Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Centuries 4 Quatrain 88 (C.IV Q.88)

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Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 88

This verse follows on from the two preceding verses (See C.04 Q.86 and C.04 Q.87). The anagrams of the fourth line allow a date to be applied to the events described since C.4 Q.86 talks of Saturn in conjunction with the Sun suggesting the year is 2054CE. The anagrams describe a changing of sea levels both up and down with Syria concerned the panic and hysteria about these events will lead to irrational mob reactions.

Anthony by name great by the filthy fact
Of Lousiness wasted to his end:
One who will want to be desirous of lead,
Passing the port he will be immersed by the elected.
Le grand Antoine du nom de faict $ordide
De Phthyria$e a $on dernier ronge
Vn qui de plomb voudra e$tre cupide
Pa$$ant le port d'e$leu $era plonge
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <Large inundAtion><reaLigned famed scot nAtion dried><And factorieS died enLarged into mound>
  2. <Syria reaSoned><Deep hySteria><DePth gone><on red Sea>
  3. <uvord pictured Vnique Sea><mob Savoured picture><treaSured><creatureS><implode>
  4. <perSonal PaSSage reSulted><Stored planet long pleaSure PaSS><petrol eludeS><reuSe dropletS>

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