Monday, May 4, 2015

Nostradamus C3 Q4: The allusion of man's wastelands used to see 21stC science disasters

 Nostradamus C3 Q4: The allusion of man's wastelands used to see 21stC science disasters.

C3 Q4When they will be close the lunar ones will fail,
From one another not greatly distant,
Cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers,
Even where the oracle has had its beginning.

The last line of text of this verse is clearly about a process that is at the starting point of a prophecy and it is reasonable to assume it refers to Nostradamus which in turn implies it  relates to the means by which he gained his visions and then set them down. The earlier parts of the verse set details for this particular prophecy but it is not immediately apparent as to the threat by reading the text alone.

There are well structured clues in the anagrams that tell us that it is about his techniques and they include well known terms such as forsent (es front), destine (e ne di$t) and portends (d $eront p). There also less well known but very apt terms such as mnemonics (ins commen) and memes (Me$me). 
A meme is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture". Memes act as units for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme' 
Mnemonics are learning techniques that aid information retention and recall. Their use is based on the observation that the human mind more easily remembers spatial, personal, surprising, physical, sexual, humorous, or otherwise "relatable" information [i.e. emotional data], rather than more abstract or impersonal forms of information.
C3 Q4 - French text
Qand $eront proches le defaut des lunaires
De l'vn a l'autre ne di$tant grandement
Froid $iccite danger vers les frontieres
Me$me ou l'oracle a prins commencement

There are also anagrams related to process with engravers disc cited (d $ic - cite d -anger ver ) and mementoes (nt Me$me o) commences (s commence) being prominent which are linked to a tale starting (i$tant gr) with an accident involving protons (ront pro) that creates a sulfated (faut des l) wasteland (aut des luna) garmented (nt grandeme) by a crimson (rins com) darkness (Qes and $er). There are also individual anagrams and sequences that strongly point to a disaster in nature since we have destine natural (n a l'autr - e ne di$t), nature dies (autre ne di$)  and accident verge (ccite dan - ger ve) in a line of text talking about dangers on a frontier (such as happens in science research). But this is not a new tale since it is linked to that in many other verses the context of which can be acquired from my paper called Geneva 2065.

Further details can be extracted from other anagrams which imply the following themes:

quadrennials,  commences, mnemonics, defaulted, movements,

Aquariens, unsaluted, mementoes, starting, crimson,  darkness, garmented, sulfated, wasteland,

instead, complainers, reinstated, natural, unsalted, wetlands,

engravers, disc, unseal, proton, accident, portends, replica, destine, resident, unsteadier, chores, palace, forsent.

Hence there is good reason to conclude that Nostradamus used the emotional props of colour and locational allusion to drive and record his visions of our scientific research in our time.

When they will be close the lunar ones will fail,
From one another not greatly distant,
Cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers,
Even where the oracle has had its beginning.
Qand $eront proches le defaut des lunaires
De l'vn a l'autre ne di$tant grandement
Froid $iccite danger vers les frontieres
Me$me ou l'oracle a prins commencement

L1: <norSe duets Quadrennials (four yearly cycle) fade><unseal defaulted rise><neutralised proton SQ-uander> <aQuariens defaults / sulfated><led portendS chores><fleed uuasteland rise> <uuetlands arise><chesel fed unrealised darQneSs><undulates / unsaluted insulated

L2: <~a lvna led end Starting ten true named~><inStead nature granted men><neutral lvna tides demented><natural lvne deStine grant><ten named Starting natural need><Stating unrelated / unaltered lvna dement><grant reinStated / Straitened><grant named reSident><neutralised at demented lvna>garmented reunited

L3:<~accident iS id For vergers (laity church official) reorients self~><engravers cited reorient self><i cited diSc For engravers><~for it engraved icc (199) For lesser id'$ entries~><icc it engraved reFers frontierless><i cited diSc for seer avenger><icc denigrate revels /levers>negated reinfest

L4: <persian MouementS commence><our-local / coloural MemeS cement mnemonics (memory triggers) > <men place crimson ualor MementoeS><oral replica moues me><men cement crimson palace MemeS>complainers

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