Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Paraclet(e)us (Holy Spirit)- C.5 Q.26 , C.6 Q.84 & C.9 Q.34

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The Paraclet(e)us (Holy Spirit)- C.5 Q.26 , C.6 Q.84 & C.9 Q.34

Paraclete: According to Trinitarian doctrine, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who among other things provides guidance, consolation, strength, and support to people. Other titles for the Holy Spirit include 'Spirit of Truth', Lightful Spirit of God Almighty, Holy Breath, Almighty Breath, Giver of Life, Lord of Grace, Helper, 'Comforter', 'Counselor' and 'Supporter'....Paraclete in Wikipedia

Paracletus provides a crucial cipher integrating a theme from the past with the action principle of a future event. It identifies a prince of peace who lead a religious sect in the years leading up to the apocalyptic religious war at the end of this century.
There are a total of seven verses holding variant anagrams for Paraclete. There is also a verse C.5 Q.26  which has an anagram for Paraclet(eus) and relevant other key words but I have found no other variants than these:
 Paraclet: French form of Paraclete

The slavish people through luck in war
Will become elevated to a very high degree:
They will change their Prince, one born a provincial
An army raised in the mountains to pass over the sea.
 La gent e$claue par vn heur martial
Viendra en haut degre tant e$leuee
Changeront prince nai$tre vn prouincial
Pa$$er la mer copie aux monts leuee.
  1. <gaLilean Sect marital lau><paraceteuS anGel humaner trial / trail><neglectS aLl><i encapSulate Legal art><nucleateS>
  2. <inVader ungathered><great era Sent haunted><neateSt daughter leuee driven>
  3. <proven arChangelic uni-on retainS><ancientS reporting> <garonne print tranSceive>
  4. < rePaSS amountx lame copier leuees><amuxe proclaimer SeaPS toluene/ solvent>
 The Galilean Sect is appropriate to Jesus and the time of the Pentecost but also applies to the Essenes of that same era, The Garonne mentioned in the third line is the name of a main river in the west of southern France; a region well known to Nostradamus. Agen, where he lived in the 1530's is a town on the Garonne midway between Toulouse and Bordeaux. Today there is a nuclear plant quite close to Agen at Golfech.
The Lame One, he who lame could not reign in Sparta
He will do much through seductive means:
So that by the short and long, he will be accused
Of making his perspective against the King.
Celuy qu'en Sparte Claude ne peut regner
Il fera tant par voye $eductiue
Que au court long le fera araigner
Que contre Roy fera $a per$pectiue.
  1. <nuCleated genre quey Clue reputes><parentS quey clue> <urgent deepen paraCletuS><true gene Cruel quey transplaCe>
  2. <ovary Seed tuuice pattarn lIfe><after a prevoyant uSed>
  3. <agrarian long feel court Queer><nigeria area longfelt><a angrier fear>
  4. <aS i Queue preceptS fear><paperS cite foReSayer counter Queue><pictureSQue apeS foRyear>
The single part afflicted will be mitered,
Return conflict to pass over the tile:
For five hundred one to betray will be titled
Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives.
Le part $oluz mary $era mittre
Retour conflict pa$$era $ur le thuille
Par cinq cens vn trahyr $era tiltre
Narbon et Saulce par coutaux auons d'huille.
  1. <preLate art martyriSe Soul> <Letter part mary /army armies/ marieS Soulz><poleStar remittaL> <Leper artS miStreat mary zoul>
  2. <lutherS era Pass><luther aSSure ill plaStic forecount><urSae Route paSS luther iller conflict> <pact aSSureS luher illeR counterfoil>
  3. <in terreStrial Parc> <harry rateS triPle arc><triPle arreST>
  4. <court place note uSa uxa sound><hudson Spectacular Nonreliable><paracletuS borne> <aS baroNet clue><baroN nucleateS parc><Speculate born><Near hudson ill bone Spectacular>

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