Thursday, December 10, 2015

Road Map of the Story Lines in Nostradamus' Prophecies.

The following is an extract from my coming book showing the meaning of all 942 verses in Nostradamus Prophecies.
One of the big blockages to uderstanding of Nostradamus' text is the triviality of a huge number of verses. Many are so banal it seems hardly worthwhile even including them yet they are there. It is only if the reader can be given a method that overcomes this obstruction in a completely disciplined way that Nostradamus' efforts can be justified. I believe my anagram method does this. There may be other methods but I find many others such as numerology and Kabbalah techniques to be seriously flawed for they allow many different meanings to be given to those that already have some meaning and provide no basis at all for those verses considered to be trivial.
But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets are of events that should not be manifested except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one direction and a unique meaning, and nothing shall be put [into it] that is ambiguous nor anything of ambiguous calculation. 1558 Henry Epistle (HEE6A)
I know from my work that Nostradamus' claim is valid however the reading of the verses requires awareness of the changed landscapes that Nostradamus foresaw since these change our current understanding of where seas, rivers, islands and mainlands lie.
In order for the verses to make sense using the text as the main basis it is desirable to have a roadmap of the stories so that each verse can be allotted its proper place. To this end I have produced the map below and although its elements may undergo shifts in time location as I continue to research the streams within the Prophecies these amendments will not change the basic premises nor the elements themselves.
Map of Nostradamus Story lines

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Hidden Story in Nostradamus' Prophecies.

The Hidden Story in Nostradamus' Prophecies.

December 6th 2015: At last I am free to write down the ideas I have developed over the last eighteen months. During that time I have been applying my analysis methods to each and every verse. As each part of the picture held within Nostradamus' Prophecies emerged I wanted to stop and write about it but I knew this was an impatience that would generate a work flawed by lack of full understanding. I knew there were a set of goals that had to be written before I could proceed and it is the failure of previous writers to achieve these same goals that makes their writings false.

These goals have always been part of my approach but it is only with each verse analysed that I could achieve the goal Nostradamus' set  at the end of his 1555 Preface when he said:

take this gift from your father M. Nostradamus, who hopes to explain to you every one of the prophecies set out in these quatrains.

But there other goals which are of equal importance and explaining why Nostradamus concentrated on a time 500 years in the future is one of the most important.  Such an explanations should ideally come  from Nostradamus' own writings and not from the bias of the person presenting his writings.

Another goal was the need to explain the enigmas in the  1558 Epistle to Henry which accompanied the first publication of the last three hundred of his nine hundred and forty two (942) quatrains that comprise Nostradamus' Prophecies. Those enigmas in clude the inclusion of two chronologies for the Christian story with the unusual property they don't agree with each other. And then there is the  mish-mash presented in the descriptions that followed these calendars. Nostradamus was quite open about the nature of his descriptions at the end of the first set where he says:

And for this [reason], Sire, by this discourse I present these predictions with confusion as to when they will be and the event involved for the enumeration of time that follows has no more than a little consistency in it.

Again the explanation should come from within the Prophecies themselves.

One of the powerful aspects of Nostradamus' writing that achieves this end lies in the continuity of a set of simple story lines which are defined by Nostradamus in many places  with the following extracts taken from his 1555 Preface  and 1558 Epistle being a good starting summary.

But now I want to reach out and declare happenings of common interest through incomprehensible and perplex sentences about future causes. The most urgent are those in which I perceive some human mutation PCE2

Events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshippers, firstly upon the temples of God; secondly, upon those who, sustained by the earth, approach such a decadence. Also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.  HEE7a

From these we see that Nostradamus' story lines are about changes in the fortunes of mankind on a scale never before seen.

I will show that the story line is detailed and yet compact involving the mutations of the human gene brought about by man's own efforts combined with the impact of genetic material carried on objects from the sky such as asteroids. These events coincide with another thread which is Flooding in Europe that is on a scale that is hitherto unknown.

The human-made mutations of the genes that have become possible only in our era provide the reasons for Nostradamus concentrating on the period from 2000CE and beyond. And it is the legacy of the Christian concept of Christ's resurrection that becomes a focal point of his genetic-mutation interest. The most recent bounds of science are often taken up by causes who see the ability to fulfil personal aims even when it doesn't fit with their ideology and it is no different with the ability to manipulate DNA. This is a major theme in a story line where a sect clones there own version of Jesus. It is a major theme because it is the main reason Nostradamus began his works but I believe his findings were not what he had originally expected.

The religious theme is a powerful story line for Nostradamus because its problems begin from ancient issues and it becomes integral to the wars that see the demise of humankind at the end of the fourth millennium and become part of the pattern that sees the genesis of a new species. But it is also the 16thC motivation for Nostradamus as shown by story lines about his patrons, those essential well-placed people who made the writing of the Prophecies possible.

And the story line of the patrons shapes another stream within the story since it supplies te reason why Nostradamus wrote his work but it also embraces the details of his secret methods and the means by which he gained access to the future.

It is my intention to write these story lines within an easily read form that uses the text from Nostradamus' verses and his other writings. Although I will allude to pertinent results derived from anagrams I will do so without all the detail that establishes their validity (which is currently available free on my website).

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The topics covered in each of Nostradamus' 942 Prophecies (plus links)

NEWLY published at QuatrainTitles.htm:

The topics covered in each of Nostradamus' 942 Prophecies (plus links to analysed verse).

27th November 2015: Today I have done what no other person has been able to do since Nostradamus wrote in his Preface to 1555 edition:
take this gift from your father M. Nostradamus, who hopes to explain to you every one of the prophecies set out in these quatrains.
This presentation gives insight into the outcome of my research and by the completeness of its content brings out reasons why there is the 500 year time gap between its writing and its revelation. The topics reflect those great mutations that Nostradamus said were at the heart of his work and in reading this listing the reader can understand why he was interested in them. It is about evolution of a new species with mental powers that redress those legacies from our primitive ancestors which ensure our own species' demise . It is about the outcomes of our unique cleverness and how it transforms itself into our own destruction. It is about the coming dark age and the re-emergence of the earth under a new life form.
Below is a sample (the first 15) of the verse entries.

  • C01Q01: The relationship between the prophet, his source and helpers that shape the quatrains.
  • C01Q02: The Musical Nature and lineage of the Divine Spirit evoked by the prophet.
  • C01Q03: Catholic league impact on late 16thC France.
  • C01Q04: Synopsis of dramatic events at end of 21stC
  • C01Q05: Litigation increases dramatically over 21st C woes.
  • C01Q06: Commentary on his preparation of Aquilege liquers.
  • C01Q07: Cornelius Agrippa's table XIIII of ciphers for the number 12.
  • C01Q08: The religious divide underpinning the 21stC war of the Holy Grail.
  • C01Q09: Tectonic shifts lead to war-based migration and disease in the Eastern Mediterranean.
  • C01Q10: The northern polestar Ursa Minor as the guiding clock for 21stC disaster.
  • C01Q11: Changes that will affect the power relation between the people and their institutions.
  • C01Q12: Disease and debt at the end of 21stC marks the turning of man's fortunes.
  • C01Q13: Ruination of Paris and Americans from Persian drugs in the seventies and nineties.
  • C01Q14: Noah's Sons as allusion for aftermath of 21st C flood period.
  • C01Q15: The desperate needs of the poor drives a wedge between the clergy and their patrons.

    Tuesday, August 4, 2015

    Nostradamus C3 Q62: Nursemaids son discovers dinosaurs bones in the time of Darius.

    Nostradamus C3 Q62: Nursemaids son discovers dinosaurs bones in the time of Darius.

    One of the most intriguing things I find as I progress to delivering one of Nostradamus' key promises to explain every verse is the totally unexpected nature of the content of many of the verses. This current one is a good example as it presents the history of the discovery of dinosaur bones from a time well before the modern era. Finding such evidence should lead to a complete dismissal of all the other things I have found but the story of people having found dinosaur bones in the past is highly plausible and the manner in which it is delivered in the anagrams of line four makes good sense since they say Seem a dinosaur carcass seen (A Carcass- xxxxx -onduira $ -es me -nees) once a nursemaid(en)s son see carcass (A - Carcas -son -ne co - nduira $es me en- ees). The other lines then contribute to this theme by presenting the way in which peoples from different epochs ($e Poch) assessed such finds with people of Greece (ercee g) in the time of Darius (duira $) dismissing the existence of any animal (La main) more advanced than plain cows (ain pl- us cou) while Viennese (nees Vien) courts (s court) damns (ands m) the finders and burnt them in seven pyres (s Pyre -nees V) for possessing the  mania (a main) and zeal (ez La) of nomads (ands mo) who roamed the European (uero pa) estate (te et $a). The story of the text is the tale of the movement of dinosaurs and a record of some of the places where early discoveries were made- it is part of a series on the cloning of DNA. There are only a limited number of dinosaur related words in the Prophecies but where they do occur they are related to this verse. For more on this topic See C2 Q14 where there are the names of two species of dinosaur Stegosaurian and Ptersosaur and C9 Q96 which has anagrams saying Russia centre Dinosaurs reappear.

    Dinosaur Bones in Greece date back to ancient times but of course not under the modern name:

    In Greece, they have found ancient grave sites where a mishmash of odd dinosaur bones have been loosely laid out in the shapes of men.  The head might be a mastodon, the arms and legs, put together from mixed dinosaur bones to form a weird extra tall, man shaped skeleton.  In Greece, there were fossils so thick that, in places 1000s of bones jutted from the hillsides.
    Greek historian Solinus, (c. AD 200) wrote:  "Before there were any humans on Pallene, the story goes that a battle was fought between the gods and the giants.  (They) Continue to be seen to this day, whenever torrents swell with rain and excessive water breaks their banks and floods the fields. They say that even now in gullies and ravines the people discover bones of immeasurable enormity, like men's carcasses but far bigger."   

    The anagrams for rebuilding the intended prophecy include:

     Eridanus, dreamsongs, eluded, Greece, nursemaids, seem, dinosaur, carcass, seen, across, Darius, epochs, nomads, loze, Viennese, courts, mercy, scars, preinvade, treescape, echoed, syntrope, crows, animal, cease, Caesar, zeal, damns, Europa, coutures, estate, seven, pyres, drapers, adviser, panderer, enclose, scope, mania, cry.

    #syntrope: a part within a correlation of several disease-causing factors.

    Near the Douro by the closed Tyrian sea,
    He will come to pierce the great Pyrenees mountain
    One hand shorter his opening glosses,
    He will lead his traces to Carcassone.

    Poche del duero par mer Cyrrene clo$e
    Viendra per$er les grands monts Pyrenees
    La main plus courte et $a percee gloez
    A Carcassonne conduira $es menees

    L1: <ePochS clone eluded><prearm ePoch louder Cry reencloSe><merCy err encloSe Po><PoleS duel echoed><remap louder Cry><europa led>

    L2: <Viennese draperS syntroPe damns><damns panderer enVies leSser Poynters><spy damns driVen Spear not reseen /><seVen Pyres>dreamsongs inVersed Pyrmonts dangers

    L3: <~greec apeS animaL true-couplets loze~><greece loze animaL tree paSt couus><our eState><true tree-Scape>

    L4: <~seem A dinoSaur Carcass once seen~><~once seen eridanuS seem scars on A arC~><once see dariuS / radiuS semen on A Carcass><once nurSemaids son see a Carcass>Caesar uncode across

    1: Greece, eluded,
    2: nursemaids, dreamsongs, carcass,
    3: dinosaur, epochs, Darius / radius, across,
    4: Viennese, nomads, 
    5: -
    6: Eridanus, mercy,
    7: courts, Amelia, loze,
    8: Pyrmonts, preinvade, treescape, echoed, scars, cease,
    9: poynters / syntrope, epoch, scope,
    10: crouus,
    11: laze / zeal,
    12: animal, Caesar,
    13: opera,
    14: court, estate,
    15: Europa, damns,
    16: coutures, spry, seven,
    17: drapers, pyres / preys / respy,
    18: aduiser, cry,
    19: mania,
    20: enclose,
    21: -
    22: capers / pacers  / scrape, graels, creep,
    23: panderer.

    Eridanus, dreamsongs, eluded, Greece, nursemaids, dinosaur, carcass, across, Darius, epochs, nomads, loze, Viennese, courts, mercy, scars, preinvade, treescape, echoed, syntrope, cease, crows, animal, Caesar, zeal, damns, Europa, coutures, estate, seven, pyres, drapers, adviser, panderer, enclose, scope, mania, cry.

    Monday, August 3, 2015

    Nostradamus C3 Q66: Da Vinci, Angevins and the story of the mortal bloodline of Christ.

    Nostradamus C3 Q66: Da Vinci, Angevins and the story of the mortal bloodline of Christ.

    Amongst the ciphers used by Nostradamus in his texts one of the most common is that of blood which consistently links verses whose hidden focus is on the the Angevin Royal lineage and a cult that believes Christ's line exists through this means. This particular verse contains many potent anagrams amongst which  Leanord (d'Orlean) da Vinci (vindica), a older Masonism (d'Oler -a -ns mis a mo),  Angevins (e $ang vin) and Sofia (fai$o) are most notable. This is backed with powerful references to mortalism (mis a mort L) with immortals (mis a mort L), mortals (s a mort L), Lord names moralist (lOrd - names - is a mort) being a few of the variants. And then there are anagrams for Lord, Lords-name and sanctified (ndicatif SE) mixed into a story of human reaction to the forces at play in different ages. Such complexity and diversity is nigh impossible to explain by chance alone especially when weighed against the fact that there are many verses telling different parts of this same story. And in this verse the Bailiff of Orleans seems to be a substitute for the crucified Christ.

    The anagrams which allow the Prophecy of this verse to be reconstructed includes:

    pre-enumeration, vindicating, sanctified, Masonism, moderators, normalised, invading, doomster, abrading, small, florid, mourner, speediest, retirement, under, Moiras, fatidic, trimeter, Leonard, da Vinci, disseminate, immortals, bargained, artifices, Angevins, despise, Sofia, moralist, stormed, acid, diactin, minerals, maims, predators, fairest, Mideast, animals,  despite, Bandar, strife, Lords-name, fill, mortals, ordeal, bad, fiats, espied, almoners,  tremor, Lord, brand, inmates, fires, amiss.

    #Angevins: a family that was famous for its accumulation of kingdoms, principalities and dukedoms, across Europe.

    The great Bailiff of Orléans put to death
    Will be by one of blood revengeful
    Of death deserved he will not die, nor by chance
    He made captive poorly by his feet and hands.

    Le grand Baillif d'Orleans mis a mort
    Sera par vn de $ang vindicatif
    De mort merite ne mourra ne par Sort
    Des pieds et mains malle fai$oit captif

    L1: <learns mortaLism / immortaLs anger Bad if dO ill><i fill Band mortaLise lOrd names> <ill Bargained mortaL miss an Ordeal><a older Bargained masonism fill ><~Bad anger nomalised if MortaL ill~><~moralist fill Older mans Bargained ~><lOrd names moiras><Large Band fill Older almonries><mortaL danger if minerals Do ill>

    L2: <fearS vindicating daneS><da-vinci agenS faireSt><d' angevinS artificeS> <Saving Sanctified rape rvna><Spare angevinS fatidic rvna> <~if invading act Svnder a Spear~> davinci 

    L3: <~armour retirement preDatorS omen~><moDeratorS preenumeration term><entire armour><more termite preDatorS mourner><~our rite ran tremor ape men StorMed~> ran><entire DoomSter term><enumerator pen timer moDe>

    L4: <i fit pact Despised animals Sofia met><espied in small teams><pact spieD fit small dementias><mans speediest aim fell><despite mans aim fisteD pact fell>disseminate

    1: preenumeration, vindicating, sanctified, normalised, moderators, invading, apositic, Masonism, abrading, doomster, despised, diving, florid, mourner, small,
    2: retirement, speediest, da Vinci, fatidic, trimeter, refold,
    3: disseminate, enumerator, almonries / normalise, saving,
    4: immortals / mortalism, artifices, bargained, Angevins, despise, Sofia,
    5: moralist, stormed, acid,
    6: predators, minerals, animals / Manasil, fairest / Sefirat,
    7: dementias, diactin, Mideast, despite, Bandar, strife, maims, fill,
    8: Lords-name, mortalise,  fell,
    9: mortals, ordeal, mall,
    10: espied, bad,
    11: -
    12: almoners, fiats,
    13: roars,
    14: unrare, Lord,
    15: tremor, vnder,
    16: Moiras, amiss, Albi / Bali,
    17: -
    18: Milans, vends, mates / teams,
    19: brand,
    20: inmates, spied, fires,
    21: Leonard,
    22: mortal,
    23: seminal, Sefira,

    pre-enumeration, vindicating, sanctified, Masonism, moderators, normalised, invading, doomster, abrading, small, florid, mourner, speediest, retirement, under, Moiras, fatidic, trimeter, Leonard, da Vinci, disseminate, immortals, bargained, artifices, Angevins, despise, Sofia, moralist, stormed, acid, diactin, minerals, maims, predators, fairest, Mideast, animals,  despite, Bandar, strife, Lords-name, fill, mortals, ordeal, bad, fiats, espied, almoners,  tremor, Lord, brand, inmates, fires, amiss.

    Wednesday, June 17, 2015

    Nostradamus C2 Q5: As the trumpet sounds for the final war a submarine commander opens his orders.

    Nostradamus C2 Q5: As the trumpet sounds for the final war a submarine commander opens his orders.

    The significance of this verse is that the sinister tone in the text becomes even worse in the anagrams for it incorporates several key symbols for the End-of-Days when chaos descends. The anagrams are Nostradamus means of trumpeting the arrival of the dire war that takes away man's control over this world. The anagrams that provide the focal point of these claims are Israfel (is fera la), Aapep (e Appa), dateline (de Latine), a regular horse purifies (i puis fer - a - la guerr - e Hors), eternalised (s de Latine), freemen (nfermee).

    The anagrams found in this verse that provide the elements for building its full meaning include:

    interrelated, professions, delineates, failures, purifies, referment, details, spanned, Israfel, dateline, eternalised, freemen, horses, reappear, referent, Iraq, pretends, passion, queme, furies, foresent, bases, arsonist, prepare, poisons, falser, creams, Parma, prearms, Sufi, oasis, reargue, Aapep, fires, aflare, queen, teeter.

    #Israfel (aka Israfil): meaning The Burning One, the archangel of the trumpet for the End-of Days in Islam. Islamic equivalent of Raphael and Uriel.
    #Aapep: the ancient Egyptian deity who embodied chaos.

    That which is enclosed in iron and letter in a fish
    Out will go one who will then make war,
    He will have his fleet well rowed by sea,
    Appearing near Latin land.

    Qu'en dans poi$$on, fer et lettre enfermee
    Hors $ortira qui puis fera la guerre
    Aura par mer $a cla$$e bien ramee
    Apparoissant pres de Latine terre

    L1: <~and Queen freeemen profeSSions teeter~><letter referment><Queme (to satisfy) letter referment paSsion forSeen><Queen foreSent freemen letter>

    L2: <iraq Sort regular Gorse / sHore fears><argue quip Hero failures><purifies a regular Horse / sHore><alfares (Pegasus) reurge><sufi era regular HorSe iraq Sort><israfel (Doomsday angel trumpet blower) reurge>

    L3: <~prearm aS bi Scales aura rename~><recalmS bASeS remain / marine>

    L4: <parent Appear interreLated><Appear enter arsonist details><it prepAre saints ten Leaders>< pAper enter parentS details> eternaLised deLineates entire dateLine pretends Aapep reAppear

    1: professions, interrelated, delineates, purifies,
    2: referment, spanned, failures,  reappear, 
    3: details, referent, freemen,
    4: eternalised, dateline, Israfel, prepare, horses / shores,
    5: Iraq,
    6: -
    7: pretends, passion, detail, scalar, queme, brine,
    8: furies, sorts,
    9: salted, falser,
    10: -
    11: foresent, bases,
    12: poisons, creams / scream,
    13: forseen,
    14: prearms,
    15: arsonist, Aapep, Sufi,
    16: rearms,
    17: Parma, oasis,
    18: -
    19: reargue, aflare / Rafael, rename, teeter,
    20: fires,
    21: Erbian, queen,
    22: -
    23: -.

    Monday, June 8, 2015

    Nostradamus C8 Q61: The Prophet's understanding of research into the genomic sequence.

    Nostradamus C8 Q61: Research on the genomic sequence understood by the Prophet.

    Confusion arises within Nostradamus Prophecies because he is describing several elements that represent to him the past, present and future and he has total reliance on all three to produce each verse. His work carries its own tale so he includes the way he reached the vision as well as the past images he used to excite particular visions of the future. From this verse emerges a clear indication that he had great interest in the evolution of man as seen by science rather than religion or philosophy. Its anagrams conceal highly related details of genomic properties that are the product of research that only began in this century.
    It is only in this century that man has had high speed analytical techniques that allow us to know the secret code of the chromosomes. This unlocked secret renders all biological change up to this time as glacial and ensures that the mutations to come will impact dramatically on life within the universe. Some of the other verses that are part of the genomic series include  C1 Q13 which holds adjacent anagrams for spiral amine and C1 Q52 which has anagrams such as  alleles and nucleotides all of which are terms relevant to the uncoding of man's genome sequence in this century. The anagrams in this current verse show knowledge of the codons that are part of the chromosome spiral holding the genetic patterns of life. In addition Nostradamus' use of upper case lettering for TAG in the fourth line is a useful way of highlighting the importance of the end-code sequencing as TAG and TGA are two of the codons from the closing triplicate every gene sequence demands. The first lines anagrams also hold two sets of adjacent pairs stating a spiral code our aim (our -Iam -a -is par l- e deco).
    The structure of this verse is likely to be built using some or all of the following anagrams:
    Kodon,  genesics, yes-no genes, respecting, imperforate, afterimage, foreparent, profiteer, interfere, Tennysee, penetrator, cowered,  Freeport, guardians, replaced, using, Guianas, neoteny, genesis, rift, quote, prescient, Ossene, genius, Jouers, unpaired, spiral, refit, refine, operant, auras, spectre, leader, report.    
    Never by the revelation of daylight
    will he attain the mark of the scepter bearer.
    Until all his sieges are at rest,
    bringing to the Cock the gift of the armed legion.
    Iamais par le decouurement du jour
    Ne paruiendra au $igne $ceptrifere
    Que tous $es $ieges ne $oyent en $ejour
    Portant au coq don du TAG amifere
    L1: <a spiral our aIm><real code><neuucomer leader><a aIm is replaced><declare men-uurote><~a judement our spiral aiM couuered~>

    L2: <preScient peN free a ruined aura Sign><guardianS reSpect fire><~a free peN reSpecting aura iS ruined~><fire Sceptre aura Sign ape ruined><unpared aura Sign iNterfere><~refiNe reSpecting ape ruined auraS~><ape ruined geneSicS aura>

    L3: <seeing our jntenSe Quote uSes Ss><So tennySee genes><uSes s Quote geneSis><tennySee oSsene><yeS-no genes>

    L4: <aim undo foreParent TAG/TAA (DNA sequencing end codes)><undo Port uTA afterimaGe docq><freePort aim undo TAG><Patron aim undo free TAG><if Penetrator>cqodon (Kodon =genomic app maths) rePort Profiteer imPerforate (no perforations)
    1: imperforate, respecting, afterimage, foreparent, profiteer, judement, interfere, Tennysee, genesics, yes-no genes, cqodon
    2: penetrator, couuered, docq,
    3: guardians, unmetred, judo,
    4: replaced, Freeport, Guianas, neoteny, using,
    5: sejourn,
    6: genesis, rift,
    7: receipts, quote,
    8: prescient, genius, Ossene,
    9: Jouers,
    10: spiral, 
    11: unrepaired, refire,
    12: stoney, magi,
    13: crouu, Maria, refit,
    14: refine, 
    15: sauing,
    16: unpaired / unrepaid, Joue,
    17: -
    18: respect / spectre / sceptre, dealer / leader, yesno,
    19: daunt, auras,
    20: operant,
    22: report / porter.
    23: -
     genesics, yes-no genes, respecting, imperforate, afterimage, foreparent, profiteer, interfere, Tennysee, penetrator, cowered,  Freeport, guardians, replaced, using, Guianas, neoteny, genesis, rift, quote, prescient, Ossene, genius, Jouers, unpaired, spiral, refit, refine, operant, auras, spectre, leader, report.  

    Monday, May 11, 2015

    Nostradamus C4 Q25: The prophet's dream on the Nordic rune song of life and death.

      Nostradamus C4 Q25: The prophet's dream on the Nordic rune song of life and death.

    This intriguing verse conveys a sense of importance through its enigmatic wording and it resonates with the themes I present in this series on Nostradamus means of communication with the past and future.  The text reads as though there is a drug filled mind that sees the dreamer drifting in a visionary world where older constraints no longer apply.  It reads much like the Song of Odin where the haunted person hung for nine days on the Tree of Life.

    Lofty bodies endlessly visible to the eye,
    Through these reasons they will come to obscure:
    Body, forehead included, sense and head invisible,
    Diminishing the sacred prayers.

    Hung I was on the windswept tree;
    Nine full nights I hung,
    Pierced by a spear,
    a pledge to the god,
    To Odin, myself to myself,
    On that tree which none
    can know the source
    From whence its root has run.
    None gave me bread,
    none brought a horn.
    Then low to earth I looked.
    I caught up the runes,
    roaring I took them,
    And, fainting, back I fell.

    The anagrams are no less enigmatic but they do reflect the same tone as the text. They tell us the sub-process is unmissable and by reference to the Nordic 'Song of the Sibil' (i$ibl) that it involves a vision of death and the apocalypse. Other  anagrams that provide the structure of this verse include Odinism (ons Dimii), unmissable (ublimes $an), process (es Corps), subprocess (es Corps $ub), luminant (minuant l), minds (ns Dim) and admission (aisons Dim).

    Lofty bodies endlessly visible to the eye,
    Through these reasons they will come to obscure:
    Body, forehead included, sense and head invisible,
    Diminishing the sacred prayers.

    Corps $ublimes $ans final oeil vi$ibles
    Obnubiler viendront par ces rai$ons
    Corps front comprins $ens chief et inui$ibles
    Diminuant les $acrees oraisons.

    L1: <if alone evil Sibil proCeSs unmiSsable><aimleSs SubproCess><final olive><Seas alfonSine limb><alfonsine seiSmal subproCesS><evil Sibil (Norse apocalyptic singer) alone sublimeS Corpse>

    L2: <Scenarios driven on part> <bOnus carrieS patron son><sO nubile driven patron raiSe son><portance driven> <nord not revile airS sparce bOnus><sOon raiSes>

    L3: <inches feet uisible in>proCess for><chinese Sins><chief unitieS><Sibil unite chiefs front Corpses>

    L4: <oDins luminant careSs><so i soar in careleSS minDs><a Disunionism Scare arose ><aunt aDmission rose><inDiums careleSs son i arose> <oDinisms aunt i arose>

    Saturday, May 9, 2015

    C.3 Q.49 - The extra-sensorial gene of prophets evolves into a new human line. .

    Thursday, May 7, 2015

    Nostradamus C8 Q42: The events that will transform mankind.

    Nostradamus C8 Q42: The events that will transform mankind.

    The text of this verse is a narrative account about one of the persons his mind linked to as he used his technique of emotional resonance to generate his prophecies. There are anagrams for Vervandi learns (rleans - Viendra v), violent Parcae (t violen - ce Para) and foretrace (ar force et ) which tie the Nordic and Roman fates into his Prophetic methods. In this instance there is also an anagram for violet (t viole) which in other verses I have linked to the act of transformation and here we also have anagrams for Persians ancestries (re$i$tance - Pres $ain), Nostradame (eans Mort da), Lord (l dor - t) and Satans (ans $a t, s $a tan) which are the critical figures for such transformational antics involving, past present and future. However I believe it would be an error to assume these figures are a core part of Nostradamus' belief system for they are but allusory tools by which he becomes resonant with persons of like mind from his past and future gene-lines.
    The details given above can be seen within the major anagrams which include:
    overreflection, sandstorm, strands, attained, Vervandis, foretrace, resistant, violent, forzed, dormant, Chinese, finches, precess, Nostradame, ancestries, laments, violet, strand, Montreals, chief, salutes, amnesties, ordeal, price, mime, almoners, ordinate, Persians, epic, Lord, sits, nearmost, detain, Satans, inmates, olive, letters, tried.
    Through avarice, through force and violence
    the chief of Orleans will come to vex his supporters
    Near St. Memire, assault and resistance.
    Dead in his tent they will say he is asleep inside
    Par auarice par force et violence
    Viendra vexer les siens chiefz d'Orleans
    Pres $aint Memire a$$ault et re$i$tance
    Mort dans $a tante diront qu'il dort leans
    L1: <violet epic far core><ape Pace overreflection><~aura foretrace vi (6) clone ape price~><olive aura fortrace price><violent Parcae (Roman fates) reforce ape>

    L2: <~since lesser inVaders vex an Older zhief~><chinese naVies folderz resiles><Vervandi (Nordic fate of present) learns><Veins Ordeal>

    L3: <PerSians anceStrieS><~aMneSties Salute reSiStant armieS Prances~><uSa retitleS PerSians Stance><~Saint eraS letterS mime uSa Peers anticS~><~i Mime SuSa letterS Persias era aScenT~><~armieS PreceSs reSiStant /StraitenS inMate Salute~><~SiSter Prances aS inmates Salute mire~>

    L4: <~Satan or quint tied Montreals old strand~> <~quint laMents lord trod Satans ordinate~><~alMoners trod As attend quilt stand~><aS Montreals strand not nitrated> <Satans dorMant quilt tried on><nostradaMe Satans><learnt quint old ordinateS><learnt old quit as  sandStorms attained>
    1: over-reflection, sandstorm, strands, attained
    2: Vervandis, foretrace, resistant / straitens, violent, forzed,
    3: Chinese, persistance, finches, precess,
    4: -
    5: Nostradame, ancestries,
    6: dormant, violet, laments, chiefs, inches, strand,
    7: Montreals, chief, salutes, nitrated, stands, retitles, 
    8: amnesties,
    9: ordeal, price, pence,
    10: Parcae,
    11: mime,
    12: almoners, creeps,
    13: -
    14: ordinate, matrons, Lord (2x in this verse),
    15: Persians, sits,
    16: nearmost, epic, resiles, 
    17: detain, olive,
    18: Satans, Sauls,
    19: Persias / praises / Serapis, norms,
    20: inmates,
    21: Leonard, letters, quilt, salute, vans,
    22: sites, creep,
    23: tired / tried.
    overreflection, sandstorm, strands, attained, Vervandis, foretrace, resistant, violent, forzed, dormant, Chinese, finches, precess, Nostradame, ancestries, laments, violet, strand, Montreals, chief, salutes, amnesties, ordeal, price, mime, almoners, ordinate, Persians, epic, Lord, sits, nearmost, detain, Satans, inmates, olive, letters, tried.

    Wednesday, May 6, 2015

    Nostradamus C8 Q43: His use of Nordic poetry for the emotions of family gone awry.

    Nostradamus C8 Q43: His use of Nordic poetry for the emotions of family gone awry.

    The anagrams of this verse reveal Nostradamus' usage of the Norse Edda's couplets ($eron - t les coup - s de da) as a stimulant for a particular vision-sequence he was pursuing. For access to this type of vision he relies on the emotions of kinship gone seriously awry. The colour associated with this emotion is paler green (pera l - e regn).
    The anagrams also complement the story of the text and relate how two deaths involving a newly-born child (puerperal = ar peur ple) and an adolescent (edans lecto) disrupt the upper (peur p) lineages (a l'en$eig) and leads to a pauper (eu par p, par peu) taking the throne.These children are from the Celt ( lect) lands (dans l) near Cognac (ang occ), France where the interface with Roman culture produced a people whose values still represent their ancestry. And although much of the anagram-based story is taken up with the relationship between Nostradamus' couplets and the method by which the Norse Edda's include their pagan lunar calendar it also embraces the Roman Calends into the Nordic version.
    Decans identify the first day of each month in the Roman calendar and signify the start of a new lunar cycle. The pre-Christian Norse also used a lunar calendar the details of which are believed to be embodied in Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda written after Christianity reached Iceland. This corruption of pagan-Christian values Nostradamus refers to as as pseudo-sacred (es coups de dars) in the anagrams . This ancient book also shows there was a Nordic belief that their ancestors came from Troy and this is detailed in Snorri's Edda. In the anagrams of the same line where pseudo-sacred occurs there is a sequence saying Norse couplets addressed Troy calends ($eron - t les coup -s de dars De - dans lec - toyr) which firmly locks in the mixing of two cultures ideas on lunar calendars.
    The details given above can be seen within the major anagrams which include:
    pseudosacred, Eddic, couplets, addressed, calipered, puerperal, upper, gene-lines, died,  consolute, cognacs, purple,  wrapper, decided,  basest, engine, replaced, address, releasing, pauper, lineages, Troys, calends, deduce, stars, Eddas, sadder, ensign, Celts, adolescent, leader, weep.
    Through the fall of two bastard creatures
    the nephew of the blood will occupy the regne.
    Within Lectoure there will be blows of lances,
    the nephew through fear will fold up his standard.
    Par le decide de deux cho$es ba$tars
    Nepueu du $ang occupera le regne
    Dedans lectoyre $eront les coups de dars
    Nepueu par peur pleira l'en$eigne
    L1:  <~eddic deed uxe choSe Paler base Stars~><rePlaced baSes Stars died><decide Paler Stars deducex baSes><caShboxes decided Paler Stars><exuded baSest /beaSts echoS><caliPered Stars baSes cho exuded>aSbeStos

    L2: <peN uuedS cognac real pure gene><sudan uueep><paler green / genre><uSa repeal genre peN uued><general uued pure cognac> enlarger

    L3: <~troy calends aDdressed on Seer couplets><norSe eddas saDder couplets> <saDden pseudosacred celts> <adolescent Dreads><couplets aDdressed norSe lands>secretory electrons consolute

    L4: <linear eNgineS paper uueep><pure lineageS peril><peurile pauper releasing><i releaSing puerperal (during childbirth)><Seeing linear><peripleural engineS> purple pauper upper uurapper
    1: pseudosacred, peripleural, cashboxes, adolescent, couplets, secretory, addressed, puerperal, cognacs, asbestos, uurapper, decided,
    2: consolute, calipered, purple,
    3: gene-lines, Eddic, upper,
    4: replaced,
    5: address, coups, basest / beasts,
    6: engine, hoses / shoes,
    7: lineages,
    8: peurile, pseudo,
    9: releasing,
    10: -
    11: bases,
    12: engines, pauper,
    13: deduxe / exuded, bass,
    14: calends, Troyes,
    15: Patras, stars,
    16: chose, dupes, cog,
    17: saddens, purer,
    18: dreads / sadder, dealer / leader, Eddas,
    19: ensign, Celts, uueep (2x in this verse),
    20: died,
    21: -
    22: -
    23: electrons, cleans / lances, linear, Sudan.
    pseudosacred, Eddic, cashboxes, couplets, addressed, calipered, puerperal, upper, gene-lines, died,  consolute, cognacs, purple, asbestos, wrapper, decided,  basest, engine, replaced, address, releasing, pauper, lineages, Troyes, calends, deduce, stars, Eddas, sadder, ensign, Celts, adolescent, leader, weep.

    Monday, May 4, 2015

    Nostradamus C3 Q4: The allusion of man's wastelands used to see 21stC science disasters

     Nostradamus C3 Q4: The allusion of man's wastelands used to see 21stC science disasters.

    C3 Q4When they will be close the lunar ones will fail,
    From one another not greatly distant,
    Cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers,
    Even where the oracle has had its beginning.

    The last line of text of this verse is clearly about a process that is at the starting point of a prophecy and it is reasonable to assume it refers to Nostradamus which in turn implies it  relates to the means by which he gained his visions and then set them down. The earlier parts of the verse set details for this particular prophecy but it is not immediately apparent as to the threat by reading the text alone.

    There are well structured clues in the anagrams that tell us that it is about his techniques and they include well known terms such as forsent (es front), destine (e ne di$t) and portends (d $eront p). There also less well known but very apt terms such as mnemonics (ins commen) and memes (Me$me). 
    A meme is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture". Memes act as units for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme' 
    Mnemonics are learning techniques that aid information retention and recall. Their use is based on the observation that the human mind more easily remembers spatial, personal, surprising, physical, sexual, humorous, or otherwise "relatable" information [i.e. emotional data], rather than more abstract or impersonal forms of information.
    C3 Q4 - French text
    Qand $eront proches le defaut des lunaires
    De l'vn a l'autre ne di$tant grandement
    Froid $iccite danger vers les frontieres
    Me$me ou l'oracle a prins commencement

    There are also anagrams related to process with engravers disc cited (d $ic - cite d -anger ver ) and mementoes (nt Me$me o) commences (s commence) being prominent which are linked to a tale starting (i$tant gr) with an accident involving protons (ront pro) that creates a sulfated (faut des l) wasteland (aut des luna) garmented (nt grandeme) by a crimson (rins com) darkness (Qes and $er). There are also individual anagrams and sequences that strongly point to a disaster in nature since we have destine natural (n a l'autr - e ne di$t), nature dies (autre ne di$)  and accident verge (ccite dan - ger ve) in a line of text talking about dangers on a frontier (such as happens in science research). But this is not a new tale since it is linked to that in many other verses the context of which can be acquired from my paper called Geneva 2065.

    Further details can be extracted from other anagrams which imply the following themes:

    quadrennials,  commences, mnemonics, defaulted, movements,

    Aquariens, unsaluted, mementoes, starting, crimson,  darkness, garmented, sulfated, wasteland,

    instead, complainers, reinstated, natural, unsalted, wetlands,

    engravers, disc, unseal, proton, accident, portends, replica, destine, resident, unsteadier, chores, palace, forsent.

    Hence there is good reason to conclude that Nostradamus used the emotional props of colour and locational allusion to drive and record his visions of our scientific research in our time.

    When they will be close the lunar ones will fail,
    From one another not greatly distant,
    Cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers,
    Even where the oracle has had its beginning.
    Qand $eront proches le defaut des lunaires
    De l'vn a l'autre ne di$tant grandement
    Froid $iccite danger vers les frontieres
    Me$me ou l'oracle a prins commencement

    L1: <norSe duets Quadrennials (four yearly cycle) fade><unseal defaulted rise><neutralised proton SQ-uander> <aQuariens defaults / sulfated><led portendS chores><fleed uuasteland rise> <uuetlands arise><chesel fed unrealised darQneSs><undulates / unsaluted insulated

    L2: <~a lvna led end Starting ten true named~><inStead nature granted men><neutral lvna tides demented><natural lvne deStine grant><ten named Starting natural need><Stating unrelated / unaltered lvna dement><grant reinStated / Straitened><grant named reSident><neutralised at demented lvna>garmented reunited

    L3:<~accident iS id For vergers (laity church official) reorients self~><engravers cited reorient self><i cited diSc For engravers><~for it engraved icc (199) For lesser id'$ entries~><icc it engraved reFers frontierless><i cited diSc for seer avenger><icc denigrate revels /levers>negated reinfest

    L4: <persian MouementS commence><our-local / coloural MemeS cement mnemonics (memory triggers) > <men place crimson ualor MementoeS><oral replica moues me><men cement crimson palace MemeS>complainers

    Saturday, May 2, 2015

    Nostradamus C8 Q88: The triggers to visions of biological mutations at the end of 21stC.

    Nostradamus C8 Q88: The triggers to visions of biological mutations at the end of 21stC.

    In the first four verses that I have presented within the series showing the rituals Nostradamus' employed to trigger his experiences and their recall a pattern has begun in which flowers and colours are used as emotional stimulators for different spiritual levels. The text of this current verse has two topics which make it a candidate for holding more information on this theme. These two reference points are in the last two line with the third being highly suggestive of the use of several colours to deliver the required resonances and the fourth involves a trance like state where various forces come to life.
    And there is enough in the nagrams to increase our interest for it holds anagrams for immortaliser, vineyard and sclerotium the last of which refers to a compact mass of hardened fungal mycelium containing food reserves. One role of sclerotia is to survive environmental extremes. There are also anagrams for comets and spores which fits closely to the ideas found throughout the prophecies in relation to objects from the sky delivering nutrients that change evolution on this planet. This then implies colours such as green, yellow and white linked to thoughts of these plants provided Nostradamus with entry to the realm of biological mutation. There is more to this story revealed by other anagrams but this part of the structure arises from:
    quaestorians role retained (e tiendra- que trois ans - le ro), immortaliser ($omeil marrit), aspersion,  well source uprisal (ra Plusi -eurs co -ulleu), lands vineyard drainages (le Ro - y viendra - Dans l -a  Sardeign), quieten, sclerotium, spores, cosy, comets, evening, session.
    A noble king will come to Sardinia,
    who will only rule for three years in the kingdom.
    He will join with himself several colors;
    he himself, after taunts, care spoils slumber.
    Dans la Sardeigne vn noble Roy viendra
    Que ne tiendra que trois ans le royaume
    Plusieurs coulleurs auec $oy coniondra
    Luy me$mes apres $oin $omeil marrit scome
    L1: <lanDs vineyard drainageS Role><a lanDs vineyard raiSed><oveRly drained><alaS sanD ridge><alaS sanD reigned><alaS vineyard given red Sand><ivory noble evening><a lanDs readingS>verDandi (Norse Goddess of Fate)

    L2:  <mayu Queen retained orleans><sensorial equator><mayu Queen role assertion><quaestorian (finance officer) roles><quare (legal query) end arsonist role Quieten mayu><rainless equator><quare rations roles>quarter ratios

    L3: <uuell source cause cosY radon ion uprisal><uuiser rules cause locus (central place) coSy ion Pardon><coSy radon ion cause ulcerous rules><radon ion Plus curies><scour ieuus allures> usuries ordain odinn (Norse God) uuars cruises

    L4: <immortaliser Session> <~my sclerotium (small fungal bodies) aSpersions Seem memorialS~><sporeS as memeS (cultural carriers) in some><it comes><same monies Spores><eloim (Jews first name for God) SeSsion remaps Lyseum><yuLe memeS>

    Friday, May 1, 2015

    Nostradamus C6 Q83: The ritual for investigating mutations in human learning.

     Nostradamus C6 Q83: The ritual for investigating mutations in human learning.

    1st May 2015: This is the fourth verse in the series on how Nostradamus used emotions as part of his ritual to engage with his source and to then recall it for entry into his prophecies.

    Over the years in which I have worked on Nostradamus' prophecies I have not reached a state where there are no new pleasures for I am constantly surprised at the extent to which these works fit in unexpected twists to my hypotheses. This verse is part of my series on the use of emotional devices Nostradamus used to create his prophecies. In order to progress my work I have deliberately chosen verses that I have not presented in full. The reason they have been ignored is that they didn't fit into the themes already established so I expected them to be difficult to interface however their links are strong and it is between themselves that it is strongest.

    This was the third verse that I set out to present and I did so because it followed a different path to those already presented. Its interest came from the first line where there are anagrams for retraces (r et care$) and encounter (onneur et c) but amongst the anagrams in the verse there was also blue  Aquilege glade (de la G- ule B - elgique A) and this is a blue flower found in meadows and woodlands. In the previous verse (C6 Q72) of this series I had already found references to a violet flame and seen its alchemical significance so I felt comfortable with the strange reference. But I had begun my analysis for this analysis without regard to the text and when I focussed on the visible verse I gave a mild gasp of pleasured surprise for the last line contains reference to the flower.

    And there are other anagrams that fit into the pattern of emotional stress being used to create resonances with past events and these include resonant (A $on entr) and neuron together with a full line of adjacent anagrams that say prefers a maps events attend duress   (es Vn te -mps a -pres fer -a -tant de - rude$$).

    So this verse establishes its right to be considered a part of Nostradamus' explanation of his rituals and we might therefore anticipate that there will be a link to a God that refrences his theme  and in this regard the anagram for (A $on en) becomes relevant.

    [Oannes] is described as dwelling in the Persian Gulf, and rising out of the waters in the daytime and furnishing mankind instruction in writing, the arts and the various sciences.

    The validity of this name is backed by anagrams such as  ancestor (t $era con) quill (lliqu) and learnt (ntre a l). So as with the previous verse our attention is directed to the negative emotions of fear and hate but in this case the subject matter is human learning and literature. And the choice of blue and violet sets a spectral pattern where the violet flame of Spiritual transformation stands above the blue representing acquired knowledge.

    The modern story hidden in the anagram reflects the tone of the text since it concerns a war involving a person whose stated aims are peaceful but which turns to betrayal of people of tolerance and learning. The anagrams that form the backbone to this tale include:

    ancestor, un-flatterable, quill, truncheoned, un-enthroned, prefers, queerest, creatures, caresses, Oannes, aquose, Aquilege, belt, refutal, retraces, quay, encounter, recasts, understated, events, resonant, duress, neuron, aflare, alfa, retardant, libel, batten, un-throned.

    He who will have so much honor and flattery
    At his entry into Belgian Gaul
    A while after he will act very rudely,
    And he will act very warlike against the flower.

    Celuy qu'aura tant d'honneur et care$$es
    A $on entree de la Gaule Belgique
    Vn temps apres fera tant de rude$$es
    Et $era contre a la fleur tant bellique

    L1: <yule encounter Scares> <uuar clue unthroned atan Scares><createS neuron><creature Clue none Sees><quay Clues SeeS neuron trace><at yule CareSSEs tan truncheoned uuar>recaStS

    L2: <AS one entered Blue Aquilege Glade><~one enter AquilegeS BlaGue (pretentious) deal~><oAnneS (mythical being who taught mankind wisdom) tree glade>reSonAnt AquoSe (anc: watery)

    L3: <~maps prefer eVents dureSS attend~><papers fears underStated><frees retardant uSed> untraded

    L4: <ancestor era unflatterable quill><traceS era nature belt not fall><ill rule batten (cause to thrive at expense of others) queerest aflare><quEereSt libel><a real refutal not Scare><learnt coarSe unflatterable>

    Wednesday, April 29, 2015

    Nostradamus C6 Q72: The emotions that drive future visions of religious repression.

    Nostradamus C6 Q72: The emotions that drive future visions of  religious repression.
    29th April 2015: This is the third in the series showing how Nostradamus prophecy sessions worked and were then translated into verse.

    Through feigned fury of divine emotion
    The wife of the great one will be violated
    The judges wishing to condemn such a doctrine,
    She is sacrificed a victim to the ignorant people.
    Par fureur faincte d'e$motion diuine
    Sera la femme du grand fort violee
    Juges voulans damner telle doctrine
    Victime au peuple ignorant imolee
    Some verses contain very obvious clues as to their subject matter but four short poetic lines always holds too little for clarity. Given this dilemma there is only one possibility and that is that there is a code for linking that verse to others and finding key words that reveal details left out of the text.
    The text of this verse mentions divine emotion and this clearly marks it as  commentary by Nostradamus on his method of achieving the right dream like state and then being able to recollect it once awake and set it down. My claim is that emotions are an essential part of memory recall when the subject matter has temporarily been forgotten and divine emotions imply this is his contact with the agent that provided his foresight into significant mutations of future times. In this verse it talks of a wife being violated while the first mentions feigned fury so it is no surprise to find anagrams for frantic (r fainct) and rapine (ine Par) in the first line. But the second line holds a greater affirmation of Nostradamus' intent since it holds clear anagrams 'for violet' (for - t viole) and 'flame release' (lee Sera - la fem).
    Now the violet flame was a term suited to Nostradamus' time and it held special meaning to alchemists. It is related to self-transformation with the flame being the essence of a unique spiritual light. Mystics of all ages have glimpsed a "spiritual spectrum" behind the physical spectrum with the violet flame being associated with the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation.
    Yet the tone of the text seems more vengeful than enlightened to our modern sense and it it is apparent that this disturbs Nostradamus. His verse is a condemnation of those who proclaim that enlightment underpins their cruel actions against those outside their realm of righteousness. His need when triggering the visions of this verse was then designed to build affinity with the mutations of future times and by the focus on the condemnation of a rape victim he draws forth a much more dire dream.
    The modern story hidden in the anagram reflects the tone of the text since it concerns legal constraints on sexuality and racism introduced in the guise of God's word. The anagrams that form the backbone to this tale include:
    interfaced, confederatism, rummaged, unfairer, sodomite, demotions, injector, injure,  recondite, emotions, unfair, vogues, antinegro, ovules, germination, motions, remands, frantic, eloping, regional, Girona, modest, mentorial, Eloim, motile, descent, motion, decent, frond, enticed, Eloise, damns, vice, most, argued, violet, flame, release, a flare.

    Tuesday, April 28, 2015

    Nostradamus C4 Q29: The Ritual for initiating and completing the 21stC Comet prophecies.

    Nostradamus C4 Q29: The Ritual for initiating and completing the 21stC Comet prophecies.
    28th April 2015:

    The second verse in this series follows the path set by the anagrams for ritual and it illustrates some other Gods from legends that Nostradamus used to enhance his recall of his nightly visions. It also demonstrates the integration of usage, rules employed and topics he thought important enough to project 500 years beyond his mortal years.
    The text of this verse immediately places it into the cluster of verses that describe Nostradamus' method of obtaining and presenting his prophecies. This is affirmed in the anagrams where one of the Prophecies' ten anagrams for ritual/s (rutila) is found. The story of the verse is found by interweaving the detail of the anagrams with the text and it hides a tale found throughout the Prophecies; it is the impact of the comet Apep on the world. From the comet comes bionomic material that enriches the pastures of Herculean Africa. And by including the anagram for ritual Nostradamus is declaring how he gained and remembered his dream; he focussed on the emotional  qualities of Vulcan and Hermes to initiate and remember his vision.

    But the verse clearly has an astronomic tone which can lead to a specific date. The sun hidden eclipsed by Mercury will be placed second in the sky can be taken as an eclipse  the moon since this is the only means by which it can hidden and be second in the sky but there is also an eclipse by Mercury which limits the  possible periods. The sun hidden also suggest it is at night. The fourth line implies the reemergence of the sun from behind the moon as dawn breaks while in the anagrams there is verseau which in French means Aquarius and this identifies the period from 20th January to 19th February in any modern year.

    Now the anagrams of the second line introduce a twist to the tale of a type Nostradamus often uses; it introduces two distintinctive names, Ermesinda (d Ne $era mi) and Cecile's  power (ue pour - le ciel $ec) that define an epoch of two branches of the de Foix family lineage in the early part of the thirteenth century. The second line also has anagrams for second-line see Marquis recouple (iel $econdN -e $e - ra mis qu-e pour le c) and this relates to the re-uniting of the two branches in 1314CE when Bernard VIII de Comminges married Nathe l'Isle d'Jourdain. The device used by Nostradamus is to use historically locatable events to set a period of 177 years that is  854 years in the future (from 1989CE to 2168CE), a period defined by the perfect cycle of planets which he describes in full in his Epistle to Henry 1558.  (See my paper on Floods for full coverage of this topic).

    The third line holds anagrams for Herculean (e Vlcan Her) Africa (ra faic) and this provides a location where the real action of the story takes place. That action involves the comet Apep's flight path (he ecli - pse pa) and the release of material in the pastured (pa$ture D) regions of Northern Africa.

    The Sun hidden eclipsed by Mercury
    Will be placed only second in the sky
    Of Vulcan Hermes will be made into food,
    The Sun will be seen pure, glowing red and golden.

    Le Sol cache eclipse par Mercure
    Ne $era mis que pour le ciel $econd
    De Vlcan Hermes $era faicte pa$ture
    Sol $era veu pur rutilant et blond

    L1: <each ruLe cloSe><apeps helice><reMaps recur eLSe cochlea clip><eclipse cure paMper>applies

    L2: <~ermeSinda  rule on cecileS epoqus~><CecileS quipsome rule eNdearS<equip our arm><cecilleS pouuer><~SecoNd-line See marquis recouple~><ceciles rule eNdS on marquise><cruel lie coNdenSe armieS epoqu><eraSmieN relic encloSed epoqu><musiq eraS coNdenSe cruel lie><armies decleNSion recouple>

    L3: <Hermes can cite a Safer past><Seems africa paStured HercVlean><true aSpect calVeD Herman Sees afar><cafeteriaS rueD> petraeuS practiSe

    L4:  <~So tent ritual Supervalue blond~><aver latin bottle oldneSs up><blondS loSe talent><verSeau (Aquarian) Sold>revealS / Several latin

    Monday, April 27, 2015

    Nostradamus Rituals for producing his Prophecies.

    Nostradamus Rituals for producing his Prophecies.

    In mid April 2015 I set out to identify the quatrains and their content that disclose Nostradamus' mechanisms for transferring his nightly visions into a written form. I did so with great confidence for I no longer had any doubts that it would be there since I already knew the nature of Nostradamus' work as a whole and as a set of interwoven parts.
    My confidence was based on the knowledge that I had successfully constructed the anagrams for all verses and that in their most polished form they produce a consistent story with great detail related to the written text. I also knew what to look for since I had spent considerable time understanding who Nostradamus was, the limits of future seeing, the nature of human evolution and the limitations and benefits that would bind his encounters. Those interesed in the scope of these issues are invited to access my papers such as  Future Seeing and In the Mind of a prophet. The latter is a gaming strategy I used to explore how future seeing might manifest itself and this current effort of mine is one outcome from those endeavours.  And the material has a substantial  foundation since I have published online over  fifty percent of all verses in fully analysed format. By the end of this year I will have eighty percent developed to a high level and published. To access all my published verses my page called Quatrain Map is the best means.
    As a result of these earlier efforts I knew I was set to gather together those verses containing key words relevant to someone trying to recall experiences in a dream. My starting point is based on the properties of memory and the way that recall is aided by focussing on the emotions surrounding subliminal ideas.  There are also terms relevant to the physical or ethereal presence of the source for these determine the depth and quality of any dream. I hoped to find whether it was just voices, a single voice, an image or a mix of all these things that came to Nostradamus in his trances.

    The extent of integrity within the verses is demonstrable in many ways but one emerged as I identified verses holding key words and began work on the earliest of these quatrains (C1 Q26). This verse was identified as interesting because it held an  anagram of rituals plus other terms relevant to my search. But when I looked closely at other verses in my search list I found many including C1 Q26 contained an anagram for posture. At first this seemed to me to be of low import but on finding out its alternate meanings I found it not only refers to a physical stance but it can be applied to mental and spiritual attitude. Further the letters for posture form another word which is Proteus the name of a future-seeing Greek Sea God who is noted for the ability to change shape and form when forced to foretell the future. Both these options have obvious relevance to the  rationale behind this analysis.

    It is my intent to publish a link plus items relevant to each verse as I establish their full relevance. The first of these is C1 Q26.

    The wine based medication behind his visions.

    This quatrain reveals the mechanics of both Nostradamus trances and his means of recall each of which is essential in the difficult process of tranferring his prophecies onto paper.  That there is such a mechanism set out in his verses is to be expected whereas there absence would be difficult to explain.
    It is quite true, Sire, that my natural instinct has been inherited from my forebears, who did not believe in predicting, and that this is a natural instinct that I have adjusted. Together with my long calculations this [instinct] unifies and empties my soul, mind and heart of all care, solicitude and vexation. By repose and tranquillity of the spirit all is made ready for the presage and this is in part due to the brazen tripod. Nostradamus 1558 Letter to Henry -HEE3.
    The verse has a very powerful collection of anagrams centred around the ritual preparation of a wine based medication that Nostradamus used to aid his visions. The text gives the account of what he saw in one such vision which he acknowledges in part through the ambiguity of the first two lines. From the totality of this verse we see a program which fits to that he claimed he used which was to enter his visionary state in the night and to then pen these visions in the day by inducing a reflection of his nightly encounters. He does this by following an ancient ritual involving posture, a source of flame, procedure and the emotions that accompany all memories even when they are hidden. By using the emotions of strife, lust and unrest he produces the greatest rapport between the awakened and dream-like states thus enabling what he saw to be recovered. All of this can be found in his anagrams as shown below.
    The anagrammatic structure is set by major anagrams such as:
    ungarlanded, limiters, confer, requests, heed, winters, fiercest, weirder, firelit, flow (u foul), Jews presageant (e Suiu - ant pre$age t), wines, mutage, replicated, thumbed, encounters, depict, Puritan, weird, rituals, unsure counter heed  (e d'he - ure noct - urne Su),  once fire filter (ifer -e Con - flit Re), Templar ritual posture rapport (tpar por -teur po$ -t ulair- Mal et pr ), reflection strife (stifer - e Conflit Re), unrest, enforce, Florence, unreal, presage, pre-Satan, stupor, garlanded, stage, count, surest, lust, foul, court, cried, endorse, wise, report, refit, pride.
    The great man will be struck down in the day by a bolt
    An evil deed, foretold by the bearer of a petition
    According to the prediction another falls at night
    Conflict at Reims, London, and pestilence in Tusca
    La grand du fouldre tumbe d'heure diurne
    Mal et predict par porteur po$tulaire
    Suiuant pre$age tumbe d'heure nocturne
    Conflit Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestifere
