Monday, June 8, 2015

Nostradamus C8 Q61: The Prophet's understanding of research into the genomic sequence.

Nostradamus C8 Q61: Research on the genomic sequence understood by the Prophet.

Confusion arises within Nostradamus Prophecies because he is describing several elements that represent to him the past, present and future and he has total reliance on all three to produce each verse. His work carries its own tale so he includes the way he reached the vision as well as the past images he used to excite particular visions of the future. From this verse emerges a clear indication that he had great interest in the evolution of man as seen by science rather than religion or philosophy. Its anagrams conceal highly related details of genomic properties that are the product of research that only began in this century.
It is only in this century that man has had high speed analytical techniques that allow us to know the secret code of the chromosomes. This unlocked secret renders all biological change up to this time as glacial and ensures that the mutations to come will impact dramatically on life within the universe. Some of the other verses that are part of the genomic series include  C1 Q13 which holds adjacent anagrams for spiral amine and C1 Q52 which has anagrams such as  alleles and nucleotides all of which are terms relevant to the uncoding of man's genome sequence in this century. The anagrams in this current verse show knowledge of the codons that are part of the chromosome spiral holding the genetic patterns of life. In addition Nostradamus' use of upper case lettering for TAG in the fourth line is a useful way of highlighting the importance of the end-code sequencing as TAG and TGA are two of the codons from the closing triplicate every gene sequence demands. The first lines anagrams also hold two sets of adjacent pairs stating a spiral code our aim (our -Iam -a -is par l- e deco).
The structure of this verse is likely to be built using some or all of the following anagrams:
Kodon,  genesics, yes-no genes, respecting, imperforate, afterimage, foreparent, profiteer, interfere, Tennysee, penetrator, cowered,  Freeport, guardians, replaced, using, Guianas, neoteny, genesis, rift, quote, prescient, Ossene, genius, Jouers, unpaired, spiral, refit, refine, operant, auras, spectre, leader, report.    
Never by the revelation of daylight
will he attain the mark of the scepter bearer.
Until all his sieges are at rest,
bringing to the Cock the gift of the armed legion.
Iamais par le decouurement du jour
Ne paruiendra au $igne $ceptrifere
Que tous $es $ieges ne $oyent en $ejour
Portant au coq don du TAG amifere
L1: <a spiral our aIm><real code><neuucomer leader><a aIm is replaced><declare men-uurote><~a judement our spiral aiM couuered~>

L2: <preScient peN free a ruined aura Sign><guardianS reSpect fire><~a free peN reSpecting aura iS ruined~><fire Sceptre aura Sign ape ruined><unpared aura Sign iNterfere><~refiNe reSpecting ape ruined auraS~><ape ruined geneSicS aura>

L3: <seeing our jntenSe Quote uSes Ss><So tennySee genes><uSes s Quote geneSis><tennySee oSsene><yeS-no genes>

L4: <aim undo foreParent TAG/TAA (DNA sequencing end codes)><undo Port uTA afterimaGe docq><freePort aim undo TAG><Patron aim undo free TAG><if Penetrator>cqodon (Kodon =genomic app maths) rePort Profiteer imPerforate (no perforations)
1: imperforate, respecting, afterimage, foreparent, profiteer, judement, interfere, Tennysee, genesics, yes-no genes, cqodon
2: penetrator, couuered, docq,
3: guardians, unmetred, judo,
4: replaced, Freeport, Guianas, neoteny, using,
5: sejourn,
6: genesis, rift,
7: receipts, quote,
8: prescient, genius, Ossene,
9: Jouers,
10: spiral, 
11: unrepaired, refire,
12: stoney, magi,
13: crouu, Maria, refit,
14: refine, 
15: sauing,
16: unpaired / unrepaid, Joue,
17: -
18: respect / spectre / sceptre, dealer / leader, yesno,
19: daunt, auras,
20: operant,
22: report / porter.
23: -
 genesics, yes-no genes, respecting, imperforate, afterimage, foreparent, profiteer, interfere, Tennysee, penetrator, cowered,  Freeport, guardians, replaced, using, Guianas, neoteny, genesis, rift, quote, prescient, Ossene, genius, Jouers, unpaired, spiral, refit, refine, operant, auras, spectre, leader, report.  

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