180 degrees. We now have one and as can be expected from Nostradamus' claims in his Prefaces the resolution of the astronomyis contained in the verse. The anagrams are Nostradamus' mode of concealment. In the first line of this verse there is a sequence that says E-quadrangLe recur store Western arms (<grade L'an qu>  <e> <rcure> <Mars> <Venus ret> while the second line says engine fail lit equal roMan N-guard (Du-grand Monar que_la igne_ne fail lit). And most of the verses key words such as quadrangle, equalling and Vuestern arise from very rarely occurring anagrams.  These messages make  consistent sense when you use the Eastern part of the quadrangle of the Big Bear (the Dipper) and when you know that this figuration was often called the Northern Guard to the Polestar. The Uvestern arm is then that of Perseus. When  either one of these two constellations is visible the other is, as suggested by the second anagram sequence, ill lit,  it being on the other side of the Earth's heavenly view.
And the message about the Klan's activities in 2017 is this 'Klan ManeuVres recur resort uneq'al grade' (<L'an q> ue Mercur> <e Mars Venu> < s retro> <grade> ), a message totally consistent with a fraud involving precious metals.
With these settings for the planets in the constellations named there is only one relevant year where this takes place in the 21st century, it is  in late spring in the year 2012.
Anagram Clusters found in French Text.
L'an que Mercure Mars Venus retrograde
Du grand Monarque la ligne ne faillit
E$leu du peuple l'v$itant pres de Gagdole

Qu'en paix et regne viendra fort enuiellir
  1. <ManeuVres recur><ensure qLan garroted><rearMs Venturers><Vuestern><quadrangLe oVerturns><uneq'aL grade resort>
  2. <and it equal roMan ill guarD align><equalling randoM antiDrug><quran lineage-finale random lit><all quoran engine fail>
  3. <gold patterns aGed lives><perSistant ev'l aGed gold><presaGed gold taintS>
  4. <gene invader fortune lie><liQuer given exert pain><expirant invader of ill uterine gene><evening expirate>

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